Example #1
    //TODO: Split into different files

    private void OnMouseUp()
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
            Transform objectHit = hit.transform;

            //Instantiate ( this.Cube, hit.point, Quaternion.identity );
            var point = hit.point;
            Debug.Log(point.y + ", " + (point.y - 0.2f * point.y));
            if (point.y > 1.4 && point.y < 1.93)
                point.y -= 0.1f * point.y;
            if (point.y > 1.93)
                point.y -= 0.18f * point.y;
            Vector3 p = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z);

            SphericalCoord cs = CoordHelper.TransformToSphericalCoord(p, this.transform.position);

            Vector2 uv = CoordHelper.SphericalToUV(cs);

Example #2
        private void converteData()
            DataTable tempDataTable = SVCHelper.ReadCsvFile(this.path);
            int       k             = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in tempDataTable.Rows)
                if (!this.isStop)
                    string xString = row["X"] != null ? row["X"].ToString() : "";
                    string yString = row["Y"] != null ? row["Y"].ToString() : "";
                    double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
                    double.TryParse(xString, out x);
                    double.TryParse(yString, out y);
                    Coord coord = new Coord(x, y);
                    coord = CoordHelper.Gcj2Wgs(coord.lon, coord.lat);
                    DataRow newRow = this.dataTable.NewRow();
                    for (int i = 0; i < row.ItemArray.Length; i++)
                        newRow[i] = row[i];
                    newRow["WGS84_X"] = coord.lon;
                    newRow["WGS84_Y"] = coord.lat;
                    if (this.convertHandler != null)
                        this.convertHandler(newRow, k, tempDataTable.Rows.Count);
            if (this.converteEndHandler != null)
Example #3
    public void BuildFromLandingSpot(SphericalCoord landingSpot)
        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

        terrainChunks = new DynamicTerrainChunk[numCols, numRows];

        // Create the center chunk.

        Quaternion rotation = CoordHelper.SphericalToRotation(landingSpot);

        if (rotTest)
            rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 45);

        Vector3 position = new Vector3(
            (-WorldUnitsPerChunk / 2f),
            (-WorldUnitsPerChunk / 2f)

        // FIXME: Hardcoded?
        terrainChunks[1, 1] = BuildChunk(rotation, position);


        Debug.Log("Terrain generation time: " + (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f));
Example #4
        private void DrawCanvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            var p = CoordHelper.TranslateFromMouse(CanvasWrapper.Config,

            var xps = string.Format("{0:0.###}", p.ValueX);
            var yps = string.Format("{0:0.###}", p.ValueY);

            UpdateStatus("POINT: (" + xps + ", " + yps + ")");
Example #5
    void FixedUpdate()
        string s = "";

        s += string.Format("TRANSFORM (SPACE):            {0}\n", TargetObject.position);
        SphericalCoord sphereCoord = CoordHelper.TransformToSphericalCoord(TargetObject.position, ParentObject.position);

        s += string.Format("SPHERICAL COORDINATES:   {0}\n", sphereCoord.ToString());
        Vector2 uvCoord = CoordHelper.SphericalToUV(sphereCoord);

        s        += string.Format("UV COORDINATES:                    {0}\n", uvCoord.ToString());
        text.text = s;
    public SphericalCoord LocalToSpherical(Vector3 localPosition)
        // We need to know our 0..1
        float xPos = localPosition.x / terrainData.size.x;
        float yPos = localPosition.z / terrainData.size.z;  // NOTE: Z!

        Quaternion pointRotation = ChunkRotation *
            xPos * DegreesPerChunk - (DegreesPerChunk / 2f),
            yPos * DegreesPerChunk - (DegreesPerChunk / 2f),

    void Update()
        string s = "";

        s += string.Format("Transform: {0}\n", TargetObject.position);

        SphericalCoord sphereCoord = CoordHelper.TransformToSphericalCoord(TargetObject.position, ParentObject.position);

        s += string.Format("Spherical Coordinates: {0}\n", sphereCoord.ToString());

