Example #1
        public Arrow(ArrowInfo info)
            _triangleSize = info.TriangleSize;
            _thickness    = info.Thickness;

            _head = new ConvexShape(3)
                Origin           = new Vector2f(.0f, .0f),
                FillColor        = info.Color,
                OutlineColor     = info.LineColor,
                OutlineThickness = info.LineThickness
            _head.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(.0f, .0f));
            _head.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(-_triangleSize.X, _triangleSize.Y / 2));
            _head.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(-_triangleSize.X, -_triangleSize.Y / 2));

            _rect = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(1.0f, info.Thickness))
                FillColor        = info.Color,
                OutlineColor     = info.LineColor,
                OutlineThickness = info.LineThickness

            Delta = new Vector2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
        void RenderMiniMap(IntRect size, List <GameObject> objects, Player player)
            CircleShape circle = new CircleShape();

            circle.Radius           = 2.0f;
            circle.Origin           = new Vector2f(circle.GetLocalBounds().Left + circle.GetLocalBounds().Width / 2, circle.GetLocalBounds().Top + circle.GetLocalBounds().Height / 2);
            circle.OutlineColor     = new Color(0, 0, 0);
            circle.OutlineThickness = 1;
            RectangleShape rect = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(size.Width + circle.Radius, size.Height + circle.Radius));

            rect.Position         = new Vector2f(size.Left - circle.Radius, size.Top);
            rect.FillColor        = new Color(200, 200, 200, 230);
            rect.OutlineThickness = 1;
            rect.OutlineColor     = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            int MINIMAPRANGE = player.GetMiniMapRange();

            for (int n = 0; n < objects.Count; n++)
                if (Math.Abs(player.GetPosition().X - objects[n].GetPosition().X) < MINIMAPRANGE && Math.Abs(player.GetPosition().Y - objects[n].GetPosition().Y) < MINIMAPRANGE && objects[n].GetVisible())
                    Color fillcol;

                    if (objects[n].GetFixed())
                        fillcol = new Color(0, 200, 0);
                        fillcol = new Color(0, 0, 200);

                    float objx = (objects[n].GetPosition().X - player.GetPosition().X) * size.Width / (MINIMAPRANGE * 2) + size.Width / 2 + size.Left;
                    float objy = (objects[n].GetPosition().Y - player.GetPosition().Y) * size.Height / (MINIMAPRANGE * 2) + size.Height / 2 + size.Top;

                    circle.FillColor = fillcol;
                    circle.Position  = new Vector2f(objx, objy);

             * circle.Radius = 5.0f;
             * circle.Origin = new Vector2f(circle.GetLocalBounds().Left + circle.GetLocalBounds().Width/2, circle.GetLocalBounds().Top + circle.GetLocalBounds().Height/2);
             * circle.FillColor = new Color(200, 0, 0);
             * circle.Position = new Vector2f(size.Left + size.Width/2, size.Top + size.Height/2);
             * circle.SetPointCount(3);
             * circle.Rotation = (float)(player.GetAngle()*180.0/Math.PI) + 90;
             * rendertexture.Draw(circle);*/

            ConvexShape playershape = new ConvexShape(3);

            playershape.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f((float)(6 * Math.Cos(player.GetAngle())), (float)(6 * Math.Sin(player.GetAngle()))));
            playershape.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f((float)(4 * Math.Cos(player.GetAngle() + Math.PI * 120 / 180)), (float)(4 * Math.Sin(player.GetAngle() + Math.PI * 120 / 180))));
            playershape.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f((float)(4 * Math.Cos(player.GetAngle() + Math.PI * 240 / 180)), (float)(4 * Math.Sin(player.GetAngle() + Math.PI * 240 / 180))));
            playershape.FillColor = new Color(200, 0, 0);
            playershape.Position  = new Vector2f(size.Left + size.Width / 2, size.Top + size.Height / 2);
Example #3
 public BoxRenderer(RenderTarget renderTarget)
     _renderTarget = renderTarget;
     _shape        = new ConvexShape(4);
     _shape.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(-.5f, -.5f));
     _shape.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(.5f, -.5f));
     _shape.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(.5f, .5f));
     _shape.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(-.5f, .5f));
Example #4
        private ShapeDecorator GetTriangle(Vector2f point1, Vector2f point2, Vector2f point3)
            ConvexShape triangle = new ConvexShape();

