private CoolDown ShootingCooldown; // this the cooldown class with will help us to set up the cooldown processs // Update is called once per frame private void Start() { ShootingCooldown = new CoolDown(1); bulletData = new BulletData(); bulletData.position = new Position(); bulletData.Direction = new Position(); }
IEnumerator MoveObject(int Num, CoolDown Object) { while (StillHoldOn) { yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); MovableObject.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; } MovableObject.color = whenNotSpawn; float MinDistance = float.MaxValue; Vector2 Minvec = new Vector2(); foreach (Vector2 vec in SpawnPoints) { float Distance = Vector2.Distance(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(MovableObject.transform.position), vec); if (Distance < MinDistance) { Minvec = vec; MinDistance = Distance; } } if (Object.GetCost() <= CoinSystem.Coin) { CoinSystem.SpawnObject(Object.GetCost()); StartCoroutine(Object.Cooldown()); Instantiate(Characters[Num], Minvec, new Quaternion()); } }
public void Add(CoolDown cooldown) { if (!cooldowns.ContainsKey(cooldown.gameObject)) { cooldowns[cooldown.gameObject] = cooldown; } }
// This method will be called when the associated button to this weapon is pressed void OnClick() { // Check if player has enough stamina to perform its attack player_obj = GetLinkedObject("player_obj"); player = player_obj.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); if (player.GetCurrentStamina() > stamina_cost) { button_obj = GetLinkedObject("button_obj"); cd = button_obj.GetComponent <CoolDown>(); if (!cd.in_cd) { Debug.Log("Going to Attack"); // First, OnClick of WeaponController, then, onClick of Cooldown Attack(); // Set Attacking State player_obj = GetLinkedObject("player_obj"); player = player_obj.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); player.SetState(CharacterController.State.ATTACKING); } else { Debug.Log("Ability in CD"); } } else { Debug.Log("Not Enough Stamina"); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { pos = transform.position.x; capsule.enabled = false; enemy = GetComponent <BossAI> (); enemyT = GetComponent <Transform> (); //enemyR = GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); isStun = false; seesPlayer = false; isMoving = false; isIdle = false; timeForCool1 = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); timeForCool2 = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); proCoolDown = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("hasWand") == "true") { wandBonus = 1; } else { wandBonus = 0; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("hasSword") == "true") { swordBonus = 1; } else { swordBonus = 0; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { capsule.enabled = false; pos = transform.position.x; dirRight = true; enemy = GetComponent <AI> (); enemyT = GetComponent <Transform> (); //enemyR = GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); isStun = false; direction = Vector2.right; isMoving = false; isIdle = false; SFX = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); timeForCool1 = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); timeForCool2 = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); proCoolDown = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("hasWand") == "true") { wandBonus = 1; } else { wandBonus = 0; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("hasSword") == "true") { swordBonus = 1; } else { swordBonus = 0; } }
public void CreateObject(int Num, CoolDown Object) { MovableObject.color = whenSpawn; MovableObject.sprite = CharacterSprites[Num]; MovableObject.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; StillHoldOn = true; StartCoroutine(MoveObject(Num, Object)); }
void Start() { timer = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Timer>(true); gameObject.AddComponent <VIDE_Data>(); Video = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <JouerVideo>(true); Photo = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <CapturePhoto>(true); CoolDown = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <CoolDown>(true); action = true; }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Awake() { instance = this; playerActions = new PlayerActions(); playerActions.Ship.Boost.started += ctx => UseStamina(0.40f); playerActions.Ship.Break.started += ctx => UseStamina(0.40f); playerActions.Ship.Boost.canceled += ctx => RegenStamina(); playerActions.Ship.Break.canceled += ctx => RegenStamina(); }
public void ResetSkill(SkillCfg skillCfg) { foreach (long skillId in list_skill.Keys) { CoolDown coolDown = list_skill[skillId]; if (skillCfg == coolDown.skillCfg) { coolDown.recharge_skill_timer = 0; } } }
void Start() { anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); sword = GetComponent <Sword>(); magic = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <Magic>(); cooldown = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CoolDown").GetComponent <CoolDown>(); boss = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Boss").GetComponent <ScriptBoss>(); warp = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Warp").GetComponent <Warp>(); ShieldPotionMult = 1; TimePotionMult = 1; LuckPotionMult = 1; Debuff = false; maincamera.gameObject.SetActive(true); bosscamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); mapa1 = false; mapa2 = false; mapa3 = false; /* Fazemos com que a variável "attackCollider" receba o Componente CircleCollider pertencente ao GameObject * do "primeiro filho" do GameObject a qual esse script está inserido (que no caso é o Player). * (Nós declaramos o primeiro filho pela linha de código "GetChild (0)". Em inglês essa linha se traduziria * para algo como "Pegue o filho 0", sendo que "filho 0" nesse caso refere-se ao primeiro filho do Objeto Player)*/ attackCollider = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); //shadow = transform.GetChild(3).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); //shadow.color =new Color(10, 10, 10, 103); /* Agora, após termos declarado a variável "attackCollider" acima, nós queremos que esse collider esteja inativo * no início do jogo para evitar que o personagem cause dano em tudo á sua frente sem necessitar apertar a tecla * de ataque, certo? Então, nós fazemos isso deixando como FALSA a informação de que a variável já esteja ativa. * Inclusive estamos fazendo isso dentro do "Void Start" justamente para o jogo já começar com isso definido como desativado.*/ attackCollider.enabled = false; /* Mas ter colocado a linha acima gera um problema... que é o seguinte: * O collider já começa o jogo como falso, certo? Ok, mas então... COMO nós vamos fazer para ativar o collider * no momento que o jogador realizar o ataque? * Nós desativamos o collider no início do jogo, mas em nenhum momento nós pedimos para o script reativá-lo, ou seja, * o jogador nunca vai atacar. * É por esse motivo que nós vamos definir o momento certo para que esse Collider seja ativado. Nós o colocaremos embaixo * da linha de código que atualiza a posição X e Y do collider conforme a direção que o personagem estiver olhando. */ // Camera.main.GetComponent<MainCamera>().SetBound(InitialMap); }
public CoolDown GetCoolDown(CoolDown coolDown, float deltaTime) { float recharge_skill_timer = coolDown.recharge_skill_timer + deltaTime; if (recharge_skill_timer >= coolDown.skillCfg.CoolDown) { recharge_skill_timer = coolDown.skillCfg.CoolDown; } coolDown.recharge_skill_timer = recharge_skill_timer; return(coolDown); }
public SkillCfg GetSkill() { foreach (long skillId in list_skill.Keys) { CoolDown coolDown = list_skill[skillId]; if (coolDown.recharge_skill_timer >= coolDown.skillCfg.CoolDown) { return(coolDown.skillCfg); } } return(null); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("hasWand") == "true") { hasWand = true; } else { hasWand = false; } coolDown = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); freezeCool = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); }
private void Cancel() { CancelInvoke(); cardUI.Cancel(); enemyCard.Cancel(); CoolDown.AddCoolDown(cardTag, strength); cardTag = ""; enemyTag = ""; releaseOver = true; canceled = true; }
void IsCoolDown() { if (currentPlayerState == PlayerState.Dashing && coolDown == CoolDown.onCooldown) { //How long the dash lasts dashLengthInSeconds -= Time.deltaTime; if (dashLengthInSeconds <= 0) { currentPlayerState = PlayerState.notDashing; coolDown = CoolDown.offCooldown; dashLengthInSeconds = _dashLengthInSeconds; } } }
public void LevelUpExsanguinate(Mobile m) { if (Level < MaxLevel) { Level++; NextLevelExperience = Level * 200; Experience = 0; CoolDown = CoolDown.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); ChanceToActivate += 0.01; if (m != null) { m.SendMessage(54, "Your Talisman's Exsanguinate ability has leveled up. It is now Level: " + Level + "."); } } }
void Update() { mousePosition = _cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); direction = _rb.position - mousePosition; if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && currentPlayerState == PlayerState.notDashing && coolDown == CoolDown.offCooldown) { TargetPosition(); currentPlayerState = PlayerState.Dashing; coolDown = CoolDown.onCooldown; } if (currentPlayerState == PlayerState.Dashing) { PlayerDash(); } IsCoolDown(); }
public void LevelUpNoxiousBlood(Mobile to) { if (Level < MaxLevel) { Level++; NextLevelExperience = Level * 200; Experience = 0; CoolDown = CoolDown.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); ChanceToActivate += 0.01; if (to != null) { to.SendMessage(54, "Your Meta-Pet's Noxious Blood ability has leveled up. It is now Level: " + Level + "."); } } }
private void CreateSpawnButton(int index, AllyUnit unit) { GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("Unit" + index); GameObject gameObject1 = new GameObject("Cost"); gameObject.transform.SetParent(SpawnCharacter); gameObject1.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform); Button button = gameObject.AddComponent <Button>(); Image image = gameObject.AddComponent <Image>(); HoldonEvent holdonEvent = gameObject.AddComponent <HoldonEvent>(); CoolDown coolDown = gameObject.AddComponent <CoolDown>(); Text costText = gameObject1.AddComponent <Text>(); image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(150, 150); image.rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(-860 + 160 * index, 0, 0); image.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1); costText.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(150, 40); costText.rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -80); costText.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1); costText.resizeTextForBestFit = true; costText.resizeTextMaxSize = 300; costText.resizeTextMinSize = 14; costText.font = font; costText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; costText.text = ((int)EnumTransporter.AllyUnitToECost(unit)).ToString(); costText.color = Color.yellow; image.sprite = CharacterSprites[(int)unit]; image.type = Image.Type.Filled; image.fillMethod = Image.FillMethod.Radial360; image.fillOrigin = 0; image.fillAmount = 1; image.fillClockwise = true; holdonEvent.CharacterNum = (int)unit; holdonEvent.CoolTime = coolDown; holdonEvent.createCharacter = this; coolDown.CostText = costText; coolDown.Image = image; coolDown.Tier = EnumTransporter.AllyUnitToETier(unit); coolDown.Cost = EnumTransporter.AllyUnitToECost(unit); coolDown.CoolOver = true; }
