public void ContinueStatementProducesContinueWithLabel() { var c = new ContinueStatement("here"); Assert.AreEqual("here", c.Label); Assert.AreEqual("continue here;", c.ToString()); }
public virtual void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { StartNode(continueStatement); WriteKeyword("continue", ContinueStatement.ContinueKeywordRole); Semicolon(); EndNode(continueStatement); }
public IStatement Statement(bool BlocksAllowed = true, bool EmptyAllowed = true, IBlockNode Scope = null, IStatement Parent=null) { switch (laKind) { case Semicolon: if (!EmptyAllowed) goto default; Step(); return null; case OpenCurlyBrace: if (!BlocksAllowed) goto default; return BlockStatement(Scope,Parent); // LabeledStatement (loc:... goto loc;) case Identifier: if (Lexer.CurrentPeekToken.Kind != Colon) goto default; Step(); var ls = new LabeledStatement() { Location = t.Location, Identifier = t.Value, Parent = Parent }; Step(); ls.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return ls; // IfStatement case If: Step(); var iS = new IfStatement{ Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; Expect(OpenParenthesis); // IfCondition IfCondition(iS); // ThenStatement if(Expect(CloseParenthesis)) iS.ThenStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: iS); // ElseStatement if (laKind == (Else)) { Step(); iS.ElseStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: iS); } if(t != null) iS.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return iS; // Conditions case Version: case Debug: return StmtCondition(Parent, Scope); case Static: if (Lexer.CurrentPeekToken.Kind == If) return StmtCondition(Parent, Scope); else if (Lexer.CurrentPeekToken.Kind == Assert) goto case Assert; else if (Lexer.CurrentPeekToken.Kind == Import) goto case Import; goto default; case For: return ForStatement(Scope, Parent); case Foreach: case Foreach_Reverse: return ForeachStatement(Scope, Parent); case While: Step(); var ws = new WhileStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; Expect(OpenParenthesis); ws.Condition = Expression(Scope); Expect(CloseParenthesis); if(!IsEOF) { ws.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: ws); ws.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; } return ws; case Do: Step(); var dws = new WhileStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; if(!IsEOF) dws.ScopedStatement = Statement(true, false, Scope, dws); if(Expect(While) && Expect(OpenParenthesis)) { dws.Condition = Expression(Scope); Expect(CloseParenthesis); Expect(Semicolon); dws.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; } return dws; // [Final] SwitchStatement case Final: if (Lexer.CurrentPeekToken.Kind != Switch) goto default; goto case Switch; case Switch: var ss = new SwitchStatement { Location = la.Location, Parent = Parent }; if (laKind == (Final)) { ss.IsFinal = true; Step(); } Step(); Expect(OpenParenthesis); ss.SwitchExpression = Expression(Scope); Expect(CloseParenthesis); if(!IsEOF) ss.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: ss); ss.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return ss; case Case: Step(); var sscs = new SwitchStatement.CaseStatement() { Location = la.Location, Parent = Parent }; sscs.ArgumentList = Expression(Scope); Expect(Colon); // CaseRangeStatement if (laKind == DoubleDot) { Step(); Expect(Case); sscs.LastExpression = AssignExpression(); Expect(Colon); } var sscssl = new List<IStatement>(); while (laKind != Case && laKind != Default && laKind != CloseCurlyBrace && !IsEOF) { var stmt = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: sscs); if (stmt != null) { stmt.Parent = sscs; sscssl.Add(stmt); } } sscs.ScopeStatementList = sscssl.ToArray(); sscs.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return sscs; case Default: Step(); var ssds = new SwitchStatement.DefaultStatement() { Location = la.Location, Parent = Parent }; Expect(Colon); var ssdssl = new List<IStatement>(); while (laKind != Case && laKind != Default && laKind != CloseCurlyBrace && !IsEOF) { var stmt = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: ssds); if (stmt != null) { stmt.Parent = ssds; ssdssl.Add(stmt); } } ssds.ScopeStatementList = ssdssl.ToArray(); ssds.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return ssds; case Continue: Step(); var cs = new ContinueStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; if (laKind == (Identifier)) { Step(); cs.Identifier = t.Value; } else if(IsEOF) cs.IdentifierHash = DTokens.IncompleteIdHash; Expect(Semicolon); cs.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return cs; case Break: Step(); var bs = new BreakStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; if (laKind == (Identifier)) { Step(); bs.Identifier = t.Value; } else if(IsEOF) bs.IdentifierHash = DTokens.IncompleteIdHash; Expect(Semicolon); bs.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return bs; case Return: Step(); var rs = new ReturnStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; if (laKind != (Semicolon)) rs.ReturnExpression = Expression(Scope); Expect(Semicolon); rs.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return rs; case Goto: Step(); var gs = new GotoStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; switch(laKind) { case Identifier: Step(); gs.StmtType = GotoStatement.GotoStmtType.Identifier; gs.LabelIdentifier = t.Value; break; case Default: Step(); gs.StmtType = GotoStatement.GotoStmtType.Default; break; case Case: Step(); gs.StmtType = GotoStatement.GotoStmtType.Case; if (laKind != (Semicolon)) gs.CaseExpression = Expression(Scope); break; default: if (IsEOF) gs.LabelIdentifierHash = DTokens.IncompleteIdHash; break; } Expect(Semicolon); gs.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return gs; case With: Step(); var wS = new WithStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; if(Expect(OpenParenthesis)) { // Symbol wS.WithExpression = Expression(Scope); Expect(CloseParenthesis); if(!IsEOF) wS.