private void OnClickLK(ButtonScript obj, object args, int param1, int param2) { SceneData ssdata = SceneData.GetData(GameManager.SceneID); if (ssdata.sceneType_ == SceneType.SCT_Instance) { if (CopyData.IsCopyScene(GameManager.SceneID)) { MessageBoxUI.ShowMe(LanguageManager.instance.GetValue("likaifuben"), () => { NetConnection.Instance.exitCopy(); }); } else { NetConnection.Instance.exitTeam(); NetConnection.Instance.exitLobby(); } } else { NetConnection.Instance.exitTeam(); NetConnection.Instance.exitLobby(); } tipsObj.SetActive(false); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CopyData s = new CopyData(this, false); CopyStatus status = s.SendMessage("Test message 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890", "Test Receiver"); status = s.SendMessage("Test message A", "SpeechCristi"); }
public void WriteOffsetRecords(BinaryWriter writer, IDBRowSerializer <T> serializer, uint recordOffset, int sparseCount) { var sparseIdLookup = new Dictionary <int, uint>(sparseCount); for (int i = 0; i < sparseCount; i++) { if (serializer.Records.TryGetValue(i, out var record)) { if (CopyData.TryGetValue(i, out int copyid)) { // copy records use their parent's offset writer.Write(sparseIdLookup[copyid]); writer.Write(record.TotalBytesWrittenOut); } else { writer.Write(sparseIdLookup[i] = recordOffset); writer.Write(record.TotalBytesWrittenOut); recordOffset += (uint)record.TotalBytesWrittenOut; } } else { // unused ids are empty records writer.BaseStream.Position += 6; } } }
void InitChests() { childChests.Clear(); if (chestsRoot == null) { return; } foreach (Transform child in chestsRoot) { child.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false); childChests.Add(child); } childChests.Sort(delegate(Transform a, Transform b) { // Sort by name return(string.Compare(,; }); CopyData cpData = Globals.Instance.MGameDataManager.MCurrentCopyData; int upperLimit = Mathf.Min(childChests.Count, cpData.MCopyChestData.ChestIDList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < upperLimit; i++) { int id = cpData.MCopyChestData.ChestIDList[i]; InitOneRandomChest(childChests[i], id); } }
void OnClickDoYER(ButtonScript obj, object args, int param1, int param2) { SceneData ssdata = SceneData.GetData(GameManager.SceneID); if (ssdata.sceneType_ == SceneType.SCT_Instance) { if (CopyData.IsCopyScene(GameManager.SceneID)) { MessageBoxUI.ShowMe(LanguageManager.instance.GetValue("likaifuben"), () => { NetConnection.Instance.exitCopy(); Prebattle.Instance.ActiveEnterScene(2); }); } } else if (ssdata.sceneType_ == SceneType.SCT_GuildBattleScene) { MessageBoxUI.ShowMe(LanguageManager.instance.GetValue("likaijiazuzhan"), () => { Prebattle.Instance.ActiveEnterScene(2); }); } else { Prebattle.Instance.ActiveEnterScene(2); } Hide(); }
public void SaveData(CopyData data) { lock (this.syncLock) { = data; } }
public BitmapInfo(Bitmap bitmap, CopyData copyData = CopyData.True) { Width = bitmap.Width; Height = bitmap.Height; Components = Helper.GetComponentsNumber(bitmap.PixelFormat); PixelFormat = bitmap.PixelFormat; Rectangle rect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, 0, Width, Height); BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat); Stride = Math.Abs(bitmapData.Stride); DataByteSize = Stride * Height; Data = new byte[DataByteSize]; if (copyData == CopyData.True) { Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, Data, 0, DataByteSize); } bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData); if (PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) { palette = bitmap.Palette; } }
public void Copy() { CopyData.Clear(); foreach (var item in Selection.ToList()) { CopyData.Add(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Send DataTransport Object via Window-messages /// </summary> /// <param name="dataTransport">DataTransport with data for a running instance</param> private static void SendData(CopyDataTransport dataTransport) { string appName = Application.ProductName; CopyData copyData = new CopyData(); copyData.Channels.Add(appName); copyData.Channels[appName].Send(dataTransport); }