        Vector2 uvCoord = CoordHelper.SphericalToUV(sphereCoord);

        s += string.Format("Texture UV: {0}\n", uvCoord.ToString());

        text.text = s;
Example #8
        private void btnBaiduPoi_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.mapControl.extent == null)
            Extent extent    = this.mapControl.extent;
            Extent newExtent = new Extent();

            if (this.mapType == MapType.Gaode || this.mapType == MapType.GaodeImage || this.mapType == MapType.Google ||
                this.mapType == MapType.GoogleImage)
                Coord leftTop = CoordHelper.Mercator2lonLat(extent.minX, extent.minY);
                leftTop = CoordHelper.BdEncrypt(leftTop.lat, leftTop.lon);
                Coord rightBottum = CoordHelper.Mercator2lonLat(extent.maxX, extent.maxY);
                rightBottum    = CoordHelper.BdEncrypt(rightBottum.lat, rightBottum.lon);
                newExtent.minX = leftTop.lon;
                newExtent.minY = leftTop.lat;
                newExtent.maxX = rightBottum.lon;
                newExtent.maxY = rightBottum.lat;
            else if (this.mapType == MapType.Tiandi || this.mapType == MapType.TiandiImage)
                Coord leftTop = CoordHelper.Transform(extent.minX, extent.minY);
                leftTop = CoordHelper.BdEncrypt(leftTop.lat, leftTop.lon);
                Coord rightBottum = CoordHelper.Transform(extent.maxX, extent.maxY);
                rightBottum    = CoordHelper.BdEncrypt(rightBottum.lat, rightBottum.lon);
                newExtent.minX = leftTop.lon;
                newExtent.minY = leftTop.lat;
                newExtent.maxX = rightBottum.lon;
                newExtent.maxY = rightBottum.lat;
            FrmPOIDownForBaidu frmPOIDown = new FrmPOIDownForBaidu(newExtent);

        public static void Action(NagibatorTank me, ScannedRobotEvent e)
                if (me.IsTeammate(e.Name))
                Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(OnScannedRobotModule)}: spotted [{e.Name}]. My target is [{me.Target}]");

                var enemyPosition = CoordHelper.GetEnemyCoordinate(me.Heading, me.Status, e);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Target))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(OnScannedRobotModule)}: Setting team target {e.Name}");
                    me.Target = e.Name;

                if (me.Target.Equals(e.Name))
                    //me.SetTurnRadarRight(2.0 * Utils.NormalRelativeAngleDegrees(me.Heading + e.Bearing - me.RadarHeading));
                    Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(OnScannedRobotModule)}: Fire to {e.Name}");
                    me.Fire(FireHelper.GetFirePower(me, e, enemyPosition));
                    MessageHelper.SendMessage(me, new Dictionary <string, string>
                        [Constants.MessageType] = Constants.EnemyPositionMessage.Type,
                        [Name]     = e.Name,
                        [X]        = enemyPosition.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        [Y]        = enemyPosition.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        [Bearing]  = e.Bearing.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        [Distance] = e.Distance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

                    me.TargetPoint = enemyPosition;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(OnScannedRobotModule)}: {ex}");
Example #10
    public void SwitchToTerrain()
        if (isTerrain)
            Debug.LogError("Already in terrain mode.");

        // We are in space mode, but have to switch to terrain mode.
        isTerrain = true;

        // What are the coordinates of the ship relative to the planetoid
        SphericalCoord sphereCoord = CoordHelper.TransformToSphericalCoord(TheShip.position, ThePlanetoid.transform.position);
        string         s           = string.Format("Landing ship at coordinates: {0}\n", sphereCoord.ToString());



        // NOTE: This will freeze the game for a few seconds depending on processor speed.
        // Consider solutions like CoRoutines or Threading.
        TheTerrain.GetComponent <DynamicTerrainMaster>().BuildFromLandingSpot(sphereCoord);

        // Now that the terrain exists, move the ship to be in the same reference system.
        // Rotate the ship -90 around the X axis
        TheShip.transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, -90);

        Vector3 pos          = TheShip.transform.position;
        float   planetRadius = ThePlanetoid.transform.localScale.x / 2f; // Pick any one axis of the scale

        // Subtract the radius of the planetoid
        pos = pos.normalized * (pos.magnitude - planetRadius);

        // In space, 1 unit = 1km. On ground, 1 unit = 1m. So mult scales/distance by 1000.
        TheShip.transform.position = pos * 1000f;
        Vector3 scale = TheShip.transform.localScale * 1000f;

