// ============================================= // Library Syncing Functions // ============================================= public IEnumerable<CacheModel> PushToServer(ContentModel[] results) { var service = InitializeClient(); var updates = new List<CacheModel>(); const int batchSize = 50; var counter = 0; do { var cache = service.PushMediaInformation(_serverKey, results.Skip(counter).Take(batchSize).ToArray()); updates.AddRange(cache); counter += batchSize; #if DEBUG System.Console.WriteLine("{0}%", counter / results.Length); foreach (var c in cache) { System.Console.WriteLine("{0}==={1}", c.ServerMediaId, c.Hash); } #endif } while (counter < results.Count()); //#if DEBUG // System.Console.WriteLine("Completed Uploading"); //#endif return updates; }
private void GoToSubmodule(ContentModel x) { var nameAndSlug = x.GitUrl.Substring(x.GitUrl.IndexOf("/repos/", System.StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7); var repoId = new RepositoryIdentifier(nameAndSlug.Substring(0, nameAndSlug.IndexOf("/git", System.StringComparison.Ordinal))); var sha = x.GitUrl.Substring(x.GitUrl.LastIndexOf("/", System.StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1); ShowViewModel<SourceTreeViewModel>(new NavObject {Username = repoId.Owner, Repository = repoId.Name, Branch = sha}); }
public ActionResult Upload(ContentModel model) { AddRecordContentCommand command = new AddRecordContentCommand { //RecordId = (Guid) Session["RecordId"], DataType = (DataTypes)model.SelectedList[0], DescriptionFile = null, //ContentFile = new byte[model.ContentFile.ContentLength] }; model.ContentFile.InputStream.Read(command.ContentFile, 0, model.ContentFile.ContentLength); Bus.Send(command); return View(); }
private Element CreateElement(ContentModel x) { if (x.Type.Equals("dir", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new StyledStringElement(x.Name, () => ViewModel.GoToSourceTreeCommand.Execute(x), Images.Folder); } if (x.Type.Equals("file", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //If there's a size, it's a file if (x.Size != null) { return new StyledStringElement(x.Name, () => ViewModel.GoToSourceCommand.Execute(x), Images.File); } //If there is no size, it's most likey a submodule return new StyledStringElement(x.Name, () => ViewModel.GoToSubmoduleCommand.Execute(x), Images.Repo); } return new StyledStringElement(x.Name) { Image = Images.File }; }
public ActionResult Upload() { ContentModel model = new ContentModel { DataType = new ListViewModel[2], SelectedList = new int[0], }; model.DataType[0] = new ListViewModel { Id = (int) DataTypes.Doc, Title = "DOC" }; model.DataType[1] = new ListViewModel { Id = (int) DataTypes.Pdf, Title = "PDF" }; return View(model); }
public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel model) { return(base.Index(model)); }
public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel model) { return(View(uFPC.IO.uFPCio.FindView(Current.Services.FileService.GetTemplate(model.Content.GetTemplateAlias())).Replace(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "~\\"))); }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to update category content /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> public void UpdateCategoryContent(ContentModel content) { IContentOperationBL catBL = new CategoryContentOperationsBL(); catBL.UpdateCategoryContent(content); }
internal XmlSchemaElement CreateXsdElement() { XmlSchemaElement el = new XmlSchemaElement(); SetLineInfo(el); el.Name = Name; XmlSchemaComplexType ct = new XmlSchemaComplexType(); el.SchemaType = ct; if (Attributes != null) { SetLineInfo(ct); foreach (DTDAttributeDefinition a in Attributes.Definitions) { ct.Attributes.Add(a.CreateXsdAttribute()); } } if (IsEmpty) { ; // nothing to do } else if (IsAny) { XmlSchemaAny any = new XmlSchemaAny(); any.MinOccurs = 0; any.MaxOccursString = "unbounded"; ct.Particle = any; } else { if (IsMixedContent) { ct.IsMixed = true; } ct.Particle = ContentModel.CreateXsdParticle(); } /* * if (IsEmpty) { * el.SchemaType = new XmlSchemaComplexType (); * SetLineInfo (el.SchemaType); * } * else if (IsAny) * el.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName ( * "anyType", XmlSchema.Namespace); * else { * XmlSchemaComplexType ct = new XmlSchemaComplexType (); * SetLineInfo (ct); * if (Attributes != null) * foreach (DTDAttributeDefinition a in * Attributes.Definitions) * ct.Attributes.Add (a.CreateXsdAttribute ()); * if (IsMixedContent) * ct.IsMixed = true; * ct.Particle = ContentModel.CreateXsdParticle (); * el.SchemaType = ct; * } */ return(el); }