public void LevelUpQuicksilver(Mobile to) { if (Level < MaxLevel) { Level++; NextLevelExperience = Level * 200; Experience = 0; CoolDown = CoolDown.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); ChanceToActivate += 0.01; AbilityMultiplier += 1.0; if (to != null) { to.SendMessage(54, "Your Meta-Pet's quicksilver ability has leveled up. It is now Level: " + Level + "."); } } }
public void LevelUpInfectiousWounds(Mobile m) { if (Level < MaxLevel) { Level++; NextLevelExperience = Level * 200; Experience = 0; CoolDown = CoolDown.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); ChanceToActivate += 0.01; AbilityMultiplier += 1.0; if (m != null) { m.SendMessage(54, "Your Talisman's Infectious Wounds ability has leveled up. It is now Level: " + Level + "."); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gradeTW = new TextWriter(Game.stats.grade, 0.1f); correctTW = new TextWriter(Game.stats.correct.ToString() + " / " + Game.stats.AllCards(), 0.1f); streakTW = new TextWriter(Game.stats.longestStreak.ToString(), 0.1f); timeTW = new TextWriter(ConvertSecondsToDate((int)Game.stats.timeElapsed), 0.1f); //windowEndPosition = backWindow.transform.position; windowShowCD = new CoolDown(2); //StartCoroutine(ShowStats()); grade.text = ""; cardsCorrect.text = ""; longestStreak.text = ""; time.text = ""; returnButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); //window.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 0.1f, 1f); //grade.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); //WindowVisibility(false); }
public static void HandleSkillCasting(Packet packet) { try { if (packet.ReadBYTE() == 1) { byte flag1 = packet.ReadBYTE(); byte flag2 = packet.ReadBYTE(); uint skill = packet.ReadDWORD(); uint owner = packet.ReadDWORD(); if (owner == Character.ObjectID) { CoolDown.StartCoolDownTimer(skill); } if (flag1 == 2) { if (flag2 == 0x30) { if (owner == Character.ObjectID) { SkillData s = BotData.SROSkills[Globals.ModelToStr(skill)]; if (Globals.Main.attackSkill.Items.Contains(s.Name) && BotData.Attack == true) { casting = true; cast_t = new Timer(new TimerCallback(cast_t_Tick), null, s.CastTime, Timeout.Infinite); Globals.UpdateLogs("Casting skill:" + s.Name); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
public void EnemyUseSkill(SkillType skillType, uint callerID, uint targetID) { foreach (CoolDown cd in _game.CoolDownComponent.All) { if (cd.Type == skillType && cd.UserID == callerID) { return; } } uint eid = Entity.NextEntity(); uint eid_2 = Entity.NextEntity(); uint eid_3 = Entity.NextEntity(); switch (skillType) //add in any skills you need an enemy to use { case SkillType.DamagingPull: InstantEffect instantEffect = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffect); TargetedKnockBack targetedKnockBack = new TargetedKnockBack() { TargetID = targetID, Origin = _game.PositionComponent[callerID].Center, Distance = -15, }; _game.TargetedKnockBackComponent.Add(eid, targetedKnockBack); CoolDown coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid_2, MaxTime = 8f, TimeLeft = 8f, Type = SkillType.DamagingPull, UserID = callerID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid_2, coolDown); TimedEffect timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid_3, TimeLeft = 2f, TotalDuration = 2f, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid_3, timedEffect); Buff buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid_3, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = -50, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid_3, buffEffect); break; } }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); coolDownBar = gameObject.GetComponent <CoolDown>(); }
public void EnemyUseSkill(SkillType skillType, uint callerID, uint targetID) { foreach (CoolDown cd in _game.CoolDownComponent.All) { if (cd.Type == skillType && cd.UserID == callerID) { return; } } uint eid = Entity.NextEntity(); uint eid_2 = Entity.NextEntity(); uint eid_3 = Entity.NextEntity(); InstantEffect instantEffect; DirectDamage directDamage; CoolDown coolDown; Sprite sprite; TimedEffect timedEffect; switch (skillType) //add in any skills you need an enemy to use { case SkillType.DamagingPull: instantEffect = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffect); TargetedKnockBack targetedKnockBack = new TargetedKnockBack() { TargetID = targetID, Origin = _game.PositionComponent[callerID].Center, Distance = -15, }; _game.TargetedKnockBackComponent.Add(eid, targetedKnockBack); directDamage = new DirectDamage() { TargetID = targetID, Damage = 1, EntityID = eid, }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, directDamage); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid_2, MaxTime = 8f, TimeLeft = 8f, Type = SkillType.DamagingPull, UserID = callerID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid_2, coolDown); timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid_3, TimeLeft = 2f, TotalDuration = 2f, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid_3, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid_3, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/SpiderWeb"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid_3, sprite); Position webPosition = _game.PositionComponent[targetID]; webPosition.EntityID = eid_3; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid_3, webPosition); Buff buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid_3, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = -50, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid_3, buffEffect); break; case SkillType.SniperShot: Position callerPos = _game.PositionComponent[callerID]; Position targetPos = _game.PositionComponent[targetID]; Vector2 direction = targetPos.Center - callerPos.Center; //if (_game.SpriteAnimationComponent.Contains(callerID)) //{ // SpriteAnimation spriteAnimation = _game.SpriteAnimationComponent[callerID]; // spriteAnimation.CurrentAnimationRow = (int)_game.MovementComponent.GetFacingFromDirection(direction); // _game.SpriteAnimationComponent[callerID] = spriteAnimation; //} eid = _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.SniperShot, direction, callerPos, 1, 300,callerID, true, false); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1f, TimeLeft = 1f, Type = SkillType.SniperShot, UserID = callerID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case SkillType.Cloak: timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 12f, TotalDuration = 12f, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); Cloak cloak = new Cloak(eid, targetID, 10); _game.CloakComponent.Add(eid, cloak); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 12f, TimeLeft = 12f, Type = SkillType.Cloak, UserID = callerID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public void UseSkill(Aggregate playerType, SkillType skillType, int rank, uint userID) { #region Global Variables uint eid; Random random = new Random(); #endregion #region Check Cool Down //make sure the user isn't cooling down from a previous use foreach (CoolDown cd in _game.CoolDownComponent.All) { if (cd.Type == skillType && cd.UserID == userID) return; } #endregion switch (playerType) { #region Checking Player Type #region Cyborg case Aggregate.CyborgPlayer: #region Race Variables #endregion switch (skillType) { #region Checking Skill Type case SkillType.EnergyShield: #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffectShield; Buff buffEffectShield; float effectDurationShield; uint targetIDShield; int damageDecreaseShield; int healShield; HealOverTime hotShield; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 1; effectDurationShield = 5; damageDecreaseShield = 10; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 1; effectDurationShield = 5; damageDecreaseShield = 12; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 2; effectDurationShield = 6; damageDecreaseShield = 12; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 2; effectDurationShield = 6; damageDecreaseShield = 14; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 3; effectDurationShield = 7; damageDecreaseShield = 15; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 3; effectDurationShield = 8; damageDecreaseShield = 16; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 4; effectDurationShield = 17; damageDecreaseShield = 9; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 4; effectDurationShield = 10; damageDecreaseShield = 18; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 5; effectDurationShield = 10; damageDecreaseShield = 20; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDShield = GetPlayerID(); healShield = 5; effectDurationShield = 10; damageDecreaseShield = 25; foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { targetIDShield = player.EntityID; timedEffectShield = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationShield, TimeLeft = effectDurationShield, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectShield); hotShield = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = healShield, TickTime = 1 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hotShield); buffEffectShield = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDShield, DefenseMelee = damageDecreaseShield, DefenseRanged = damageDecreaseShield }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectShield); } break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.Defibrillate: #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; Buff buffEffect; uint targetID; int speedIncrease; int AttackSpeedIncrease; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 3; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 150; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 3; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 200; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 4; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 200; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 4; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 250; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 250; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 300; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 300; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 300; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 350; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 8; targetID = GetPlayerID(); speedIncrease = 200; AttackSpeedIncrease = 400; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackSpeed = AttackSpeedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.Nanobots: #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffectNano; float effectDurationNano; DirectHeal directheal; uint targetIDNano; int heal; HealOverTime hot; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 5; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 8; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 10; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 12; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 14; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 16; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 18; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 20; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 25; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDNano = GetPlayerID(); heal = 25; effectDurationNano = 