public LotusView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) : base(context, attrs) { Holder.AddCallback(this); var screenCenter = new PointVector { X = Resources.DisplayMetrics.WidthPixels / 2, Y = Resources.DisplayMetrics.HeightPixels / 2 }; var controlPadRadius = 225; var controlPad = new ControlPad(Resources, new PointVector { X = controlPadRadius, Y = screenCenter.Y * 2 - controlPadRadius }, controlPadRadius); var fireButtonRadius = 125; var fireButton = new ControlButton(Resources, new PointVector { X = screenCenter.X * 2 - fireButtonRadius, Y = screenCenter.Y * 2 - fireButtonRadius }, fireButtonRadius); var player = new Player(controlPad, fireButton); mDrawThread = new DrawThread(Holder, screenCenter, player); player.RegisterShip(new Ship(Resources, Resource.Drawable.t1, 600, 1200, 720)); player.RegisterWeapon(new Weapon(Resources, Resource.Drawable.t1, mDrawThread)); new StaticImage(Resources, Resource.Drawable.background); SetOnTouchListener(player); }
public RecordPageViewModel() { var controlpads = ControlPad.GetAllControlPads(); if (controlpads != null && controlpads.Count > 0) { controlpads.Insert(0, new ControlPad() { Id = 0, Name = "==全部==" }); this.ControlPads = controlpads; CurrentControlPad = this.ControlPads[0]; } currentPageSize = this.PageSize; this.SelectControlPadCommand = new DelegateCommand <ExCommandParameter>(SelectControlPad); this.QueryRecordCommand = new DelegateCommand(QueryRecord); this.FirstPageCommand = new DelegateCommand(FirstPage); this.LastPageCommand = new DelegateCommand(LastPage); this.PrevPageCommand = new DelegateCommand(PrevPage); this.NextPageCommand = new DelegateCommand(NextPage); this.ChangePageSizeCommand = new DelegateCommand <ExCommandParameter>(ChangePageSize); this.ShowAlarmPicCommand = new DelegateCommand <ExCommandParameter>(ShowAlarmPic); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Application.config"); var path = doc.Descendants("copyImagePath").Single(); this.alarmImagePath = path.Attribute("path").Value; }
public ControlPadContentViewModel() { this.ControlPads = ControlPad.GetAllControlPads(); this.BeginningEditCommand = new DelegateCommand <ExCommandParameter>(BeginningEdit); this.RowEditEndingCommand = new DelegateCommand <ExCommandParameter>(RowEditEnding); this.AddNewControlPadCommand = new DelegateCommand(AddNewControlPad); this.DeleteControlPadCommand = new DelegateCommand <ExCommandParameter>(DeleteControlPad); }
private void DeleteControlPad(ExCommandParameter param) { var sender = param.Sender as Button; int id = int.Parse(sender.Tag.ToString()); //删除 bool b = ControlPad.DeleteControlPad(id); if (b) { this.ControlPads.Remove(this.ControlPads.Single(p => p.Id == id)); } }
private void BeginningEdit(ExCommandParameter param) { var sender = param.Sender as DataGrid; var args = param.EventArgs as DataGridBeginningEditEventArgs; int index = args.Column.DisplayIndex; int id = int.Parse((sender.Columns[0].GetCellContent(args.Row) as TextBlock).Text); var pad = this.ControlPads.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); if (pad != null) { this.currentControlPad = pad; } }
private void RowEditEnding(ExCommandParameter param) { if (this.currentControlPad == null) { return; } var sender = param.Sender as DataGrid; var args = param.EventArgs as DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs; int id = int.Parse((sender.Columns[0].GetCellContent(args.Row) as TextBlock).Text); var pad = this.ControlPads.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); //保存 ControlPad.UpdateControlPad(pad); }
//RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object> #region command functions private void PageLoaded(ExCommandParameter param) { var sender = param.Sender as UserControl; var tvControlPads = sender.FindName("tvControlPads") as TreeView; var cboControlPads = sender.FindName("cboControlPads") as ComboBox; this.ControlPads = ControlPad.GetAllControlPads(); this.Cameras = null; XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Application.config"); var path = doc.Descendants("copyImagePath").Single(); this.copyImagePath = path.Attribute("path").Value; }
private void TreeViewSelectChanged(ExCommandParameter param) { var sender = param.Sender as TreeView; if (sender.SelectedItem is ControlPad) { //屏蔽控制板的右键事件 if (param.EventArgs is MouseButtonEventArgs) { return; } var pad = sender.SelectedItem as ControlPad; this.currentPad = pad; pad.Cameras = pad.GetCameras(); } else if (sender.SelectedItem is Camera) { if (param.EventArgs is MouseButtonEventArgs) { //只有在选中相机并单击右键时,才显示快捷菜单 if (sender.SelectedItem == null) { return; } //显示右键菜单 var contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); //contextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem { Header = "连接", Command = this.RemoteDesktopCommand }); var menuItem = new MenuItem { Header = "连接" }; menuItem.Name = "menuConnect"; menuItem.Tag = (sender.SelectedItem as Camera).Id; menuItem.Command = this.RemoteDesktopCommand; var parameter = new ExCommandParameter(); parameter.Sender = menuItem; menuItem.CommandParameter = parameter; contextMenu.Items.Add(menuItem); contextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem { Header = "开启检测" }); contextMenu.IsOpen = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// 切换相机网口 /// </summary> /// <param name="camera"></param> private void SwitchCameraNetPort(Camera camera) { int no = camera.NetPortNum; try { ControlPad pad = new ControlPad(camera.ControlPadNo, null); pad.SwitchNetPort(no); } catch (Exception ex) { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { camera.IsSwitching = false; ModernDialog.ShowMessage(ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButton.OK); }); } }
