public void update_a_corporation()
            //Create corporation

            Connection one = new Connection();

            CorporationRepo repo = new CorporationRepo(new Connection());

            CorporationModel corporation = new CorporationModel();

      = "name";
     = "email";
       = "3434-kj";
            corporation.address = "address";

            int id =;

   = id;

            //Give corporation a new name

   = "new name!";

            SqlCommand    sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from corporation where name = 'new name!'", one.getConnection());
            SqlDataReader reader     = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, reader.HasRows);

 public void LoadSubiews()
     NewCorporation   = new CorporationJson();
     CorporationsList = new CorporationListJson
         Data = CorporationRepo.GetAll()
        public async Task CorporationDeleteByKey()
            var accrepo = AccountRepo;
            var skey    = await accrepo.RegisterUser("*****@*****.**", "123");

            var userid = await accrepo.CheckSession(skey);

            var repo    = new CorporationRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, null);
            var keyRepo = new KeyInfoRepo(Logger, AccountContextProvider);
            var keyid1  = await keyRepo.AddKey(userid, 1, "");

            var keyid2 = await keyRepo.AddKey(userid, 2, "");

            var keyid3 = await keyRepo.AddKey(userid, 3, "");

            // stage 1
            var userData = new UserDataDto()
                Pilots       = new List <Pilot>(),
                Corporations = new Corporation[]
                    new Corporation()
                        EveId = 1, Name = "Corpo1", KeyInfoId = keyid1
                    new Corporation()
                        EveId = 2, Name = "Corpo2", KeyInfoId = keyid2
                    new Corporation()
                        EveId = 3, Name = "Corpo3", KeyInfoId = keyid3
                Jobs = new List <Job>(),

            await repo.Update(userid, userData);

            var corporations = await repo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, corporations.Count);

            await repo.DeleteByKey(keyid2);

            corporations = await repo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, corporations.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(corporations.Any(x => x.Name == "Corpo1"));
            Assert.IsTrue(corporations.Any(x => x.Name == "Corpo3"));

            await repo.DeleteByKey(keyid3);

            corporations = await repo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, corporations.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(corporations.Any(x => x.Name == "Corpo1"));
        public async Task UpdateCorporations2()
            var accrepo = AccountRepo;
            var skey    = await accrepo.RegisterUser("*****@*****.**", "123");

            var userid = await accrepo.CheckSession(skey);

            var repo = new CorporationRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, null);

            // stage 1
            var userData = new UserDataDto()
                Pilots       = new List <Pilot>(),
                Corporations = new Corporation[]
                    new Corporation()
                        EveId = 1, Name = "Corpo1", KeyInfoId = 1
                Jobs = new List <Job>(),

            await repo.Update(userid, userData);

            var corporations = await repo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, corporations.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Corpo1", corporations.First().Name);

            // stage 2
            var userData2 = new UserDataDto()
                Pilots       = new List <Pilot>(),
                Corporations = new Corporation[]
                Jobs = new List <Job>(),

            await repo.Update(userid, userData2);

            corporations = await repo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, corporations.Count);
        public void store_and_delete_a_corporation()
            Connection one = new Connection();
            Connection two = new Connection();

            CorporationRepo repo = new CorporationRepo(new Connection());

            //Create corporation

            CorporationModel corporation = new CorporationModel();

      = "name";
     = "email";
       = "3434-kj";
            corporation.address = "address";

            int id =;

            SqlCommand    sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from corporation where name = 'name' and email ='email' and zip = '3434-kj' and address = 'address'", one.getConnection());
            SqlDataReader reader     = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, reader.HasRows);



            //Delete corporation

            SqlCommand    sqlCommandTwo = new SqlCommand("select * from corporation where name = 'name' and email ='email' and zip = '3434-kj' and address = 'address'", two.getConnection());
            SqlDataReader readerTwo     = sqlCommandTwo.ExecuteReader();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, readerTwo.HasRows);
Example #6
        public async Task SinglePilot()
            // MicioGatto key
            long   code  = 3645238;
            string vcode = "sLOD3pSHwuzKtml3inm59qvVWHiKA3rULJY7KRsuWmmHrZ0c8qAZlftLDQIHvxBq";

            var accrepo = AccountRepo;
            var skey    = await accrepo.RegisterUser("*****@*****.**", "123");

            var userid = await accrepo.CheckSession(skey);

            var keyRepo = new KeyInfoRepo(Logger, AccountContextProvider);
            await keyRepo.AddKey(userid, code, vcode);

            var pilotRepo           = new PilotRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, EveApi);
            var corpoRepo           = new CorporationRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, EveApi);
            var notificationRepo    = new NotificationRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger);
            var skillRepo           = new SkillRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, notificationRepo);
            var skillInQueueRepo    = new SkillInQueueRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger);
            var evePilotDataService = new EvePilotDataService(keyRepo, EveApi, Logger, TypeNameDict);

            var backgroundUpdate = new BackgroundUpdate(evePilotDataService, pilotRepo, corpoRepo, skillRepo, skillInQueueRepo);

            await backgroundUpdate.Update(userid);

            var pilots = await pilotRepo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, pilots.Count);

            var p = pilots.First();

            Assert.AreEqual("MicioGatto", p.Name);
            Assert.IsTrue(p.Skills.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(p.SkillsInQueue.Count > 0);

            Assert.IsTrue(p.Skills.Any(x => x.SkillName == "Interceptors"));
Example #7
 void Handle(Input.SaveTrigger action)
        public async Task UpdatePilotsAndCorporations2()
            var accrepo = AccountRepo;
            var skey    = await accrepo.RegisterUser("*****@*****.**", "123");

            var userid = await accrepo.CheckSession(skey);

            var repo = new CorporationRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, null);

            var notificationRepo = new NotificationRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger);
            var skillRepo        = new SkillRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, notificationRepo);
            var pilotrepo        = new PilotRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, null);
            var corporepo        = new CorporationRepo(AccountContextProvider, Logger, null);

            // stage 1
            var userData = new UserDataDto()
                Pilots = new Pilot[]
                    new Pilot()
                        EveId     = 1,
                        KeyInfoId = 1,
                        Name      = "Pilot1",
                        Skills    = new List <Skill>()
                Corporations = new Corporation[]
                    new Corporation()
                        EveId = 1, Name = "Corpo1", KeyInfoId = 2
                Jobs = new List <Job>(),

            await pilotrepo.Update(userid, userData);

            await corporepo.Update(userid, userData);

            var pilots = await pilotrepo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, pilots.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Pilot1", pilots.First().Name);

            var corporations = await corporepo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, corporations.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Corpo1", corporations.First().Name);

            // stage 2
            var userData2 = new UserDataDto()
                Pilots = new Pilot[]
                Corporations = new Corporation[]
                Jobs = new List <Job>(),

            await pilotrepo.Update(userid, userData2);

            await corporepo.Update(userid, userData2);

            pilots = await pilotrepo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, pilots.Count);
            corporations = await corporepo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, corporations.Count);

            // No notifications expected
            var notifications = await notificationRepo.GetAll(userid);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, notifications.Count);