10; directheal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, Amount = heal }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directheal); timedEffectNano = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationNano, TimeLeft = effectDurationNano, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectNano); hot = new HealOverTime() { EntityID = eid, AmountPerTick = 1, TickTime = 2 }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, hot); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.TargettingUpgrade: #region Skill Variables Buff buffEffectTarget; int WeaponIncrease; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 120; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 145; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 130; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 135; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 145; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 160; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 175; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 200; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 225; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); WeaponIncrease = 250; buffEffectTarget = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponStrength = WeaponIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectTarget); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.RepulsorArm: #region Skill Variables InstantEffect instantEffectRepulse; uint eid_2Repulse; uint targetIDRepulse; KnockBack knockBackEffectRepulse; Vector2 originRepulse; float distanceRepulse; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDRepulse = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Repulse = Entity.NextEntity(); originRepulse = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDRepulse].Center; distanceRepulse = 100; instantEffectRepulse = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, instantEffectRepulse); knockBackEffectRepulse = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Repulse, Origin = originRepulse, Distance = distanceRepulse, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Repulse, knockBackEffectRepulse); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.EnergyShot: #region Skill Variables DirectDamage DirectDamageShot; InstantEffect instantEffectShot; int shotDamage; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 5; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 10; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 15; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 20; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 25; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 30; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 35; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 38; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 40; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); shotDamage = 45; instantEffectShot = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffectShot); DirectDamageShot = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = shotDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, DirectDamageShot); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.AlloyBody: #region Skill Variables Buff buffEffectAlloy; int damageDecrease; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 5; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 10; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 12; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 14; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 16; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 18; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 20; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 26; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 32; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); damageDecrease = 40; buffEffectAlloy = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, DefenseMelee = damageDecrease, DefenseRanged = damageDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectAlloy); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.CyberneticSlam: #region Skill Variables InstantEffect instantEffectSlam; uint eid_2Slam; uint targetIDSlam; DirectDamage DirectDamageSlam; int slamDamage; KnockBack knockBackEffectSlam; Vector2 originSlam; float distanceSlam; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 40; slamDamage = 5; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 60; slamDamage = 10; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 80; slamDamage = 15; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 100; slamDamage = 20; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 120; slamDamage = 25; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 140; slamDamage = 30; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 160; slamDamage = 35; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 180; slamDamage = 40; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 200; slamDamage = 45; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetIDSlam = GetPlayerID(); eid_2Slam = Entity.NextEntity(); originSlam = _game.PositionComponent[targetIDSlam].Center; distanceSlam = 220; slamDamage = 50; instantEffectSlam = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, instantEffectSlam); DirectDamageSlam = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Damage = slamDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, DirectDamageSlam); knockBackEffectSlam = new KnockBack() { EntityID = eid_2Slam, Origin = originSlam, Distance = distanceSlam, }; _game.KnockBackComponent.Add(eid_2Slam, knockBackEffectSlam); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.ThrusterRush: #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffectRush; float effectDurationRush; Buff buffEffectRush; uint targetIDRush; int speedIncreaseRush; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDurationRush = 1; targetIDRush = GetPlayerID(); speedIncreaseRush = 600; timedEffectRush = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDurationRush, TimeLeft = effectDurationRush, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffectRush); buffEffectRush = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetIDRush, MovementSpeed = speedIncreaseRush, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffectRush); break; default: break; #endregion } break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region Gargranian case Aggregate.GargranianPlayer: #region Race Variables #endregion switch (skillType) { #region Checking Skill Type case SkillType.Teleport: { #region Skill Variables int psiCost = (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .05); int distance = 300; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .5); break; case 2: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .45); break; case 3: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .40); break; case 4: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .35); break; case 5: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .30); break; case 6: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .25); break; case 7: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .20); break; case 8: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .15); break; case 9: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .10); break; case 10: psiCost += (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .05); break; default: break; #endregion } #region Logic if(DrainPsiOrFatigue(userID, psiCost)) { //a new eid for the animation uint entityId = Entity.NextEntity(); //need to get your old position and which direction you were facing Position pos = _game.PositionComponent[userID]; Facing facing = (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow; //create the animation for the after effect SpriteAnimation animation = new SpriteAnimation() { EntityID = entityId, IsLooping = false, CurrentFrame = 0, CurrentAnimationRow = (int)facing, FramesPerSecond = 15, IsPlaying = true, TimePassed = 0 }; _game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityId] = animation; //give the after effect a position Position animationPos = new Position() { EntityID = entityId, Center = new Vector2(pos.Center.X - 32, pos.Center.Y - 32), Radius = 0, RoomID = _game.PositionComponent[userID].RoomID }; _game.PositionComponent[entityId] = animationPos; //set the spritesheet for the after effect Texture2D spriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/Invis"); spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/Invis"; //set up the sprite for the after effect Sprite sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = entityId, SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64), SpriteColor = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255), SpriteSheet = spriteSheet, UseDifferentColor = false, }; _game.SpriteComponent[entityId] = sprite; //allow the after effect to expire TimedEffect timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = entityId, TotalDuration = 1, TimeLeft = 1 }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(entityId, timedEffect); //depending at which direction the character is facing, move them in that direction switch (facing) { case Facing.North: pos.Center.Y -= distance; if (pos.Center.Y <= 0) pos.Center.Y = 5; break; case Facing.East: pos.Center.X += distance; if (pos.Center.X >= _game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width) pos.Center.X = _game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 5; break; case Facing.South: pos.Center.Y += distance; if (pos.Center.Y >= _game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height) pos.Center.Y = _game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 5; break; case Facing.West: pos.Center.X -= distance; if (pos.Center.X <= 0) pos.Center.X = 5; break; } //update their position _game.PositionComponent[userID] = pos; //check for collision with static objects _game.CollisionSystem.CheckTeleportCollision(userID, facing); } #endregion break; } case SkillType.Invisibility: { #region Skill Variables int duration = 0; int psiCost = (int)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .05); #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: duration = 2; break; case 2: duration = 4; break; case 3: duration = 6; break; case 4: duration = 8; break; case 5: duration = 10; break; case 6: duration = 12; break; case 7: duration = 14; break; case 8: duration = 16; break; case 9: duration = 18; break; case 10: duration = 20; break; default: break; #endregion } #region Logic if (DrainPsiOrFatigue(userID, psiCost)) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TimedEffect timedEffect; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); AgroDrop agroDrop = new AgroDrop() { EntityID = eid, PlayerID = userID }; _game.AgroDropComponent.Add(eid, agroDrop); ChangeVisibility changeVisibility; changeVisibility = new ChangeVisibility() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = userID, newColor = new Color(45, 45, 45, 0) }; _game.ChangeVisibilityComponent.Add(eid, changeVisibility); } #endregion break; } case SkillType.Meditate: { #region Skill Variables float psiAmount = (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .01); int duration = 5; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .02); break; case 2: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .04); break; case 3: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .06); break; case 4: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .08); break; case 5: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .10); break; case 6: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .12); break; case 7: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .14); break; case 8: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .16); break; case 9: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .18); break; case 10: psiAmount += (float)(_game.StatsComponent[userID].PsiBase * .2); break; default: break; } #endregion #region logic uint entityId = Entity.NextEntity(); TimedEffect timed = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = entityId, TimeLeft = duration, TotalDuration = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent[entityId] = timed; PsiOrFatigueRegen regen = new PsiOrFatigueRegen() { EntityID = entityId, TargetID = userID, AmountPerTick = psiAmount, CurrentTime = 1, TickTime = 1 }; _game.PsiOrFatigueRegenComponent[entityId] = regen; #endregion break; } case SkillType.PsionicSpear: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.Push: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.ImprovedPsionicSpear: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.MentalBarrier: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.WormOfGargran: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.Soothe: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); break; default: break; #endregion } break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region Cultist //Implementation for the Cultist Player ~Nick B. //Useful - Regex for separating rank cases into regions //Replace: break;.