        TheShip.transform.localScale = scale;
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a SphericalCoord (Lat/Lon) into a Vector3 that represents
    /// the position of the Lat/Lon on this terrain chunk
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sc">Sc.</param>
    Vector3 SphericalToLocalPosition(SphericalCoord sc)
        //Debug.Log( gameObject.name + " -- " + sc.ToString());

        Quaternion buildingQat = CoordHelper.SphericalToRotation(sc);

        float xAngleDiff = buildingQat.eulerAngles.x - ChunkRotation.eulerAngles.x;

        while (xAngleDiff < -360)
            xAngleDiff += 360;
        while (xAngleDiff > 360)
            xAngleDiff -= 360;

        float yAngleDiff = buildingQat.eulerAngles.y - ChunkRotation.eulerAngles.y;

        //Debug.Log( gameObject.name + " -- xAngleDiff: " + xAngleDiff);
        //Debug.Log( gameObject.name + " -- yAngleDiff: " + yAngleDiff);

        Vector3 distFromCenter = new Vector3(
            ((yAngleDiff / DegreesPerChunk)) * WorldUnitsPerChunk,
            0,  // HEIGHT of building
            ((xAngleDiff / DegreesPerChunk)) * WorldUnitsPerChunk

        // Rotate the vector based on chunk's rotation
        // Do we need to incorporate longitude? I think we do.
        //   I think we need to check the different in longitude between the center of the
        //   terrain chunk and where the building is.
        distFromCenter = Quaternion.Euler(0, -ChunkRotation.eulerAngles.z, 0) * distFromCenter;

        // Now move the vector's origin to the bottom-left corner and return that

        return(distFromCenter + new Vector3(WorldUnitsPerChunk / 2, 0, WorldUnitsPerChunk / 2));
Example #12
    public void BuildFromLandingSpot(SphericalCoord landingSpot)
        terrainChunks = new DynamicTerrainChunk[numCols, numRows];

        // Create the center chunk.

        Quaternion rotation = CoordHelper.SphericalToRotation(landingSpot);

        //rotation *= Quaternion.Euler( 0, 0, 45 );

        Vector3 position = new Vector3(
            (-WorldUnitsPerChunk / 2f),
            (-WorldUnitsPerChunk / 2f)

        // FIXME: Hardcoded?
        terrainChunks[1, 1] = BuildChunk(rotation, position);


Example #13
    void BuildStructures()
        // Loop through each pixel of the structures map
        // if we find pixels that aren't transparent (or whatever our criteria is)
        // then we will spawn a structure based on the color code.

        Color32[] pixels = StructureMapTexture.GetPixels32();

        Color32 c32 = new Color32(255, 0, 0, 255);

        for (int x = 0; x < StructureMapTexture.width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < StructureMapTexture.height; y++)
                Color32 p = pixels[x + y * StructureMapTexture.width];
                if (p.a < 128)
                    // transparent pixel, ignore.

                Debug.Log("Not transparent!: " + p.ToString());

                foreach (StructureColor sc in StructureColors)
                    if (sc.Color.r == p.r && sc.Color.g == p.g && sc.Color.b == p.b)
                        Debug.Log("Color match!");
                        // What is the position of the building?
                        Quaternion quaLatLon = CoordHelper.UVToRotation(new Vector2((float)x / StructureMapTexture.width, (float)y / StructureMapTexture.height));

                        // Are we within DegreesPerChunk/2 of the center of the chunk,
                        // along both direction?

                        float xDiff = quaLatLon.eulerAngles.x - ChunkRotation.eulerAngles.x;
                        if (xDiff > 180)
                            xDiff = xDiff - 360;
                        float yDiff = quaLatLon.eulerAngles.y - ChunkRotation.eulerAngles.y;
                        if (yDiff > 180)
                            yDiff = yDiff - 360;

                        if (Mathf.Abs(xDiff) > DegreesPerChunk / 2f || Mathf.Abs(yDiff) > DegreesPerChunk / 2f)
                            // Not in our chunk!

                        // Spawn the correct building.
                        Vector3    pos          = Vector3.zero;
                        Quaternion rot          = Quaternion.identity;
                        GameObject theStructure = (GameObject)Instantiate(sc.StructurePrefab, pos, rot, this.transform);

                        // Stop looping through structure colors
                        break; // foreach
    void BuildTerrainData(TerrainData terrainData)
        // Define the size of the arrays that Unity's terrain will
        // use internally to represent the terrain. Bigger numbers
        // mean more fine details.