            triangle.SetPoint(0, point1);
            triangle.SetPoint(1, point2);
            triangle.SetPoint(2, point3);

            return(new TriangleDecorator(triangle));
Example #5
        private void InitRightButton()
            int rightPosX = POS_X + 32;
            int rightPosY = POS_Y;

            rightButton           = new ConvexShape(3);
            rightButton.FillColor = GetColor();
            rightButton.Position  = new Vector2f(rightPosX, rightPosY);
            rightButton.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(rightPosX + 16, rightPosY));
            rightButton.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(rightPosX - 16, rightPosY - 16));
            rightButton.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(rightPosX - 16, rightPosY + 16));
Example #6
        private void InitLeftButton()
            int leftPosX = POS_X - 32;
            int leftPosY = POS_Y;

            leftButton           = new ConvexShape(3);
            leftButton.FillColor = GetColor();
            leftButton.Position  = new Vector2f(leftPosX, leftPosY);
            leftButton.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(leftPosX - 16, leftPosY));
            leftButton.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(leftPosX + 16, leftPosY - 16));
            leftButton.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(leftPosX + 16, leftPosY + 16));
Example #7
        public int DrawTriangle(Vector2f p1, Vector2f p2, Vector2f p3)
            ConvexShape triangle = new ConvexShape(3);

            triangle.SetPoint(0, GetScreenPosition(p1));
            triangle.SetPoint(1, GetScreenPosition(p2));
            triangle.SetPoint(2, GetScreenPosition(p3));

            var id = GetNextId();

            graphElements.Add(id, triangle);

Example #8
 public Tile(int id)
     shape = new ConvexShape(4)
         OutlineColor     = Color.Black,
         OutlineThickness = 2,
         Texture          = new Texture(Sources.TileTextures[id])
                            //FillColor = getTileColor(id)
     shape.SetPoint(0, MathModule.ViewTransform(0, 0));
     shape.SetPoint(1, MathModule.ViewTransform(0, 1));
     shape.SetPoint(2, MathModule.ViewTransform(1, 1));
     shape.SetPoint(3, MathModule.ViewTransform(1, 0));
Example #9
 public void DrawWires()
     foreach (InPort port in inPorts)
         if (port.connexion != null)
             wireDrawer.SetPoint(0, port.GetGlobalPos());
             wireDrawer.SetPoint(1, port.GetGlobalPos());
             wireDrawer.SetPoint(2, port.connexion.GetGlobalPos());
             wireDrawer.SetPoint(3, port.connexion.GetGlobalPos());
Example #10
        public void CheckDescriptionOfTriangle()
            ConvexShape triangle = new ConvexShape();

            triangle.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(40, 60));
            triangle.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(100, 100));
            triangle.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(200, 350));

            ShapeDecorator circleDecorator = new TriangleDecorator(triangle);

            string expected = "Triangle: P=672,58; S=5500";
            string actual   = circleDecorator.GetDescription();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #11
        private static ConvexShape GetPolygon(Vector2i self, Color defaultColor)
            var polygon = new ConvexShape(4)
                Position         = GetMapPoint(self.X, self.Y),
                FillColor        = defaultColor,
                OutlineColor     = Color.Black,
                OutlineThickness = 1

            polygon.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(0, 0));
            polygon.SetPoint(1, GetMapPoint(self.X + 1, self.Y) - polygon.Position);
            polygon.SetPoint(2, GetMapPoint(self.X + 1, self.Y + 1) - polygon.Position);
            polygon.SetPoint(3, GetMapPoint(self.X, self.Y + 1) - polygon.Position);
        public static void DrawTriangle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)
            var shape = new ConvexShape(3)
                //Position = new Vector2f(x1, x2),
                FillColor        = FillColors.Peek(),
                OutlineThickness = StrokeWeights.Peek(),
                OutlineColor     = StrokeColors.Peek(),

            shape.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(x1, y1));
            shape.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(x2, y2));
            shape.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(x3, y3));

