// tooltip protected void DataGridView1_CellToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, DataGridViewCellToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e) { try { if (MissingItems == null) { return; } if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex >= MissingItems.Count) { return; } var item = MissingItems[e.RowIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == cID.Index) { if (item.TryGetID(out var id)) { string url = ContentUtil.GetItemURL(id.ToString()); e.ToolTipText = url; } else { e.ToolTipText = item.GetIncludedPath() ?? ""; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex, $"rowIndex={e.RowIndex}"); } }
// tooltip protected override void OnCellToolTipTextNeeded(DataGridViewCellToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e) { base.OnCellToolTipTextNeeded(e); try { if (AssetList == null) { return; } if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex >= AssetList.Filtered.Count) { return; } var asset = AssetList.Filtered[e.RowIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == cName.Index) { e.ToolTipText = AssetList.Filtered[e.RowIndex].Description; } else if (e.ColumnIndex == cAssetID.Index) { var id = asset.PublishedFileId; string url = ContentUtil.GetItemURL(asset.PublishedFileId); e.ToolTipText = url ?? asset.AssetPath; } else if (e.ColumnIndex == cStatus.Index) { e.ToolTipText = asset.SteamCache?.DownloadFailureReason; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex, $"rowIndex={e.RowIndex}"); } }
// click link/button protected void DataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { try { if (MissingItems == null) { return; } if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex >= MissingItems.Count) { return; } var item = MissingItems[e.RowIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == cID.Index) { if (item.TryGetID(out var id)) { string url = ContentUtil.GetItemURL(id.ToString()); ContentUtil.OpenURL(url); } else { ContentUtil.OpenPath(item.GetIncludedPath()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); } }
// click link/button protected override void OnCellContentClick(DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { base.OnCellContentClick(e); try { if (AssetList == null) { return; } if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex >= AssetList.Filtered.Count) { return; } var asset = AssetList.Filtered[e.RowIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == cAssetID.Index) { var id = asset.PublishedFileId; string url = ContentUtil.GetItemURL(asset.PublishedFileId); if (url != null) { ContentUtil.OpenURL(url); } else { ContentUtil.OpenPath(asset.AssetPath); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); } }
private async void TsmiReDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var existingIDs = ContentUtil.GetSubscribedItems(); var steamItems = ConfigWrapper.instance.SteamCache.Items; var ids = steamItems .Where(item => item.Status.IsBroken() && existingIDs.Contains(item.PublishedFileId)) .Select(item => item.ID) .Concat(ContentUtil.GetMissingDirItems()) // missing root dir .Distinct() .ToArray(); SteamUtil.ReDownload(ids); var res = MessageBox.Show( "You can monitor download progress in steam client. Wait for steam to finish downloading. Then press OK to refresh everything.\n" + "should this not work the first time please try again", "Wait for download"); ConfigWrapper.instance.CSCache.MissingDir = new ulong[0]; LoadOrderWindow.Instance.DownloadWarningLabel.Visible = false; foreach (var item in steamItems) { if (item.Status.IsBroken() && item.DTO != null) { item.RefreshIsUpToDate(); } } await LoadOrderWindow.Instance.ReloadAll(); // reload to fix included/excluded, paths, ... } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Log(); } }
protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); //2 parte, carregar os valores nas propriedades. tecladoAntes = new KeyboardState(); tecladoAgora = new KeyboardState(); musicaFundo = Content.Load<Song>("mus_sonar"); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; MediaPlayer.Play(musicaFundo); //fundo = Content.Load<Texture2D>("fig_fundo"); gameOver = Content.Load<Texture2D>("fig_perdeu"); vitoria = Content.Load<Texture2D>("fig_venceu"); posicao = new Vector2(0,0); vida = Content.Load<Texture2D>("fig_vida"); fonte = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("fonte"); torpedos = new List<Torpedos>(); //Texture2D i = Content.Load<Texture2D>("fig_subazul"); //Vector2 p = new Vector2(0, 350); //Vector2 v = new Vector2(4, 4); //player = new Sub_final(i, p, v); //inimigo // Submarino azul fundo = ContentUtil submarines.Add(new Submarine(new List<Texture2D>(){ ContentUtil.LoadImage() }
private static int RunComposite(CompositeOptions options) { Directory.CreateDirectory(options.TargetDir); ContentDefinition cd; using (var ifs = new FileStream(options.ContentDefinition, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { cd = AuthoringUtil.JsonDeserialize <ContentDefinition>(ifs); } var rm = new DataManager(); rm.RegisterDataProvider( new FileDataProvider(options.ContentDir ?? Path.GetDirectoryName(options.ContentDefinition))); var opts = new LiveLoadOptions(loadTextures: true); var lc = ContentUtil.LoadLiveContent(cd, rm, opts); foreach (var(name, image) in lc.RenderedCoTextures) { using (var ofs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(options.TargetDir, name + ".png"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) image.SaveAsPng(ofs); } return(0); }
public DirectionalIndicator( ContentUtil content, InputState.Move move, float beatTimeInMs, float travelSpeed) { this.recordings = new List<RecordedStart>(); this.color = Color.White; this.move = move; this.beatTimeInMs = beatTimeInMs; this.travelSpeed = travelSpeed; String texName = "hud/arrow_" + move.ToString().ToLower(); this.texture = new ScaledTexture( content.load<Texture2D>(texName), TEXTURE_SCALE); switch (move) { case InputState.Move.UP: this.direction = new Vector2(0, 1); break; case InputState.Move.DOWN: this.direction = new Vector2(0, -1); break; case InputState.Move.LEFT: this.direction = new Vector2(1, 0); break; case InputState.Move.RIGHT: this.direction = new Vector2(-1, 0); break; } this.isMoving = false; }
public static VirtualFileInfo ToFileInfo(this ZipNode node) { Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(node, "node"); if (node.IsDirectoryNode) { string msg = "ZIP entry [{0}] does not represent a file."; msg = String.Format(msg, node.FileEntry.FileName); throw new InvalidOperationException(msg); } var fi = new VirtualFileInfo { Name = Path.GetFileName(node.FullName), ContentType = ContentUtil.ResolveContentType(Path.GetExtension(node.FullName)), }; SetCommonProperties(fi, node); if (node.FileEntry != null) { fi.Length = node.FileEntry.UncompressedSize; } return(fi); }
private RelatedLinkDto ConvertToLinkDto(int siteId, IContentLink link) { ISite site = this._siteRep.GetSiteById(link.RelatedSiteId); IBaseContent content = this.GetContent(site.GetAggregaterootId(), ContentTypeIndent.Archive.ToString().ToLower(), link.RelatedContentId); String thumbnail = null; IArchive archive = content as IArchive; if (archive != null) { thumbnail = archive.Get().Thumbnail; } return(new RelatedLinkDto { Id = link.Id, Enabled = link.Enabled, ContentId = link.ContentId, ContentType = link.ContentType, RelatedSiteId = link.RelatedSiteId, RelatedSiteName = site.Get().Name, RelatedContentId = link.RelatedContentId, RelatedIndent = link.RelatedIndent, Title = archive.Get().Title, Url = site.FullDomain + archive.Get().Path, Thumbnail = thumbnail, IndentName = ContentUtil.GetRelatedIndentName(link.RelatedIndent).Name, }); }
// tooltip void DgDLCs_OnCellToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, DataGridViewCellToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e) { try { if (DLCList == null) { return; } if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex >= DLCList.Filtered.Count) { return; } var dlc = DLCList.Filtered[e.RowIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == CName.Index) { var id = new PublishedFileId((ulong)dlc.DLC); string url = ContentUtil.GetDLCURL(id); if (url != null) { e.ToolTipText = url; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex, $"rowIndex={e.RowIndex}"); e.ToolTipText = ex.ToString(); } }