        //    yield return null;

        // "Heightmap Resolution": "Pixel resolution of the terrain’s heightmap (should be a power of two plus one, eg, 513 = 512 + 1)."
        // AFAIK, this defines the size of the 2-dimensional array that holds the information about the terrain (i.e. terrainData.GetHeights())
        // Larger numbers lead to finer terrain details (if populated by a suitable source image heightmap).
        // As for actual physical size of the terrain (in Unity world space), this is defined as:
        //              terrainData.Size = terrainData.heightmapScale * terrainData.heightmapResolution
        terrainData.heightmapResolution = 128 + 1;

        // "Base Texture Resolution": "Resolution of the composite texture used on the terrain when viewed from a distance greater than the Basemap Distance"
        // AFAIK, this doesn't affect the terrain mesh -- only how the terrain texture (i.e. Splats) are rendered
        terrainData.baseMapResolution = 512 + 1;

        // "Detail Resolution" and "Detail Resolution Per Patch"
        // (used for Details -- i.e. grass/flowers/etc...)
        terrainData.SetDetailResolution(1024, 32);

        // Set the Unity worldspace size of the terrain AFTER you set the resolution.
        // This effectively just sets terrainData.heightmapScale for you, depending on the value of terrainData.heightmapResolution
        terrainData.size = new Vector3(WorldUnitsPerChunk, TerrainHeight, WorldUnitsPerChunk);

        // Get the 2-dimensional array of floats that defines the actual height data for the terrain.
        // Each float has a value from 0..1, where a value of 1 means the maximum height of the terrain as defined by terrainData.size.y
        // AFAIK, terrainData.heightmapWidth and terrainData.heightmapHeight will always be equal to terrainData.heightmapResolution
        float[,] heights = terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrainData.heightmapHeight);

        float halfDegreesPerChunk = DegreesPerChunk / 2f;

        // Caching these dimensions and...
        int w = terrainData.heightmapWidth;
        int h = terrainData.heightmapHeight;

        // Replacing loop divisions with mults cuts this function by about 10%
        //  -- Shout out to Karl Goodloe
        float widthAdjust  = 1f / (w - 1f);
        float heightAdjust = 1f / (h - 1f);

        // Loop through each point in the terrainData heightmap.
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                // Normalize x and y to a value from 0..1
                // NOTE: We are INVERTING the x and y because internally Unity does this
                float xPos = (float)x * widthAdjust;
                float yPos = (float)y * heightAdjust;

                // This converts our chunk position to a latitude/longitude,
                // which we can then use to get UV coordinates from the heightmap
                // FIXME: I think this is doing a pincushion effect
                //    Someone smarter than me will have to figure this out.
                Quaternion pointRotation = ChunkRotation *
                    xPos * DegreesPerChunk - halfDegreesPerChunk,
                    yPos * DegreesPerChunk - halfDegreesPerChunk,

                Vector2 uv = CoordHelper.RotationToUV(pointRotation);

                // Get the pixel from the heightmap image texture at the appropriate position
                Color pix = HeightMapTexture.GetPixelBilinear(uv.x, uv.y);

                // Update the heights array
                heights[x, y] = pix.grayscale / heightMapTextureScaling;

        // Update the terrain data based on our changed heights array
        terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);
    void BuildStructures()
        // Loop through each pixel of the structures map
        // if we find pixels that aren't transparent (or whatever our criteria is)
        // then we will spawn a structure based on the color code.

        // IDEALLY -- We don't want to have to parse the building map for every chunk.
        // It would be nice instead if we did this once and just cached where all the
        // buildings should be. -- This is very easy.

        Color32[] pixels = StructureMapTexture.GetPixels32();

        Color32 c32 = new Color32(255, 0, 0, 255);

        // Holy crap, it turns out that these .width and .height calls are SUUUUUUUUUPER expensive.
        // I cut my ENTIRE terrain-generation time in half by caching these.
        //  -- quill18
        int w = StructureMapTexture.width;
        int h = StructureMapTexture.height;

        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                Color32 p = pixels[x + y * w];
                if (p.a < 128)
                    // transparent pixel, ignore.

