public static void ExportPackages() { CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", "parsing command line"); CommandLineParser cmdParser = new CommandLineParser(); string filename = cmdParser["filename"]; if (filename != null) { CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", string.Format("export manifest specified to be {0}", filename)); } else { CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", "export manifest specified to be the default exports.xml"); filename = "exports.xml"; } string outputPath = cmdParser["outputpath"]; if (outputPath != null) { CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", string.Format("output path set to be {0}", outputPath)); } else { CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", "output path set to be the default"); } ExportPackages(filename, outputPath); }
//FIXME queue all scene switches, whether additive or not, as tasks /// <summary> /// Switches to the scene specified by newScene. The sequence of operation is: /// first the current scene receives a notification that it is about to be unloaded. /// It then has time to prepare and do whatever it needs, until the timeout passes, /// or it signals that it is ready by setting its ReadyToUnload flag to true. /// Once either happens, the old scene receives a SceneClosing notification, /// and the loading of the new scene begins. /// Note that Unity does not guaranteee anything concerning the actual time it /// takes to load/unload a scene - once the call to LoadLeve is made, the scenes /// should consider themselves to be in Limbo and presume nothing. /// </summary> /// <param name="newScene">Name of the new scene to switch to.</param> /// <param name="handovers">If passed, contains a collection of objects that will /// be preserved for passing on to the next scene </param> public void SwitchScene(string newScene, IEnumerable <IEnumerableAction> preloadActions) { string realScene = _sceneMapping[newScene]; CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("requested scene {0} (mapped to {1})", newScene, realScene)); SceneRequested(realScene); GetLoader(realScene, defaultSceneTransition, preloadActions).Start(); }
void OnLevelLoaded(int level) { float loadTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - _levelLoadStart; int loadFrames = Time.frameCount - _levelLoadStartFrame; _levelLoadStart = -1f; _levelLoadStartFrame = -1; CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("requested scene {0} was loaded; loading took {1} seconds and {2} frames", _sceneName, loadTime, loadFrames)); }
override protected void Awake() { base.Awake(); if (s_activeControllers.Count > 0) { if (s_activeControllers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SceneName == SceneName) != null) { CoreLogger.LogWarning(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene controller with name {0} already active!", SceneName)); } else { CoreLogger.LogWarning(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene controller {0} awakening while there are other active controllers!", SceneName)); } } s_activeControllers.Add(this); CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene controller for scene {0} awakening and setting itself current instead of {1}", SceneName, s_current.Target == null ? "null" : s_current.Target.SceneName)); s_current.Target = this; #if UNITY_EDITOR //a testing scene would not be a part of the build if (sceneType == SceneType.Testing) { if (s_jumpToInitOnTestScenes) { s_jumpToInitOnTestScenes = false; string temp = forceInitScene; forceInitScene = ""; GameApplication.RequestingScene = Application.loadedLevelName; Application.LoadLevel(temp); return; } } if (Application.loadedLevel != 0 && GameApplication.RequestingScene == "") { GameApplication.RequestingScene = Application.loadedLevelName; if (forceInitScene != "") { Application.LoadLevel(forceInitScene); } else { Application.LoadLevel(0); } } #endif }
public void OnSceneClosing() { if (_readyToUnload) { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene {0} received SceneClosing", SceneName)); } else { CoreLogger.LogWarning(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene {0} received SceneClosing without being ready!", SceneName)); //FIXME: better terminate all exits and stuff? } }
protected override void OnActivate() { Debugger.Assert(_stage == Stage.Inactive, "Activated twice!"); _now = Time.time; CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0} activated!", name)); base.OnActivate(); DontDestroyOnLoad(this); _stage = Stage.Out; StartCoroutine("TransitionOut"); }
