public void OnClickDoneButton() { ProteinDisplayView view = GetView <ProteinDisplayView>(); view.CompleteAdjustProtein(); CoreAPI.SendCommand <MainConsoleModule, RegisterHoldHandlerCommand>(new RegisterHoldHandlerCommand()); }
public void InvalidVariable() { CoreAPI core = Helper.GetCoreAPI(); // call non-existant function core.GetVariableInt("xxxxxx"); }
public void OnSelectedDisplayMode() { MainConsoleView view = GetView <MainConsoleView>(); MainConsoleModel model = GetModel <MainConsoleModel>(); DisplayMode displayMode = default(DisplayMode); string keyword = view.GetSelectedDisplayMode(); if (keyword == "BallStick") { displayMode = DisplayMode.BallStick; } else if (keyword == "SpaceFill") { displayMode = DisplayMode.Spacefill; } else if (keyword == "Sticks") { displayMode = DisplayMode.Sticks; } else { throw new System.Exception(string.Format("Unknown radial keyword : {0}", keyword)); } model.DisplayMode = displayMode; CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, ShowProteinCommand>(new ShowProteinCommand()); }
public void OnClickAdjustButton() { ProteinDisplayView view = GetView <ProteinDisplayView>(); view.StartAdjustProtein(); CoreAPI.SendCommand <MainConsoleModule, UnRegisterHoldHandlerCommand>(new UnRegisterHoldHandlerCommand()); }
/// <summary>显示蛋白质</summary> public void ShowProtein() { ProteinDisplayModel model = GetModel <ProteinDisplayModel>(); Protein protein = CoreAPI.PostCommand <PdbLoaderModule, GetProteinDataCommand, Protein>(new GetProteinDataCommand()); DisplayMode displayMode = CoreAPI.PostCommand <MainConsoleModule, GetDisplayModeCommand, DisplayMode>(new GetDisplayModeCommand()); //若蛋白质数据还未加载 则直接返回 if (protein == null) { return; } //若当前ProteinData与DisplayMode均是最新则直接返回,否则销毁重新Create if (model.DisplayedProteinData != null && model.DisplayedProteinData.ID == protein.ID && model.DisplayedDisplayMode == displayMode) { return; } else { DestroyProtein(); } model.DisplayedProteinData = protein; model.DisplayedDisplayMode = displayMode; ProteinDisplayView view = GetView <ProteinDisplayView>(); view.CreateProtein(protein, displayMode); }
public void OnButtonClick() { // 调用PdbLoaderModule里的OnLoadLocalPdbFileCommand方法,反射实现的 CoreAPI.SendCommand <PdbLoaderModule, LoadLocalPdbFileCommand>(new LoadLocalPdbFileCommand(() => { CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, ShowProteinCommand>(new ShowProteinCommand()); })); }
public void HideMainConsole() { MainConsoleView view = GetView <MainConsoleView>(); view.gameObject.Active(false); //GameObject在OnDisable动画播放完毕后再SetActive false InputManager.Instance.AddGlobalListener(this.gameObject); CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, SetPolymerInfoDisplayerActiveCommand>(new SetPolymerInfoDisplayerActiveCommand(true)); }
public void ShowMainConsole() { MainConsoleView view = GetView <MainConsoleView>(); MainConsoleModel model = GetModel <MainConsoleModel>(); view.gameObject.Active(true); InputManager.Instance.RemoveGlobalListener(this.gameObject); CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, SetPolymerInfoDisplayerActiveCommand>(new SetPolymerInfoDisplayerActiveCommand(false)); }
private async void Init() { await PolymerModelAPI.LoadDataAsync(); Debug.Log("加载PolymerModel完成"); CoreAPI.SendCommand <MainConsoleModule, RegisterHoldHandlerCommand>(new RegisterHoldHandlerCommand()); CoreAPI.SendCommand <MainConsoleModule, ShowMainConsoleCommand>(new ShowMainConsoleCommand()); StartCoroutine(LaunchHelpDialog()); }
public void OnClickSelectFileButton() { MainConsoleView view = GetView <MainConsoleView>(); CoreAPI.SendCommand <PdbLoaderModule, LoadLocalPdbFileCommand>(new LoadLocalPdbFileCommand((id) => { view.SetPDBFileNameText(id); CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, ShowProteinCommand>(new ShowProteinCommand()); })); }
private async void LoadData() { await PolymerModelAPI.LoadDataAsync(); Debug.Log("加载数据完成"); CoreAPI.SendCommand <PdbLoaderModule, LoadDefaultPdbFileCommand>(new LoadDefaultPdbFileCommand("6dce", () => { CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, ShowDisplayViewCommand>(new ShowDisplayViewCommand()); CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, ShowProteinCommand>(new ShowProteinCommand()); })); }
public void OnClickDownloadButton() { MainConsoleView view = GetView <MainConsoleView>(); string input = view.GetInputPdbId(); CoreAPI.SendCommand <PdbLoaderModule, LoadNetworkPdbFileCommand>(new LoadNetworkPdbFileCommand(input, () => { view.SetPDBFileNameText(input); CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, ShowProteinCommand>(new ShowProteinCommand()); })); }
public void OnClickExampleButton() { string pdbName = "2nc3"; MainConsoleView view = GetView <MainConsoleView>(); CoreAPI.SendCommand <PdbLoaderModule, LoadDefaultPdbFileCommand>(new LoadDefaultPdbFileCommand(pdbName, () => { view.SetPDBFileNameText(pdbName); CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, ShowProteinCommand>(new ShowProteinCommand()); })); }