public ShelfContainer GetRandomShelvingUnit(StockTypes selectedType = StockTypes.None) { // Check if there are shelves in the map if (shelvingUnits.Count == 0) { Debug.LogWarning(!isDoneLoading ? "MapManager is not done loading!" : "There are no shelves in the map!"); return(null); } // Filter out shelves that are needed List <ShelfContainer> sortedShelfList = new List <ShelfContainer>(); if (selectedType != StockTypes.None) { for (int i = 0; i < shelvingUnits.Count; i++) { ShelfContainer currentShelf = shelvingUnits[i]; if (currentShelf.ShelfStockType == selectedType) { sortedShelfList.Add(shelvingUnits[i]); } } } else { CopyData.CopyObjectData(shelvingUnits, sortedShelfList); } if (sortedShelfList.Count == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("There are no shelves that have this type of stock: " + selectedType.ToString()); return(null); } // Filter out empty shelves List <ShelfContainer> stockedShelves = new List <ShelfContainer>(); for (int s = 0; s < sortedShelfList.Count; s++) { ShelfContainer shelf = sortedShelfList[s]; if (!shelf.IsEmpty()) { stockedShelves.Add(shelf); } } if (stockedShelves.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("All shelves of " + selectedType.ToString() + " is empty!"); return(EssentialFunctions.GetRandomFromArray(sortedShelfList));; } else { return(EssentialFunctions.GetRandomFromArray(stockedShelves)); } }
public static CopyData CreateForString(int dwData, string value, bool Unicode = false) { var result = new CopyData(); result.dwData = (IntPtr)dwData; result.lpData = Unicode ? Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(value) : Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(value); result.cbData = value.Length + 1; return(result); }
public static UIntPtr Send(IntPtr targetHandle, int dwData, string value, uint timeoutMs = 1000, bool Unicode = false) { var cds = CopyData.CreateForString(dwData, value, Unicode); UIntPtr result; SendMessageTimeout(targetHandle, WM_COPYDATA, IntPtr.Zero, ref cds, SendMessageTimeoutFlags.SMTO_NORMAL, timeoutMs, out result); cds.Dispose(); return(result); }
public CopyDataService() { = null; #if false Workspace.PrimaryWorkspace.WorkspaceChanged += (sender, args) => { SaveData(null); }; #endif }
public void SendMessageCopyDataToWindowAnsi(IntPtr hWnd, string data) { var copyData = new CopyData { dwData = IntPtr.Zero, cbData = data.Length + 1, lpData = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(data) }; SendMessage(hWnd, 0x004A, IntPtr.Zero, ref copyData); }
static bool IsCopyEndId(int qid) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, CopyData> pair in CopyData.GetData()) { if (qid == pair.Value._EndID) { return(true); } } return(false); }
void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { copy = new CopyData(this); copy.OnDataReceived += copy_OnDataReceived; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
void OnClickbackTeam(ButtonScript obj, object args, int param1, int param2) { int sceneid = TeamSystem.GetMyTeamLeader().sceneId_; if (CopyData.IsCopyScene(sceneid)) { PopText.Instance.Show(LanguageManager.instance.GetValue("fubenguidui")); return; } NetConnection.Instance.backTeam(); // zanshiBtn.gameObject.SetActive (true); // backTeamBtn.gameObject.SetActive (false); }
public void Clear() { IndexData = null; PalletData = null; ColumnMeta = null; RecordsData = null; ForeignKeyData = null; CommonData = null; _Records?.Clear(); StringTable?.Clear(); SparseEntries?.Clear(); CopyData?.Clear(); }
public bool CheckApplicable(ITextBuffer subjectBuffer, CopyData copyData) { if (copyData == null) { return false; } var selection = view.Selection; var spans = selection.GetSnapshotSpansOnBuffer(subjectBuffer); if (spans.Count() != 1) { return false; } var document = subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetRelatedDocumentsWithChanges().FirstOrDefault(); if (document == null) { return false; } if (document.SourceCodeKind != SourceCodeKind.Regular) { return false; } var span = spans.Select(s => new TextSpan(s.Start, s.Length)).First(); var newSpan = new TextSpan(span.Start, copyData.Text.Length); var newDocument = ForkNewDocument(copyData, document, span); // analyze in new document var newOffsetMap = CopyData.CreateOffsetMap(newDocument, newSpan); foreach (var pair in copyData) { var offset = pair.Key; var token = pair.Value.Item1; var symbol = pair.Value.Item2; // check whether existing symbol is same one if (IsSameSymbol(offset, token, symbol, newOffsetMap)) { continue; } // missing using, } return false; }