IEnumerator Init() { float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; int startFrame = Time.frameCount; IEnumerable <ISceneEntry> entries = GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(ISceneEntry)).Cast <ISceneEntry>() .Concat(_pendingEntries); CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene {0} Starting Init with {1} scene entries", SceneName, entries.Count())); //make sure all scene initializations are done _inEntry = true; while (_inEntry) { bool entering = false; foreach (ISceneEntry entry in entries) { if (!entry.Done) { entering = true; break; } } _inEntry = entering; yield return(null); } _readyToRun = true; _resourceLibraries = GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(IResourceLibrary)).Cast <IResourceLibrary>().ToList(); _inEntry = false; _pendingEntries.Clear(); if (handleBackButton && GameApplication.Instance != null) { SubscribeToBackButtonEvent(); } SceneStarted(); CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("Init Done - took {0} seconds, {1} frames", Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime, Time.frameCount - startFrame)); }
private static void ExportPackages(string moduleFilename, string outputPath) { if (!File.Exists(moduleFilename)) { CoreLogger.LogError("PackageManager", string.Format("unable to find file {0}", moduleFilename)); return; } CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", string.Format("beginning export of package in file {0}", moduleFilename)); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(moduleFilename); if (xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Name != "module") { CoreLogger.LogError("PackageManager", string.Format("error in file {0}: root element of module file should be module!", moduleFilename)); return; } if (!xmlDoc.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("packageName")) { CoreLogger.LogError("PackageManager", string.Format("error in file {0}: module element missing packageName attribute!", moduleFilename)); return; } string packageName = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("packageName"); string packageFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}.unitypackage", outputPath, System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, packageName); string[] folders = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("folder").Cast <XmlElement>().Where(e => e.HasAttribute("name")).Select( e => string.Format("Assets{0}{1}", System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, e.GetAttribute("name"))).ToArray(); foreach (string folder in folders) { CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", string.Format("including folder {0} and all its subfolders", folder)); } CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", string.Format("exporting {0} folders to file {1}", folders.Length, packageFilename)); AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(folders, packageFilename, ExportPackageOptions.Recurse); CoreLogger.LogDebug("PackageManager", "done!"); }
public T GetResource <T> (string path, bool isCascading) where T : Object { float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; //if there is no catalog, or if there is and we cannot find the bundle name, //or if we can and the bundle is not in the cache, //just try and load the plain old Unity way string bundleName = ""; if (_catalog != null) { bundleName = _catalog[path]["bundle"]; } AssetBundle bundle = null; if (bundleName != null) { bundle = GetBundle(path); } T resource; if (bundle == null) { CoreLogger.LogDebug(_loggerModule, string.Format("unable to obtain bundle {0} from cache; loading {1} locally in {2} seconds", bundleName, path, Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime)); try { resource = Resources.Load <T>(path); } catch { return(null); } return(resource); } resource = bundle.LoadAsset(path) as T; CoreLogger.LogDebug(_loggerModule, string.Format("resource {0} requested immediately, loaded from bundle {1} in {2} seconds", path, bundleName, Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime)); return(resource); }
public ISceneLoaderTask GetLoader(string sceneName, SceneTransition sceneTransition = null, IEnumerable <IEnumerableAction> preloadActions = null) { if (sceneTransition == null) { sceneTransition = defaultSceneTransition; } ISceneLoaderTask task = new SceneLoaderTask(this, sceneName, sceneTransition, preloadActions); task.Done += result => { if (result.IsOk()) { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("loaded scene {0}", sceneName)); SceneLoaded(sceneName); } }; return(task); }
IEnumerator Terminate() { float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; int startFrame = Time.frameCount; IEnumerable <ISceneExit> exits = GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(ISceneExit)).Cast <ISceneExit>() .Concat(_pendingExits); CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene {0} Starting Terminate with {1} exits", SceneName, exits.Count())); UnSubscribeFromBackButtonEvent(); yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.StartCoroutine(EnumerableAction.Parallelize(exits.Select(e => e.ExitSequence)))); _readyToUnload = true; _inExit = false; _pendingExits.Clear(); CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("Terminate Done in {0} seconds, {1} frames", Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime, Time.frameCount - startFrame)); }