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: wS); } wS.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return wS; case Synchronized: Step(); var syncS = new SynchronizedStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis)) { Step(); syncS.SyncExpression = Expression(Scope); Expect(CloseParenthesis); } if(!IsEOF) syncS.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: syncS); syncS.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return syncS; case Try: Step(); var ts = new TryStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; ts.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: ts); if (!(laKind == (Catch) || laKind == (Finally))) SemErr(Catch, "At least one catch or a finally block expected!"); var catches = new List<TryStatement.CatchStatement>(); // Catches while (laKind == (Catch)) { Step(); var c = new TryStatement.CatchStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = ts }; // CatchParameter if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis)) { Step(); if (laKind == CloseParenthesis || IsEOF) { SemErr(CloseParenthesis, "Catch parameter expected, not ')'"); Step(); } else { var catchVar = new DVariable { Parent = Scope, Location = t.Location }; Lexer.PushLookAheadBackup(); catchVar.Type = BasicType(); if (laKind == CloseParenthesis) { Lexer.RestoreLookAheadBackup(); catchVar.Type = new IdentifierDeclaration("Exception"); } else Lexer.PopLookAheadBackup(); if (Expect(Identifier)) { catchVar.Name = t.Value; catchVar.NameLocation = t.Location; Expect(CloseParenthesis); } else if(IsEOF) catchVar.NameHash = DTokens.IncompleteIdHash; catchVar.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; c.CatchParameter = catchVar; } } if(!IsEOF) c.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: c); c.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; catches.Add(c); } if (catches.Count > 0) ts.Catches = catches.ToArray(); if (laKind == (Finally)) { Step(); var f = new TryStatement.FinallyStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; f.ScopedStatement = Statement(); f.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; ts.FinallyStmt = f; } ts.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return ts; case Throw: Step(); var ths = new ThrowStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; ths.ThrowExpression = Expression(Scope); Expect(Semicolon); ths.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return ths; case DTokens.Scope: Step(); if (laKind == OpenParenthesis) { var s = new ScopeGuardStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; Step(); if (Expect(Identifier) && t.Value != null) // exit, failure, success s.GuardedScope = t.Value.ToLower(); else if (IsEOF) s.GuardedScope = DTokens.IncompleteId; Expect(CloseParenthesis); s.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: s); s.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return s; } else PushAttribute(new Modifier(DTokens.Scope), false); goto default; case Asm: return ParseAsmStatement(Scope, Parent); case Pragma: var ps = new PragmaStatement { Location = la.Location }; ps.Pragma = _Pragma(); ps.Parent = Parent; ps.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: ps); ps.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return ps; case Mixin: if (Peek(1).Kind == OpenParenthesis) { OverPeekBrackets(OpenParenthesis); if (Lexer.CurrentPeekToken.Kind != Semicolon) return ExpressionStatement(Scope, Parent); return MixinDeclaration(Scope, Parent); } else { var tmx = TemplateMixin(Scope, Parent); if (tmx.MixinId == null) return tmx; else return new DeclarationStatement { Declarations = new[] { new NamedTemplateMixinNode(tmx) }, Parent = Parent }; } case Assert: var isStatic = laKind == Static; AssertStatement asS; if (isStatic) { Step(); asS = new StaticAssertStatement { Location = la.Location, Parent = Parent }; } else asS = new AssertStatement() { Location = la.Location, Parent = Parent }; Step(); if (Expect(OpenParenthesis)) { asS.AssertedExpression = Expression(Scope); Expect(CloseParenthesis); Expect(Semicolon); } asS.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return asS; case Volatile: Step(); var vs = new VolatileStatement() { Location = t.Location, Parent = Parent }; vs.ScopedStatement = Statement(Scope: Scope, Parent: vs); vs.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return vs; case Import: if(laKind == Static) Step(); // Will be handled in ImportDeclaration return ImportDeclaration(Scope); case Enum: case Alias: case Typedef: var ds = new DeclarationStatement() { Location = la.Location, Parent = Parent, ParentNode = Scope }; ds.Declarations = Declaration(Scope); ds.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return ds; default: if (IsClassLike(laKind) || (IsBasicType(laKind) && Lexer.CurrentPeekToken.Kind != Dot) || IsModifier(laKind)) goto case Typedef; if (IsAssignExpression()) return ExpressionStatement(Scope, Parent); goto case Typedef; } }
protected internal virtual void PostWalk(ContinueStatement node) { }
public virtual void VisitContinueStatement (ContinueStatement continueStatement) { VisitChildren (continueStatement); }
// ContinueStatement public virtual bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) { return true; }
public override bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) { node.Parent = _currentScope; node.LoopStatement = _loops[_loops.Count - 1]; return base.Walk(node); }
public virtual void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { if (this.ThrowException) { throw (Exception)this.CreateException(continueStatement); } }
protected override IPhpStatement[] VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement src) { return(MkArray(new PhpContinueStatement())); }
public void CSharpContinueStatementTest() { ContinueStatement continueStmt = ParseUtilCSharp.ParseStatement <ContinueStatement>("continue;"); }