public void Clear() { id_list_data = null; PalletData = null; ColumnMeta = null; RecordsData = null; refData = null; ForeignKeyData = null; CommonData = null; _Records?.Clear(); StringTable?.Clear(); offset_map_Entries?.Clear(); CopyData?.Clear(); }
public void CanCopyData() { var page = new CopyData(); var jim = 1301; var brian = 1229; var zygo = 1182; var result = page.CopyData(jim, brian, zygo, true); Assert.IsTrue(result.Success); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Items.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("Zygo", result.Vendor.VendorName); Assert.IsTrue(ItemRepository.GetVendorItems(result.Vendor.VendorID).Count() == 1); }
public static void Send(IntPtr targetHandle, string value) { var data = new CopyData { dwData = (IntPtr)MessageId, lpData = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(value), cbData = 2 * value.Length + 1 }; SendMessage(targetHandle, WM_COPYDATA, IntPtr.Zero, ref data); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(data.lpData); data.lpData = IntPtr.Zero; data.cbData = 0; }
protected void Awake() { MActorData = new PlayerData(); MEnemyData = new PlayerData(); MCurrentSeaAreaData = new SeaAreaData(); // Just for easy call MCurrentPortData = MCurrentSeaAreaData.MPortData; MCurrentCopyData = MCurrentSeaAreaData.MCurrentCopyData; MSeaAreaDataList = new Dictionary <int, SeaAreaData>(); produceTeches = new List <GameData.TechInfo>(); warTeches = new List <GameData.TechInfo>(); formationTeches = new List <GameData.TechInfo>(); }
/// <summary> /// Replaces the boss. /// </summary> /// <param name='_originalModel'> /// _original model. /// </param> private void ReplaceBoss(GameObject _originalModel) { if (Globals.Instance.MGameDataManager == null) { return; } CopyData t_cpdata = Globals.Instance.MGameDataManager.MCurrentCopyData; List <CopyMonsterData.MonsterData> t_monsterList = t_cpdata.MCopyMonsterData.MMonsterDataList; if (t_monsterList.Count > 0) { CopyMonsterData.MonsterData t_monsterData = t_monsterList[t_monsterList.Count - 1]; ReplaceModel(t_monsterData.ModelName, _originalModel); } }
public MainForm(CopyDataTransport dataTransport) { instance = this; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); lang = Language.GetInstance(); IniConfig.IniChanged += new FileSystemEventHandler(ReloadConfiguration); // Make sure all hotkeys pass this window! HotkeyControl.RegisterHotkeyHWND(this.Handle); RegisterHotkeys(); tooltip = new ToolTip(); UpdateUI(); InitializeQuickSettingsMenu(); captureForm = new CaptureForm(); // Load all the plugins PluginHelper.instance.LoadPlugins(this, captureForm); SoundHelper.Initialize(); // Enable the Greenshot icon to be visible, this prevents Problems with the context menu notifyIcon.Visible = true; // Create a new instance of the class: copyData = new CopyData(); copyData = new CopyData(); // Assign the handle: copyData.AssignHandle(this.Handle); // Create the channel to send on: copyData.Channels.Add("Greenshot"); // Hook up received event: copyData.CopyDataReceived += new CopyDataReceivedEventHandler(CopyDataDataReceived); if (dataTransport != null) { HandleDataTransport(dataTransport); } ClipboardHelper.RegisterClipboardViewer(this.Handle); }
void Start() { UIManager.SetButtonEventHandler(clostBtn.gameObject, EnumButtonEvent.OnClick, OnClickClose, 0, 0); Dictionary <int, CopyData> metaData = CopyData.GetData(); foreach (var x in metaData.Values) { GameObject objCell = Object.Instantiate(cell.gameObject) as GameObject; CopyOpenCellUI cellUI = objCell.GetComponent <CopyOpenCellUI>(); cellUI.cellData = x; objCell.transform.parent = grid.transform; objCell.SetActive(true); objCell.transform.localScale =; } noOpenCell.transform.parent = grid.transform; noOpenCell.SetActive(true); noOpenCell.transform.localScale =; }
