public static IEnumerator RotateOverTime(this Rigidbody2D rb2D, float amount, float time, RotationDirection direction)
        // Store the inverse time so we can use multiplication, which is more efficient than division
        float inverseTime = 1f / time;

        // Store starting and ending rotation values to interpolate between
        float startingRotation = rb2D.rotation;

        // Initiaize the ending rotation. If rotating clockwise, subtract the rotation amount
        float endingRotation;

        if (direction == RotationDirection.Clockwise)
            endingRotation = startingRotation - amount;
            endingRotation = startingRotation + amount;

        // This function linearly interpolates between starting and ending rotations for the rigidbody
        UnityAction <float> updateRotation = currentTime =>
            rb2D.MoveRotation(Mathf.Lerp(startingRotation, endingRotation, currentTime * inverseTime));

        // Run the fixed update for some time, updating the rigidbody rotation
        yield return(CoroutineModule.FixedUpdateForTime(time, updateRotation));

        // Make sure that the ending rotation is exactly the roation the rigidbody ends on
        rb2D.rotation = endingRotation;
Example #2
    public static IEnumerator FadeIn(this AudioSource source, float time)
        UnityAction <float> updateVolume = t =>
            source.volume = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, t);

        yield return(CoroutineModule.LerpForTime(time, updateVolume));
    public static IEnumerator MoveOverTime(this Transform transform, Vector3 endingPos, float time)
        // Store the starting position of the transform
        Vector3 startPos = transform.position;

        UnityAction <float> updatePosition = t =>
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endingPos, t);

        // Run an update loop for time, updating position
        yield return(CoroutineModule.LerpForTime(time, updatePosition));
Example #4
    public static IEnumerator Fade(Color startColor, Color endColor, float time, UnityAction <Color> callback)
        Color currentColor = startColor;

        // Called on each frame in the update for time routine
        UnityAction <float> update = t =>
            // Lerp the color from start to end
            currentColor = Color.Lerp(startColor, endColor, t);

            // Invoke the callback to get the returned color

        yield return(CoroutineModule.LerpForTime(time, update));
Example #5
    // Flicker the color between the two colors given
    public static IEnumerator Flicker(Color startColor, Color endColor, float totalTime, float flickerTime, UnityAction <Color> callback)
        Color currentColor    = startColor;
        float inverseFadeTime = 1f / flickerTime;

        UnityAction <float> update = currentTime =>
            // Ping-pong the interpolator between 0 and 1, and use that for the current color
            currentTime  = Mathf.PingPong(currentTime * inverseFadeTime, 1f);
            currentColor = Color.Lerp(startColor, endColor, currentTime);

            // Invoke the callback so that calling method can receive the current color

        yield return(CoroutineModule.UpdateForTime(totalTime, update));
    public static IEnumerator MoveOverTime(this Rigidbody2D rb2D, Vector2 endingPos, float time)
        // Store the inverse of the time so we can use multiplication, which is more efficient than repeated division
        float inverseTime = 1f / time;

        // Store the starting position of the rigidbody.  We use this to linearly interpolate to the end positiong
        Vector2 startingPos = rb2D.position;

        // This function updates the rigidbody position by linearly interpolating it between the start and ending position
        UnityAction <float> updatePosition = currentTime =>
            rb2D.MovePosition(Vector2.Lerp(startingPos, endingPos, currentTime * inverseTime));

        // Run fixed update for time, where the action updates the rigidbody position
        yield return(CoroutineModule.FixedUpdateForTime(time, updatePosition));
Example #7
 private void Start()
     mo = FrameworkModule.CreatInstance <CoroutineModule>("", "");
     .Repeat((r) => {
         r.Sequence((s) =>
             s.TimeSpan(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))
             .Event(() => { Log.L("GG"); })
             .OnCompelete(() => { Log.L("comp"); })
             .OnBegin(() => { Log.L("begin"); });
     }, 2)
     .TimeSpan(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))
     .OnCompelete((ss) => { /*ss.Reset();*/ })
     .OnRecyle(() => { Log.L(""); })
Example #8
 public static T Run <T>(this T self, CoroutineModule moudle) where T : ActionNode
 public void Load()