Example #1
    private void CreatePointCloud(ushort[] depthData, Texture2D colorData)
        int pointCloudSize = scaledH * scaledW;

        Vector3[] _pointCloud = new Vector3[pointCloudSize]; //(int)(frameDesc.Width/skip + frameDesc.Height/skip)];
        Color[]   _colorCloud = new Color[pointCloudSize];   //same size as the point cloud

        //now we cycle through the depth frame
        int i = 0;  //this is the index that tracks both the _pointCloud and the _colorCloud.

        for (int x = 0; x < W; x += skip)
            for (int y = 0; y < H; y += skip)
                int             offset = x + y * W;
                ushort          depth  = depthData[offset];
                DepthSpacePoint Pd     = new DepthSpacePoint();
                Pd.X = x;
                Pd.Y = y;

                //now that i have my depth spacepoint lets map it to the color space
                ColorSpacePoint Cp = _Mapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(Pd, depth);

                if (depth != 0)
                    pCloudReady = true;

                Vector3 temp = depthToPointCloudPos(x, y, depth);
                _colorCloud[i] = colorData.GetPixel((int)Cp.X, (int)Cp.Y);  //we always save the color

                 * So the point of this is that we want to reduce draw calls by not rendering things
                 * that are being culled by the window the user picked.  But we dont wanna loose the data
                if ((Mathf.Abs(temp.x) <= maxW) && (Mathf.Abs(temp.y) <= maxH) && (Mathf.Abs(temp.z) <= maxD))
                {  //impliment depth narrowing -- only the points within the window
                    _pointCloud[i] = temp;
                else if ((Mathf.Abs(temp.x) <= maxW) && (Mathf.Abs(temp.y) <= maxH) && (Mathf.Abs(temp.z) > maxD))
                    if (project)
                        Vector3 test = projectToBack(temp);
                        _pointCloud[i] = test;
                    _pointCloud[i] = Vector3.zero;

        pointCloudSize = i;
        pointCloud     = _pointCloud; //pointCloud = tools.ChopAt(_pointCloud,i);
        colorCloud     = _colorCloud; //colorCloud = tools.ChopAt(_colorCloud,i);
        pCloudSize     = pointCloudSize;
        internal Finger(DepthPointEx point, CoordinateMapper coordinateMapper)
            ushort depth = (ushort)point.Z;

            DepthPoint = new DepthSpacePoint
                X = point.X,
                Y = point.Y

            ColorPoint = coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(DepthPoint, (ushort)point.Z);

            CameraPoint = coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(DepthPoint, (ushort)point.Z);
Example #3
        internal Finger(DepthPointEx point, CoordinateMapper coordinateMapper)
            ushort depth = (ushort)point.Z;

            DepthPoint = new DepthSpacePoint
                X = point.X,
                Y = point.Y

            ColorPoint = coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(DepthPoint, (ushort)point.Z);

            CameraPoint = coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(DepthPoint, (ushort)point.Z);
        public unsafe void Update(ushort[] depthData, byte[] bodyIndexData, Body body)
            double handLength = 0.0;
            double barLength  = 0.0;
            double barHeight  = 0.0;
            double angle      = 0.0;

            Joint shoulderLeft  = body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft];
            Joint shoulderRight = body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight];
            Joint chest         = body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder];
            Joint waist         = body.Joints[JointType.SpineBase];
            Joint elbowLeft     = body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft];
            Joint elbowRight    = body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight];
            Joint handLeft      = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
            Joint handRight     = body.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
            Joint footLeft      = body.Joints[JointType.FootLeft];
            Joint footRight     = body.Joints[JointType.FootRight];

            if (waist.TrackingState == TrackingState.NotTracked)

            if (waist.Position.Z < 2.0f || waist.Position.Z > 4.5f)

            if (shoulderLeft.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked && shoulderRight.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked &&
                elbowLeft.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked && elbowRight.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked &&
                handLeft.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked && handRight.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked)
                handLength =
                    shoulderLeft.Position.Length(shoulderRight.Position) +
                    shoulderLeft.Position.Length(elbowLeft.Position) +
                    shoulderRight.Position.Length(elbowRight.Position) +
                    elbowLeft.Position.Length(handLeft.Position) +

            CoordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depthData, _depthPoints);

            fixed(DepthSpacePoint *colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer = _depthPoints)
                int    minimumX        = int.MaxValue;
                int    maximumX        = int.MinValue;
                int    minimumY        = int.MaxValue;
                int    maximumY        = int.MinValue;
                ushort minimumDistance = 0;
                ushort maximumdistance = 0;

                for (int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < _depthPoints.Length; ++colorIndex)
                    float colorMappedToDepthX = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].X;
                    float colorMappedToDepthY = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].Y;

                    if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(colorMappedToDepthX) &&
                        int depthX = (int)(colorMappedToDepthX + 0.5f);
                        int depthY = (int)(colorMappedToDepthY + 0.5f);

                        if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < DepthWidth) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < DepthHeight))
                            int    depthIndex = (depthY * DepthWidth) + depthX;
                            ushort depth      = depthData[depthIndex];

                            if (bodyIndexData[depthIndex] != 0xff)
                                if (depthX < minimumX)
                                    minimumX        = depthX;
                                    minimumY        = depthY;
                                    minimumDistance = depth;
                                if (depthX > maximumX)
                                    maximumX        = depthX;
                                    maximumY        = depthY;
                                    maximumdistance = depth;

                DepthSpacePoint depthMinimum = new DepthSpacePoint
                    X = minimumX,
                    Y = minimumY

                DepthSpacePoint depthMaximum = new DepthSpacePoint
                    X = maximumX,
                    Y = maximumY

                CameraSpacePoint cameraMinimum = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthMinimum, minimumDistance);
                CameraSpacePoint cameraMaximum = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthMaximum, maximumdistance);

                ColorSpacePoint colorMinimum = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(depthMinimum, minimumDistance);
                ColorSpacePoint colorMaximum = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(depthMaximum, maximumdistance);

                CameraSpacePoint cameraTrail = new CameraSpacePoint
                    X = (cameraMinimum.X + cameraMaximum.X) / 2f,
                    Y = (cameraMinimum.Y + cameraMaximum.Y) / 2f,
                    Z = (cameraMinimum.Z + cameraMaximum.Z) / 2f

                ColorSpacePoint colorTrail = new ColorSpacePoint
                    X = (colorMinimum.X + colorMaximum.X) / 2f,
                    Y = (colorMinimum.Y + colorMaximum.Y) / 2f

                DepthSpacePoint depthTrail = new DepthSpacePoint
                    X = (depthMinimum.X + depthMaximum.X) / 2f,
                    Y = (depthMinimum.Y + depthMaximum.Y) / 2f

                CameraSpacePoint feet = new CameraSpacePoint
                    X = (footLeft.Position.X + footRight.Position.X) / 2f,
                    Y = (footLeft.Position.Y + footRight.Position.Y) / 2f,
                    Z = (footLeft.Position.Z + footRight.Position.Z) / 2f

                CameraSpacePoint projection = new CameraSpacePoint
                    X = cameraTrail.X,
                    Y = feet.Y,
                    Z = cameraTrail.Z

                barLength = cameraMinimum.Length(cameraMaximum);
                barHeight = cameraTrail.Length(projection);

                angle = cameraMinimum.Angle(cameraMaximum, new CameraSpacePoint {
                    X = cameraMaximum.X, Y = cameraMinimum.Y, Z = (cameraMaximum.Z + cameraMinimum.Z) / 2f

                if (angle > 180.0)
                    angle = 360.0 - angle;

                if (cameraMinimum.Y < cameraMaximum.Y)
                    angle = -angle;

                if (barLength > handLength)
                    BarDetectionResult result = new BarDetectionResult
                        Minimum = new MultiPoint
                            CameraPoint = cameraMinimum,
                            ColorPoint  = colorMinimum,
                            DepthPoint  = depthMinimum
                        Maximum = new MultiPoint
                            CameraPoint = cameraMaximum,
                            ColorPoint  = colorMaximum,
                            DepthPoint  = depthMaximum
                        Trail = new MultiPoint
                            CameraPoint = cameraTrail,
                            ColorPoint  = colorTrail,
                            DepthPoint  = depthTrail
                        BarHeight = barHeight + HEIGHT_DIFFERENCE,
                        BarLength = barLength,
                        Angle     = angle