*:Cc:Cc //With: break;\n#endregion\n\n#region Rank \n //Turns // break; // // case 2: //Into // break; // #endregion // // #region Rank // case 2: // // All thats needed is to add #region Rank 1 // and an #endregion after case 10 // and put in the rank numbers // ~Nick B. case Aggregate.CultistPlayer: { #region Race Variables int test; #endregion switch (skillType) { #region Checking Skill Type case SkillType.Enslave: //Projectile { #region Skill Logic _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.Enslave, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], rank, 300, userID); #endregion break; } case SkillType.Fear: //AOE { #region Skill Variables int fearRange = 0; #endregion #region Skill Logic switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank #region Rank 1 case 1: fearRange = 10; break; #endregion #region Rank 2 case 2: fearRange = 13; break; #endregion #region Rank 3 case 3: fearRange = 17; break; #endregion #region Rank 4 case 4: fearRange = 25; break; #endregion #region Rank 5 case 5: fearRange = 30; break; #endregion #region Rank 6 case 6: fearRange = 37; break; #endregion #region Rank 7 case 7: fearRange = 48; break; #endregion #region Rank 8 case 8: fearRange = 55; break; #endregion #region Rank 9 case 9: fearRange = 67; break; #endregion #region Rank 10 case 10: fearRange = 90; break; #endregion default: break; #endregion } _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillAoE(SkillType.Fear, _game.PositionComponent[userID], rank, fearRange); #endregion break; } case SkillType.Sacrifice: //Instant { #region Skill Variables InstantEffect instantEffect; DirectHeal directHeal; DirectDamage directDamage; uint enslavedEnemyID = int.MaxValue; float damageValue = 0, healValue = 0; #endregion #region Skill Logic //Getting whatever is the first monster enslaved by this player //Alternatively, could sacrifice all enslaved monsters foreach (Enslave effect in _game.EnslaveComponent.All) { if (effect.OwnerID == userID && _game.EnemyComponent.Contains(effect.TargetID)) { enslavedEnemyID = effect.TargetID; break; } } if (!_game.EnemyComponent.Contains(enslavedEnemyID)) return; damageValue = _game.EnemyComponent[enslavedEnemyID].Health; switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank #region Rank 1 case 1: healValue = damageValue * 0.10f; //10% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 2 case 2: healValue = damageValue * 0.15f; //15% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 3 case 3: healValue = damageValue * 0.20f; //20% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 4 case 4: healValue = damageValue * 0.25f; //25% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 5 case 5: healValue = damageValue * 0.35f; //35% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 6 case 6: healValue = damageValue * 0.50f; //50% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 7 case 7: healValue = damageValue * 0.80f; //80% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 8 case 8: healValue = damageValue * 1.00f; //100% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 9 case 9: healValue = damageValue * 1.10f; //110% of remaining life break; #endregion #region Rank 10 case 10: healValue = damageValue * 0.1f; //10% of remaining life break; #endregion default: return; #endregion } //Since the only variance between ranks is the healValue variable, we can //keep it simple by just adding all the effects down here, after we've //got the variables initialized // ~Nick B. eid = Entity.NextEntity(); instantEffect = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, isTriggered = false, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffect); directDamage = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = enslavedEnemyID, Damage = damageValue, }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, directDamage); directHeal = new DirectHeal() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = userID, Amount = healValue, }; _game.DirectHealComponent.Add(eid, directHeal); #endregion break; } case SkillType.PsionicSpear: //Projectile { #region Skill Logic _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.PsionicSpear, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], rank, 300, userID); #endregion break; } case SkillType.Taint: //Projectile { #region Skill Logic _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.Taint, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], rank, 300, userID); #endregion break; } case SkillType.Rot: //Projectile { #region Skill Logic _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.Rot, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], rank, 300, userID); #endregion break; } case SkillType.Push: //AOE { #region Skill Variables int pushRange = 0; #endregion #region Skill Logic switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank #region Rank 1 case 1: pushRange = 15; break; #endregion #region Rank 2 case 2: pushRange = 20; break; #endregion #region Rank 3 case 3: pushRange = 24; break; #endregion #region Rank 4 case 4: pushRange = 30; break; #endregion #region Rank 5 case 5: pushRange = 45; break; #endregion #region Rank 6 case 6: pushRange = 60; break; #endregion #region Rank 7 case 7: pushRange = 85; break; #endregion #region Rank 8 case 8: pushRange = 100; break; #endregion #region Rank 9 case 9: pushRange = 125; break; #endregion #region Rank 10 case 10: pushRange = 150; break; #endregion default: break; #endregion } _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillAoE(SkillType.Push, _game.PositionComponent[userID], rank, pushRange); #endregion break; } case SkillType.Lightning: //Instant { #region Skill Variables InstantEffect instantEffect; DirectDamage directDamage; uint eid_2; TimedEffect timedEffect; Stun stun; Random damageMod = new Random(); Position evalPosition; uint tempEnemyID; List<uint> ignoreList = new List<uint>(); int chainNumber = 0; float duration = 0; int damageValue = 0; float maxChainDistance = 0; #endregion #region Skill Logic //No need to continue if we can't even get the position of the player //which means there will need to be some bugs to iron out if (!_game.PositionComponent.Contains(userID)) return; evalPosition = _game.PositionComponent[userID]; switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank #region Rank 1 case 1: chainNumber = 1; //Chains through 1 enemy duration = 2; //Duration of 2 seconds damageValue = 2 + damageMod.Next(4); //Damage between 2 and 5 maxChainDistance = 10; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion #region Rank 2 case 2: chainNumber = 1; //Chains through 1 enemy duration = 3; //Duration of 3 seconds damageValue = 4 + damageMod.Next(5); //Damage between 4 and 8 maxChainDistance = 15; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion #region Rank 3 case 3: chainNumber = 2; //Chains through 2 enemies duration = 3; //Duration of 3 seconds damageValue = 6 + damageMod.Next(5); //Damage between 6 and 10 maxChainDistance = 15; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion #region Rank 4 case 4: chainNumber = 2; //Chains through 2 enemies duration = 4; //Duration of 4 seconds damageValue = 10 + damageMod.Next(3); //Damage between 10 and 12 maxChainDistance = 18; //Biggest gap an arc with span break; #endregion #region Rank 5 case 5: chainNumber = 3; //Chains through 3 enemies duration = 5; //Duration of 5 seconds damageValue = 13 + damageMod.Next(3); //Damage between 13 and 15 maxChainDistance = 21; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion #region Rank 6 case 6: chainNumber = 3; //Chains through 3 enemies duration = 5; //Duration of 5 seconds damageValue = 17 + damageMod.Next(4); //Damage between 17 and 20 maxChainDistance = 26; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion #region Rank 7 case 7: chainNumber = 4; //Chains through 4 enemies duration = 7; //Duration of 7 seconds damageValue = 22 + damageMod.Next(6); //Damage between 22 and 27 maxChainDistance = 30; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion #region Rank 8 case 8: chainNumber = 4; //Chains through 4 enemies duration = 7; //Duration of 7 seconds damageValue = 30 + damageMod.Next(11); //Damage between 30 and 40 maxChainDistance = 38; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion #region Rank 9 case 9: chainNumber = 5; //Chains through 5 enemies duration = 7; //Duration of 7 seconds damageValue = 35 + damageMod.Next(13); //Damage between 35 and 47 maxChainDistance = 45; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion #region Rank 10 case 10: chainNumber = 6; //Chains through 6 enemies duration = 10; //Duration of 10 seconds damageValue = 50 + damageMod.Next(16); //Damage between 50 and 65 maxChainDistance = 50; //Biggest gap an arc will span break; #endregion default: return; #endregion } eid = Entity.NextEntity(); instantEffect = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, isTriggered = false, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffect); eid_2 = Entity.NextEntity(); timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid_2, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration, }; for (int x = 0; x < chainNumber; x++) { tempEnemyID = _game.CollisionSystem.GetClosestEnemy(evalPosition, ignoreList, maxChainDistance); //No need to continue, no enemy is close enough or no other enemies exist if (!