// click link/button void DgDLCs_OnCellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { try { if (DLCList == null) { return; } if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex >= DLCList.Filtered.Count) { return; } var dlc = DLCList.Filtered[e.RowIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == CName.Index) { var id = new PublishedFileId((ulong)dlc.DLC); string url = ContentUtil.GetDLCURL(id); if (url != null) { ContentUtil.OpenURL(url); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); } }
// click link/button protected override void OnCellContentClick(DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { base.OnCellContentClick(e); try { Log.Info("OnCellContentClick"); if (ModList == null) { return; } if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex >= ModList.Filtered.Count) { return; } var cell = Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == CModID.Index) { var mod = ModList.Filtered[e.RowIndex]; if (mod.IsWorkshop) { string url = ContentUtil.GetItemURL(mod.PublishedFileId); if (url != null) { ContentUtil.OpenURL(url); } } else { ContentUtil.OpenPath(ModList.Filtered[e.RowIndex].ModPath); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); } }
private void SubscribeAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CleanupTextBox(); var ids = GetIDs(tbIDs.Text); ContentUtil.Subscribe(ids); }
public void initialize(ContentUtil content, SceneActivationParameters parameters) { this.video = content.load<Video>(this.videoName); this.player = null; this.size = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); this.forceExit = false; this.firstUpdate = true; }
private static void Upload() { Console.Out.WriteLine("Press key to start upload"); Console.ReadLine(); string sourceFilePath = @"D:\Downloads\1-Time Garbage\_VFS-SERVICE-ROOT\archive.zip"; var sourceFile = new FileInfo(sourceFilePath); string uri = "http://localhost:8088/webfs/webupload/writefile?file=copy2.iso&overwrite=true&length={0}&contenttype={1}"; uri = String.Format(uri, sourceFile.Length, ContentUtil.ResolveContentType(".zip")); HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri); req.Method = "POST"; req.KeepAlive = true; req.ContentType = ContentUtil.ResolveContentType(".zip"); // "application/octet-stream"; //disable buffering in order to prevent loading everything to memory first req.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false; req.SendChunked = false; req.ContentLength = sourceFile.Length; Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream(); using (var sourceStream = File.OpenRead(sourceFilePath)) { //use default byte sizes byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; int block = 0; while (true) { int bytesRead = sourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (bytesRead > 0) { reqStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); if (block++ % 500 == 0) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote block {0} with size {1}", block, bytesRead); } } else { break; } } } reqStream.Flush(); reqStream.Close(); // Console.Out.WriteLine("DONE"); // return; HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); Console.WriteLine("HTTP/{0} {1} {2}", resp.ProtocolVersion, (int)resp.StatusCode, resp.StatusDescription); Console.ReadLine(); }
public SpriteBatchWrapper(SpriteBatch wrapped, GraphicsDevice device, ContentUtil content) { this.wrapped = wrapped; this.wrappedDevice = device; this.viewport = device.Viewport.Bounds; this.fonts = new Dictionary<string, SpriteFont>(); this.fonts["default"] = content.load<SpriteFont>("default"); this.content = content; }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { this.contentUti = new ContentUtil(this.Content); //this.scene = new DanceScene("eattherich"); this.scene = new SceneManager(); this.scene.initialize(this.contentUti, null); base.Initialize(); }
public RandomSound(String name, int count, ContentUtil content) { this.sounds = new Sound[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String countStr = "" + (i + 1); if (i < 9) countStr = "0" + countStr; sounds[i] = new Sound(name + "_" + countStr, content); } }