Example #13
        public void DrawBorder(RenderWindow window, SFML.Graphics.Color fillColor, SFML.Graphics.Color outLineColor, int outLineSize = 1)
            ConvexShape polygon = new ConvexShape();

            polygon.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(this.Points[0].X, this.Points[0].Y));
            polygon.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(this.Points[1].X, this.Points[1].Y));
            polygon.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(this.Points[2].X, this.Points[2].Y));
            polygon.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(this.Points[3].X, this.Points[3].Y));
            polygon.FillColor    = SFML.Graphics.Color.Transparent;
            polygon.OutlineColor = outLineColor;
            polygon.FillColor    = fillColor;

            polygon.OutlineThickness = outLineSize;
Example #14
        private static void Append(ref ConvexShape s, Vector2i point)
            var count = s.GetPointCount();

            s.SetPointCount(count + 1);
            s.SetPoint(count, (Vector2f)point);
Example #15
        public void EndFill()
            if (!_isFillStart)
                throw new LogicErrorException("Filling has already end");

            // RENDER
            var shape = new ConvexShape((uint)_points.Count);

            for (var i = 0; i < _points.Count; ++i)
                shape.SetPoint((uint)i, _points[i]);

            shape.FillColor        = _fillColor;
            shape.OutlineColor     = _lineColor;
            shape.OutlineThickness = _lineThickness;

            // RENDER

            _fillColor   = Color.Transparent;
            _isFillStart = false;
Example #16
        public void CheckAreaOfTriangle()
            ConvexShape triangle = new ConvexShape();

            triangle.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(40, 60));
            triangle.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(100, 100));
            triangle.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(200, 350));

            ShapeDecorator circleDecorator = new TriangleDecorator(triangle);

            string expected = "5500";
            string actual   = "";

            actual = actual + circleDecorator.GetArea();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #17
        public void SetReticlePosition(float y)
            Reticle.Y = y;

            Vector2f LineLeftP  = Utils.GetPointInDirection(LineLeft.Position, (float)Utils.GetAngle(LineLeft.Position, new Vector2f(Circle.Radius, Reticle.Y)), Game.Size.X * 3);
            Vector2f LineRightP = Utils.GetPointInDirection(LineRight.Position, (float)Utils.GetAngle(LineRight.Position, new Vector2f(-Circle.Radius, Reticle.Y)), Game.Size.X * 3);

            LineLeft.Size     = new Vector2f(Utils.Distance(LineLeft.Position, LineLeftP), LineLeft.Size.Y);
            LineLeft.Rotation = (float)Utils.GetAngle(LineLeft.Position, LineLeftP);

            LineRight.Size     = new Vector2f(Utils.Distance(LineRight.Position, LineRightP), LineRight.Size.Y);
            LineRight.Rotation = (float)Utils.GetAngle(LineRight.Position, LineRightP);

            Fill.SetPoint(0, LineLeft.Position);
            Fill.SetPoint(1, LineLeftP);
            Fill.SetPoint(2, LineRightP);
            Fill.SetPoint(3, LineRight.Position);
Example #18
        public void DrawCellMapChangeTopMove(RenderWindow window, bool top)
            if (top)
                if (BorderTopChangeTrue == null)
                    ConvexShape polygon = new ConvexShape();
                    polygon.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(this.Points[0].X, this.Points[0].Y));
                    polygon.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(this.Points[1].X, this.Points[1].Y));
                    polygon.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(this.Points[2].X, this.Points[2].Y));
                    polygon.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(this.Points[3].X, this.Points[3].Y));
                    polygon.FillColor    = SFML.Graphics.Color.Transparent;
                    polygon.OutlineColor = SFML.Graphics.Color.White;
                    polygon.FillColor    = new SFML.Graphics.Color(17, 76, 7, 80);

                    polygon.OutlineThickness = 1;

                    BorderTopChangeTrue = polygon;
                if (BorderTopChangeFalse == null)
                    ConvexShape polygon = new ConvexShape();
                    polygon.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(this.Points[0].X, this.Points[0].Y));
                    polygon.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(this.Points[1].X, this.Points[1].Y));
                    polygon.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(this.Points[2].X, this.Points[2].Y));
                    polygon.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(this.Points[3].X, this.Points[3].Y));
                    polygon.FillColor    = SFML.Graphics.Color.Transparent;
                    polygon.OutlineColor = SFML.Graphics.Color.White;
                    polygon.FillColor    = new SFML.Graphics.Color(255, 0, 15, 80);

                    polygon.OutlineThickness = 1;