_game.EnemyComponent.Contains(tempEnemyID)) break; //Add the enemy we just chained to to the ignore list, we don't want //to chain to them again ignoreList.Add(tempEnemyID); //This will be an instant effect, so we'll use eid here directDamage = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = tempEnemyID, Damage = damageValue, }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, directDamage); //This will be a timed effect, so we'll need eid_2 here stun = new Stun() { EntityID = eid_2, TargetID = tempEnemyID, Type = StunType.CantBreak, }; _game.StunComponent.Add(eid_2, stun); } #endregion break; } case SkillType.Malice: //AOE { #region Skill Variables int meterConversion = 75; int maliceRange = 0; #endregion #region Skill Logic switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank #region Rank 1 case 1: maliceRange = 2; break; #endregion #region Rank 2 case 2: maliceRange = 2; break; #endregion #region Rank 3 case 3: maliceRange = 3; break; #endregion #region Rank 4 case 4: maliceRange = 3; break; #endregion #region Rank 5 case 5: maliceRange = 4; break; #endregion #region Rank 6 case 6: maliceRange = 5; break; #endregion #region Rank 7 case 7: maliceRange = 5; break; #endregion #region Rank 8 case 8: maliceRange = 6; break; #endregion #region Rank 9 case 9: maliceRange = 6; break; #endregion #region Rank 10 case 10: maliceRange = 6; break; #endregion default: break; #endregion } _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillAoE(SkillType.Malice, _game.PositionComponent[userID], rank, maliceRange * meterConversion); #endregion break; } default: { break; } #endregion } break; } #endregion #region Vermis case Aggregate.ZombiePlayer: CoolDown coolDown; TimedEffect timeEffect; Buff buff; #region Race Variables #endregion switch (skillType) { #region Checking Skill Type case SkillType.ThrownBlades: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 1, 300, userID); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 2, 300, userID); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 3, 300, userID); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 4, 300, userID); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 5, 300, userID); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 6, 300, userID); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 7, 300, userID); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 8, 300, userID); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 9, 300, userID); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.ThrownBlades, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.ThrownBlades, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 10, 300, userID); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.FrenziedAttack: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID =eid, TimeLeft = 10, TotalDuration=10, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 100, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 10, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 10, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID =eid, TimeLeft = 10, TotalDuration=10, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 120, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 15, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 15, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 12, TimeLeft = 12, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 12, TotalDuration = 12, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 120, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 15, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 15, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 14, TimeLeft = 14, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 14, TotalDuration = 14, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 140, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 20, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 20, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 14, TimeLeft = 14, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 14, TotalDuration = 14, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 140, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 20, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 20, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 16, TimeLeft = 16, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 16, TotalDuration = 16, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 140, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 20, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 20, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 16, TimeLeft = 16, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 16, TotalDuration = 16, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 160, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 25, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 25, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 18, TimeLeft = 18, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 18, TotalDuration = 18, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 160, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 25, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 25, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 18, TimeLeft = 18, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 18, TotalDuration = 18, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 180, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 30, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 30, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 20, TimeLeft = 20, Type = SkillType.FrenziedAttack, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 20, TotalDuration = 20, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 200, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 35, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = true, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 35, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.CausticWeapons: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.CausticWeapons, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.MeatShield: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 10, TotalDuration = 10, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 1, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -6, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 10, TotalDuration = 10, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 1, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -5, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 12, TimeLeft = 12, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 12, TotalDuration = 12, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 2, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -5, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 14, TimeLeft = 14, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 14, TotalDuration = 14, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 2, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -4, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 14, TimeLeft = 14, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 14, TotalDuration = 14, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 3, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -4, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 16, TimeLeft = 16, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 16, TotalDuration = 16, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 3, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -3, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 16, TimeLeft = 16, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 16, TotalDuration = 16, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 4, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -3, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 18, TimeLeft = 18, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 18, TotalDuration = 18, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 4, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -2, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 18, TimeLeft = 18, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 18, TotalDuration = 18, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 5, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = true, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = -2, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 20, TimeLeft = 20, Type = SkillType.MeatShield, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 20, TotalDuration = 20, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = 0, DefenseMelee = 0, DefenseRanged = 7, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = false, isPercentDefenseRanged = true, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength =- 1, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.HardenedBody: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 10, TotalDuration = 10, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -100, DefenseMelee = 1, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength =0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 10, TotalDuration = 10, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -90, DefenseMelee = 1, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength =0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 12, TimeLeft = 12, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 12, TotalDuration = 12, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -90, DefenseMelee = 2, DefenseRanged =0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 14, TimeLeft = 14, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 14, TotalDuration = 14, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -80, DefenseMelee = 2, DefenseRanged = 2, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 14, TimeLeft = 14, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 14, TotalDuration = 14, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -80, DefenseMelee = 3, DefenseRanged = 2, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 16, TimeLeft = 16, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 16, TotalDuration = 16, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -70, DefenseMelee = 3, DefenseRanged = 3, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 16, TimeLeft = 16, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 16, TotalDuration = 16, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -70, DefenseMelee = 4, DefenseRanged = 4, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 18, TimeLeft = 18, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 18, TotalDuration = 18, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -60, DefenseMelee = 4, DefenseRanged = 4, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 18, TimeLeft = 18, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 18, TotalDuration = 18, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -60, DefenseMelee = 5, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = false, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed =true, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 20, TimeLeft = 20, Type = SkillType.HardenedBody, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); timeEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 20, TotalDuration = 20, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timeEffect); buff = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, MovementSpeed = -50, DefenseMelee = 7, DefenseRanged = 0, AttackMelee = 0, AttackRanged = 0, AttackSpeed = 00, isPercentAttackMelee = false, isPercentAttackRanged = false, isPercentAttackSpeed = true, isPercentDefenseMelee = true, isPercentDefenseRanged = false, isPercentFatigue = false, isPercentHealth = false, isPercentMovementSpeed = false, Fatigue = 0, Health = 0, isPercentPsi = false, isPercentResistPoison = false, isPercentWeaponAccuracy = false, isPercentWeaponSpeed = false, isPercentWeaponStrength = false, Psi = 0, ResistPoison = 0, TargetID = userID, WeaponAccuracy = 0, WeaponSpeed = 0, WeaponStrength = 0, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buff); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.Regeneration: #region Skill Variables HealOverTime HoT; TimedEffect time; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 1, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 10, TotalDuration = 10, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 1, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 12, TotalDuration = 12, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 12, TimeLeft = 12, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 12, TimeLeft = 12, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 1, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 12, TotalDuration = 12, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 2, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 14, TotalDuration = 14, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 3, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 14, TotalDuration = 14, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 3, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 16, TotalDuration = 16, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 4, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 16, TotalDuration = 16, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 4, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 18, TotalDuration = 18, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 10, TimeLeft = 10, Type = SkillType.Regeneration, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); HoT = new HealOverTime() { AmountPerTick = 5, CurrentStack = 1, CurrentTime = 0, EntityID = eid, MaxStack = 1, TargetID = userID, TickTime = 1, }; _game.HealOverTimeComponent.Add(eid, HoT); time = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TimeLeft = 20, TotalDuration = 20, }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, time); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.BenignParasite: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 1, 300, userID); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 2, 300, userID); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 3, 300, userID); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 4, 300, userID); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 5, 300, userID); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 6, 300, userID); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 7, 300, userID); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 8, 300, userID); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 9, 300, userID); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.BenignParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BenignParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 10, 300, userID); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.MaliciousParasite: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 1, 300, userID); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 2, 300, userID); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 3, 300, userID); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 4, 300, userID); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 5, 300, userID); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 6, 300, userID); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 7, 300, userID); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 8, 300, userID); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 9, 300, userID); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MaliciousParasite, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MaliciousParasite, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 10, 300, userID); break; default: break; #endregion } break; case SkillType.MindlessParasites: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 1, 300, userID); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 2, 300, userID); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 3, 300, userID); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 4, 300, userID); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 5, 300, userID); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 6, 300, userID); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 7, 300, userID); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 8, 300, userID); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 9, 300, userID); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = 1, TimeLeft = 1, Type = SkillType.MindlessParasites, UserID = userID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.MindlessParasites, (Facing)_game.SpriteAnimationComponent[userID].CurrentAnimationRow, _game.PositionComponent[userID], 10, 300, userID); break; default: break; #endregion } break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region Earthian //Earthian Skills done by Andrew Bellinder case Aggregate.EarthianPlayer: #region Race Variables #endregion switch (skillType) { #region Checking Skill Type #region Turret case SkillType.Turret: { #region Skill Variables Turret turret; TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; Sprite sprite; Position turretPosition; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 3; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 100, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 4; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 100, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 150, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 200, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 7; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 250, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 8; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 300, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 9; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 350, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 10; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 400, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 11; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 450, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 12; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); turretPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; turret = new Turret() { EntityID = eid, position = turretPosition, range = 500, }; _game.TurretComponent.Add(eid, turret); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(11, 49, 37, 63), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, turret.position); break; default: break; #endregion } } break; #endregion #region Trap case SkillType.Trap: { #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; Trap trap; Sprite sprite; Position trapPosition; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 3; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 20, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 4; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 20, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 4; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 30, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 4; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 30, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 40, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 40, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 50, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 50, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 60, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 7; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); trapPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; trap = new Trap() { EntityID = eid, position = trapPosition, isSet = false, range = 60, duration = effectDuration, }; _game.TrapComponent.Add(eid, trap); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 10, 69, 42), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, trap.position); break; default: break; #endregion } } break; #endregion #region Exploding Droids case SkillType.ExplodingDroids: { if (_game.EnemyComponent.All.Count() > 0) { #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; Movement movement; float droidSpeed; ExplodingDroid explodingDroid; Sprite sprite; Position droidPosition; Collideable collideable; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 110; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 32; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 115; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 35; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 120; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 40; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 125; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 45; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 130; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 50; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 135; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 55; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 140; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 60; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 145; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 65; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 150; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 70; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; droidSpeed = 155; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); movement = new Movement() { EntityID = eid, Speed = droidSpeed, }; _game.MovementComponent.Add(eid, movement); droidPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; droidPosition.Radius = 75; explodingDroid = new ExplodingDroid() { EntityID = eid, position = droidPosition, hasEnemy = false, }; _game.ExplodingDroidComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/EngineeringOffense"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(51, 45, 71, 82), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = droidPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(droidPosition.Center, droidPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, explodingDroid.position); break; default: break; #endregion } } } break; #endregion #region Healing Station case SkillType.HealingStation: { #region Skill Variables HealingStation healingStation; Sprite sprite; Position stationPosition; Collideable collideable; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 10, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 15, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 20, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 25, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 30, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 35, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 40, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 45, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 50, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); stationPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; healingStation = new HealingStation() { EntityID = eid, position = stationPosition, healthAvailable = 