                    BarDetected?.Invoke(this, result);
Example #5
        public static void calculateProject( CoordinateMapper coordinateMapper, String outputFilename)
            CameraSpacePoint[] spacePointBasics = new CameraSpacePoint[] {
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = -0.1f, Y = 0.0f, Z = 1.0f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = -0.7f, Y = 0.0f, Z = 1.0f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.0f, Y = -0.1f, Z = 1.0f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.0f, Y = -0.7f, Z = 1.0f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.7f, Y = 0.0f, Z = 1.0f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.35f, Y = 0.0f, Z = 1.0f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.0f, Y = 0.3f, Z = 1.0f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.0f, Y = 0.0f, Z = 1.0f },

                //Skeleton_Joint_Locations 0.51399,0.163888,1.20627,0.494376,0.362051,1.19127
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.51399f, Y = 0.163888f, Z = 1.20627f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.494376f, Y = 0.362051f, Z = 1.19127f },

                //Skeleton_Joint_Locations_Orig 0.534418,-0.159339,1.38631,0.523629,0.0243074,1.30818 
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.534418f, Y = -0.159339f, Z = 1.38631f },
                new CameraSpacePoint { X = 0.523629f, Y = 0.0243074f, Z = 1.30818f }, };

            DepthSpacePoint[] spaceBasicToDepth = new DepthSpacePoint[spacePointBasics.Count()];

            coordinateMapper.MapCameraPointsToDepthSpace(spacePointBasics, spaceBasicToDepth);

            ColorSpacePoint[] spaceBasicToColor = new ColorSpacePoint[spacePointBasics.Count()];

            coordinateMapper.MapCameraPointsToColorSpace(spacePointBasics, spaceBasicToColor);

            ColorSpacePoint[] spaceBasicToDepthToColor = new ColorSpacePoint[spacePointBasics.Count()];

            coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointsToColorSpace(spaceBasicToDepth, Enumerable.Repeat((ushort)1000, spacePointBasics.Count()).ToArray(), spaceBasicToDepthToColor);

            Console.WriteLine("Camera space points to depth space points");
            foreach (var t in spaceBasicToDepth)

            Console.WriteLine("Camera space points to color space points");
            foreach (var t in spaceBasicToColor)
            Console.WriteLine("Camera space points to depth space points then to color space points");
            foreach (var t in spaceBasicToDepthToColor)

            DepthSpacePoint[] depthBasics = new DepthSpacePoint[]
                new DepthSpacePoint() {  X = 0.0f, Y = 30.0f },
                new DepthSpacePoint() {  X = 0.0f, Y = 380.0f },
                new DepthSpacePoint() {  X = 511.0f, Y = 30.0f },
                new DepthSpacePoint() {  X = 511.0f, Y = 380.0f },
                new DepthSpacePoint() {  X = 262.7343f, Y = 203.6235f }, // Center of origin

            int noOfPoints = depthBasics.Count();
            ColorSpacePoint[] depthBasicToColor = new ColorSpacePoint[noOfPoints];
            CameraSpacePoint[] depthBasicToCamera = new CameraSpacePoint[noOfPoints];

            // Depth used for depth field are the same as z-axis
            // Not the distance from IR sensor to the point
            ushort[] distances = new ushort[] { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 2000, 40000 };
            foreach (var distance in distances)
                coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointsToColorSpace(depthBasics, Enumerable.Repeat(distance, noOfPoints).ToArray(), depthBasicToColor);

                Console.WriteLine("Projection from depth to color ");
                Console.WriteLine("z-axis = " + distance);
                foreach (var point in depthBasicToColor)

                coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointsToCameraSpace(depthBasics, Enumerable.Repeat(distance, noOfPoints).ToArray(), depthBasicToCamera);

                Console.WriteLine("Projection from depth to camera ");
                Console.WriteLine("z-axis = " + distance);
                foreach (var point in depthBasicToCamera)

                for (int i = 0; i < noOfPoints; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine(projectDepthPixelToCameraSpacePoint(new Point3(depthBasics[i].X, depthBasics[i].Y, distance)).ToSString());

            // Let's X_ir(P) being P.X in depth image, X_rgb(P) being P.X in RGB

            // The calculation here is just an estimation, doesn't take into account camera calibration
            // Solve the problem on the z-plane of 1 meter
            // Center of depth field has the same X, Y as the zero point of coordinate space
            System.Drawing.PointF centerDepthField_ir = new System.Drawing.PointF(spaceBasicToDepth[4].X, spaceBasicToDepth[4].Y);

            System.Drawing.PointF centerDepthField_rgb = new System.Drawing.PointF(spaceBasicToColor[4].X, spaceBasicToColor[4].Y);