private void AddNewControlPad() { int id = 0; if (this.ControlPads.Count > 0) { id = this.ControlPads.Max(p => p.Id); } ControlPad pad = new ControlPad() { Id = id + 1, Name = "控制板" + (id + 1), IP = "", PortNum = 3333 }; this.ControlPads.Add(pad); //保存到配置文件 ControlPad.AddControlPad(pad); }
/// <summary> /// checks whether the specified button of an Xbox 360 controller /// is pressed once for this frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="pad">Button of the Xbox 360 controller</param> public bool IsStrokeControlPad(ControlPad pad) { switch (pad) { case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickUp: return(IsStrokeThumbStickUp(Trigger.Left)); case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickDown: return(IsStrokeThumbStickDown(Trigger.Left)); case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickLeft: return(IsStrokeThumbStickLeft(Trigger.Left)); case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickRight: return(IsStrokeThumbStickRight(Trigger.Left)); case ControlPad.RightThumbStickUp: return(IsStrokeThumbStickUp(Trigger.Right)); case ControlPad.RightThumbStickDown: return(IsStrokeThumbStickDown(Trigger.Right)); case ControlPad.RightThumbStickLeft: return(IsStrokeThumbStickLeft(Trigger.Right)); case ControlPad.RightThumbStickRight: return(IsStrokeThumbStickRight(Trigger.Right)); case ControlPad.LeftTrigger: return(IsStrokeTriggers(Trigger.Left)); case ControlPad.RightTrigger: return(IsStrokeTriggers(Trigger.Right)); } ; // check stroke GamePad buttons return(!IsControlPadState(oldGamePadState, pad, ButtonState.Pressed) && IsPressControlPad(pad)); }
/// <summary> /// configures the Xbox 360 controller setting. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameKey">game key in the game</param> /// <param name="setKey">a key of Xbox 360 controller</param> public void SetGameControlPad(GameKey gameKey, ControlPad setKey) { gameControlPad[(int)gameKey] = setKey; }
/// <summary> /// checks whether the specified button of an Xbox 360 controller is pressed. /// </summary> /// <param name="pad">Button of the Xbox 360 controller</param> public bool IsPressControlPad(ControlPad pad) { return IsControlPadState(gamePadState, pad, ButtonState.Pressed); }
/// <summary> /// compares the input state of the Xbox 360 controller. /// </summary> /// <param name="GamePadState">target input state</param> /// <param name="pad">Button of the Xbox 360 Controller</param> /// <param name="state">target button state</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool IsControlPadState(GamePadState targetGamePadState, ControlPad pad, ButtonState state) { switch (pad) { case ControlPad.Start: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.Start == state); case ControlPad.Back: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.Back == state); case ControlPad.A: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.A == state); case ControlPad.B: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.B == state); case ControlPad.X: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.X == state); case ControlPad.Y: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.Y == state); case ControlPad.LeftShoulder: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.LeftShoulder == state); case ControlPad.LeftStick: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.LeftStick == state); case ControlPad.RightShoulder: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.RightShoulder == state); case ControlPad.RightStick: return(targetGamePadState.Buttons.RightStick == state); case ControlPad.LeftPad: return(targetGamePadState.DPad.Left == state); case ControlPad.RightPad: return(targetGamePadState.DPad.Right == state); case ControlPad.UpPad: return(targetGamePadState.DPad.Up == state); case ControlPad.DownPad: return(targetGamePadState.DPad.Down == state); case ControlPad.LeftTrigger: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetGamePadTriggers(Trigger.Left) > 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetGamePadTriggers(Trigger.Left) == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.RightTrigger: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetGamePadTriggers(Trigger.Right) > 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetGamePadTriggers(Trigger.Right) == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickUp: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).Y > 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).Y == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickDown: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).Y < 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).Y == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickLeft: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).X < 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).X == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickRight: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).X > 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).X == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.RightThumbStickUp: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y > 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.RightThumbStickDown: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y < 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.RightThumbStickLeft: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).X < 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y == 0.0f); } return(false); } case ControlPad.RightThumbStickRight: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).X > 0.0f); } else if (state == ButtonState.Released) { return(GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y == 0.0f); } return(false); } default: return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// checks whether the specified button of an Xbox 360 controller is released. /// </summary> /// <param name="pad">Button of the Xbox 360 controller</param> public bool IsReleaseControlPad(ControlPad pad) { return(IsControlPadState(gamePadState, pad, ButtonState.Released)); }
/// <summary> /// checks whether the specified button of an Xbox 360 controller is pressed. /// </summary> /// <param name="pad">Button of the Xbox 360 controller</param> public bool IsPressControlPad(ControlPad pad) { return(IsControlPadState(gamePadState, pad, ButtonState.Pressed)); }
private void PageLoaded(ExCommandParameter param) { this.ControlPads = ControlPad.GetAllControlPads(); }
/// <summary> /// checks whether the specified button of an Xbox 360 controller is released. /// </summary> /// <param name="pad">Button of the Xbox 360 controller</param> public bool IsReleaseControlPad(ControlPad pad) { return IsControlPadState(gamePadState, pad, ButtonState.Released); }
/// <summary> /// compares the input state of the Xbox 360 controller. /// </summary> /// <param name="GamePadState">target input state</param> /// <param name="pad">Button of the Xbox 360 Controller</param> /// <param name="state">target button state</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool IsControlPadState(GamePadState targetGamePadState, ControlPad pad, ButtonState state) { switch (pad) { case ControlPad.Start: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.Start == state); case ControlPad.Back: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.Back == state); case ControlPad.A: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.A == state); case ControlPad.B: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.B == state); case ControlPad.X: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.X == state); case ControlPad.Y: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.Y == state); case ControlPad.LeftShoulder: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.LeftShoulder == state); case ControlPad.LeftStick: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.LeftStick == state); case ControlPad.RightShoulder: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.RightShoulder == state); case ControlPad.RightStick: return (targetGamePadState.Buttons.RightStick == state); case ControlPad.LeftPad: return (targetGamePadState.DPad.Left == state); case ControlPad.RightPad: return (targetGamePadState.DPad.Right == state); case ControlPad.UpPad: return (targetGamePadState.DPad.Up == state); case ControlPad.DownPad: return (targetGamePadState.DPad.Down == state); case ControlPad.LeftTrigger: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetGamePadTriggers(Trigger.Left) > 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetGamePadTriggers(Trigger.Left) == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.RightTrigger: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetGamePadTriggers(Trigger.Right) > 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetGamePadTriggers(Trigger.Right) == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickUp: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).Y > 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).Y == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickDown: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).Y < 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).Y == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickLeft: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).X < 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).X == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickRight: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).X > 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Left).X == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.RightThumbStickUp: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y > 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.RightThumbStickDown: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y < 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.RightThumbStickLeft: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).X < 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y == 0.0f); return false; } case ControlPad.RightThumbStickRight: { if (state == ButtonState.Pressed) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).X > 0.0f); else if (state == ButtonState.Released) return (GetThumbStickAmount(Trigger.Right).Y == 0.0f); return false; } default: return false; } }
