public void Shouldly_ContestantPointsShouldBe1337() { var contestant = new Contestant {Points = 0}; TestHelpers.Should.Error( () => contestant.Points.ShouldBe(1337), "contestant.Points should be 1337 but was 0"); }
public void NUnit_ContestantPointsShouldBe1337() { var contestant = new Contestant {Points = 0}; var exception = Should.Throw<Exception>( () => Assert.That(contestant.Points, NUnit.Framework.Is.EqualTo(1337))); exception.Message.ShouldContainWithoutWhitespace("Expected: 1337 But was: 0"); }
public ContestantListAndCreate(Tournament tournament, EntityMode mode) : this() { Contestants = tournament.Contestants.ToList(); var round1 = tournament.GetRoundNo(1); IsRegistrationClosed = tournament.Status != TournamentStatus.Prestart && round1.Status != TournamentStatus.Running; IsDeletionClosed = tournament.Status != TournamentStatus.Prestart; TournamentId = tournament.Id; Contestant = new Contestant(); if (mode == EntityMode.Create) { UpdateButtonText = Text.Create; } else { UpdateButtonText = Text.Update; } }
private void CreateContestantAccount(Contestant contestant) { string lastSix = contestant.ContestantId.Substring(contestant.ContestantId.Length - 6); string password = contestant.FirstName + lastSix + "!"; var user = new ContestantAccount { UserName = contestant.Email, Email = contestant.Email, ContestantId = contestant.ContestantId, EmailConfirmed = true }; var result = userManager.CreateAsync(user, password).Result; if (result.Succeeded) { userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "ContestantAccount").Wait(); } }
public void CreateContestantWithMultiplePerformers() { TimeSpan maxDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0); Contest contest = new Contest(name: "Dance", timeKeeperId: "123", maxDuration: maxDuration, status: "Pending"); Division division = new Division("Alpha"); PersonName name = new PersonName(firstName: "John", lastName: "Smith"); Organization affiliation = new Organization("ABC"); Division division2 = new Division("Alpha"); PersonName name2 = new PersonName(firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Beach"); Organization affiliation2 = new Organization("XYZ"); Performance performance = new Performance(description: "Dancing an abc to xyz", duration: new TimeSpan(hours: 0, minutes: 2, seconds: 0)); Contestant contestant = new Contestant(performance, ruleViolationPenalty: 0, tieBreakerPoints: 0); Assert.AreEqual(performance, contestant.Performance); }
public static ContestantDto ConvertToDto(this Contestant contestant) { var performerService = new PerformerService(new PerformerRepo(), new DivisionRepo(), new PersonNameRepo(), new OrganizationRepo(), new ContestantPerformerRepo()); var performers = performerService.GetContestantPerformers(contestant.Id); var scoreCardService = new ScoreCardService(new ScoreCardRepo(), new ScorableCriterionRepo(), new ContestantRepo()); var totalScore = scoreCardService.GetContestantTotalScore(contestant.Id, new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)); return(new ContestantDto() { Id = contestant.Id, Performance = ConvertToDto(contestant.Performance), Performers = performers.ConvertToDto(), TotalScore = totalScore }); }
public IActionResult Block(int id) { dynamic result = new ExpandoObject(); Contestant c2 = _repo.BlockContestant(id); if (c2 == null) { result.status = 0; result.message = "Verify your infromations"; } else { result.status = 1; result.result = c2; } return(Ok(result)); }
public IActionResult Confirm(string code) { dynamic result = new ExpandoObject(); Contestant c2 = _repo.ConfirmMail(code); if (c2 == null) { result.status = 0; result.message = "Verify your infromations"; } else { result.status = 1; result.result = c2; } return(Ok(result)); }
//[TestMethod] public void loopCompetition() { = -1; c.rounds = 3; var judgeCount = 5; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var contestant = new Contestant(i + 1, "Anton" + i, "", "Sweden", (i % 2) == 0, new DateTime(1980 + i, 01, 03)); for (int j = 0; j < c.rounds; j++) { var jump = new Jump(-1, 1 + j); contestant.jumps.Add(jump); } c.contestants.Add(contestant); } c.saveToDatabase(); //start av testet while (true) { if (c.currentContestantindex < c.contestants.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < judgeCount; i++) { var score = new Score(i, i, 2 * i); c.contestants[c.currentContestantindex].jumps[c.currentRound].scores.Add(score); } c.contestants[c.currentContestantindex].jumps[c.currentRound].calculateJumpScore(); c.contestants[c.currentContestantindex].calculateTotalScore(); c.currentContestantindex++; } else if (c.rounds < c.currentRound) { c.currentContestantindex = 0; c.currentRound++; } else { break; } } }