private void ShowLog(object[] objs) { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new DoInMainThread(ShowLog)); return; } LogType type = CopyData.GetLogType((int)objs[0]); string message = (string)objs[1]; if (UserManager.GetUserManager().GetCurrentUser().IsAdmin()) { LogUtil.LogAdmin(LogTextBox, logFilePath, type, message); } else { LogUtil.LogTest(LogTextBox, logFilePath, type, message); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> createInstallationCopy([FromBody] CopyDataDB data) { // Write to SDDBackend var packageCopy = new CopyData(data.oldName, data.newName); try { var res = await pc.CreateCopy(packageCopy); } catch (HttpRequestException e) when(!e.Message.Contains("200")) { return(BadRequest()); } // Getting data ready for database var inst = new Installation(data.newName, "", data.Subscription, data.copyMethod, data.client); // Check state of the installation that has been copied try { var instStateRes = await pc.GetStateAsync(data.oldName); inst.state = await instStateRes.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } catch (HttpRequestException e) when(!e.Message.Contains("200")) { inst.state = "failed"; } // Write to database try { await cc.CreateInstallationAsync(inst); // TODO: Check if failed } catch (Exception) { // TODO: Delete copy from SDD return(BadRequest()); } return(Ok()); }
private IEnumerable <IDBRow> GetCopyRows() { if (CopyData == null || CopyData.Count == 0) { yield break; } // fix temp ids _Records = _Records.ToDictionary(x => x.Value.Id, x => x.Value); foreach (var copyRow in CopyData) { IDBRow rec = _Records[copyRow.Value].Clone(); rec.Data = rec.Data.Clone(); rec.Id = copyRow.Key; _Records[rec.Id] = rec; yield return(rec); } CopyData.Clear(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> copyJson([FromBody] CopyData data, [FromQuery] string repo = "scdfiles") { try { IActionResult actionResult = await getJson(data.oldName, repo); var content = actionResult as OkObjectResult; string jsonString = content.Value.ToString(); jsonString = jsonString.Replace(data.oldName, data.newName); InstallationRoot newInstallation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InstallationRoot>(jsonString); // create installation with a 10% chance of failing InstallationSim sim = simHandler.createFailedInstallationByChance(newInstallation, 10); await sim.runSetup(); if (sim.status == StatusType.STATUS_FINISHED_SUCCESS) { await GitController.CopyFile(data.newName, data.oldName, repo, jsonString); } else { return(BadRequest("{\"status\": 400, \"message\": \"Failed to create file.\", \"installation_status\": \"" + sim.status + "\"}")); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { return(BadRequest("{\"status\": 400, \"message\": \"Could not find file with the given filename.\"}")); } catch (ApiValidationException) { return(BadRequest("{\"status\": 400, \"message\": \"File already exists in github repo.\"}")); } catch (Exception) { return(BadRequest("{\"status\": 400, \"message\": \"Unknown error.\"}")); } return(Ok("{\"status\": 200, \"message\": \"Success.\", \"installation_status\": \"" + StatusType.STATUS_FINISHED_SUCCESS + "\"}")); }
protected virtual void InitRandomChests() { // Get the position list Object obj = null; if (null != MCurrentCopyData.MCopyBasicData.ChestPointsFile) { obj = Resources.Load(MCurrentCopyData.MCopyBasicData.ChestPointsFile); } else { obj = Resources.Load("PathPoints/Copy1ChestPoints"); } GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(obj) as GameObject; // AIPathPatrol pathAI = go.GetComponent<AIPathPatrol>() as AIPathPatrol; // _mChestPosList = new Vector3[pathAI.pathPointInfos.Length]; // for (int i = 0; i < _mChestPosList.Length; ++i) // { // _mChestPosList[i] = pathAI.pathPointInfos[i].Position; // } GameObject.Destroy(go); // Must after the _mChestPosList CopyData copytData = Globals.Instance.MGameDataManager.MCurrentCopyData; //if (0 == copytData.MCopyChestData.ChestIDList.Count) //{ // Globals.Instance.MGUIManager.GetGUIWindow<GUIMain>().UpdateCopyChestShow(_mChestList.Count); // return; //} foreach (int id in copytData.MCopyChestData.ChestIDList) { CreateRandomChest(id); } }
void InitMonsterObjs() { childMonsters.Clear(); // Hide all buildings foreach (Transform child in monsterRoot) { child.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false); childMonsters.Add(child); } childMonsters.Sort(delegate(Transform a, Transform b) { // Sort by name return(string.Compare(,; }); CopyData cpData = Globals.Instance.MGameDataManager.MCurrentCopyData; CopyMonsterData.MonsterData monsterData = null; for (int i = 0; i < cpData.MCopyMonsterData.MMonsterDataList.Count; i++) { monsterData = cpData.MCopyMonsterData.MMonsterDataList[i]; InitOneMonster(childMonsters[i], monsterData); if (i == cpData.MCopyMonsterData.MMonsterDataList.Count - 1) { if (cpData.MCopyBasicData.CopyType == 1) { childMonsters[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(EliteCardScale, EliteCardScale, 1.0f); } else if (cpData.MCopyBasicData.CopyType == 2) { childMonsters[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(BossCardScale, BossCardScale, 1.0f); } } } }