                    BorderTopChangeFalse = polygon;
Example #19
        public void DrawColorCell(RenderWindow window, SFML.Graphics.Color fillColor, SFML.Graphics.Color outlineColor, int outlineThickness = 1)
            if (m_PolygonneCell == null)
                ConvexShape polygon = new ConvexShape();
                polygon.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(this.Points[0].X, this.Points[0].Y));
                polygon.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(this.Points[1].X, this.Points[1].Y));
                polygon.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(this.Points[2].X, this.Points[2].Y));
                polygon.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(this.Points[3].X, this.Points[3].Y));

                polygon.OutlineThickness = outlineThickness;

                m_PolygonneCell = polygon;
            m_PolygonneCell.OutlineColor     = outlineColor;
            m_PolygonneCell.FillColor        = fillColor;
            m_PolygonneCell.OutlineThickness = outlineThickness;
        public static ConvexShape GetLine(Vector2f startingPoint, Vector2f endingPoint, int thickness, Color color)
            // Get the vectors required to calculate the vertices of our rectanle (line)
            var lineDirection = (endingPoint - startingPoint);
            var perpLeft      = lineDirection.PerendicularCounterClockwise().Normalize();
            var perpRight     = lineDirection.PerendicularClockwise().Normalize();

            var shape = new ConvexShape(4)
                FillColor = color

            // Define points clockwise
            shape.SetPoint(0, startingPoint + (thickness * perpLeft));
            shape.SetPoint(1, endingPoint + (thickness * perpLeft));
            shape.SetPoint(2, endingPoint + (thickness * perpRight));
            shape.SetPoint(3, startingPoint + (thickness * perpRight));

Example #21
        public ConvexShape GetRectangleBoundary()
            Vector2f leftSide      = this.Position + _direction * Radius;
            Vector2f pointUpLeft   = leftSide + new Vector2f(-_direction.Y, _direction.X) * Radius;
            Vector2f pointDownLeft = leftSide + new Vector2f(_direction.Y, -_direction.X) * Radius;

            Vector2f rightSide      = _oldPosition - _direction * Radius;
            Vector2f pointUpRight   = rightSide - new Vector2f(-_direction.Y, _direction.X) * Radius;
            Vector2f pointDownRight = rightSide - new Vector2f(_direction.Y, -_direction.X) * Radius;

            ConvexShape shape = new ConvexShape();

            shape.SetPoint(0, pointUpLeft);
            shape.SetPoint(2, pointUpRight);
            shape.SetPoint(1, pointDownRight);
            shape.SetPoint(3, pointDownLeft);

Example #22
 public void SetPoints(Vector2[] points)
     origin = Vector2.Zero;
     for (uint i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
         Vector2 vector = points[i];
         shape.SetPoint(i, vector.ToVector2f());
         origin += vector;
     origin /= points.Length;
Example #23
        private static Province CreateProvince(string name, List <Vector2f> points)
            var shape = new ConvexShape((uint)points.Count)
                FillColor = GameRandom.GetRandomColor()

            for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                shape.SetPoint((uint)i, points[i]);

            return(new Province(name, shape));
        public override void DrawSolidPolygon(Vector2[] vertices, int count,
                                              float red, float blue, float green)
            var shape = new ConvexShape
                FillColor = RGBtoColor(red, blue, green),

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                shape.SetPoint((uint)i, vertices[i].ToVector2f().InvertY());

Example #25
        private void CreateShape(Vector2f[] poses)
            if (poses.Length < 3)

            shape = new ConvexShape((uint)poses.Length);

            for (uint i = 0; i < poses.Length; i++)
                shape.SetPoint(i, poses[i]);

            shape.FillColor = Color.Black;
            shape.Position  = position;
Example #26
        public PolygonRender(DrawableActor actor, Polygon polygon) : base(actor)
            this.polygon = new Polygon(polygon);
            convexShape  = new ConvexShape();
            var verts = this.polygon.GetVertices();

            for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                convexShape.SetPoint((uint)i, verts[i].ToVector2f());
            convexShape.Origin           = this.polygon.Center.ToVector2f();
            convexShape.OutlineThickness = 2;
            convexShape.OutlineColor     = Color.White;
            convexShape.FillColor        = Color.Transparent;
            drawableActor = actor;
        private void ImgChararctersConstruction()
            if (_characterPlayer1 != string.Empty)
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(125f, 15f));
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(575f, 15f));
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(370f, 760f));
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(345f, 760f));
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(4, new Vector2f(325f, 800f));
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(5, new Vector2f(329f, 760f));
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(6, new Vector2f(267f, 760f));
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(7, new Vector2f(298f, 898f));
                _imgPlayer1.SetPoint(8, new Vector2f(-155f, 898f));