public void Expire() { if (SetUP) { if (TimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds < 5) { List <Mobile> Const = Contestant.Return_Contestant_List(m_NewContestants); if (Const.Count > 0) { int r = Utility.Random(Const.Count); Mobile Winner = (Mobile)Const[r]; int I = 0; while (Winner == null && I < Const.Count) { r = Utility.Random(Const.Count); Winner = (Mobile)Const[r]; I++; } if (Winner != null) { List <Mobile> Players = Bittiez.Tools.List_Connected_Players(); foreach (Mobile m in Players) { if (m.HasGump(typeof(RevGuide))) { m.CloseGump(typeof(RevGuide)); } m.SendMessage(38, "The Raffle for a " + Prize_Name + " has ended, the winner was " + Winner.RawName + "!"); } Prize.Movable = true; Winner.AddToBackpack(Prize); } } reset(); } else { Bittiez.Tools.Start_Timer_Delayed_Call(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), Expire); } } }
public async Task EnterCompetition_ContestantRelayedThrough() { // Arrange Contestant actualContestant = null; var request = _fixture.Create <EnterCompetition>(); var expectedContestant = Contestant.Create(request.FirstName, request.LastName, request.Email, request.SerialNumber, request.ConfirmsCorrectAge, request.AcceptsTerms); var repoMock = new Mock <ICompetitionRepository>(); repoMock.Setup(x => x.AddContestant(It.IsAny <Contestant>())) .Callback((Contestant contestant) => actualContestant = contestant).Returns(Task.CompletedTask); var handler = new EnterCompetitionHandler(repoMock.Object); // Act var response = await handler.Handle(request); // Assert actualContestant .Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectedContestant, options => options.Excluding(x => x.CreatedAt)); actualContestant.CreatedAt.Should().BeCloseTo(expectedContestant.CreatedAt, 1.Seconds()); }
public void GenerateGeneralRankingWorksOnOneSeries() { Contestant ion = new Contestant("Ion", "Romania", 9.80); Contestant john = new Contestant("John", "Sua", 9.825); Contestant zoli = new Contestant("Zoli", "Ungaria", 9.91); ContestRanking ser1 = new ContestRanking(); ser1.Contestants = new Contestant[] { ion, john, zoli }; Contest contest = new Contest { Series = new ContestRanking[] { ser1 } }; ContestRanking expectedGeneralRating = new ContestRanking(); expectedGeneralRating.Contestants = new Contestant[] { ion, john, zoli }; Program.GenerateGeneralRanking(ref contest); Assert.Equal <Contestant>(contest.GeneralRanking.Contestants, expectedGeneralRating.Contestants); }
private Contestant CreateEntrant(DataEntities context, Order2021 order) { var contestant = new Contestant() { Firstname = order.FirstName ?? "", Lastname = order.LastName ?? "", Nationality = order.LocalisedNationality, Title = order.Title, Male = (order.Title == "Mr"), DateofBirth = SanitiseDateOfBirth(order.DateOfBirth), OnlineNicknames = order.OnlineNickname, DiscordNickname = order.DiscordNickname, email = order.Email }; context.Contestants.Add(contestant); context.SaveChanges(); return(contestant); }
internal void LineMouseUI(Contestant selected, Hex h) //this should really have the relevant hexes passed to it rather than recalc them { ClearLineUI(); List <Hex> hexesInLine; GridManager.Instance.DrawLineOnGrid(selected.CurrentHex, h.Occupant.CurrentHex, out hexesInLine); hexLine = new Dictionary <Hex, GameObject> (); foreach (Hex j in hexesInLine) { GameObject go = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(UIHexBuilder.Instance.flatHexPrefab, selected.transform); go.transform.position = j.Position + new Vector3(0, 0.001f, 0); go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = new Color(2 / 3f, 0, 2 / 3f); = "TargetSelectorMode UI Hex"; hexLine [j] = go; } }