private void OnClickzh(ButtonScript obj, object args, int param1, int param2) { if (CopyData.IsCopyScene(GameManager.SceneID)) { PopText.Instance.Show(LanguageManager.instance.GetValue("bunengzhaohuan")); return; } for (int i = 0; i < TeamSystem.GetTeamMembers().Length; i++) { if (!TeamSystem.IsTeamLeader((int)TeamSystem.GetTeamMembers()[i].instId_)) { if (TeamSystem.GetTeamMembers()[i].isLeavingTeam_) { NetConnection.Instance.teamCallMember((int)TeamSystem.GetTeamMembers()[i].instId_); } } } tipsObj.SetActive(false); }
/// <summary> /// Process a server pong message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="handle">server windows handle</param> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> /// <remarks> /// Returns the message contents to the client application. /// </remarks> private void ProcessServerPong(IntPtr handle, ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("processServerPong"); // store server application window handle serverHandle = handle; // message parsing variables byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); int index = 0; // message format: // string: server name // string: server version // parse message string serverName = this.GetString(ref buffer, ref index); string serverVersion = this.GetString(ref buffer, ref index); // trigger server pong event this.NotifyServerPong(serverName, serverVersion); }
/// <summary> /// Process a server info message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> private void ProcessServerInfo(ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("ProcessServerInfo"); // message parsing variables byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); int index = 0; // message format: // string: server info // parse message string msg = this.GetString(ref buffer, ref index); // trigger server info event this.NotifyServerInfo(msg); }
/// <summary> /// Process a server connection info message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> /// <remarks> /// Returns the message contents to the client application by callback. /// </remarks> private void ProcessServerConnectionInfo(ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("processServerConnectionInfo"); // message parsing variables byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); int index = 0; // message format: // byte: connection type // byte: I2C address (for I2C connections) // UInt16: VID (for USB connections) // UInt16: PID (for USB connections) // string: bridge client name (for bridge connections) // string: bridge client version (for bridge connections) // parse message ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(); byte connectionType = this.GetByte(ref buffer, ref index); connectionInfo.connectionType = (ConnectionType)connectionType; connectionInfo.i2cAddress = this.GetByte(ref buffer, ref index); // the original version of this message only returned the I2C address, so // don't try to parse the buffer if it's too short if (buffer.Length > 2) { connectionInfo.usbVid = this.GetUshort(ref buffer, ref index); connectionInfo.usbPid = this.GetUshort(ref buffer, ref index); connectionInfo.bridgeName = this.GetString(ref buffer, ref index); connectionInfo.bridgeVersion = this.GetString(ref buffer, ref index); } else { connectionInfo.usbVid = 0; connectionInfo.usbPid = 0; connectionInfo.bridgeName = string.Empty; connectionInfo.bridgeVersion = string.Empty; } // trigger server connection info event this.NotifyServerConnectionInfo(connectionInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Process an object message message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> /// <remarks> /// Returns the message contents to the client application. /// </remarks> private void ProcessObjectMessage(ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("processObjectMessage"); // get message contents byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); // trigger object message event this.NotifyObjectMessage(ref buffer); }
