protected override void Definition() { values.Clear(); if (promoteToInputPort) { binarySave = ValueInput <BinarySave>("binary"); } if (!usePersistantDataPath) { path = ValueInput <string>("path", string.Empty); } fileName = ValueInput <string>("fileName", string.Empty); complete = ControlOutput("complete"); DefineSaveControlPort(); if (!promoteToInputPort) { DefineVariablePorts(); } binarySaveOut = ValueOutput <BinarySave>("_binary", GetBinaryOutput); Requirement(fileName, save); Succession(save, complete); }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput("enter", new Action <Flow>(StartSequence)); breakIn = ControlInput("break", new Action <Flow>(BreakSequence)); delay = ValueInput <float>("delay", 0).AllowsNull(); unscaled = ValueInput <bool>("unscaled", false); Func <Recursion, float> timeElapsed = getTimeElapsed => TimeElapsed(); elapsed = ValueOutput <float>("elapsed", timeElapsed); Func <Recursion, float> timeRemaining = getTimeRemaining => TimeRemaining(); remaining = ValueOutput <float>("remaining", timeRemaining); entered = ControlOutput("entered"); loop = ControlOutput("loop"); exit = ControlOutput("exit"); breakOut = ControlOutput("broken"); Relation(enter, entered); Relation(enter, loop); Relation(enter, exit); Relation(breakIn, breakOut); }
protected override void Definition() { isControlRoot = true; Port = ValueInput <uint>(nameof(Port), 8000); Address = ValueInput <string>(nameof(Address), "/unity"); Received = ControlOutput(nameof(Received)); }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput("enter", (flow) => { PerformOperation(flow); return(exit); }); collection = ValueInput <IEnumerable>("collection"); exit = ControlOutput("exit"); if (Dictionary) { key = ValueOutput <object>("key"); Assignment(enter, key); } value = ValueOutput <object>("item"); Succession(enter, exit); Assignment(enter, value); Requirement(collection, enter); }
protected override void DefinePorts() { if (returnType != null) { if (returnType.IsEnumerable()) { enter = ControlInput("enter", OnEnterCoroutine); if (yieldable != null) { if (yieldable.@yield) { exit = ControlOutput("exit"); } } } else { enter = ControlInput("enter", OnEnter); } if (returnType != typeof(Void)) { returns = ValueInput(returnType, "returns"); } } }
protected override void DefinePorts() { base.DefinePorts(); @true = ControlOutput("true"); @false = ControlOutput("false"); next = ControlOutput("next"); enter = ControlInput("enter", (flow) => { if (flow.GetValue <bool>(condition)) { flow.Invoke(@true); } else { flow.Invoke(@false); } return(next); }); condition = ValueInput <bool>("condition"); Requirement(condition, enter); Succession(enter, @true); Succession(enter, @false); Succession(enter, next); }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput(nameof(enter), Enter); exit = ControlOutput(nameof(exit)); Succession(enter, exit); }
protected override void Definition() { Enter = ControlInput("Enter", (flow) => { delayValue = flow.GetValue <int>(Delay); return(Exit); }); Exit = ControlOutput("Exit"); Delay = ValueInput <int>("Delay", 0); Title = ValueInput <string>("Title", string.Empty); SubTitle = ValueInput <string>("SubTitle", string.Empty); Body = ValueInput <string>("Body", string.Empty); Identifier = ValueOutput <string>("id", (flow) => { id = IosNotify(flow.GetValue <int>(Delay), flow.GetValue <string>(Title), flow.GetValue <string>(SubTitle), flow.GetValue <string>(Body)); return(id); }); Requirement(Title, Enter); Requirement(Body, Enter); Succession(Enter, Exit); }
/// <summary> /// Defines the ports of this unit. /// </summary> protected override void Definition() { base.Definition(); arguments.Clear(); enter = ControlInput("enter", Enter); name = ValueInput <string>("name", string.Empty); if (!global) { target = ValueInput <GameObject>("target", (GameObject)null).NullMeansSelf(); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var input = ValueInput <object>(i.ToString()); arguments.Add(input); Requirement(input, enter); } exit = ControlOutput("exit"); value = ValueOutput <object>("value", GetValue); Succession(enter, exit); Requirement(name, enter); if (!global) { Requirement(target, enter); } Succession(enter, trigger); }
protected override void Definition() { // Inputs on = ControlInput("on", TurnOn); off = ControlInput("off", TurnOff); if (showMonitored) { monitored = ValueInput <K>("monitored", null); } // Outputs m_trigger = ControlOutput("trigger"); if (showEventArgs) { eventArgs = ValueOutput("eventArgs", (flow) => { return(m_eventArgs); }); } turnedOn = ControlOutput("turnedOn"); turnedOff = ControlOutput("turnedOff"); // Error handling Succession(on, turnedOn); Succession(off, turnedOff); }
protected override void Definition() { isControlRoot = true; invoke = ControlOutput("invoke"); switch (functionType) { case FunctionType.Method: MethodDefinition(); break; case FunctionType.Getter: GetterDefinition(); break; case FunctionType.Setter: SetterDefinition(); break; case FunctionType.Constructor: ConstructorDefinition(); break; } }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput("enter", (flow) => { if (_delegate is IAction) { flow.GetValue <IAction>(a).Bind(flow.GetValue <TDelegateInterface>(b)); } else { if (_delegate is IFunc) { flow.GetValue <IFunc>(a).Bind(flow.GetValue <TDelegateInterface>(b)); } } return(exit); }); exit = ControlOutput("exit"); if (_delegate != null) { a = ValueInput(_delegate.GetType(), "a"); b = ValueInput(_delegate.GetType(), "b"); } else { a = ValueInput(typeof(object), "a"); b = ValueInput(typeof(object), "b"); } Requirement(a, enter); Requirement(b, enter); Succession(enter, exit); }