private static IToken BuildCodeElementFromType(CodeElementType type, Token lastTokenBeforeError, string informationText) { CodeElement codeElement = null; switch (type) { case CodeElementType.ProgramIdentification: codeElement = new ProgramIdentification(); break; case CodeElementType.ProgramEnd: codeElement = new ProgramEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.ClassIdentification: codeElement = new ClassIdentification(); break; case CodeElementType.ClassEnd: codeElement = new ClassEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.FactoryIdentification: codeElement = new FactoryIdentification(); break; case CodeElementType.FactoryEnd: codeElement = new FactoryEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.ObjectIdentification: codeElement = new ObjectIdentification(); break; case CodeElementType.ObjectEnd: codeElement = new ObjectEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.MethodIdentification: codeElement = new MethodIdentification(); break; case CodeElementType.MethodEnd: codeElement = new MethodEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.EnvironmentDivisionHeader: codeElement = new EnvironmentDivisionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.DataDivisionHeader: codeElement = new DataDivisionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.ProcedureDivisionHeader: codeElement = new ProcedureDivisionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.DeclarativesHeader: codeElement = new DeclarativesHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.DeclarativesEnd: codeElement = new DeclarativesEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.SectionHeader: codeElement = new SectionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.ConfigurationSectionHeader: codeElement = new ConfigurationSectionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.InputOutputSectionHeader: codeElement = new InputOutputSectionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.FileSectionHeader: codeElement = new FileSectionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.GlobalStorageSectionHeader: codeElement = new GlobalStorageSectionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.WorkingStorageSectionHeader: codeElement = new WorkingStorageSectionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.LocalStorageSectionHeader: codeElement = new LocalStorageSectionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.LinkageSectionHeader: codeElement = new LinkageSectionHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.ParagraphHeader: codeElement = new ParagraphHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.FileControlParagraphHeader: codeElement = new FileControlParagraphHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.IOControlParagraphHeader: codeElement = new IOControlParagraphHeader(); break; case CodeElementType.SentenceEnd: codeElement = new SentenceEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.FileDescriptionEntry: codeElement = new FileDescriptionEntry(); break; case CodeElementType.DataDescriptionEntry: codeElement = new DataDescriptionEntry(); break; case CodeElementType.DataRedefinesEntry: codeElement = new DataRedefinesEntry(); break; case CodeElementType.DataRenamesEntry: codeElement = new DataRenamesEntry(); break; case CodeElementType.DataConditionEntry: codeElement = new DataConditionEntry(); break; case CodeElementType.FileControlEntry: codeElement = new FileControlEntry(); break; case CodeElementType.IOControlEntry: codeElement = new RerunIOControlEntry(); break; case CodeElementType.SourceComputerParagraph: codeElement = new SourceComputerParagraph(); break; case CodeElementType.ObjectComputerParagraph: codeElement = new ObjectComputerParagraph(); break; case CodeElementType.SpecialNamesParagraph: codeElement = new SpecialNamesParagraph(); break; case CodeElementType.RepositoryParagraph: codeElement = new RepositoryParagraph(); break; case CodeElementType.AcceptStatement: codeElement = new AcceptFromInputDeviceStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.AddStatement: codeElement = new AddSimpleStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.AlterStatement: codeElement = new AlterStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.CallStatement: codeElement = new CallStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.CancelStatement: codeElement = new CancelStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.CloseStatement: codeElement = new CloseStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ComputeStatement: codeElement = new ComputeStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ContinueStatement: codeElement = new ContinueStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.DeleteStatement: codeElement = new DeleteStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.DisplayStatement: codeElement = new DisplayStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.DivideStatement: codeElement = new DivideSimpleStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.EntryStatement: codeElement = new EntryStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.EvaluateStatement: codeElement = new EvaluateStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ExecStatement: codeElement = new ExecStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ExitMethodStatement: codeElement = new ExitMethodStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ExitProgramStatement: codeElement = new ExitProgramStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ExitStatement: codeElement = new ExitStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.GobackStatement: codeElement = new GobackStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.GotoStatement: codeElement = new GotoSimpleStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.IfStatement: codeElement = new IfStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.InitializeStatement: codeElement = new InitializeStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.InspectStatement: codeElement = new InspectTallyingStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.InvokeStatement: codeElement = new InvokeStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.MergeStatement: codeElement = new MergeStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.MoveStatement: codeElement = new MoveSimpleStatement(null, null, null); break; case CodeElementType.MultiplyStatement: codeElement = new MultiplySimpleStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.NextSentenceStatement: codeElement = new NextSentenceStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.OpenStatement: codeElement = new OpenStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.PerformProcedureStatement: codeElement = new PerformProcedureStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.PerformStatement: codeElement = new PerformStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ReadStatement: codeElement = new ReadStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ReleaseStatement: codeElement = new ReleaseStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.ReturnStatement: codeElement = new ReturnStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.RewriteStatement: codeElement = new RewriteStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.SearchStatement: codeElement = new SearchSerialStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.SetStatement: codeElement = new SetStatementForAssignment(); break; case CodeElementType.SortStatement: codeElement = new SortStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.StartStatement: codeElement = new StartStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.StopStatement: codeElement = new StopStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.StringStatement: codeElement = new StringStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.SubtractStatement: codeElement = new SubtractSimpleStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.UnstringStatement: codeElement = new UnstringStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.UseStatement: codeElement = new UseAfterIOExceptionStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.WriteStatement: codeElement = new WriteStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.XmlGenerateStatement: codeElement = new XmlGenerateStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.XmlParseStatement: codeElement = new XmlParseStatement(); break; case CodeElementType.AtEndCondition: codeElement = new AtEndCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.NotAtEndCondition: codeElement = new NotAtEndCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.AtEndOfPageCondition: codeElement = new AtEndOfPageCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.NotAtEndOfPageCondition: codeElement = new NotAtEndOfPageCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.OnExceptionCondition: codeElement = new OnExceptionCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.NotOnExceptionCondition: codeElement = new NotOnExceptionCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.OnOverflowCondition: codeElement = new OnOverflowCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.NotOnOverflowCondition: codeElement = new NotOnOverflowCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.InvalidKeyCondition: codeElement = new InvalidKeyCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.NotInvalidKeyCondition: codeElement = new NotInvalidKeyCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.OnSizeErrorCondition: codeElement = new OnSizeErrorCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.NotOnSizeErrorCondition: codeElement = new NotOnSizeErrorCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.ElseCondition: codeElement = new ElseCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.WhenCondition: codeElement = new WhenCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.WhenOtherCondition: codeElement = new WhenOtherCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.WhenSearchCondition: codeElement = new WhenSearchCondition(); break; case CodeElementType.AddStatementEnd: codeElement = new AddStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.CallStatementEnd: codeElement = new CallStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.ComputeStatementEnd: codeElement = new ComputeStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.DeleteStatementEnd: codeElement = new DeleteStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.DivideStatementEnd: codeElement = new DivideStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.EvaluateStatementEnd: codeElement = new EvaluateStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.IfStatementEnd: codeElement = new IfStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.InvokeStatementEnd: codeElement = new InvokeStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.MultiplyStatementEnd: codeElement = new MultiplyStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.PerformStatementEnd: codeElement = new PerformStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.ReadStatementEnd: codeElement = new ReadStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.ReturnStatementEnd: codeElement = new ReturnStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.RewriteStatementEnd: codeElement = new RewriteStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.SearchStatementEnd: codeElement = new SearchStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.StartStatementEnd: codeElement = new StartStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.StringStatementEnd: codeElement = new StringStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.SubtractStatementEnd: codeElement = new SubtractStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.UnstringStatementEnd: codeElement = new UnstringStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.WriteStatementEnd: codeElement = new WriteStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.XmlStatementEnd: codeElement = new XmlStatementEnd(); break; case CodeElementType.LibraryCopy: codeElement = new LibraryCopyCodeElement(); break; case CodeElementType.FunctionDeclarationHeader: codeElement = new FunctionDeclarationHeader(null, AccessModifier.Private, FunctionType.Undefined); break; case CodeElementType.FunctionDeclarationEnd: codeElement = new FunctionDeclarationEnd(); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (lastTokenBeforeError != null) { var missingToken = new MissingToken(TokenType.InvalidToken, informationText, lastTokenBeforeError.TokensLine, lastTokenBeforeError.StopIndex); codeElement.ConsumedTokens.Add(missingToken); } return(codeElement); }