public ActionResult Edit(Contestant a, int Id) { using (NabayubakDBEntities db = new NabayubakDBEntities()) { var edit = db.Contestants.Where(x => x.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault(); edit.Firstname = a.Firstname; edit.Lastname = a.Lastname; edit.DateOfBirth = a.DateOfBirth; edit.IsActive = a.IsActive; edit.DistrictId = a.DistrictId; edit.Gender = a.Gender; db.SaveChanges(); // for delete //var delete = db.Contestants.Where (x => x.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault(); // db.Contestants.Remove(delete); // db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private IEnumerator RespondToQuestion() { Questions question = (Questions)(m_questionChoice1 * 4 * 4 + m_questionChoice2 * 4 + m_questionChoice3); m_contestorSpeechBubbleText[m_contestantIndex].text = m_chosenContestant.GetQuestionResponse(question); m_contestorSpeechBubbleAnimator[m_contestantIndex].SetBool("Shown", true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3.0f)); m_contestorSpeechBubbleAnimator[m_contestantIndex].SetBool("Shown", false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); // Clear choices for next round m_chosenContestant = null; m_questionChoice1 = -1; m_questionChoice2 = -1; m_questionChoice3 = -1; yield return(null); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0) { Contestant con = new Contestant(); using (NabayubakDBEntities db = new NabayubakDBEntities()) { con = db.Contestants.Find(id); int?districtId = con.DistrictId; ViewBag.Districtslist = db.Districts.ToList().Select(x => new SelectListItem { Value = x.Id.ToString(), Text = x.Name, Selected = (x.Id == 1) }); //ViewBag.Districtslist = db.Districts.ToList(); if (con == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } // return View(con); } return(View(con)); }
public void InitializeTests() { _userId = new UserIdentifier(); _contestant1 = new Contestant { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; _contestant2 = new Contestant { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; _matchId = Guid.NewGuid(); _stubContestantRepository = new Mock <IContestantRepository>(); _stubContestantRepository.Setup(x => x.GetCount(WarId)).Returns(Task.FromResult(ContestantCount)); _stubMatchRepository = new Mock <IMatchRepository>(); _stubMatchRepository.Setup(x => x.Create(WarId, It.Is <MatchRequest>(m => m.Contestant1 == _contestant1.Id && m.Contestant2 == _contestant2.Id && m.UserIdentifier == _userId))) .Returns(Task.FromResult(_matchId)); randomNumbers = new Queue <int>(); _factory = new RandomMatchStrategy(_stubMatchRepository.Object, _stubContestantRepository.Object, GenerateRandomNumber); }
public void CreateScoreCard() { ScoreRange scoreRange = new ScoreRange(0, 100); ScoreCriterion scoreCriterion = new ScoreCriterion("This is a description.", scoreRange); ScorableCriterion scorableCriterion = new ScorableCriterion(scoreCriterion); ScoreCriterion scoreCriterion2 = new ScoreCriterion("This is another description.", scoreRange); ScorableCriterion scorableCriterion2 = new ScorableCriterion(scoreCriterion2); ICollection <ScorableCriterion> scorableCriteria = new List <ScorableCriterion>() { scorableCriterion, scorableCriterion2 }; Contest contest = new Contest("Talent Show", timeKeeperId: "123", maxDuration: new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), status: "Pending"); Performance performance = new Performance("Singing a song.", new TimeSpan(hours: 0, minutes: 4, seconds: 0)); Contestant contestant = new Contestant(performance, ruleViolationPenalty: 0, tieBreakerPoints: 0); Judge judge = new Judge("abc"); ScoreCard scoreCard = new ScoreCard(contestant, judge, scorableCriteria); double score1 = 50; double score2 = 75; double average = new List <double>() { score1, score2 }.Average(); scoreCard.ScorableCriteria.ElementAt(0).SetScoreAndComment(score1, "Not very good."); scoreCard.ScorableCriteria.ElementAt(1).SetScoreAndComment(score2, "Pretty good."); Assert.AreEqual(2, scoreCard.ScorableCriteria.Count); Assert.AreEqual(score1, scoreCard.ScorableCriteria.ElementAt(0).Score); Assert.AreEqual(scoreCriterion, scoreCard.ScorableCriteria.ElementAt(0).ScoreCriterion); Assert.AreEqual(score2, scoreCard.ScorableCriteria.ElementAt(1).Score); Assert.AreEqual(scoreCriterion2, scoreCard.ScorableCriteria.ElementAt(1).ScoreCriterion); Assert.AreEqual(average, scoreCard.AverageScore); Assert.AreEqual(contestant, scoreCard.Contestant); Assert.AreEqual(judge, scoreCard.Judge); }