protected override void Definition() { isControlRoot = true; parameters.Clear(); invoke = ControlOutput("invoke"); if (_delegate != null) { @delegate = ValueOutput(_delegate.GetType(), "delegate", (flow) => { var _flow = Flow.New(flow.stack.AsReference()); InitializeDelegate(_flow, _delegate.initialized); return(_delegate); }); for (int i = 0; i < _delegate.parameters.Length; i++) { var index = i; parameters.Add(ValueOutput(_delegate.parameters[i].type, _delegate.parameters[i].name, (flow) => { return(values[index]); })); } } }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput("enter", new Action <Flow>(Enter)); name = ValueInput <string>("name", string.Empty); if (trigger == TriggerType.Children) { count = ValueInput <int>("below", 0); } else if (trigger == TriggerType.Parent) { count = ValueInput <int>("above", 0); } else { if (trigger == TriggerType.Both) { count = ValueInput("away", 0); } } for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) { int _i = i; base.ValueOutput <object>("argument_" + i, (Recursion recursion) => arguments[1 + _i]); } exit = ControlOutput("exit"); Relation(enter, exit); }
protected override void Definition() { indexes.Clear(); enter = ControlInput("enter", SetItem); array = ValueInput <Array>("array"); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { var dimension = ValueInput <int>(i.ToString() + " Index", 0); indexes.Add(dimension); } value = ValueInput <object>("value"); exit = ControlOutput("exit"); Succession(enter, exit); for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Count; i++) { Requirement(indexes[i], enter); } }
public static IEnumerator Yield(Flow flow, ControlOutput next, bool isCoroutine) { if (isCoroutine) { yield return(Flow.New(flow.stack.AsReference(), true).Coroutine(next)); } }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput(nameof(enter), Enter); reset = ControlInput(nameof(reset), Reset); exit = ControlOutput(nameof(exit)); Relation(enter, exit); }
protected override void Definition() { EnterNode = ControlInput("EnterNode", DoInjection); ExitNode = ControlOutput("ExitNode"); Object = ValueInput <object>("Object"); Context = ValueInput <Context>("Context"); InjectedObject = ValueOutput("InjectedObject", delegate { return(_output); }); }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput("enter", new Action <Flow>(Combine)); exit = ControlOutput("exit"); Relation(enter, exit); }
protected override void Definition() { save = ValueInput <BinarySave>("save"); enter = ControlInput("enter", (flow) => { flow.GetValue <BinarySave>(save).variables.Clear(); return(exit); }); exit = ControlOutput("exit"); Succession(enter, exit); }
protected override void DefinePorts() { exit = ControlOutput("exit"); enter = ControlInput("enter", new System.Func <Flow, ControlOutput>((flow) => { LabelUnit.GotoLabel(flow.stack.ToReference(), label, graph); return(exit); })); }
protected override void Definition() { Enter = ControlInput(nameof(Enter), (flow) => { PerformOperation(flow); return(Exit); }); Exit = ControlOutput(nameof(Exit)); Succession(Enter, Exit); }
protected override void Definition() { Enter = ControlInput(nameof(Enter), OnEnter); Exit = ControlOutput(nameof(Exit)); Succession(Enter, Exit); SendTo = ValueInput <string>(nameof(SendTo), ""); Port = ValueInput <uint>(nameof(Port), 9000); Address = ValueInput <string>(nameof(Address), "/unity"); }
protected override void DefinePorts() { enter = ControlInput("enter", new System.Func <Flow, ControlOutput>((flow) => { OnCase(flow); return(next); })); next = ControlOutput("next"); }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput(nameof(enter), Enter); reset = ControlInput(nameof(reset), Reset); once = ControlOutput(nameof(once)); after = ControlOutput(nameof(after)); Succession(enter, once); Succession(enter, after); }
protected override void Definition() { EnterNode = ControlInput("EnterNode", DoInjection); ExitNode = ControlOutput("ExitNode"); Prototype = ValueInput <Object>("Prototype", null); Context = ValueInput <Context>("Context", null); Position = ValueInput <Vector3>("Position",; Orientation = ValueInput <Quaternion>("Orientation", Quaternion.identity); InjectedObject = ValueOutput("InjectedObject", delegate { return(_output); }); }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput(nameof(enter), InputKey); up = ControlOutput(nameof(up)); down = ControlOutput(nameof(down)); Succession(enter, up); Succession(enter, down); }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput(nameof(enter), Enter); input = ValueInput <object>(nameof(input)); lastValue = ValueOutput <object>(nameof(lastValue), (x) => _previous); onChange = ControlOutput(nameof(onChange)); Relation(enter, onChange); Relation(input, onChange); }
protected override void Definition() { enter = ControlInput(nameof(enter), Enter); input = ValueInput <object>(nameof(input)); lastValue = ValueOutput <object>(nameof(lastValue)); onChange = ControlOutput(nameof(onChange)); Succession(enter, onChange); Requirement(input, enter); }
private static ControlOutput InitializeControlOutput() { ControlOutput initialControl = new ControlOutput { Thrust = new Vector3D <float>(0, 0, 0), PyroOutputs = 0x00 }; return(initialControl); }