Example #1
        public void PrintClass(string fileName, Package.Class c)
            var text = new CorrmStringBuilder($"// {c.FullName}{Utils.NLine}// ");

            if (c.InheritedSize > 0)
                text += $"0x{c.Size - c.InheritedSize:X4} (0x{(long)c.Size:X4} - 0x{(long)c.InheritedSize:X4}){Utils.NLine}";
                text += $"0x{(long)c.Size:X4}{Utils.NLine}";

            text += $"{c.NameCppFull}{Utils.NLine}{{{Utils.NLine}public:{Utils.NLine}";

            // Member
            foreach (var m in c.Members)
                text +=
                    $"\t{(m.IsStatic ? "static " + m.Type : m.Type),-50} {m.Name,-58}; // 0x{(long)m.Offset:X4}(0x{(long)m.Size:X4})" +
                    (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Comment) ? " " + m.Comment : "") +
                    (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.FlagsString) ? " (" + m.FlagsString + ")" : "") +
            text += $"{Utils.NLine}";

            // Predefined Methods
            if (c.PredefinedMethods.Count > 0)
                text += $"{Utils.NLine}";
                foreach (var m in c.PredefinedMethods)
                    if (m.MethodType == PredefinedMethod.Type.Inline)
                        text += m.Body;
                        text += $"\t{m.Signature};";

                    text += $"{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

            // Methods
            if (c.PredefinedMethods.Count > 0)
                text += $"{Utils.NLine}";
                foreach (var m in c.Methods)
                    text += $"\t{BuildMethodSignature(m, new Package.Class(), true)};{Utils.NLine}";

            text += $"}};{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

            IncludeFile <CppLang> .AppendToSdk(Generator.SdkPath, fileName, text);
Example #2
        public void PrintEnum(string fileName, Package.Enum e)
            CorrmStringBuilder text = new CorrmStringBuilder($"// {e.FullName}{Utils.NLine}enum class {e.Name} : uint8_t{Utils.NLine}{{{Utils.NLine}");

            for (int i = 0; i < e.Values.Count; i++)
                text += $"\t{e.Values[i],-30} = {i},{Utils.NLine}";

            text += $"{Utils.NLine}}};{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

            IncludeFile <CppLang> .AppendToSdk(Generator.SdkPath, fileName, text);
Example #3
        public string BuildMethodSignature(Package.Method m, Package.Class c, bool inHeader)
            var text = new CorrmStringBuilder();

            // static
            if (m.IsStatic && inHeader && Generator.ShouldConvertStaticMethods)
                text += $"static ";

            // Return Type
            var retn = m.Parameters.Where(item => item.ParamType == Package.Method.Parameter.Type.Return).ToList();

            text += (retn.Any() ? retn.First().CppType : $"void") + $" ";

            // inHeader
            if (!inHeader)
                text += $"{c.NameCpp}::";
            if (m.IsStatic && Generator.ShouldConvertStaticMethods)
                text += $"STATIC_";
            text += m.Name;

            // Parameters
            text += $"(";
            if (m.Parameters.Count > 0)
                var paramList = m.Parameters
                                .Where(p => p.ParamType != Package.Method.Parameter.Type.Return)
                                .OrderBy(p => p.ParamType)
                                .Select(p => (p.PassByReference ? $"const " : "") + p.CppType + (p.PassByReference ? $"& " :
                                                                                                 p.ParamType == Package.Method.Parameter.Type.Out ? $"* " : $" ") + p.Name).ToList();
                if (paramList.Count > 0)
                    text += paramList.Aggregate((cur, next) => cur + ", " + next);
            text += $")";

Example #4
        public string GetFileHeader(List <string> pragmas, List <string> includes, bool isHeaderFile)
            var sb = new CorrmStringBuilder();

            // Pragmas
            if (isHeaderFile)
                sb.BaseStr.Append($"#pragma once{Utils.NLine}");
                if (pragmas.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string i in pragmas)
                        sb.BaseStr.Append($"#pragma " + i + $"{Utils.NLine}");

            if (Generator.SdkType == SdkType.External)
                sb.BaseStr.Append($"#include \"../Memory.h\"{Utils.NLine}");