IEnumerator Load() { reactivate = true; Deactivate(); float startRealtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; float startGametime = Time.time; int startFrame = Time.frameCount; ISceneLoadAction[] actions = GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(ISceneLoadAction)).Cast <ISceneLoadAction>().ToArray(); float total = actions.Length + 1; float done = 0; CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("SceneLoader beginning {0} actions...", actions.Length)); foreach (ISceneLoadAction action in GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(ISceneLoadAction))) { float actionStart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; int actionFrameStart = Time.frameCount; yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.StartCoroutine(action.Action)); CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("performed load action {0} in {1} seconds and {2} frames", action.Name, Time.realtimeSinceStartup - actionStart, Time.frameCount - actionFrameStart)); done += 1; _progress = done / total; CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("progress is {0} ({1}/{2})", _progress, done, total)); } CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("beginning to proxy-load scene {0}, actions took {1} seconds real time, {2} seconds game time, {3} frames", realScene, Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startRealtime, Time.time - startGametime, Time.frameCount - startFrame)); startRealtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; startGametime = Time.time; startFrame = Time.frameCount; while (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startRealtime < minimumTime) { yield return(null); } bool loaded = false; ITask loader = GameApplication.Instance.SceneManager.GetAdditiveLoader(realScene, sceneTransition, cleanup ? removals : null); CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("starting additive loader {0}", loader.Name)); loader.Start(result => { if (!result.IsOk()) { CoreLogger.LogError(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("failed to load scene {0}!", realScene)); } else { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("done proxy-loading of scene {0}: took {1} seconds real-time, {2} game time, {3} frames", realScene, Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startRealtime, Time.time - startGametime, Time.frameCount - startFrame)); } loaded = true; _progress = 1f; Reactivate(); }, loadTimeout); while (!loaded) { float loaderProgress = loader.Progress; _progress = (done + loaderProgress) / total; CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("progress is {0} ({1}/{2}); loading progress is {3}; yielding...", _progress, done, total, loaderProgress)); yield return(null); } }
public IEnumerator DownloadAndCache(string bundleName, System.Action <AssetBundle> handler, int version) { LoadedBundle loadedBundle; if (_bundles.TryGetValue(bundleName, out loadedBundle)) { if (loadedBundle != null) { if (loadedBundle.version == version) { loadedBundle.lastRequest = Time.time; loadedBundle.numRequests++; handler(loadedBundle.bundle); yield break; } } } // Wait for the Caching system to be ready while (!Caching.ready) { yield return(null); } if (!maintainBundleCache) { #if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER Caching.ClearCache(); #else Caching.CleanCache(); #endif } // Load the AssetBundle file from Cache if it exists with the same version or download and store it in the cache string bundleUrl = GetBundleUrl(bundleName); CoreLogger.LogInfo("BundleManager", string.Format("for bundle {0}, full url is {1}", bundleName, bundleUrl)); using (WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(bundleUrl, version)) { yield return(www); if (www.error != null) { CoreLogger.LogWarning(name, string.Format("unable to retrieve bundle {0}:{1}", bundleUrl, www.error)); handler(null); yield break; } CoreLogger.LogDebug("BundleManager", string.Format("successfully retrieved bundle {0} from {1}", bundleName, bundleUrl)); if (loadedBundle != null) { CoreLogger.LogDebug("BundleManager", string.Format("New version ({0}) of bundle {1} retrieved - unloading old version ({2}) and caching new one", version, bundleName, loadedBundle.version)); loadedBundle.bundle.Unload(false); loadedBundle.bundle = www.assetBundle; } else { CollectGarbage(); CoreLogger.LogDebug("BundleManager", string.Format("caching version {0} of bundle {1}", version, bundleName)); _bundles[bundleName] = new LoadedBundle() { bundle = www.assetBundle, version = version }; } handler(www.assetBundle); } }