            // It is difficult to get the center point of rgb field directly, so let's assume it is the center of rgb field

            System.Drawing.PointF centerRgbField_rgb = new System.Drawing.PointF(964.5f, 544.5f);

            // Vector from centerRgbFieldInRgb to centerDepthFieldInRgb
            System.Drawing.PointF translation = new System.Drawing.PointF(centerDepthField_rgb.X - centerRgbField_rgb.X,
                 centerDepthField_rgb.Y - centerRgbField_rgb.Y);

            // Ratio of depth unit / rgb unit
            float ratioX = (spaceBasicToDepth[2].X - centerDepthField_ir.X) / (spaceBasicToColor[2].X - centerDepthField_rgb.X);
            float ratioY = (spaceBasicToDepth[3].Y - centerDepthField_ir.Y) / (spaceBasicToColor[3].Y - centerDepthField_rgb.Y);

            ColorSpacePoint[,] shortRange = new ColorSpacePoint[512, 424];
            ColorSpacePoint[,] longRange = new ColorSpacePoint[512, 424];

            for ( int X = 0; X < 511; X ++ )
                for ( int Y = 0; Y < 423; Y ++ )
                    Point3 p1 = new Point3 { X = X, Y = Y, Z = 500 };
                    Point3 p2 = new Point3 { X = X, Y = Y, Z = 8000 };

                    var p1Projected = coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(new DepthSpacePoint { X = p1.X, Y = p1.Y }, (ushort)p1.Z);
                    var p2Projected = coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(new DepthSpacePoint { X = p2.X, Y = p2.Y }, (ushort)p2.Z);

                    shortRange[X, Y] = p1Projected;
                    longRange[X, Y] = p2Projected;
            // Write these projected points into a file
            if ( !File.Exists(COORDINATE_MAPPING) )
                var coordinateWriter = new DepthCoordinateMappingWriter(COORDINATE_MAPPING);

                coordinateWriter.write(512, 424, 500, 8000, shortRange, longRange);

            // Let's get a random space point with a depth
            Point3[] PointAs = new Point3[] { new Point3 { X = 300f, Y = 300f, Z = 500 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 400f, Y = 400f, Z = 500 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 300f, Y = 300f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 400f, Y = 400f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 300f, Y = 300f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 400f, Y = 400f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 100f, Y = 100f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 100f, Y = 100f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 0f, Y = 100f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 0f, Y = 100f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 50f, Y = 100f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 50f, Y = 100f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 50f, Y = 50f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 50f, Y = 50f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 500f, Y = 50f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 500f, Y = 50f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 10f, Y = 10f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 10f, Y = 10f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 500f, Y = 200f, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = 500f, Y = 200f, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = depthBasics[4].X, Y = depthBasics[4].Y, Z = 2000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = depthBasics[4].X, Y = depthBasics[4].Y, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = depthBasics[4].X, Y = depthBasics[4].Y, Z = 4000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = depthBasics[4].X, Y = depthBasics[4].Y, Z = 500 },
                                                new Point3 { X = spaceBasicToDepth[2].X, Y = spaceBasicToDepth[2].Y, Z = 1000 },
                                                new Point3 { X = spaceBasicToDepth[2].X, Y = spaceBasicToDepth[2].Y, Z = 2000 },

            foreach (Point3 PointA in PointAs)
                // Project randomDepthPoint using ray from IR camera on the 1-z plane
                // It still has X_ir = 300, y_ir = 300 

                System.Drawing.PointF projectedA_ir = new System.Drawing.PointF(PointA.X, PointA.Y);

                // Let's find projectedA_rgb
                System.Drawing.PointF projectedA_rgb = new System.Drawing.PointF(translation.X * 1000 / PointA.Z + (projectedA_ir.X - centerDepthField_ir.X) / ratioX + centerRgbField_rgb.X,
                                                                                   translation.Y * 1000 / PointA.Z + (projectedA_ir.Y - centerDepthField_ir.Y) / ratioY + centerRgbField_rgb.Y);

                // Test
                Console.WriteLine(PointA.X + ", " + PointA.Y + ", " + PointA.Z);
                Console.WriteLine(projectedPoint(shortRange, longRange, 500, 8000, PointA));
                Console.WriteLine(coordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(new DepthSpacePoint { X = PointA.X, Y = PointA.Y }, (ushort)PointA.Z).ToSString());