            // Includes
            if (includes.Count > 0)
                foreach (string i in includes)
                    sb.BaseStr.Append("#include " + i + $"{Utils.NLine}");

            sb.BaseStr.Append($"// Name: {Generator.GameName.Trim()}, Version: {Generator.GameVersion}{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}");
            sb.BaseStr.Append($"#ifdef _MSC_VER{Utils.NLine}\t#pragma pack(push, 0x{Generator.GetGlobalMemberAlignment():X2}){Utils.NLine}#endif{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}");
            sb.BaseStr.Append($"namespace {Generator.NameSpace}{Utils.NLine}{{{Utils.NLine}");

Example #5
        public override async Task SaveFunctionParameters(Package package)
            // Create file
            string fileName = GenerateFileName(FileContentType.FunctionParameters, await package.GetName());

            // Init File
            IncludeFile <CppLang> .CreateFile(Generator.SdkPath, fileName);

            IncludeFile <CppLang> .AppendToSdk(Generator.SdkPath, fileName, GetFileHeader(new List <string>()
            }, true));

            // Section
            var text = new CorrmStringBuilder(GetSectionHeader("Parameters"));

            // Method Params
            foreach (var c in package.Classes)
                foreach (var m in c.Methods)
                    text += $"// {m.FullName}{Utils.NLine}" +
                            $"struct {c.NameCpp}_{m.Name}_Params{Utils.NLine}{{{Utils.NLine}";

                    foreach (var param in m.Parameters)
                        text += $"\t{param.CppType,-50} {param.Name + ";",-58} // ({param.FlagsString}){Utils.NLine}";
                    text += $"}};{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

            text += GetFileFooter();

            // Write the file
            IncludeFile <CppLang> .AppendToSdk(Generator.SdkPath, fileName, text);
Example #6
        public override async Task SdkAfterFinish(List <Package> packages, List <GenericTypes.UEStruct> missing)
            var basicHeader = new BasicHeader();
            var basicCpp    = new BasicCpp();

            // Copy Include File

            var text = new CorrmStringBuilder();

            text += $"#pragma once{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"// ------------------------------------------------ \\\\{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"// Sdk Generated By ( Unreal Finder Tool By CorrM ) \\\\{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"// ------------------------------------------------ \\\\{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"// Name: {Generator.GameName.Trim()}, Version: {Generator.GameVersion}{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"{Utils.NLine}";

            text += $"#include <set>{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"#include <string>{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"#include \"SDK/{basicHeader.FileName}\"{Utils.NLine}";

            // Check for missing structs
            if (missing.Count > 0)
                string missingText = string.Empty;

                // Init File
                IncludeFile <CppLang> .CreateFile(Path.GetDirectoryName(Generator.SdkPath), "MISSING.h");

                foreach (var s in missing)
                    IncludeFile <CppLang> .AppendToSdk(Path.GetDirectoryName(Generator.SdkPath), "MISSING.h", GetFileHeader(true));

                    missingText += $"// {await s.GetFullName()}{Utils.NLine}// ";
                    missingText += $"0x{await s.GetPropertySize():X4}{Utils.NLine}";

                    missingText += $"struct {MakeValidName(await s.GetNameCpp())}{Utils.NLine}{{{Utils.NLine}";
                    missingText += $"\tunsigned char UnknownData[0x{await s.GetPropertySize():X}];{Utils.NLine}}};{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

                missingText += GetFileFooter();
                IncludeFile <CppLang> .WriteToSdk(Path.GetDirectoryName(Generator.SdkPath), "MISSING.h", missingText);

                // Append To Sdk Header
                text += $"{Utils.NLine}#include \"SDK/MISSING.h\"{Utils.NLine}";

            text += $"{Utils.NLine}";
            foreach (var package in packages)
                text += $"#include \"SDK/{GenerateFileName(FileContentType.Structs, await package.GetName())}\"{Utils.NLine}";
                text += $"#include \"SDK/{GenerateFileName(FileContentType.Classes, await package.GetName())}\"{Utils.NLine}";

                if (Generator.ShouldGenerateFunctionParametersFile())
                    text += $"#include \"SDK/{GenerateFileName(FileContentType.FunctionParameters, await package.GetName())}\"{Utils.NLine}";

            // Write SDK.h
            IncludeFile <CppLang> .AppendToSdk(Path.GetDirectoryName(Generator.SdkPath), "SDK.h", text);
Example #7
        public override async Task SaveFunctions(Package package)
            if (Generator.SdkType == SdkType.External)

            // Create Function Parameters File
            if (Generator.ShouldGenerateFunctionParametersFile())
                await SaveFunctionParameters(package);