override protected IEnumerator Controller() { ISceneLoaderTask pending = _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask; if (pending != null) { if (pending.SceneName == _sceneName) { CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: pending request for the same scene ({1}); ending operation", _name, _sceneName)); InvokeDone(TaskEnding.Done); yield break; } } CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("setting pending load to additive loader: {0}", _name)); _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask = this; if (pending != null) { CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: waiting on loader {1}...", _name, pending.Name)); yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.Wait(pending)); CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: waiting on loader {1} done!", _name, pending.Name)); } CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("starting additive async load of scene {0}", _sceneName)); _operation = Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync(_sceneName); _operation.allowSceneActivation = false; _operation.priority = 0; while (_progress < _additiveLoaderWatermark) { if (_cancel) { InvokeDone(TaskEnding.Cancelled); yield break; } yield return(null); _lastProgress = _progress; _progress = _operation.progress; if (_progress < _lastProgress) { //time travel - this can happen if we came back from background CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, "time travel in scene loader - loading the next scene and calling done"); } } _progress = 1; yield return(null); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(_delay)); SceneTransition sceneTransition = null; if (_sceneTransition != null) { sceneTransition = _sceneTransition.gameObject.GetComponent <SceneTransition>(); if (sceneTransition != null) { GameObject newInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(_sceneTransition.gameObject) as GameObject; GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(newInstance); sceneTransition = newInstance.GetComponent <SceneTransition>(); Debugger.Assert(sceneTransition != null, "sceneTransition cannot be null!"); if (sceneTransition != null) { GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.StartCoroutine(sceneTransition.ExitSequence); yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.StartCoroutine(sceneTransition.WaitForFadeout)); } } } CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("allowing scene additive load operation to complete")); _operation.allowSceneActivation = true; yield return(_operation); CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("done additive load of scene {0}", _sceneName)); HandleRemovals(); if (sceneTransition != null) { sceneTransition.OnLevelWasLoaded(Application.loadedLevel); CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("additive load of scene {0} will now handle transition {1}", _sceneName,; yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.StartCoroutine(sceneTransition.WaitForFadein)); } if (_sceneManager.PendingLoadTask == this) { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("resetting pending load from {0} to null", _name)); _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask = null; } else { if (_sceneManager.PendingLoadTask == null) { CoreLogger.LogError(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: pending load is null!", _name)); } else { CoreLogger.LogError(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: no need to reset pending since it is already somebody else: {1}", _name, _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask.Name)); } } CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("additive load of scene {0} will now invoke done", _sceneName)); InvokeDone(TaskEnding.Done); CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("additive load of scene {0} has invoked done", _sceneName)); }
public void PrepareToUnload() { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene {0} received PrepareToUnload - calling Terminate", SceneName)); StartCoroutine(Terminate()); }
override protected IEnumerator Controller() { ISceneLoaderTask pending = _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask; if (pending != null) { if (pending.SceneName == _sceneName) { CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: pending request for the same scene ({1}); ending operation", _name, _sceneName)); InvokeDone(TaskEnding.Done); yield break; } } CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("setting pending load to additive loader: {0}", _name)); _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask = this; if (pending != null) { CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: waiting on loader {1}...", _name, pending.Name)); yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.Wait(pending)); CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: waiting on loader {1} done!", _name, pending.Name)); } SceneTransition sceneTransition = null; if (_sceneTransition != null) { sceneTransition = _sceneTransition.gameObject.GetComponent <SceneTransition>(); if (sceneTransition != null) { GameObject newInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(_sceneTransition.gameObject) as GameObject; GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(newInstance); sceneTransition = newInstance.GetComponent <SceneTransition>(); Debugger.Assert(sceneTransition != null, "sceneTransition cannot be null!"); if (sceneTransition != null) { _sceneManager.HookTransition(sceneTransition); GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.StartCoroutine(sceneTransition.ExitSequence); yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.StartCoroutine(sceneTransition.WaitForFadeout)); } } } CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("starting additive sync load of scene {0}", _sceneName)); Application.LoadLevelAdditive(_sceneName); CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("done additive load of scene {0}", _sceneName)); HandleRemovals(); if (sceneTransition != null) { sceneTransition.OnLevelWasLoaded(Application.loadedLevel); yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.StartCoroutine(sceneTransition.WaitForFadein)); } if (_sceneManager.PendingLoadTask == this) { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("resetting pending load from {0} to null", _name)); _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask = null; } InvokeDone(TaskEnding.Done); }
void OnDestroy() { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene controller {0} going down!", SceneName)); s_activeControllers.Remove(this); }
override protected IEnumerator Controller() { ISceneLoaderTask pending = _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask; if (pending != null) { if (pending.SceneName == _sceneName) { CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: pending request for the same scene ({1}); ending operation", _name, _sceneName)); InvokeDone(TaskEnding.Done); yield break; } } CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("setting pending load to {0}", _name)); _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask = this; if (pending != null) { CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: waiting on loader {1}...", _name, pending.Name)); yield return(GameApplication.Instance.CoroutineFactory.Wait(pending)); CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: waiting on loader {1} done!", _name, pending.Name)); } float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; //check to see if the current scene has a TabTale controller (all scenes are supposed to have one) ISceneController currentSceneController = SceneController.Current; if (currentSceneController != null) { if (_sceneTransition != null) { if (currentSceneController == null) { CoreLogger.LogNotice(LoggerModules.SceneManager, "no controller found in scene - injection of transitions is not possible!"); } else { CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("injecting effect {0} into the scene",; InjectTransition(_sceneTransition, currentSceneController); } } //tell the current scene it is about to be unloaded currentSceneController.PrepareToUnload(); CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("{0}: waiting for current scene {1} to be ready to unload", _name, currentSceneController.SceneName)); //async. waiting for either the old scene's signal that it's ready, or the timeout while (!currentSceneController.ReadyToUnload && (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime <= _sceneManager.sceneUnloadTimeout)) { yield return(null); } CoreLogger.LogInfo(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("scene {0} done - wait took {1} seconds", currentSceneController.SceneName, Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime)); //tell the current scene it is being unloaded currentSceneController.OnSceneClosing(); } else { CoreLogger.LogWarning(LoggerModules.SceneManager, "Unable to find TabTale Scene Controller!"); } _levelLoadStart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; _levelLoadStartFrame = Time.frameCount; if (_sceneManager.asyncPreloading) { yield return(_sceneManager.PreloadActions(_preloadActions)); } else { _sceneManager.HandlePreloadActions(_preloadActions); } if (_sceneManager.asyncLoading && !Application.platform.IsEditor()) { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("Loading new scene {0} asynchronously...", _sceneName)); SceneLoadStarted(); _asyncLoadOperation = Application.LoadLevelAsync(_sceneName); yield return(_asyncLoadOperation); _asyncLoadOperation = null; } else { //start loading the new scene - note that even though this is a blocking call, //it actually starts a background thing, and from this moment on everything //is in Limbo Application.LoadLevel(_sceneName); _progress = 1; CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("Loading new scene {0} synchronously...", _sceneName)); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); SceneLoadStarted(); } GameApplication.Instance.ApplicationEvents.LevelLoaded -= OnLevelLoaded; if (_sceneManager.PendingLoadTask == this) { CoreLogger.LogDebug(LoggerModules.SceneManager, string.Format("resetting pending load from {0} to null", _name)); _sceneManager.PendingLoadTask = null; } }
public ITask <TResource> LoadResource <TResource>(string path) where TResource : Object { CoreLogger.LogDebug(_loggerModule, string.Format("resource {0} requested - adding a loader task from bundle", path)); return(new LoadFromBundleTask <TResource>(this, path)); }
public void should_call_logdebug() { _coreLogger.LogDebug(_message); _logger.Validate(LogLevel.Debug, _message); }