public abstract StringBuilder VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement, int data);
public void TestContinueStatement() { ContinueStatement node = new ContinueStatement(DefaultLineInfo); CheckSerializationRoundTrip(node); }
public virtual object VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement, object data) { throw new global::System.NotImplementedException("ContinueStatement"); }
public override void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { FixSemicolon(continueStatement.SemicolonToken); }
/** * Call back method that must be called as soon as the given <code> * ContinueStatement</code> object has been traversed. * * @param pContinueStatement The <code>ContinueStatement</code> object that * has just been traversed. */ public void actionPerformed( ContinueStatement pContinueStatement) { // Nothing to do. }
public SymbolTable VisitContinue(ContinueStatement c) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override StringBuilder VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement, int data) { return new StringBuilder("continue;"); }
private static void GenerateContinueStatement(ScriptGenerator generator, MemberSymbol symbol, ContinueStatement statement) { ScriptTextWriter writer = generator.Writer; writer.Write("continue;"); writer.WriteLine(); }
// ContinueStatement protected internal virtual bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) { return true; }
public virtual void Visit(ContinueStatement expression) { logVisit(expression); }
// ContinueStatement public override bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) { return false; }
public virtual void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) { }
public override object Visit (Continue continueStatement) { var result = new ContinueStatement (); var location = LocationsBag.GetLocations (continueStatement); result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (continueStatement.loc), "continue".Length), ContinueStatement.Roles.Keyword); if (location != null) result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[0]), 1), ContinueStatement.Roles.Semicolon); return result; }
public override void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { this.Continue.Add(continueStatement); base.VisitContinueStatement(continueStatement); }
public override void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { if (!findReturn) { this.Continue.Add(continueStatement); } base.VisitContinueStatement(continueStatement); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="continueStatement"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Completion ExecuteContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { return(new Completion(Completion.Continue, null, continueStatement.Label != null ? continueStatement.Label.Name : null)); }
public void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { // EMPTY }
public JsNode VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) { return(new JsContinueStatement()); }
public void VisitContinue(ContinueStatement c) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { new ContinueBlock(this, continueStatement).Emit(); }
/** * Call back method that must be called when the given <code> * ContinueStatement</code> will become the next <i>traverse candidate</i>. * * @param pContinueStatement The <code>ContinueStatement</code> object that * will become the next <i>traverse * candidate</i>. */ public void performAction( ContinueStatement pContinueStatement) { // Nothing to do. }
public override bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) => Save(node, base.Walk(node), "continue");
public void Visit(ContinueStatement expression) { if (expression.TargetLabel == null) outStream.Write("continue"); else outStream.Write("continue {0}", expression.TargetLabel.Name); }
// ContinueStatement public override bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) { return(Location >= node.StartIndex && Location <= node.EndIndex); }
public void VisitContinue(ContinueStatement c) { gen.Continue(); }
// ContinueStatement public virtual bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) { return(true); }
public override void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { _result.Add(JsStatement.Continue()); }
public virtual void PostWalk(ContinueStatement node) { }
public virtual void Visit(ContinueStatement s) { VisitAbstractStmt(s); }
// ContinueStatement public override bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) { return(false); }
public override void Visit(ContinueStatement node) { this.action(node); }
public override void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { _result.Add(new JsContinueStatement()); }
public override void PostWalk(ContinueStatement node) { }
public void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStmt) { //no op }
void ContinueStatement(out Statement stat) { ContinueStatement cs = new ContinueStatement(GetPragma(la)); stat = cs; Expect(29); if (la.kind == 1) { Get(); cs.label = t.val; } Expect(5); SetEndPragma(stat); }
public void VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement continueStatement) { StartNode(continueStatement); WriteKeyword("continue"); Semicolon(); EndNode(continueStatement); }
// ContinueStatement protected internal virtual bool Walk(ContinueStatement node) { return(true); }