public Contestant RegisterUserForContest(int contest_id, int user_id, ContestRegistrationFormData data) { Contest contest = context.Contests.Include(x => x.Contestants).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == contest_id); var user = context.Users.Find(user_id); if (contest == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Contest with specified id not found"); } if (user == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("User with specified id not found"); } // if user is already registered for this contest if (contest.Contestants.Count(x => x.User == user) > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User is already registered for contest"); } if (!contest.IsPublic && contest.Password != data.Password) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong password for registation"); } if (contest.StartDate < DateTime.Now) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Contest registration time has ended"); } Trace.WriteLine(contest.Contestants.Count); var contestant = new Contestant(user); contest.Contestants.Add(contestant); context.SaveChanges(); return(contestant); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateContestant(int id, [FromForm] Contestant contestant) { string photoName = ""; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } // photo is uploaded if (contestant.Photo != null) { photoName = _contestantProvider.UploadFile(contestant); contestant.PhotoUrl = photoName; } contestant.Id = id; _contestantContext.Update(contestant); await _contestantContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(new { status = true, message = "Contestent updated successfully" })); }
public void SpawnContestant(ContestantData d, Hex startingHex) { //prefab is temp, will load prefab of correct type GameObject go = Instantiate(testContestant, startingHex.Position, testContestant.transform.rotation, transform); go.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = d.Team.Color; Contestant c = go.GetComponent <Contestant> (); //Here set contestant values in line with data c.CurrentHex = startingHex; c.Position = startingHex.Position; c.Data = d; d.Contestant = c; //UI StatUIManager.Instance.InitLabelUI(c); //Possible Actions if (d.CanShoot) { c.PossibleActions.Add(ContestantActionsFactory.CreateAction <DamagableObject> ("Shoot", ContestantActionsEnum.Shoot, 1f, c, 4, 3f, false)); } Func <ICatcher, bool> throwReqs = (con) => { return(c.Ball != null && con.Ball == null); }; c.PossibleActions.Add(ContestantActionsFactory.CreateAction <ICatcher> ("Throw", ContestantActionsEnum.Throw, 2f, c, (int)(d.Dexerity * 2), 3f, true, throwReqs)); Func <Contestant, bool> checkForBall = (Contestant con) => { return(con.Ball != null); }; c.PossibleActions.Add(ContestantActionsFactory.CreateAction <Contestant> ("Swipe", ContestantActionsEnum.Swipe, 0f, c, 1, 3f, false, checkForBall)); ActionUIManager.Instance.CreateButtonPool(c); }
private static Contestant LaunchEntelectHarnessManuallyAndGetTheWinner( string entelectHarnessFolderPath, Contestant player1, Contestant player2, int matchIndex) { string entelectLaunchPath = Path.Combine(entelectHarnessFolderPath, "launch.bat"); Console.WriteLine("LAUNCHING {0}", entelectLaunchPath); Console.WriteLine("..."); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(entelectLaunchPath); startInfo.WorkingDirectory = entelectHarnessFolderPath; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = false; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = false; startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false; Process process = Process.Start(startInfo); Thread.Sleep(15000); Process player1Process = LaunchPlayerProcess(player1); Thread.Sleep(2000); Process player2Process = LaunchPlayerProcess(player2); process.WaitForExit(); EndPlayerProcess(player1Process); EndPlayerProcess(player2Process); // TODO: Load Json file with the game history // TODO: Save game outcome // TODO: Determine the winner // TODO: Return the winner, or null if a draw return(null); }