                _imgPlayer1.Position    = new Vector2f(900f, 0f);
                _imgPlayer1.Texture     = _img.Character[_characterPlayer1];
                _imgPlayer1.TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(_img.Character[_characterPlayer1].Size.X), Convert.ToInt32(_img.Character[_characterPlayer1].Size.Y));

            if (_characterPlayer2 != string.Empty)
                _imgPlayer2.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(130f, 15f));
                _imgPlayer2.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(490f, 15f));
                _imgPlayer2.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(490f, 330f));
                _imgPlayer2.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(345f, 898f));
                _imgPlayer2.SetPoint(4, new Vector2f(-50f, 898f));
                _imgPlayer2.SetPoint(5, new Vector2f(-50f, 758f));
                _imgPlayer2.SetPoint(6, new Vector2f(-95f, 758f));

                _imgPlayer2.Position    = new Vector2f(1428f, 0f);
                _imgPlayer2.Texture     = _img.Character[_characterPlayer2];
                _imgPlayer2.TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(_img.Character[_characterPlayer2].Size.X), Convert.ToInt32(_img.Character[_characterPlayer2].Size.Y));
Example #28
        public static List <ConvexShape> LoadObjects(string title)
            List <ConvexShape> returnList = new List <ConvexShape>();
            FileStream         fs         = null;
            StreamReader       streamRead = null;

                string[] file = File.ReadAllLines("Saves\\" + title + ".txt");

                foreach (string line in file)
                    string[] lineSplit = line.Split(':');
                    int[]    lineInt   = new int[lineSplit.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < lineSplit.Length; i++)
                        lineInt[i] = Convert.ToInt32(lineSplit[i]);
                    ConvexShape shape = new ConvexShape((uint)lineInt[2]);
                    shape.Position = new Vector2f(lineInt[0], lineInt[1]);
                    for (int i = 3; i < lineInt[2] + 3; i++)
                        shape.SetPoint((uint)i - 3, new Vector2f(lineInt[i + i - 3], lineInt[i + i - 2]));
                    int colorI = lineInt[2] * 2 + 3;
                    shape.FillColor = new Color((byte)lineInt[colorI], (byte)lineInt[colorI + 1], (byte)lineInt[colorI + 2]);

                if (streamRead != null)
                if (fs != null)
Example #29
        void RenderFigure()
            int size = figure.polygons.Keys.Count;

            if (figure.Dimension() > 2)
                var zBuffer = new SortedList <double, int>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <double>());
                for (int c = 0; c < size; ++c)
                    var             polygon = figure.polygons[c];
                    Vector <double> normal  = polygon.Aggregate((s, v) => s + v).Normalize(1);
                    zBuffer.Add(normal[2], c);

                for (int c = 0; c < size; ++c)
                    int   id      = zBuffer.Values[c];
                    var   polygon = figure.polygons[id];
                    Color color   = originalShape.FillColor;

                    double zp = (zBuffer.Keys[c] + 1) * 0.5;
                    color.R = (byte)(color.R * zp);
                    color.G = (byte)(color.G * zp);
                    color.B = (byte)(color.B * zp);
                    color.A = (byte)(color.A * zp);

                    ConvexShape shape = new ConvexShape
                        Position  = originalShape.Position,
                        FillColor = color

                    for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Count; ++i)
                        shape.SetPoint((uint)i, new Vector2f((float)polygon[i][0], -(float)polygon[i][1]));

Example #30
        public KeyControl(float size)
            array = new ConvexShape(8);
            array.SetPoint(0, new Vector2f(0, -size));
            array.SetPoint(1, new Vector2f(.3f * size, -.3f * size));
            array.SetPoint(2, new Vector2f(size, 0));
            array.SetPoint(3, new Vector2f(.3f * size, .3f * size));
            array.SetPoint(4, new Vector2f(0, size));
            array.SetPoint(5, new Vector2f(-.3f * size, .3f * size));
            array.SetPoint(6, new Vector2f(-size, 0));
            array.SetPoint(7, new Vector2f(-.3f * size, -.3f * size));
            array.OutlineColor     = Color.Black;
            array.OutlineThickness = -1f;

            var tmp = new CustomHitbox();

            for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            HitBox = tmp;