public void OnInputClicked(InputClickedEventData eventData) { PolymerSelectMode selectMode = CoreAPI.PostCommand <MainConsoleModule, GetSelectModeCommand, PolymerSelectMode>(new GetSelectModeCommand()); //Chain是可选取的最顶层,若事件传导到ChainDisplayer则一定是SelectMode.Chain 有可能选择的Bond传导上去了 //if(selectMode!= SelectMode.Chain) { // throw new System.Exception("Logic Error"); //} CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, SetSelectedDisplayerCommand>(new SetSelectedDisplayerCommand(this)); }
public void InvalidFunction() { CoreAPI core = Helper.GetCoreAPI(); // test we can access the core by asking its name Assert.AreEqual(core.GetCoreInfo().Name, Helper.GetCoreName()); // call non-existant function core.CallFunctionInt("xxxxxx", "none"); }
public static CoreAPI GetCoreAPI() { CoreAPI core; AppSettingsReader reader = new AppSettingsReader(); core = new CoreAPI(reader.GetValue("AccessToken", typeof(string)).ToString(), reader.GetValue("CoreID", typeof(string)).ToString()); return(core); }
public void OnInputClicked(InputClickedEventData eventData) { PolymerSelectMode selectMode = CoreAPI.PostCommand <MainConsoleModule, GetSelectModeCommand, PolymerSelectMode>(new GetSelectModeCommand()); DisplayMode displayMode = CoreAPI.PostCommand <MainConsoleModule, GetDisplayModeCommand, DisplayMode>(new GetDisplayModeCommand()); //只有棍模型下的棍支持选取 if (displayMode != DisplayMode.Sticks) { return; } AminoacidDisplayer aminoacidDisplayer = transform.parent.GetComponent <AminoacidDisplayer>(); aminoacidDisplayer.OnInputClicked(eventData); }
public void OnInputClicked(InputClickedEventData eventData) { PolymerSelectMode selectMode = CoreAPI.PostCommand <MainConsoleModule, GetSelectModeCommand, PolymerSelectMode>(new GetSelectModeCommand()); AminoacidDisplayer aminoacidDisplayer = transform.parent.GetComponent <AminoacidDisplayer>(); if (selectMode == PolymerSelectMode.Atom) { CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, SetSelectedDisplayerCommand>(new SetSelectedDisplayerCommand(this)); } else { aminoacidDisplayer.OnInputClicked(eventData); } }
/// <summary>显示蛋白质</summary> public void ShowProtein() { ProteinDisplayModel model = GetModel <ProteinDisplayModel>(); Protein protein = CoreAPI.PostCommand <PdbLoaderModule, GetProteinDataCommand, Protein>(new GetProteinDataCommand()); if (model.DisplayedProteinData != null) { if (model.DisplayedProteinData.ID == protein.ID) { return; } else { DestroyProtein(); } } model.DisplayedProteinData = protein; ProteinDisplayView view = GetView <ProteinDisplayView>(); view.ShowProtein(protein); }
public async Task <bool> WriteData(String strID) { PowerPoint.Shapes shapes = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActivePresentation.Slides[1].Shapes; try { JObject jsonData = await RequestData.GetPredictData(strID); JObject dataObj = jsonData["data"].ToObject <JObject>(); PowerPoint.Shape shape = PPTAPI.getShape(shapes, "Label_1"); if (shape != null) { shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = dataObj.Value <String>("labelInfo"); } shape = PPTAPI.getShape(shapes, "DateLabel"); if (shape != null) { String strText = shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text; strText = strText.Replace("{Date}", dataObj.Value <String>("date")); shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = strText; } shape = PPTAPI.getShape(shapes, "Table_1"); if (shape != null) { PowerPoint.Table table = shape.Table; shape = PPTAPI.getShape(shapes, "Chart_1"); PowerPoint.Chart chart = shape.Chart; var ws = chart.ChartData.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; JArray array = dataObj.Value <JArray>("salesData"); List <PredictData> predicts = CoreAPI.Deserialize <List <PredictData> >(array.ToString()); int col = 2; char colStart = 'B'; foreach (PredictData predict in predicts) { int row = 1; String step = colStart + row.ToString(); ws.Range[step].Value = predict.Month; table.Cell(row, col).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = predict.Sales; row++; step = colStart + row.ToString(); ws.Range[step].Value = predict.Sales; table.Cell(row, col).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = predict.Ratio; row++; step = colStart + row.ToString(); ws.Range[step].Value = predict.Ratio; col++; colStart++; } } shape = PPTAPI.getShape(shapes, "Image_1"); if (shape != null) { String strUrl = dataObj.Value <String>("imageUrl"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strUrl)) { string strPath = Request.HttpDownload(strUrl).Result; shapes.AddPicture(strPath, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, shape.Left, shape.Top, shape.Width, shape.Height); shape.Delete(); } } } catch { } return(true); }
public Camera(CoreAPI ControlAPI) { api = ControlAPI; }