/// <summary> /// Process a chip save config confirm message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> /// <remarks> /// Returns the message contents to the client application. /// </remarks> private void ProcessChipSaveConfigConfirm(ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("processChipSaveConfigConfirm"); // message parsing variables byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); int index = 0; // message format: // byte: flag: operation succeeded // parse message byte operationSucceeded = this.GetByte(ref buffer, ref index); // parse operation success/failure from message payload bool operationSucceededFlag = false; if (operationSucceeded == 0) { operationSucceededFlag = true; } // trigger chip save config confirm event this.NotifyChipSaveConfigConfirm(operationSucceededFlag); }
/// <summary> /// Process a chip object table message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> /// <remarks> /// Returns the message contents to the client application by callback. /// </remarks> private void ProcessChipObjectTable(ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("processChipObjectTable"); // message parsing variables byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); int index = 0; // message format: // byte: flag: operation succeeded // then: multiple instances of the following: // ushort: object type // ushort: object start position // ushort: object size // ushort: number of object instances // ushort: number of report IDs per instance // parse message byte operationSucceeded = this.GetByte(ref buffer, ref index); // parse operation success/failure from message payload bool operationSucceededFlag = false; if (operationSucceeded == 0) { operationSucceededFlag = true; } // calculate number of object table elements in the received data int bufferSize = buffer.Length; int numObjectTableElements = (bufferSize - 1) / ObjectTableElement.OBJECT_TABLE_ELEMENT_SIZE; // create object table ObjectTableElement[] objectTable = new ObjectTableElement[numObjectTableElements]; // parse object table from message for (int i = 0; i < numObjectTableElements; i++) { // build object table element ObjectTableElement objectTableElement = new ObjectTableElement(); objectTableElement.type = this.GetUshort(ref buffer, ref index); objectTableElement.start_position = this.GetUshort(ref buffer, ref index); objectTableElement.size = this.GetUshort(ref buffer, ref index); objectTableElement.instances = this.GetUshort(ref buffer, ref index); objectTableElement.num_report_ids_per_instance = this.GetUshort(ref buffer, ref index); // save object table element objectTable[i] = objectTableElement; } // trigger chip object table event this.NotifyChipObjectTable(operationSucceededFlag, ref objectTable); }
private void frmMain_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Global.ConnectionLog = new CEventLogEngine( Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "connection.log"); Global.ConnectionLog.Enabled = false; // Set to true to have all NNTP trafic logged to connection.log if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "Cache")) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "Cache"); if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "Download")) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "Download"); Decoder.DecodeQueue = new ArrayQueue(); Decoder.DecoderThread = new System.Threading.Thread( new System.Threading.ThreadStart( Decoder.Decode)); Decoder.DecoderThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Lowest; Decoder.DecoderThread.Name = "Decoder"; Decoder.DecoderThread.Start(); Global.m_Options = new OptionValues(false, true, 15, false, true, 5, true, 6, false, false, "", "", false, false, Global.m_CurrentDirectory); if(!LoadOptions(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "options.xml")) frmMain.LogWriteError(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "options.xml failed to load"); m_ServerManager = new ServerManager(); if(!m_ServerManager.LoadServers(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "servers.xml")) frmMain.LogWriteError(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "servers.xml failed to load"); if(System.IO.File.Exists(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "nzb-o-matic.xml")) ImportNZB(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "nzb-o-matic.xml"); if( Global.m_Options.ConnectOnStart) { frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Connect