// template FrameTransformMatrix // { // Matrix4x4 frameMatrix; // } /// <summary> /// Imports a transform matrix attached to a ContentNode /// </summary> /// <returns>The transform matrix attached to the current ContentNode</returns> private Matrix ImportFrameTransformMatrix() { Matrix m = tokens.SkipName().NextMatrix(); // Reflect the matrix across the Z axis to swap from left hand to right hand // coordinate system ContentUtil.ReflectMatrix(ref m); // skip the "}" at the end of the node tokens.SkipToken(); return(m); }
internal void loadTextures(ContentUtil content, params String[] names) { foreach (String name in names) { if (null == name) continue; try { this.textures[name] = content.load<Texture2D>(name); } catch (ContentLoadException e) { this.textures[name] = content.load<Texture2D>("missing_texture"); } } }
public void Load() { try { Log.Called(); ContentUtil.EnsureSubscribedItems(); foreach (IDataManager m in Managers) { m.EventLoaded += OnLoadCallBack; m.Load(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Log(); } }
public void Token_Should_Provide_Proper_Initialization_State() { Assert.AreEqual(Token.ResourceName, Path.GetFileName(SourceFilePath)); Assert.AreEqual(Token.ResourceIdentifier, SourceFileInfo.FullName); Assert.IsNotEmpty(Token.TransferId); Assert.AreEqual(SourceFile.Length, Token.ResourceLength); Assert.AreEqual(ContentUtil.ResolveContentType(SourceFile.Extension), Token.ContentType); Assert.Greater(Token.DownloadBlockSize, 0); Assert.IsNull(Token.ResourceEncoding); Assert.IsNull(Token.Md5FileHash); }
public AnimatedCharacter(String name, ContentUtil content, long beatTimeInMs) { this.idleTexture = this.loadTexture(content, name + "_idle", beatTimeInMs); this.upTexture = this.loadTexture(content, name + "_up", beatTimeInMs); this.upTexture.repeat = false; this.leftTexture = this.loadTexture(content, name + "_left", beatTimeInMs); this.leftTexture.repeat = false; this.rightTexture = this.loadTexture(content, name + "_right", beatTimeInMs); this.rightTexture.repeat = false; this.downTexture = this.loadTexture(content, name + "_down", beatTimeInMs); this.downTexture.repeat = false; this.reset(); }
public ContextMenuItems(string path, PublishedFileId id) { path_ = path; var itemOpenFile = new ToolStripMenuItem("Open File Location"); itemOpenFile.Click += ItemOpenFile_Click; Items.Add(itemOpenFile); if (id != PublishedFileId.invalid) { url_ = ContentUtil.GetItemURL(id); var itemOpenURL = new ToolStripMenuItem("Open In Workshop"); itemOpenURL.Click += ItemOpenURL_Click;; Items.Add(itemOpenURL); } }
/// <summary> /// Requests a download token for a given resource. /// </summary> /// <param name="resourceIdentifier"></param> /// <param name="includeFileHash">Whether a file hash for the /// requested resource should be calculated and assigned to the /// <see cref="DownloadToken.Md5FileHash"/> property of the returned /// <see cref="DownloadToken"/>.</param> /// <returns></returns> public DownloadToken RequestDownloadToken(string resourceIdentifier, bool includeFileHash) { FileInfo fileInfo = FileResolveFunc(resourceIdentifier); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { string msg = String.Format("Resource [{0}] not found.", resourceIdentifier); throw new VirtualResourceNotFoundException(msg); } string transferId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); DownloadToken dt = new DownloadToken { TransferId = transferId, ResourceIdentifier = resourceIdentifier, CreationTime = SystemTime.Now(), ContentType = ContentUtil.ResolveContentType(fileInfo.Extension), DownloadBlockSize = 512 * 1024, //TODO configure block size and expiration ResourceName = fileInfo.Name, ResourceLength = fileInfo.Length, ExpirationTime = SystemTime.Now().AddHours(24), Status = TransferStatus.Starting }; //calculate number of blocks long count = dt.ResourceLength / dt.DownloadBlockSize.Value; if (dt.ResourceLength % dt.DownloadBlockSize != null) { count++; } dt.TotalBlockCount = count; if (includeFileHash) { dt.Md5FileHash = fileInfo.CalculateMd5Hash(); } var transfer = new DownloadTransfer(dt) { File = fileInfo }; Transfers.Add(transferId, transfer); return(dt); }