private async void ScanID() { button1.Enabled = false; clearOutput(); try { CoreAPI coreapi = new CoreAPI(API_KEY, API_REGION); // Throw exception if API returns error coreapi.ThrowAPIException(true); // Enable authentication and use 'quick' module to check if ID is authentic coreapi.EnableAuthentication(true, "quick"); /* * coreapi.EnableVault(true, false, false, false); // enable vault cloud storage to store document information and image * coreapi.SetBiometricThreshold(0.6); // make face verification more strict * coreapi.EnableAuthentication(true, "quick"); // check if document is real using 'quick' module * coreapi.EnableBarcodeMode(false); // disable OCR and scan for AAMVA barcodes only * coreapi.EnableImageOutput(true, true, "url"); // output cropped document and face region in URL format * coreapi.EnableDualsideCheck(true); // check if data on front and back of ID matches * coreapi.SetVaultData("*****@*****.**", "12345" , "AABBCC"); // store custom data into vault * coreapi.RestrictCountry("US,CA,AU"); // accept documents from United States, Canada and Australia * coreapi.RestrictState("CA,TX,WA"); // accept documents from california, texas and washington * coreapi.RestrictType("DI"); // accept only driver license and identification card * coreapi.SetOCRImageResize(0); // disable OCR resizing * coreapi.VerifyExpiry(true); // check document expiry * coreapi.VerifyAge("18-120"); // check if person is above 18 * coreapi.VerifyDOB("1990/01/01"); // check if person's birthday is 1990/01/01 * coreapi.VerifyDocumentNumber("X1234567"); // check if the person's ID number is X1234567 * coreapi.VerifyName("Elon Musk"); // check if the person is named Elon Musk * coreapi.VerifyAddress("123 Sunny Rd, California"); // Check if address on ID matches with provided address * coreapi.VerifyPostcode("90001"); // check if postcode on ID matches with provided postcode * coreapi.EnableAMLCheck(true); // enable AML/PEP check * coreapi.SetAMLDatabase("global_politicians,eu_meps,eu_cors"); // limit AML check to only PEPs * coreapi.EnableAMLStrictMatch(true); // make AML matching more strict to prevent false positives * coreapi.GenerateContract("Template ID", "PDF", new Hashtable { ["somevariable"] = "somevalue" }); // generate a PDF document autofilled with data from user ID */ // Send document to Core API and get json response JObject result = await coreapi.Scan(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, textBox3.Text); // Print document holder name writeOutput(String.Format("Hello your name is {0} {1}", (string)result.SelectToken("result.firstName"), (string)result.SelectToken("result.lastName"))); // Parse document authentication results if (result.ContainsKey("authentication")) { if ((double)result.SelectToken("authentication.score") > 0.5) { writeOutput("The document uploaded is authentic"); } else if ((double)result.SelectToken("authentication.score") > 0.3) { writeOutput("The document uploaded looks little bit suspicious"); } else { writeOutput("The document uploaded is fake"); } } // Parse face verification results if (result.ContainsKey("face")) { if (result.SelectToken("face.error") != null) { // View complete error codes under API reference: writeOutput(String.Format("Face verification failed! Code: {0}, Reason: {1}", (string)result.SelectToken("face.error"), (string)result.SelectToken("face.error_message"))); } else { if ((bool)result.SelectToken("face.isIdentical") == true) { writeOutput("Great! Your photo looks identical to the photo on document"); } else { writeOutput("Oh no! Your photo looks different to the photo on document"); } writeOutput(String.Format("Similarity score: {0}", (string)result.SelectToken("face.confidence"))); } } // Print result writeOutput(Environment.NewLine + "Raw JSON Result: "); writeOutput(result.ToString()); }catch (APIException e) { writeOutput("Error Code: " + e.ErrorCode); writeOutput("Error Message: " + e.Message); } catch (ArgumentException e) { writeOutput("Input Error: " + e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { writeOutput("Unexpected Error: " + e.Message); } button1.Enabled = true; }
public Helper() { core = new CoreAPI(coreID, accessToken); //, new System.Net.WebProxy("", 8888)); }
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData data) { CoreAPI.SendCommand <ProteinDisplayModule, ShowInfoInBoardCommand>(new ShowInfoInBoardCommand(null)); }
private IEnumerator LaunchHelpDialog() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); //等待MainConsole载入完成 CoreAPI.SendCommand <MainConsoleModule, ShowHelpDialogCommand>(new ShowHelpDialogCommand()); }
public void TestCombine() { CoreAPI.SendCommand <PdbLoaderModule, LoadNetworkPdbFileCommand>(new LoadNetworkPdbFileCommand("2nc3", () => { Debug.Log("ok"); })); }
public void setApi(CoreAPI value) { api = value; }