on startup enabled."); Connect(); } foreach(string str in Global.Args) { frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Startup parameter: " + str); if(str == "/start") { frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Connect on startup switch detected."); Connect(); } if(str == "/exit") { frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Exit on completion switch detected."); Global.m_ExitComplete = true; Menu_Main_Options_Exit.Checked = true; } if(str.EndsWith(".nzb")) { ImportNZB(str); } } copydata = new CopyData(); copydata.AssignHandle(this.Handle); copydata.Channels.Add("NZBImport"); copydata.DataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(copydata_DataReceived); UpdateServers(); frmMain.LogWriteInfo(Global.Name + " succesfully started."); frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Version: " + Global.Version); }
/// <summary> /// Process a chip debug data message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> private void ProcessChipDebugData(ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("ProcessChipDebugData"); byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); // trigger chip debug data event this.NotifyChipDebugData(ref buffer); }
/// <summary> /// Process a chip attach message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> /// <remarks> /// Returns the message contents to the client application. /// </remarks> private void ProcessChipAttach(ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("processChipAttach"); // get message contents byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); // expected data = family_id etc from chip info block // trigger chip attach event this.NotifyChipAttach(ref buffer); }
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hwnd, int wMsg, int wParam, ref CopyData lParam);
private static Document ForkNewDocument(CopyData copyData, Document document, TextSpan span) { // here we assume paste data is what is copied before. // we will check this assumption when things are actually pasted. var newText = document.GetTextAsync().Result.ToString().Remove(span.Start, span.Length).Insert(span.Start, copyData.Text); // fork solution return document.WithText(SourceText.From(newText)); }
public void Apply(ITextBuffer buffer, CopyData copyData) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Get the payload from a Windows WM_COPYDATA message. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">Windows WM_COPYDATA message</param> /// <returns>The message contents as a Byte array.</returns> protected byte[] GetBufferFromCopyData(ref CopyData copyData) { // the structure cbData field contains the number of bytes in the message data int bufferSize = copyData.cbData; // get a buffer containing the message data byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(copyData.lpData, buffer, 0, bufferSize); return buffer; }
/// <summary> /// Process a chip debug stop confirm message from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyData">received message</param> private void ProcessChipDebugStopConfirm(ref CopyData copyData) { // debug info OutputDebugString("ProcessChipDebugStopConfirm"); // message parsing variables byte[] buffer = null; buffer = this.GetBufferFromCopyData(ref copyData); int index = 0; // message format: // byte: debug stop status // parse message ChipDebugStopStatus chipDebugStopStatus = (ChipDebugStopStatus)this.GetByte(ref buffer, ref index); // trigger chip debug sopt confirm event this.NotifyChipDebugDataStopConfirm(chipDebugStopStatus); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if(Environment.CurrentDirectory != Application.StartupPath) Environment.CurrentDirectory = Application.StartupPath; Console.WriteLine("Creating loader."); m_RunMutex = new Mutex(true, "NZB-O-Matic Mutex"); if(!m_RunMutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { Console.WriteLine("Instance of NZB-O-Matic already running!"); CopyData cd = new CopyData(); cd.Channels.Add("NZBImport"); foreach(string str in args) if(str.EndsWith(".nzb")) cd.Channels["NZBImport"].Send(str); cd.Channels.Remove("NZBImport"); return; } do { try { //reset variables m_Update = false; m_Restart = false; //setup appdomain AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup(); setup.ApplicationName = "NZB-O-MaticPlus"; setup.ApplicationBase = Environment.CurrentDirectory; setup.ShadowCopyDirectories = Environment.CurrentDirectory; setup.ShadowCopyFiles = "true"; //create appdomain m_AppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Engine Domain", null, setup); //create remoteloader in appdomain m_RemoteLoader = (RemoteLoader)m_AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Application.ExecutablePath), "Loader.RemoteLoader"); //load assembly in to remoteloader m_RemoteLoader.LoadAssembly("Engine"); //create instance of engine in remoteloader m_RemoteLoader.Create(); //get name and version from engine m_Name = m_RemoteLoader.Name; m_Version = m_RemoteLoader.Version; //start engine in remoteloader m_RemoteLoader.Start(args); //get variables after engine exits m_Restart = m_RemoteLoader.Restart; m_Update = m_RemoteLoader.Update; } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } if(m_Update) { frmUpdate m_UpdateForm = new frmUpdate(); Application.Run(m_UpdateForm); m_UpdateForm.Dispose(); } } while(m_Restart); Console.WriteLine("Exiting program."); }
private void frmMain_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { Global.m_DataDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("appdata") + @"\nomp\"; if (Global.m_DataDirectory == @"\nomp\") throw new ArgumentNullException(); } catch { Global.m_DataDirectory = Global.m_CurrentDirectory; } Global.m_CacheDirectory = Global.m_DataDirectory + @"\Cache\"; try { RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"); string str = (string)rk.GetValue("Personal"); if (str == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException(); Global.m_DownloadDirectory = str + @"\download\"; } catch { Global.m_DownloadDirectory = Global.m_CurrentDirectory + @"\download\"; } Global.ConnectionLog = new CEventLogEngine( Global.m_DataDirectory + "connection.log"); Global.ConnectionLog.Enabled = false; // Set to true to have all NNTP trafic logged to connection.log if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( Global.m_CacheDirectory)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( Global.m_CacheDirectory); if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( Global.m_DownloadDirectory)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( Global.m_DownloadDirectory); Decoder.DecodeQueue = new ArrayQueue(); Decoder.DecoderThread = new System.Threading.Thread( new System.Threading.ThreadStart( Decoder.Decode)); Decoder.DecoderThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Lowest; Decoder.DecoderThread.Name = "Decoder"; Decoder.DecoderThread.Start(); Global.m_Options = new OptionValues(false, true, 15, false, true, 5, true, 6, false, false, "", "", false, false, Global.m_CurrentDirectory, false); if(!LoadOptions(Global.m_DataDirectory + "options.xml")) { if(!LoadOptions(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "options.xml")) frmMain.LogWriteError(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "options.xml failed to load"); } m_ServerManager = new ServerManager(); if(!m_ServerManager.LoadServers(Global.m_DataDirectory + "servers.xml")) { if(!m_ServerManager.LoadServers(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "servers.xml")) frmMain.LogWriteError(Global.m_CurrentDirectory + "servers.xml failed to load"); } if(System.IO.File.Exists(Global.m_DataDirectory + "nzb-o-matic.xml")) ImportNZB(Global.m_DataDirectory + "nzb-o-matic.xml"); if( Global.m_Options.ConnectOnStart) { frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Connect on startup enabled."); Connect(); } foreach(string str in Global.Args) { frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Startup parameter: " + str); if(str == "/start") { frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Connect on startup switch detected."); Connect(); } if(str == "/exit") { frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Exit on completion switch detected."); Global.m_ExitComplete = true; Menu_Main_Options_Exit.Checked = true; } if(str.EndsWith(".nzb")) { ImportNZB(str); } } copydata = new CopyData(); copydata.AssignHandle(this.Handle); copydata.Channels.Add("NZBImport"); copydata.DataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(copydata_DataReceived); UpdateServers(); frmMain.LogWriteInfo(Global.Name + " succesfully started."); frmMain.LogWriteInfo("Version: " + Global.Version); }