                //Debug.Log("Not transparent!: " + p.ToString());

                foreach (StructureColor sc in StructureColors)
                    if (sc.Color.r == p.r && sc.Color.g == p.g && sc.Color.b == p.b)
                        //Debug.Log("Color match!");
                        // What is the position of the building?
                        SphericalCoord buildingLatLon = CoordHelper.UVToSpherical(new Vector2((float)x / w, (float)(y) / h));

                        Vector3 localPosition = SphericalToLocalPosition(buildingLatLon);

                        if (localPosition.x < 0 || localPosition.x > WorldUnitsPerChunk || localPosition.z < 0 || localPosition.z > WorldUnitsPerChunk)
                            // Not in our chunk!

                        // Spawn the correct building.
                        Vector3 globalPosition = localPosition + this.transform.position;

                        // Fix the building's height
                        float heightAtGlobalPosition = terrain.SampleHeight(globalPosition);
                        globalPosition.y = heightAtGlobalPosition;

                        // Our rotation is going to be a factor of our longitude and the Z rotation of this chunk
                        // FIXME: Test me -- especially near the poles and with different chunk rotations
                        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(0, ChunkRotation.eulerAngles.z + Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * buildingLatLon.Latitude) * buildingLatLon.Longitude, 0);

                        GameObject theStructure = (GameObject)Instantiate(sc.StructurePrefab, globalPosition, rot, this.transform);


                        // Stop looping through structure colors
                        break; // foreach
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 当地图类型选择改变时,出发,切换相应的地图
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void cmbMapTypes_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Coord   coord      = this.mapControl.GetCenter();
            Coord   result     = coord;
            int     oldZoom    = 0;
            MapType oldMapType = MapType.Google;

            if (coord != null)
                result     = coord;
                oldZoom    = this.mapControl.GetZoom();
                oldMapType = this.mapType;
            var selectItem = (ComboxItem)this.cmbMapType.SelectedItem;

            this.mapType = (MapType)selectItem.Value;

            if (coord == null)
            switch (oldMapType)
            case MapType.Baidu:
            case MapType.BaiduImageTile:
                result = CoordHelper.WebMercator2lonLat(coord);
                result = CoordHelper.BdDecrypt(result.lat, result.lon);
                result = CoordHelper.Gcj2Wgs(result.lon, result.lat);

            case MapType.Google:
            case MapType.GoogleImage:
                result = CoordHelper.WebMercator2lonLat(coord);
                result = CoordHelper.Gcj2Wgs(result.lon, result.lat);

            case MapType.Gaode:
            case MapType.GaodeImage:
            case MapType.QQMap:
            case MapType.QQImage:
                result = CoordHelper.WebMercator2lonLat(coord);
                result = CoordHelper.Gcj2Wgs(result.lon, result.lat);

            case MapType.OpenStreetMap:
                result = CoordHelper.WebMercator2lonLat(coord);

            case MapType.Tiandi:
            case MapType.TiandiImage:
                result = coord;
            switch (this.mapType)
            case MapType.Baidu:
            case MapType.BaiduImageTile:
                result = CoordHelper.Transform(result.lon, result.lat);
                result = CoordHelper.BdEncrypt(result.lat, result.lon);
                result = CoordHelper.WebMoctorJw2Pm(result.lon, result.lat);

            case MapType.Google:
            case MapType.GoogleImage:
                result = CoordHelper.Transform(result.lon, result.lat);
                result = CoordHelper.WebMoctorJw2Pm(result.lon, result.lat);

            case MapType.Gaode:
            case MapType.GaodeImage:
            case MapType.QQImage:
            case MapType.QQMap:
                result = CoordHelper.Transform(result.lon, result.lat);
                result = CoordHelper.WebMoctorJw2Pm(result.lon, result.lat);

            case MapType.OpenStreetMap:
                result = CoordHelper.WebMoctorJw2Pm(result.lon, result.lat);