// tooltip protected override void OnCellFormatting(DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e) { base.OnCellFormatting(e); try { if (ModList == null) { return; } //Log.Info($"e.ColumnIndex={e.ColumnIndex} Description.Index={Description.Index}"); if (e.RowIndex < 0) { return; } if (e.RowIndex >= ModList.Filtered.Count || e.RowIndex >= Rows.Count) { return; } var cell = Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == CDescription.Index && e.Value != null) { cell.ToolTipText = ModList.Filtered[e.RowIndex].Description; } else if (e.ColumnIndex == CStatus.Index && e.Value != null) { var mod = ModList.Filtered[e.RowIndex]; cell.ToolTipText = mod.SteamCache?.DownloadFailureReason; } else if (e.ColumnIndex == CModID.Index) { var mod = ModList.Filtered[e.RowIndex]; if (mod.IsWorkshop) { cell.ToolTipText = ContentUtil.GetItemURL(mod.PublishedFileId); } else { cell.ToolTipText = ModList.Filtered[e.RowIndex].ModPath; } } else { cell.ToolTipText = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex, $"e.ColumnIndex={e.ColumnIndex} e.RowIndex={e.RowIndex}"); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates meta information for a given file. /// </summary> /// <param name="localFile">The local file.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="VirtualFileInfo"/> that matches the submitted file.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="localFile"/> /// is a null reference.</exception> public static VirtualFileInfo CreateFileResourceInfo(this FileInfo localFile) { if (localFile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("localFile"); } localFile.Refresh(); var item = new VirtualFileInfo { Length = localFile.Exists ? localFile.Length : 0, ContentType = ContentUtil.ResolveContentType(localFile.Extension), ParentFolderPath = localFile.DirectoryName, }; MapProperties(localFile, item); return(item); }
// "This template is instantiated on a per-mesh basis. Within a mesh, a sequence of n // instances of this template will appear, where n is the number of bones (X file frames) // that influence the vertices in the mesh. Each instance of the template basically defines // the influence of a particular bone on the mesh. There is a list of vertex indices, and a // corresponding list of weights. // template SkinWeights // { // STRING transformNodeName; // DWORD nWeights; // array DWORD vertexIndices[nWeights]; // array float weights[nWeights]; // Matrix4x4 matrixOffset; // } // - The name of the bone whose influence is being defined is transformNodeName, // and nWeights is the number of vertices affected by this bone. // - The vertices influenced by this bone are contained in vertexIndices, and the weights for // each of the vertices influenced by this bone are contained in weights. // - The matrix matrixOffset transforms the mesh vertices to the space of the bone. When concatenated // to the bone's transform, this provides the world space coordinates of the mesh as affected by the bone." // (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ // directx9_c/dx9_graphics_reference_x_file_format_templates.asp) // // Reads in a bone that contains skin weights. It then adds one bone weight // to every vertex that is influenced by ths bone, which contains the name of the bone and the // weight. public void ImportSkinWeights() { isSkinned = true; string boneName = tokens.SkipName().NextString(); // an influence is an index to a vertex that is affected by the current bone int numInfluences = tokens.NextInt(); List <int> influences = new List <int>(); List <float> weights = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < numInfluences; i++) { influences.Add(tokens.NextInt()); } for (int i = 0; i < numInfluences; i++) { weights.Add(tokens.NextFloat()); if (weights[i] == 0) { influences[i] = -1; } } influences.RemoveAll(delegate(int i) { return(i == -1); }); weights.RemoveAll(delegate(float f) { return(f == 0); }); // Add the matrix that transforms the vertices to the space of the bone. // we will need this for skinned animation. Matrix blendOffset = tokens.NextMatrix(); ContentUtil.ReflectMatrix(ref blendOffset); skinTransformDictionary.Add(boneName, blendOffset); SkinTransformContent trans = new SkinTransformContent(); trans.BoneName = boneName; trans.Transform = blendOffset; skinTransforms.Add(trans); // end of skin weights tokens.SkipToken(); // add a new name/weight pair to every vertex influenced by the bone for (int i = 0; i < influences.Count; i++) { skinInfo[influences[i]].Add(new BoneWeight(boneName, weights[i])); } }