60, }; _game.HealingStationComponent.Add(eid, healingStation); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = stationPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(stationPosition.Center, stationPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Turret"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 28), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, stationPosition); break; default: break; #endregion } } break; #endregion #region Portable Shop case SkillType.PortableShop: { #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 1); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 7; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 9; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 9; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 11; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 13; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 15; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 17; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 20; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillDeployable(SkillType.PortableShop, _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()], 2); break; default: break; #endregion } } break; #endregion #region Portable Shield case SkillType.PortableShield: { #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; PortableShield portableShield; Position shieldPosition; Sprite sprite; Collideable collideable; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 5; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 6; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 7; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 8; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 9; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 10; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 11; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 12; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 13; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 14; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); shieldPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; shieldPosition.Radius = 100; portableShield = new PortableShield() { EntityID = eid, position = shieldPosition, }; _game.PortableShieldComponent.Add(eid, portableShield); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/BubbleShield"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(18, 34, 229, 136), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); collideable = new Collideable() { EntityID = eid, RoomID = shieldPosition.RoomID, Bounds = new CircleBounds(shieldPosition.Center, shieldPosition.Radius), }; _game.CollisionComponent.Add(eid, collideable); _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, shieldPosition); break; default: break; #endregion } } break; #endregion #region Motivate case SkillType.Motivate: { #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; Buff buffEffect; Sprite sprite; Position motivatePosition; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank #region Rank 1 case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 5, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 2 case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 10, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 3 case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 15, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 4 case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 20, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 5 case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 25, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 6 case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 30, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 7 case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 35, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 8 case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 40, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 9 case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 45, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion #region Rank 10 case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/bubble"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); motivatePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; motivatePosition.Center.X += 40; motivatePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, motivatePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, Health = 50, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; #endregion default: break; #endregion } } break; #endregion #region Fall Back case SkillType.FallBack: { #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; Buff buffEffect; Sprite sprite; Position fallBackPosition; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 1, AttackMelee = -1, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 2, AttackMelee = -1, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 3, AttackMelee = -2, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 4, AttackMelee = -2, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 5, AttackMelee = -3, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 6, AttackMelee = -3, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 7, AttackMelee = -4, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 8, AttackMelee = -4, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 9, AttackMelee = -5, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/fallback"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); fallBackPosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; fallBackPosition.Center.X += 40; fallBackPosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, fallBackPosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = 10, AttackMelee = -5, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; default: break; #endregion } } break; #endregion #region Charge case SkillType.Charge: { #region Skill Variables TimedEffect timedEffect; float effectDuration; Buff buffEffect; Sprite sprite; Position chargePosition; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -1, AttackMelee = 1, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -1, AttackMelee = 2, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -2, AttackMelee = 3, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -2, AttackMelee = 4, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -3, AttackMelee = 5, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -3, AttackMelee = 6, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -4, AttackMelee = 7, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -4, AttackMelee = 8, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -5, AttackMelee = 9, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); effectDuration = 0.5f; timedEffect = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = effectDuration, TimeLeft = effectDuration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, timedEffect); sprite = new Sprite() { EntityID = eid, SpriteSheet = _game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Skills/Effects/charge"), SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 48), }; _game.SpriteComponent.Add(eid, sprite); chargePosition = _game.PositionComponent[GetPlayerID()]; chargePosition.Center.X += 40; chargePosition.Center.Y -= 30; _game.PositionComponent.Add(eid, chargePosition); foreach (Player player in _game.PlayerComponent.All) { eid = Entity.NextEntity(); buffEffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = player.EntityID, DefenseMelee = -5, AttackMelee = 10, }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffEffect); } break; default: break; #endregion } } break; #endregion default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region Space Pirate //This was the part contributed by Austin Murphy case Aggregate.SpacePiratePlayer: #region Race Variables #endregion switch (skillType) { #region Checking Skill Type #region AgilityBerserker case SkillType.AgilityBerserker: #region Skill Variables TimedEffect te1, te2; int speedIncrease = 1000; int attackDecrease = -50; float duration, cd; uint targetID; Buff buffeffect; int afterS = -500; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 10; cd = 55; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease, AttackMelee = attackDecrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 15; cd = 50; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 20; cd = 45; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 25; cd = 40; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 30; cd = 35; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 35; cd = 30; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 40; cd = 25; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 45; cd = 20; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 50; cd = 15; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); duration = 55; cd = 5; targetID = GetPlayerID(); te1 = new TimedEffect() { EntityID = eid, TotalDuration = duration, TimeLeft = duration }; _game.TimedEffectComponent.Add(eid, te1); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, MovementSpeed = speedIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region DualWielding case SkillType.DualWielding: #region Skill Variables int offhand; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -80; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -74; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -68; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -62; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -56; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -50; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -44; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -38; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -32; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); offhand = -20; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = offhand, AttackMelee = offhand }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region HeavyDrinker case SkillType.HeavyDrinker: #region Skill Variables int resistance; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 5; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 10; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 20; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 30; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 40; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 50; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 60; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 70; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 80; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); resistance = 90; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, ResistPoison = resistance }; break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region TrickShot //Trick shot has been modified greatly to fit into our prototype game. case SkillType.TrickShot: #region Skill Variables int TSDamage; DirectDamage dd; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 20; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 40; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 60; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 80; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 100; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 120; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 140; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 160; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 180; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); TSDamage = 200; dd = new DirectDamage() { EntityID = eid, Damage = TSDamage }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, dd); break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region PowerShot case SkillType.PowerShot: #region Skill Variables int PSDamageIncrease; InstantEffect ie; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 10; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 20; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 30; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 40; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 50; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 60; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 70; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 80; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 90; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); PSDamageIncrease = 100; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackRanged = PSDamageIncrease }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); ie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, ie); break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region EagleShot //EagleShot has been heavly modified to fit within our game prototype. case SkillType.EagleShot: #region Skill Variables int ESA; InstantEffect eie; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 10; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 20; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 30; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 40; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 50; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 60; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 70; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 80; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 90; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); targetID = GetPlayerID(); ESA = 100; eie = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, eie); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, WeaponAccuracy = ESA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region Theft case SkillType.Theft: #region Skill Variables ChanceToSucceed cts; int prob; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 5; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 10; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 20; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 30; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 40; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 50; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 60; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 70; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 80; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 90; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region Mug case SkillType.Mug: #region Skill Variables int mugA; #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 5; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 10; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 20; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 30; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 40; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 50; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 60; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 70; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 80; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 90; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); mugA = -75; targetID = GetPlayerID(); buffeffect = new Buff() { EntityID = eid, TargetID = targetID, AttackMelee = mugA }; _game.BuffComponent.Add(eid, buffeffect); break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region LockPick case SkillType.LockPicking: #region Skill Variables #endregion switch (rank) { #region Checking Rank case 1: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 5; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 2: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 10; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 3: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 20; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 4: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 30; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 5: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 40; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 6: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 50; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 7: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 60; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 8: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 70; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 9: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 80; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; case 10: eid = Entity.NextEntity(); prob = 90; cts = new ChanceToSucceed() { EntityID = eid, SuccessRateAsPercentage = prob }; _game.ChanceToSucceedComponent.Add(eid, cts); break; default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion default: break; #endregion } break; #endregion default: break; #endregion } }
public void EnemyUseBasicMelee(uint callerID, uint targetID, float damage, float cooldown) { foreach (CoolDown cd in _game.CoolDownComponent.All) { if (cd.Type == SkillType.BasicMeleeAttack && cd.UserID == callerID) { return; } } uint eid = Entity.NextEntity(); uint eid_2 = Entity.NextEntity(); InstantEffect instantEffect = new InstantEffect() { EntityID = eid, }; _game.InstantEffectComponent.Add(eid, instantEffect); DirectDamage directDamage = new DirectDamage() { TargetID = targetID, Damage = damage, EntityID = eid, }; _game.DirectDamageComponent.Add(eid, directDamage); CoolDown coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid_2, MaxTime = cooldown, TimeLeft = cooldown, Type = SkillType.BasicMeleeAttack, UserID = callerID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid_2, coolDown); }
public void EnemyUseBasicRanged(uint callerID, uint targetID, int damage, float cooldown, string spriteSheet, Rectangle spriteBounds) { foreach (CoolDown cd in _game.CoolDownComponent.All) { if (cd.Type == SkillType.BasicRangedAttack && cd.UserID == callerID) { return; } } Position callerPos = _game.PositionComponent[callerID]; Position targetPos = _game.PositionComponent[targetID]; Vector2 direction = targetPos.Center - callerPos.Center; uint eid = _game.SkillEntityFactory.CreateSkillProjectile(SkillType.BasicRangedAttack, direction, callerPos, damage, 175, callerID, true, false, spriteSheet, spriteBounds); CoolDown coolDown = new CoolDown() { EntityID = eid, MaxTime = cooldown, TimeLeft = cooldown, Type = SkillType.BasicRangedAttack, UserID = callerID, }; _game.CoolDownComponent.Add(eid, coolDown); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { fartTimer = new CoolDown(0.3f); }
// updates the card and tells it if it is valid or not public void UpdateCard(string text) { releaseReady = QueryManager.IsValid(text) && !CoolDown.ContainsTag(text); cardUI.UpdateText(text, releaseReady); }
//----------------------------------------------------- // Setting up all AI behaviour components // // Move towards player, fire gun, repeat //----------------------------------------------------- void Start() { //Set health SetHealth(m_healthMax); //Set up varibles m_sequenceTop = gameObject.AddComponent <BehaviourSequence>(); m_selectorActions = gameObject.AddComponent <BehaviourSelector>(); //m_sequenceLaser = gameObject.AddComponent<BehaviourSequence>(); m_sequenceGun = gameObject.AddComponent <BehaviourSequence>(); m_sequenceMove = gameObject.AddComponent <BehaviourSequence>(); //m_actionGetDisLaser = gameObject.AddComponent<IsTargetCloseEnough>(); //m_actionFireLaser = gameObject.AddComponent<FireLaserbeam>(); //m_actionLaserCooldown = gameObject.AddComponent<CoolDown>(); m_selectorFiringGun = gameObject.AddComponent <BehaviourSelector>(); m_actionGetDisGun = gameObject.AddComponent <IsTargetCloseEnough>(); m_actionInfrontOfLedge = gameObject.AddComponent <InfrontOfLedge>(); m_actionStopMovement = gameObject.AddComponent <StopMovement>(); m_actionFireGun = gameObject.AddComponent <FireGun>(); m_actionGunCooldown = gameObject.AddComponent <CoolDown>(); m_actionGetDisMovement = gameObject.AddComponent <IsTargetCloseEnough>(); m_actionMovetowards = gameObject.AddComponent <MoveTowardsTarget>(); //Set up get target if (GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameManager>().m_singlePlayer) { m_actionGetTarget = gameObject.AddComponent <GetTargetSinglePlayer>(); } else { switch (m_difficulty) { case Difficulty.Easy: { m_actionGetTarget = gameObject.AddComponent <GetTargetEasy>(); break; } case Difficulty.Medium: { m_actionGetTarget = gameObject.AddComponent <GetTargetMedium>(); break; } case Difficulty.Hard: { m_actionGetTarget = gameObject.AddComponent <GetTargetHard>(); break; } } } //Gun m_actionGetDisGun.m_targetDistance = m_gunFireDistance; m_actionFireGun.m_numberOfBullets = m_gunNumberOfShots; m_actionFireGun.m_timeBetweenShots = m_gunTimeBetweenShots; m_actionFireGun.m_bulletSpeed = m_gunBulletSpeed; m_actionFireGun.m_bulletSpawnPos = m_bulletSpawnPos; m_actionGunCooldown.m_coolDown = m_gunCooldown; m_actionFireGun.m_bullet = m_bulletPrefab; //Laser //m_actionGetDisLaser.m_targetDistance = m_laserFireDistance; //m_actionFireLaser.m_chargeRate = m_laserChargeTime; //m_actionLaserCooldown.m_coolDown = m_laserCooldown; //m_actionFireLaser.m_laserbeam = m_laserPrefab; //Movement m_actionGetDisMovement.m_targetDistance = m_moveTowardsRange; //Set up branches m_sequenceTop.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionGetTarget as BehaviourBase); m_sequenceTop.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_selectorActions); //m_selectorActions.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_sequenceLaser); m_selectorActions.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_sequenceGun); m_selectorActions.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_sequenceMove); //m_sequenceLaser.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionGetDisLaser); //m_sequenceLaser.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionFireLaser); //m_sequenceLaser.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionLaserCooldown); m_selectorFiringGun.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionGetDisGun); m_selectorFiringGun.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionInfrontOfLedge); m_sequenceGun.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_selectorFiringGun); m_sequenceGun.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionStopMovement); m_sequenceGun.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionFireGun); m_sequenceGun.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionGunCooldown); m_sequenceMove.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionGetDisMovement); m_sequenceMove.m_behaviourBranches.Add(m_actionMovetowards); m_initalBehaviour = m_sequenceTop; }
public void Awake() { coolDown = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); memberMask = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Member")); }
void Start() { coolDown = GetComponent <CoolDown>(); }