            case MapType.Tiandi:
            case MapType.TiandiImage:
            tsbClearBounds_Click(null, null);
Example #17
        private void converteData()
            // DataTable tempDataTable = AsposeCellsHelper.ExportToDataTable(this.path,true);
            int k = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in this.dataTable.Rows)
                if (!this.isStop)
                    DataRow newRow = row;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < row.ItemArray.Length; i++)
                    //    newRow[i] = row[i];
                    string xString = row["X"] != null ? row["X"].ToString() : "0";
                    string yString = row["Y"] != null ? row["Y"].ToString() : "0";
                    double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
                    double.TryParse(xString, out x);
                    double.TryParse(yString, out y);
                    if (x == 0 || y == 0)
                    Coord coord = new Coord(x, y);
                    switch (this.covertType)
                    case CovertType.WGS2GCJ02:
                        coord           = CoordHelper.Transform(x, y);
                        newRow["GDJ_X"] = coord.lon;
                        newRow["GDJ_Y"] = coord.lat;

                    case CovertType.BAIDU2GCJ02:
                        coord           = CoordHelper.BdDecrypt(y, x);
                        newRow["GDJ_X"] = coord.lon;
                        newRow["GDJ_Y"] = coord.lat;

                    case CovertType.LONLAT2MOCTOR:
                        coord          = CoordHelper.WebMoctorJw2Pm(x, y);
                        newRow["PM_X"] = coord.lon;
                        newRow["PM_Y"] = coord.lat;

                    case CovertType.GCJ022BAIDU:
                        coord          = CoordHelper.BdEncrypt(y, x);
                        newRow["BD_X"] = coord.lon;
                        newRow["BD_Y"] = coord.lat;

                    case CovertType.WGS2BAIDU:
                        coord          = CoordHelper.Transform(x, y);
                        coord          = CoordHelper.BdEncrypt(coord.lat, coord.lon);
                        newRow["BD_X"] = coord.lon;
                        newRow["BD_Y"] = coord.lat;

                    case CovertType.MOCTOR2LONLAT:
                        coord          = CoordHelper.Mercator2lonLat(x, y);
                        newRow["JW_X"] = coord.lon;
                        newRow["JW_Y"] = coord.lat;

                    case CovertType.WGS2MOCTOR:
                        coord          = CoordHelper.Transform(x, y);
                        coord          = CoordHelper.WebMoctorJw2Pm(coord.lon, coord.lat);
                        newRow["PM_X"] = coord.lon;
                        newRow["PM_Y"] = coord.lat;
                    //if (this.convertHandler != null)
                    //    this.convertHandler(newRow, k, tempDataTable.Rows.Count);
            AsposeCellsHelper.ExportToExcel(this.dataTable, this.outPutPath + "\\" + this.outputFileName);
            if (this.converteEndHandler != null)
Example #18
        private void DrawCanvas_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            CanvasPoint p = CoordHelper.TranslateFromMouse(CanvasWrapper.Config, e.GetPosition(drawCanvas).X, e.GetPosition(drawCanvas).Y);

            if (activeMode == TOOL_MODE_POINT)
                EventBus.Publish(new InputPointSelected(p.DotIndexLeft, p.DotIndexTop, p.ValueX, p.ValueY));
                CanvasWrapper.AddInputPoint(p.DotIndexLeft, p.DotIndexTop, p.ValueX, p.ValueY);
                demo.Points.Add(new Vector {
                    X = p.ValueX, Y = p.ValueY, Alternates = new CanvasPoint {
                        DotIndexLeft = p.DotIndexLeft, DotIndexTop = p.DotIndexTop

            if (activeMode == TOOL_MODE_LINE)
                if (pointsSelected == 0)
                    point1_xi = p.DotIndexLeft;
                    point1_yi = p.DotIndexTop;
                else if (pointsSelected == 1)
                    point2_xi = p.DotIndexLeft;
                    point2_yi = p.DotIndexTop;

            if (activeMode == TOOL_MODE_POLYGON)
                if (pointsSelected == 0)
                    point1_xi = p.DotIndexLeft;
                    point1_yi = p.DotIndexTop;
                else if (pointsSelected == 1)
                    point2_xi = p.DotIndexLeft;
                    point2_yi = p.DotIndexTop;
                else if (pointsSelected >= 2)

                    // last end point becomes new start point
                    point1_xi = point2_xi;
                    point1_yi = point2_yi;
                    point2_xi = p.DotIndexLeft;
                    point2_yi = p.DotIndexTop;
