public virtual void BaseOneTimeSetUp() { Config = TestConfigBuilder.BuildTestConfig(); Context = ContextLoader.GetDbContext(Config, EnableRetryOnFailure); TestConfig = new TestConfigReader(Config); Context.Database.EnsureDeleted(); Context.Database.EnsureCreated(); MockClock = new Mock <IClock>(); MockClock.SetupGet(c => c.UtcNow).Returns(() => MockTime); OneTimeSetup(); }
public void TestGetInstitutionEnrichmentWithDifferentUserFromSavedUser() { Context = ContextLoader.GetDbContext(Config);//refresh the context var enrichmentService = new EnrichmentService(Context); //test get the enrichment using user2 var result = enrichmentService.GetProviderEnrichment(ProviderInstCode, Email2); result.Should().NotBeNull(); result.EnrichmentModel.Should().NotBeNull(); result.EnrichmentModel.TrainWithDisability.Should().BeEquivalentTo(TrainWithDisabilityText); result.EnrichmentModel.TrainWithUs.Should().BeEquivalentTo(TrainWithUsText); result.LastPublishedTimestampUtc.Should().BeNull(); result.Status.Should().BeEquivalentTo(EnumStatus.Draft); }
private void SetupSmokeTestData() { // don't use the retrying context because the migrator hasn't been updated to use the retry strategy var migratorContext = ContextLoader.GetDbContext(Config, false); // Not using CurrentRecruitmentCycle from base class because it doesn't share this context var currentRecruitmentCycle = migratorContext .RecruitmentCycles .Single(rc => rc.Year == RecruitmentCycle.CurrentYear); migratorContext.AddTestReferenceData(TestConfig.SignInUsername, currentRecruitmentCycle); migratorContext.Save(); var ucasDataMigrator = new UcasDataMigrator(migratorContext, new Mock <Serilog.ILogger>().Object, TestPayloadBuilder.MakeSimpleUcasPayload(), null, currentRecruitmentCycle); ucasDataMigrator.UpdateUcasData(); }
public void BaseSetup() { // get a fresh context every time to avoid stale in-memory data contaminating subsequent tests Context = ContextLoader.GetDbContext(Config, EnableRetryOnFailure); // Truncate (delete all data from) all tables, following FK constraints by virtue of CASCADE // Context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(@" DO $func$ BEGIN EXECUTE (SELECT 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || string_agg(oid::regclass::text, ', ') || ' CASCADE' FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r' -- only tables AND relnamespace = 'public'::regnamespace ); END $func$;").Wait(); // reset clock MockTime = new DateTime(1977, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7); Context.RecruitmentCycles.AddRange( new List <RecruitmentCycle> { new RecruitmentCycle { Year = RecruitmentCycle.CurrentYear }, new RecruitmentCycle { Year = "2020" }, }); Context.SaveChanges(); // allow derived tests to do their own setup Setup(); }