/// <summary> /// checks whether the specified button of an Xbox 360 controller /// is pressed once for this frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="pad">Button of the Xbox 360 controller</param> public bool IsStrokeControlPad(ControlPad pad) { switch (pad) { case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickUp: return IsStrokeThumbStickUp(Trigger.Left); case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickDown: return IsStrokeThumbStickDown(Trigger.Left); case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickLeft: return IsStrokeThumbStickLeft(Trigger.Left); case ControlPad.LeftThumbStickRight: return IsStrokeThumbStickRight(Trigger.Left); case ControlPad.RightThumbStickUp: return IsStrokeThumbStickUp(Trigger.Right); case ControlPad.RightThumbStickDown: return IsStrokeThumbStickDown(Trigger.Right); case ControlPad.RightThumbStickLeft: return IsStrokeThumbStickLeft(Trigger.Right); case ControlPad.RightThumbStickRight: return IsStrokeThumbStickRight(Trigger.Right); case ControlPad.LeftTrigger: return IsStrokeTriggers(Trigger.Left); case ControlPad.RightTrigger: return IsStrokeTriggers(Trigger.Right); }; // check stroke GamePad buttons return (!IsControlPadState(oldGamePadState, pad, ButtonState.Pressed) && IsPressControlPad(pad)); }
public Player(ControlPad controlPad, ControlButton fireButton) { mControlPad = controlPad; mFireButton = fireButton; }
public AlarmPageViewModel() { alarmLamp = new AlarmLamp(); ope = new AlarmInfoOperator(); ClearAlarmListCommand = new DelegateCommand(ClearAlamList); this.AlarmInfos = new ObservableCollection <AlarmInfo>(); if (App.Current == null) { return; } if (this.ControlPads == null) { this.ControlPads = ControlPad.GetAllControlPads(); } //此处需判断是不是服务器 Task.Run(() => { //获取服务器 XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Application.config"); var server = doc.Descendants("server").Single(); string serverIP = server.Attribute("ip").Value; int serverPort = int.Parse(server.Attribute("port").Value); //获取客户机 var clients = doc.Descendants("clients").Descendants("client"); //获取本机IPv4地址 string name = Dns.GetHostName(); IPAddress[] ipadrlist = Dns.GetHostAddresses(name); //判断是否包含服务器的IP地址 bool b = ipadrlist.Contains(IPAddress.Parse(serverIP)); if (b) { //如果是服务器才向控制板发送数据 foreach (var controlpad in this.ControlPads) { CameraList.AddRange(controlpad.GetCameras()); try { ControlPad pad = new ControlPad(controlpad.Id, (AlarmInfo[] info, ControlPadState[] states) => { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { //对于5个信息区都进行搜索,不判断标志位 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!IsEmpty(info[i])) { if (controlpad != null) { var camera = CameraList.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == info[i].CameraNo && c.ControlPadNo == controlpad.Id); if (camera != null) { info[i].CameraName = camera.Name; } } AlarmInfos.Insert(0, info[i]); //始终保持界面上的报警记录不得多于50条 if (AlarmInfos.Count == 50 + 1) { AlarmInfos.RemoveAt(AlarmInfos.Count - 1); } //向报警器串口发送命令 Task.Run(() => { alarmLamp.AlarmMusicAndFlash(); Thread.Sleep(2000); alarmLamp.StopAllAlarm(); }); CurrentItem = info[i]; //向其他客户机发送报警数据 if (clients.Count() > 0) { foreach (var client in clients) { string IP = client.Attribute("ip").Value; int port = int.Parse(client.Attribute("port").Value); if (IP != serverIP) { UdpComm comm = new UdpComm(IP, port); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AlarmInfo)); var ms = new MemoryStream(); xs.Serialize(ms, CurrentItem); comm.SendData(ms.ToArray()); ms.Close(); ms.Dispose(); } } } //写入数据库 ope.Add(ope.AlarmInfoToAlarmInfoForDB(controlpad.Id, controlpad.Name, info[i])); } } }); }); } catch (Exception ex) { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ModernDialog.ShowMessage(ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButton.OK); }); } } } else { //如果不是服务器,开启线程来接受服务器发来的报警信息 Task.Run(() => { //先找到本机的IP和端口 foreach (var client in clients) { string IP = client.Attribute("ip").Value; int port = int.Parse(client.Attribute("port").Value); if (ipadrlist.Contains(IPAddress.Parse(IP))) { //找到本机 Task.Run(() => { UdpComm comm = new UdpComm(port); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AlarmInfo)); while (true) { byte[] data = comm.Receive(serverIP, serverPort); App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write(data, 0, data.Length); ms.Position = 0; AlarmInfos.Add(xs.Deserialize(ms) as AlarmInfo); } }); } }); break; } } }); } }); }