public void addScore_calculateScoreFor_11_Judges() { Contestant contestant1 = new Contestant(1, "Anton", "", "Sweden", true, new DateTime(1988, 01, 03)); Jump jump1 = new Jump(0, 3, true, "101A"); Score score1 = new Score(10, 1, 7.5); Score score2 = new Score(10, 2, 7.5); Score score3 = new Score(10, 3, 7.5); Score score4 = new Score(10, 4, 7.5); Score score5 = new Score(10, 5, 7.5); Score score6 = new Score(10, 6, 7.5); Score score7 = new Score(10, 7, 7.5); Score score8 = new Score(10, 8, 7.5); Score score9 = new Score(10, 9, 7.5); Score score10 = new Score(10, 10, 7.5); Score score11 = new Score(10, 11, 7.5); c.contestants.Add(contestant1); c.contestants[0].jumps.Add(jump1); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score1); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score2); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score3); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score4); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score5); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score6); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score7); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score8); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score9); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score10); c.contestants[0].jumps[0].scores.Add(score11); Assert.AreEqual(c.contestants[0].jumps.Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(36, c.contestants[0].jumps[0].calculateJumpScore()); c.contestants[0].calculateTotalScore(); Assert.AreEqual(36, c.contestants[0].totalScore); }
public void ContestantWithCorrectBoardPasses() { var lastGeneration = 100; var finalBoard = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate { X = 1, Y = 1 } }; gameServiceMoq .Setup(gs => gs.GetNumGenerations()) .Returns(lastGeneration); gameServiceMoq .Setup(gs => gs.CheckBoard(finalBoard)) .Returns(true); gameServiceMoq .Setup(gs => gs.GetGameStatus()) .Returns(new GameStatus(finalBoard)); var wednesday = new Contestant( "wednesday", "wednesday's token", DateTime.Now, 0 ); contestantService.AddContestant(wednesday); wednesday = wednesday .UpdateGenerationsComputed(lastGeneration) .UpdateFinalBoard(finalBoard); contestantService.UpdateContestant(wednesday); var newWednesday = contestantService.GetContestantByToken(wednesday.Token); newWednesday.CorrectFinalBoard.Should().BeTrue(); }
public ActionResult MemDetails(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } //var electionName = db.Contestants.Include("election").Where(x => x.contestant_id == id); var electionName = (from s in db.Contestants.Include("election") where s.contestant_id == id select s.election.pollName).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.ename = electionName; Contestant con = db.Contestants.Find(id); if (con == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(con)); }
public IEnumerable <Contestant> getRacesByTeam(string team) { log.InfoFormat("Getting contestants with {0}", team); IDbConnection con = DbUtils.getConnection(props); List <Contestant> contestants = new List <Contestant>(); using (var comm = con.CreateCommand()) { comm.CommandText = "select contestantID, name, team, engineCap " + "from Contestants WHERE team=@t"; IDbDataParameter paramTeam = comm.CreateParameter(); paramTeam.ParameterName = "@t"; paramTeam.Value = team; comm.Parameters.Add(paramTeam); using (var dataR = comm.ExecuteReader()) { while (dataR.Read()) { int idC = dataR.GetInt32(0); string name = dataR.GetString(1); //string team = dataR.GetString(2); int engC = dataR.GetInt32(3); Contestant contestant = new Contestant(idC, name, team, engC); contestants.Add(contestant); } } } if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } return(contestants); }
public ActionResult EditContestants(Contestant model) { if (Request.Files[0].ContentLength == 0 || Request.Files[0].FileName == "") { TempData["MessageType"] = "danger"; TempData["Message"] = "Please input your personal image!!"; return(View(model)); } if (Request.Files[0].ContentLength >= 20000000) { TempData["MessageType"] = "danger"; TempData["Message"] = "File too large!!"; return(View(model)); } if (Request.Files[0].ContentType.Substring(0, 5) != "image") { TempData["MessageType"] = "danger"; TempData["Message"] = "Invalid file type!!"; return(View(model)); } var c = db.Contestants.Find(model.Id); c.manifesto = model.manifesto; c.PositionId = model.PositionId; var g = Request.Files[0]; c.CampaignPictureName = g.FileName; c.CampaignPictureFileType = g.ContentType; using (var reader = new BinaryReader(g.InputStream)) { c.CampaignPictureContent = reader.ReadBytes(g.ContentLength); } db.SaveChanges(); TempData["MessageType"] = "success"; TempData["Message"] = "Your Registration was successful!!"; return(RedirectToAction("EditContestants", new { Id = model.Id })); }