public void initialize(ContentUtil content, ContentScript script) { this.bakground = content.load<Texture2D>(script.get("background")); if (script.contains("beatlayers")){ this.beatSigns = new BeatLayer[script["beatlayers"].Count]; for (int i = 0; i < this.beatSigns.Length; i++){ this.beatSigns[i] = new BeatLayer(content, script["beatlayers"][i]); } } if (script.contains("countlayers")) { this.countSigns = new Texture2D[script["countlayers"].Count]; for (int i = 0; i < this.countSigns.Length; i++) { this.countSigns[i] = content.load<Texture2D>(script["countlayers"][i]); } } }
public void initialize(ContentUtil content, SceneActivationParameters parameters) { this.exit = false; this.content = content; this.scenes = new Dictionary<string,IScene>(); this.defaultScene = "menu"; this.scenes["story_01"] = new VideoScene("video/story_01"); this.scenes["story_02"] = new VideoScene("video/story_02"); this.scenes["story_03"] = new VideoScene("video/story_03"); this.scenes["story_04"] = new VideoScene("video/story_04"); this.scenes["credits"] = new VideoScene("video/credits"); SceneChain storyMode = new SceneChain(); storyMode.addToChain( "story_01", "level_01", "story_02", "level_02", "story_03", "level_03", "story_04", "level_04", "credits"); this.scenes["story_mode"] = storyMode; MenuScene menu = new MenuScene(); this.scenes["menu"] = menu; //menu.add(new MenuItem("story_mode", "Story Mode", this)); this.addDanceScene("level_01", menu); this.addDanceScene("level_02", menu); this.addDanceScene("level_03", menu); this.addDanceScene("level_04", menu); //menu.add(new MenuItem("highscore", "Highscore", new HighscoreParams("T-Bone the Steak"))); this.scenes["highscore"] = new HighscoreScene(); //menu.add(new MenuItem("exit", "Quit Game")); menu.buildMenuStructure(this); this.initIntroScenes(); }
public LiveContent LoadLiveContent(DataManager dataManager, LiveLoadOptions opts, CacheManager cacheManager = null) { if (_contentDefinition == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (dataManager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dataManager)); } var rp = GetResourceProvider(); dataManager.RegisterDataProvider(rp); try { return(ContentUtil.LoadLiveContent(_contentDefinition, dataManager, opts, cacheManager)); } finally { dataManager.DeregisterDataProvider(rp); } }
public void initialize( ContentUtil content, DanceSequenceProtocol protocol, float beatTimeInMS, float uiSpeed) { this.beatTimeInMs = beatTimeInMS; this.initHud(content, uiSpeed); this.errorSound = new Sound("hud/error_move", content); this.successSound = null;// new Sound("hud/success_move"); this.seqSuccessSound = new RandomSound("hud/perfect", 10, content); float bpms = 1 / beatTimeInMS; foreach (DanceSequence.Input input in protocol.handicaps) { if (!this.hud.ContainsKey(input.handicap)) continue; this.hud[input.handicap].prerecord(input.startTime(bpms), Color.Orange); } this.transitions.initialize(content, protocol, beatTimeInMS); }
private void Launch() { if (!ConfigWrapper.AutoSave && ConfigWrapper.Dirty) { var result = MessageBox.Show( caption: "Unsaved changes", text: "There are changes that are not saved to game and will not take effect. " + "Save changes to game before launching it?", buttons: MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); switch (result) { case DialogResult.Cancel: return; case DialogResult.Yes: ConfigWrapper.SaveConfig(); CO.GameSettings.SaveAll(); break; case DialogResult.No: break; default: Log.Exception(new Exception("FormClosing: Unknown choice" + result)); break; } } var args = GetCommandArgs(); UpdateFiles(); string fileExe = radioButtonSteamExe.Checked ? DataLocation.SteamExe : DataLocation.CitiesExe; string dir = radioButtonSteamExe.Checked ? DataLocation.SteamPath : DataLocation.GamePath; ContentUtil.Execute(dir, fileExe, string.Join(" ", args)); }