            // ////////////////////////

            // Create Functions file
            string fileName = GenerateFileName(FileContentType.Functions, await package.GetName());

            // Init Functions File
            IncludeFile <CppLang> .CreateFile(Generator.SdkPath, fileName);

            IncludeFile <CppLang> .AppendToSdk(Generator.SdkPath, fileName, GetFileHeader(new List <string>()
            }, false));

            var text = new CorrmStringBuilder(GetSectionHeader("Functions"));

            foreach (var s in package.ScriptStructs)
                foreach (var m in s.PredefinedMethods)
                    if (m.MethodType != PredefinedMethod.Type.Inline)
                        text += $"{m.Body}{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

            foreach (var c in package.Classes)
                foreach (var m in c.PredefinedMethods)
                    if (m.MethodType != PredefinedMethod.Type.Inline)
                        text += $"{m.Body}{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

                foreach (var m in c.Methods)
                    //Method Info
                    text += $"// {m.FullName}{Utils.NLine}" + $"// ({m.FlagsString}){Utils.NLine}";

                    if (m.Parameters.Count > 0)
                        text += $"// Parameters:{Utils.NLine}";
                        foreach (var param in m.Parameters)
                            text += $"// {param.CppType,-30} {param.Name,-30} ({param.FlagsString}){Utils.NLine}";

                    text += $"{Utils.NLine}";
                    text += BuildMethodSignature(m, c, false) + $"{Utils.NLine}";
                    text += BuildMethodBody(c, m) + $"{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

            text += GetFileFooter();

            // Write the file
            IncludeFile <CppLang> .AppendToSdk(Generator.SdkPath, fileName, text);
Example #8
        public string BuildMethodBody(Package.Class c, Package.Method m)
            var text = new CorrmStringBuilder();

            // Function Pointer
            text += $"{{{Utils.NLine}\tstatic auto fn";
            if (Generator.ShouldUseStrings)
                text += $" = UObject::FindObject<UFunction>(";

                if (Generator.ShouldXorStrings)
                    text += $"_xor_(\"{m.FullName}\")";
                    text += $"\"{m.FullName}\"";

                text += $");{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";
                text += $" = UObject::GetObjectCasted<UFunction>({m.Index});{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";

            // Parameters
            if (Generator.ShouldGenerateFunctionParametersFile())
                text += $"\t{c.NameCpp}_{m.Name}_Params params;{Utils.NLine}";
                text += $"\tstruct{Utils.NLine}\t{{{Utils.NLine}";
                foreach (var param in m.Parameters)
                    text += $"\t\t{param.CppType,-30} {param.Name};{Utils.NLine}";
                text += $"\t}} params;{Utils.NLine}";

            var retn = m.Parameters.Where(item => item.ParamType == Package.Method.Parameter.Type.Default).ToList();

            if (retn.Any())
                foreach (var param in retn)
                    text += $"\tparams.{param.Name} = {param.Name};{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"{Utils.NLine}";

            //Function Call
            text += $"\tauto flags = fn->FunctionFlags;{Utils.NLine}";
            if (m.IsNative)
                text += $"\tfn->FunctionFlags |= 0x{UEFunctionFlags.Native:X};{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"{Utils.NLine}";

            if (m.IsStatic && !Generator.ShouldConvertStaticMethods)
                text += $"\tstatic auto defaultObj = StaticClass()->CreateDefaultObject();{Utils.NLine}";
                text += $"\tdefaultObj->ProcessEvent(fn, &params);{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";
                text += $"\tUObject::ProcessEvent(fn, &params);{Utils.NLine}{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"\tfn->FunctionFlags = flags;{Utils.NLine}";

            //Out Parameters
            var rOut = m.Parameters.Where(item => item.ParamType == Package.Method.Parameter.Type.Out).ToList();

            if (rOut.Any())
                text += $"{Utils.NLine}";
                foreach (var param in rOut)
                    text += $"\tif ({param.Name} != nullptr){Utils.NLine}" +
                            $"\t\t*{param.Name} = params.{param.Name};{Utils.NLine}";
            text += $"{Utils.NLine}";

            //Return Value
            var ret = m.Parameters.Where(item => item.ParamType == Package.Method.Parameter.Type.Return).ToList();

            if (ret.Any())
                text += $"{Utils.NLine}\treturn params.{ret.First().Name};{Utils.NLine}";

            text += $"}}{Utils.NLine}";