static void Main() { const int MIN_CONTESTANTS = 0; const int MAX_CONTESTANTS = 30; int num; int revenue = 0; //HINT: set QUIT variable to character datatype equal to 'Z' here for user input const char QUIT = 'Z'; //HINT: set space here as default value for the option variable value char option = ' '; Contestant[] contestants = new Contestant[MAX_CONTESTANTS]; num = getContestantNumber(MIN_CONTESTANTS, MAX_CONTESTANTS); revenue = getContestantData(num, contestants, revenue); WriteLine("\n\nRevenue expected this year is {0}", revenue.ToString("C")); //HINT: check user input for stopping before calling getLists method with while loop here while (option != QUIT) { option = getLists(num, contestants); } }
public void UpdateContestant(Contestant contestant) { if (contestant is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contestant)); } if (GameService.GetGameStatus().IsStarted == false) { return; } var existingContestantRecord = GetContestantByToken(contestant.Token); if (existingContestantRecord.CorrectFinalBoard != null) { return; } contestant = updateContestantIfFinished(contestant); contestants.AddOrUpdate(contestant.Token, contestant, (token, existing) => contestant); // Console.WriteLine("Contestants: " + JsonSerializer.Serialize(GetContestants())); }
public void VerifyGradesArePersisted() { var gameService = new GameService(); var contestantService = new InMemoryContestantService(gameService, timeServiceMoq.Object); var startingBoard = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate { X = 1, Y = 1 } }; var endingBoard = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate { X = 1, Y = 1 } }; gameService.StartGame(startingBoard, 100, endingBoard); var jonathan = new Contestant( "jonathan", "token", DateTime.Now, 0 ); contestantService.AddContestant(jonathan); jonathan = jonathan .UpdateGenerationsComputed(100) .UpdateFinalBoard(endingBoard); contestantService.UpdateContestant(jonathan); var newJonathan = contestantService.GetContestantByToken(jonathan.Token); newJonathan.CorrectFinalBoard.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void save(Contestant entity) { var con = DbUtils.getConnection(props); using (var comm = con.CreateCommand()) { log.InfoFormat("Saving entity with id {0}",; comm.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Contestants(name,team,engineCap) VALUES (@name, @team, @engCap);"; var paramName = comm.CreateParameter(); paramName.ParameterName = "@name"; paramName.Value = entity.Name; comm.Parameters.Add(paramName); var paramTeam = comm.CreateParameter(); paramTeam.ParameterName = "@team"; paramTeam.Value = entity.Team; comm.Parameters.Add(paramTeam); var paramEng = comm.CreateParameter(); paramEng.ParameterName = "@engCap"; paramEng.Value = entity.EngineCap; comm.Parameters.Add(paramEng); var result = comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); if (result == 0) { throw new Exception("No contestant added!"); } } if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } }
private IEnumerator RespondToQuestion() { Questions question = (Questions)(m_questionChoice1 * 4 * 4 + m_questionChoice2 * 4 + m_questionChoice3); m_contestorSpeechBubbleText[m_contestantIndex].text = m_chosenContestant.GetQuestionResponse(question); m_contestorSpeechBubbleAnimator[m_contestantIndex].SetBool("Shown",true); yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f); m_contestorSpeechBubbleAnimator[m_contestantIndex].SetBool("Shown",false); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); // Clear choices for next round m_chosenContestant = null; m_questionChoice1 = -1; m_questionChoice2 = -1; m_questionChoice3 = -1; yield return null; }
private IEnumerator ChooseContestantForQuestion() { // Text fades in yield return StartCoroutine(FadeText(m_chooseContestantText,0.5f,true)); m_chosenContestant = null; while (m_chosenContestant == null) // Updated by button press yield return null; // Text fades out yield return StartCoroutine(FadeText(m_chooseContestantText,0.5f,false)); }
public void ChooseContestant(Contestant _contestant) { m_chosenContestant = _contestant; for (int i = 0; i < m_contestants.Length; ++i) { if (m_contestants[i] == _contestant) m_contestantIndex = i; } }
public void AnotherExample() { var player = new Contestant(); player.Score.ShouldBe(42); }
public void Shouldly_ContestantPointsShouldBe1337_HappyPath() { var contestant = new Contestant {Points = 0}; contestant.Points.ShouldBe(0); }