public void initialize(ContentUtil content, SceneActivationParameters parameters) { HighscoreParams stageParams = (HighscoreParams) parameters.parameters; this.stageName = stageParams.stage; this.nextScore = stageParams.newScore; this.showInputSound = new Sound("menu/select", content); this.createSound = new Sound("menu/click", content); this.background = content.load<Texture2D>(null == stageParams.background ? "bgr_highscore" : stageParams.background); this.lineBackground = new ScaledTexture(content.load<Texture2D>( null == stageParams.background ? "hud/highscore_line" : stageParams.background+"_line"), .4f); this.scores = new HighscoreList(); this.scores.loadForScene(stageName); this.exit = false; this.nameInput = new TextInput(); /*if (null == this.nextScore) { this.nextScore = new PlayerProgress(); this.nextScore.score = 4321; }*/ if (null != this.nextScore) { this.nameInput.setMessage("You scored " + this.nextScore.score + ". Please enter your name."); this.showInputSound.play(); this.nameInput.startListening(); } //this.scores.add(new Scoring("Batman", this.nextScore.score, true)); this.initTime = Environment.TickCount; }
private AnimatedTexture loadTexture(ContentUtil content, String name, long time) { Texture2D tex = content.load<Texture2D>(name); AnimatedTexture anim = new AnimatedTexture(tex, time); return anim; }
private ScaledTexture[][] loadButtonTextures(ContentUtil content) { ScaledTexture[][] textures = new ScaledTexture[4][]; for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) { textures[i] = new ScaledTexture[2]; textures[i][0] = new ScaledTexture( content.load<Texture2D>("menu/button" + (i + 1) + "_deactivated"), .5f); textures[i][1] = new ScaledTexture( content.load<Texture2D>("menu/button" + (i + 1) + "_activated"), .5f); } return textures; }
private void initHud(ContentUtil content, float uiSpeed) { this.hud.Clear(); this.hud[InputState.Move.UP] = new DirectionalIndicator(content, InputState.Move.UP, this.beatTimeInMs, uiSpeed); this.hud[InputState.Move.DOWN] = new DirectionalIndicator(content, InputState.Move.DOWN, this.beatTimeInMs, uiSpeed); this.hud[InputState.Move.LEFT] = new DirectionalIndicator(content, InputState.Move.LEFT, this.beatTimeInMs, uiSpeed); this.hud[InputState.Move.RIGHT] = new DirectionalIndicator(content, InputState.Move.RIGHT, this.beatTimeInMs, uiSpeed); }
/* * template Animation * { * [...] * } */ /// <summary> /// Fills in all the channels of an animation. Each channel refers to /// a single bone's role in the animation. /// </summary> /// <param name="boneName">The name of the bone associated with the channel</param> /// <returns>The imported animation channel</returns> private AnimationChannel ImportAnimationChannel(out string boneName) { AnimationChannel anim = new AnimationChannel(); // Store the frames in an array, which acts as an intermediate data set // This will allow us to more easily provide support for non Matrix // animation keys at a later time AnimationKeyframe[] rotFrames = null; AnimationKeyframe[] transFrames = null; AnimationKeyframe[] scaleFrames = null; List <AnimationKeyframe> matrixFrames = null; boneName = null; tokens.SkipName(); for (string next = tokens.NextToken(); next != "}"; next = tokens.NextToken()) { // A set of animation keys if (next == "AnimationKey") { // These keys can be rotation (0),scale(1),translation(2), or matrix(3 or 4) keys. int keyType; AnimationKeyframe[] frames = ImportAnimationKey(out keyType); if (keyType == 0) { rotFrames = frames; } else if (keyType == 1) { scaleFrames = frames; } else if (keyType == 2) { transFrames = frames; } else { matrixFrames = new List <AnimationKeyframe>(frames); } } // A possible bone name else if (next == "{") { string token = tokens.NextToken(); if (tokens.NextToken() != "}") { tokens.SkipNode(); } else { boneName = token; } } } // Fill in the channel with the frames if (matrixFrames != null) { matrixFrames.Sort(new Comparison <AnimationKeyframe>(delegate(AnimationKeyframe one, AnimationKeyframe two) { return(one.Time.CompareTo(two.Time)); })); if (matrixFrames[0].Time != TimeSpan.Zero) { matrixFrames.Insert(0, new AnimationKeyframe(new TimeSpan(), matrixFrames[0].Transform)); } for (int i = 0; i < matrixFrames.Count; i++) { Matrix m = matrixFrames[i].Transform; ContentUtil.ReflectMatrix(ref m); matrixFrames[i].Transform = m; anim.Add(matrixFrames[i]); } } else { List <AnimationKeyframe> combinedFrames = ContentUtil.MergeKeyFrames( scaleFrames, transFrames, rotFrames); for (int i = 0; i < combinedFrames.Count; i++) { Matrix m = combinedFrames[i].Transform; ContentUtil.ReflectMatrix(ref m); combinedFrames[i].Transform = m; //* Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2); anim.Add(combinedFrames[i]); } } return(anim); }
