Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates 4 vectors required to draw the pixel block on terrain
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name = "col" > Column retrieved from DataCube</param>
    /// <param name = "row" > Row retrieved from DataCube</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Returns corners in Unity coordinates
    /// </remarks>
    Vector2[] CalculateCorners(float col, float row)
        Vector2[,] coordCube = DataCube.coordCube;
        int dataHeight = coordCube.GetLength(1);
        int dataWidth  = coordCube.GetLength(0);
        // Pixel indexing is addressed between indices, so 0-1 refers to pixel 1.
        // Last pixel can be indexed by addressing second to last indice.
        int selectedRow = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Clamp(row, 1, dataHeight - 2));
        int selectedCol = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Clamp(col, 1, dataWidth - 2));

        // Find nearest point from user selection corresponding to 4 square regions from
        // center point. Think with respect to satellite long/lat,
        // which pixel are we looking at with respect to user selection?
        // Each region is averaged out to encompass full surrounding pixels to which
        // values are passed onto raycasting based on where the pixel block will be located
        // due to change in region because of origin difference per terrain.
        Vector2[] corners = new Vector2[4];

        corners[0] = (coordCube[selectedCol, selectedRow] + coordCube[selectedCol - 1, selectedRow - 1]
                      + coordCube[selectedCol - 1, selectedRow] + coordCube[selectedCol, selectedRow - 1]) / 4;
        corners[1] = (coordCube[selectedCol, selectedRow] + coordCube[selectedCol + 1, selectedRow - 1]
                      + coordCube[selectedCol + 1, selectedRow] + coordCube[selectedCol, selectedRow - 1]) / 4;
        corners[2] = (coordCube[selectedCol, selectedRow] + coordCube[selectedCol + 1, selectedRow + 1]
                      + coordCube[selectedCol + 1, selectedRow] + coordCube[selectedCol, selectedRow + 1]) / 4;
        corners[3] = (coordCube[selectedCol, selectedRow] + coordCube[selectedCol - 1, selectedRow + 1]
                      + coordCube[selectedCol - 1, selectedRow] + coordCube[selectedCol, selectedRow + 1]) / 4;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            corners[i] = CoordinateEquations.latlongToUnity(corners[i]);
Example #2
    void Update()
        //going from unity mars latlon to unity coords
        Vector2 init_unitycoords  = CoordinateEquations.latlongToUnity(initial_longitude, initial_latitude);
        Vector2 final_unitycoords = CoordinateEquations.latlongToUnity(final_longitude, final_latitude);
        float   y = (initial_altitudeKm - marsRadKm) * 1000;

        initial_position = new Vector3(init_unitycoords.x, y, init_unitycoords.y);
        final_position   = new Vector3(final_unitycoords.x, y, final_unitycoords.y);
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads in the lat long, converts to unity x z and draws resulting path
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadData()
        //Read in the latitude and longitude coords of rover traversal points
        TextAsset traversalLong = Resources.Load("traversal_long") as TextAsset;
        TextAsset traversalLat  = Resources.Load("traversal_lat") as TextAsset;

        //turn the text of each into an array- each element is a string lat/long
        string[] longLines = traversalLong.text.Split('\n');
        string[] latLines  = traversalLat.text.Split('\n');

        //number of lat/long coords
        int dataLen = longLines.Length;

        lineRenderer.positionCount = dataLen;

        //will hold float values- this step converts the string lat long to floats
        float[] longFloats = new float[dataLen];
        float[] latFloats  = new float[dataLen];
        for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; i++)
            longFloats[i] = float.Parse(longLines[i]);
            latFloats[i]  = float.Parse(latLines[i]);

        //convert lat/long to unity coords
        float[] unityXCoords = new float[dataLen];
        float[] unityZCoords = new float[dataLen];
        for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; i++)
            Vector2 unityCoords = CoordinateEquations.latlongToUnity(latFloats[i], longFloats[i]);  //TODO- need to make sure this method is correct!
            unityXCoords[i] = unityCoords.x;
            unityZCoords[i] = unityCoords.y;

        // interpolate coordinate data by multiplier
        int multiplier = 15;

        Vector2[] interpUnityCoords = new Vector2[dataLen * multiplier];
        for (int i = 0; i < dataLen - 1; i++)
            interpUnityCoords[i * multiplier] = new Vector2(unityXCoords[i], unityZCoords[i]);

            for (int k = 1; k < multiplier; k++)
                interpUnityCoords[i * multiplier + k] = Vector2.Lerp(interpUnityCoords[i * multiplier], new Vector2(unityXCoords[i + 1], unityZCoords[i + 1]), k / (float)multiplier);
        interpUnityCoords[(dataLen - 1) * multiplier] = new Vector2(unityXCoords[dataLen - 1], unityZCoords[dataLen - 1]);

        //draw lines based on unity coords
        int interpDataLen = dataLen * multiplier;

        Vector3[] points = new Vector3[interpDataLen];
        for (int i = 0; i < interpDataLen; i++)
            Ray        r = new Ray(interpUnityCoords[i].x * Vector3.right + Vector3.up * 1000 + interpUnityCoords[i].y * Vector3.forward, Vector3.down);
            RaycastHit hitinfo;

            int terrainLayerMask = 1 << TerrainManager.terrainLayer;    //cast rays only against colliders in layer "terrain"
            if (Physics.Raycast(r, out hitinfo, Mathf.Infinity, terrainLayerMask))
                points[i] = hitinfo.point + Vector3.up * .1f;
                if (i > 0)
                    points[i] = new Vector3(interpUnityCoords[i].x, points[i - 1].y, interpUnityCoords[i].y);
                    points[i] = new Vector3(interpUnityCoords[i].x, -5f, interpUnityCoords[i].y);
Example #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector2 unityXZ = CoordinateEquations.latlongToUnity(latlong);

        transform.position = new Vector3(unityXZ.x, transform.position.y, unityXZ.y);