public void initialize(ContentUtil content, SceneActivationParameters parameters) { this.exit = false; this.paused = false; this.textures.clear(); this.currentSequence = null; this.input = new ExplicitInputState(); script.reload(); this.textures.loadTextures(content, "player_character", "btn_up", "btn_down", "btn_left", "btn_right", "btn_fail"); //this.backgroundTexture = this.script.get("background"); //this.textures.loadTextures(content, this.backgroundTexture); this.background.initialize(content, this.script); this.song = new Song(this.script, content); this.progress = new PlayerProgress(); this.sequences.initialize(this.script); float uiSpeed = 1.0f; if (this.script.contains("ui_speed")) uiSpeed = this.script.asFloat["ui_speed"][0]; this.ui.initialize(content, this.sequences, this.song.beatTimeInMs, uiSpeed); long beatTimeMs = (long) this.song.beatTimeInMs; this.enemy = new AnimatedCharacter(this.script.get("enemy"), content, beatTimeMs); this.player = new AnimatedCharacter("toasty/toasty", content, beatTimeMs); this.lastTime = 0; this.song.play(); }
private void SubscribeAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContentUtil.Subscribe(GetMissingIDs()); }
public void initialize(ContentUtil content, SceneActivationParameters parameters) { this.picture = content.load<Texture2D>(this.pictureName); this.fadeAmount = 0.0f; this.runningTime = null; }
public bool TryGetID(out ulong id) => ContentUtil.TryGetModID(IncludedPathFinal, out id);
public virtual void initialize(ContentUtil content, SceneActivationParameters parameters) { this.manager = (SceneManager) parameters.parameters; this.currentSceneIndex = -1; this.activateNext(); }
public void initialize(ContentUtil content, SceneActivationParameters parameters) { this.input = new ExplicitInputState(); this.next = false; this.exit = false; this.firstUpdate = true; this.background = content.load<Texture2D>("menu/background01"); this.clickSound = new Sound("menu/click", content); this.selectSound = new Sound("menu/select", content); if (null == this.backgroundSong || this.backgroundSong.stoppedPlaying()) this.backgroundSong = new Song("menu/backgroundsong", content, 120f); ScaledTexture[][] buttonTextures = this.loadButtonTextures(content); foreach (MenuItem item in this.items) { int texIndex = SystemRef.nextRandomInt(0, 4); item.initialize(this.clickSound, this.selectSound, buttonTextures[texIndex][0], buttonTextures[texIndex][1]); } this.items[0].select(); }
public override void initialize(ContentUtil content, SceneActivationParameters parameters) { base.initialize(content, parameters); this.song = new Song(this.songName, content, this.bpm); }
public Song(String contentName, ContentUtil content, float bpm) { this.bpm = bpm; this.content = content.load<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song>(contentName); }
public void SetRelatedIndents(IDictionary <int, RelateIndent> relatedIndents) { ContentUtil.SetRelatedIndents(relatedIndents); }
public Song(ContentScript script, ContentUtil content) : this(script["song"][0], content, script.asFloat["tempo"][0]) { if (null != script["startshift"]) this.timeShift = this.beatTimeInMs * script.asFloat["startshift"][0]; }
public IDictionary <int, RelateIndent> GetRelatedIndents() { return(ContentUtil.GetRelatedIndents()); }
public BeatLayer(ContentUtil content, String loadString) { String[] cfg = loadString.Split(' '); this.texture = content.load<Texture2D>(cfg[0]); this.alpha = 0.0f; this.updateLengthInBeats = cfg.Length > 1 ? ParserUtil.toFloat(cfg[1]) : 1.0f; this.startInMeasure = cfg.Length > 2 ? ParserUtil.toFloat(cfg[2]) : 0.0f; }
public Sound(String contentName, ContentUtil content) { this.sound = content.load<SoundEffect>(contentName); }
private static void BtnLogFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => ContentUtil.OpenPath(Log.LogFilePath);