public ContentModel ResolveContent(IPublishedElement content, Dictionary <string, object>?options = null) { try { if (content == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(content)); } var contentModel = new ContentModel { System = new SystemModel { Id = content.Key, ContentType = content.ContentType.Alias, Type = content.ContentType.ItemType.ToString() } }; var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (content is IPublishedContent publishedContent) { contentModel.System.CreatedAt = publishedContent.CreateDate; contentModel.System.EditedAt = publishedContent.UpdateDate; contentModel.System.Locale = _variationContextAccessor.VariationContext.Culture; contentModel.System.Name = publishedContent.Name; contentModel.System.UrlSegment = publishedContent.UrlSegment; if (options != null && options.ContainsKey("addUrl") && bool.TryParse(options["addUrl"].ToString(), out var addUrl) && addUrl) { contentModel.System.Url = publishedContent.Url(mode: UrlMode.Absolute); } } foreach (var property in content.Properties) { var converter = _converters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EditorAlias.Equals(property.PropertyType.EditorAlias)); if (converter != null) { var prop = property.Value(_publishedValueFallback); if (prop == null) { continue; } prop = converter.Convert(prop, options?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)); if (prop != null) { dict.Add(property.Alias, prop); } } else { dict.Add( property.Alias, $"No converter implemented for editor: {property.PropertyType.EditorAlias}"); } } contentModel.Fields = dict; return(contentModel); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "An exceptional exception happened, see the inner exception for details"); throw; } }
public ActionResult Index(ContentModel model) { return(View("/views/frontpage.cshtml", model.Content)); }
/// <summary> /// Scans all the individual episodes from a tv show in plex library /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="showTitle"></param> /// <param name="showSortTitle"></param> /// <param name="showRemoteSourceId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable<ContentModel> ScanEpisodes(int id, string showTitle, string showSortTitle, string showRemoteSourceId, string libraryName) { var results = new List<ContentModel>(); var xml = XDocument.Load(string.Format("http://{0}/library/metadata/{1}/allLeaves", _plexServerAddress, id)); foreach (var node in xml.Descendants("Video")) { var content = new ContentModel() { VideoType = VideoType.TvShowEpisode, Title = ReadAttribute(node, "title"), Season = Convert.ToInt32(ReadNumberAttribute(node, "parentIndex")), Episode = Convert.ToInt32(ReadNumberAttribute(node, "index")), ParentId = id, ParentRemoteSourceId = showRemoteSourceId, ParentTitle = showTitle, ParentSortTitle = showSortTitle, LibraryName = libraryName }; var media = new List<MediaModel>(); // add a record for each file foreach (var mediaNode in node.Descendants("Media")) { var mediaModel = new MediaModel() { VideoId = Convert.ToInt32(ReadNumberAttribute(node, "ratingKey")), MediaId = Convert.ToInt32(ReadNumberAttribute(mediaNode, "id")), AspectRatio = (decimal)ReadNumberAttribute(mediaNode, "aspectRatio"), Resolution = ReadAttribute(mediaNode, "videoResolution"), DateAdded = ReadDateAttribute(node, "addedAt") }; var part = mediaNode.Descendants("Part").FirstOrDefault(); if (part != null) { mediaModel.Size = ReadNumberAttribute(part, "size"); mediaModel.FilePath = ReadAttribute(part, "file"); } media.Add(mediaModel); } content.MediaModels = media.ToArray(); content.ModelHash = CalculateComparisonHash(content); results.Add(content); } return results; }
internal void SetModel(ContentModel model) { base.Model = model; }
public new async Task <ActionResult> Index(ContentModel model) { return(await Task.FromResult(base.Index(model))); }
public ActionResult Index(ContentModel model, int page) { return(base.Index(model)); }
public async override Task <ActionResult> Index(ContentModel contentModel) { if (contentModel is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentModel)); } var model = new EditKnockoutMatchViewModel(contentModel.Content, Services?.UserService) { Match = new Match { MatchType = MatchType.KnockoutMatch, MatchLocation = new MatchLocation() } }; if (Request.RawUrl.StartsWith("/teams/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { model.Team = await _teamDataSource.ReadTeamByRoute(Request.RawUrl, true).ConfigureAwait(false); if (model.Team == null) { return(new HttpNotFoundResult()); } var possibleSeasons = _createMatchSeasonSelector.SelectPossibleSeasons(model.Team.Seasons, model.Match.MatchType); if (possibleSeasons.Count == 0) { return(new HttpNotFoundResult()); } if (possibleSeasons.Count == 1) { model.Match.Season = possibleSeasons.First(); } model.PossibleSeasons = _editMatchHelper.PossibleSeasonsAsListItems(possibleSeasons); await _editMatchHelper.ConfigureModelPossibleTeams(model, possibleSeasons).ConfigureAwait(false); model.HomeTeamId = model.Team.TeamId; model.MatchLocationId = model.Team.MatchLocations.FirstOrDefault()?.MatchLocationId; model.MatchLocationName = model.Team.MatchLocations.FirstOrDefault()?.NameAndLocalityOrTownIfDifferent(); if (model.PossibleHomeTeams.Count > 1) { model.AwayTeamId = new Guid(model.PossibleHomeTeams[1].Value); } } else if (Request.RawUrl.StartsWith("/competitions/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { model.Match.Season = model.Season = await _seasonDataSource.ReadSeasonByRoute(Request.RawUrl, true).ConfigureAwait(false); if (model.Season == null || !model.Season.MatchTypes.Contains(MatchType.KnockoutMatch)) { return(new HttpNotFoundResult()); } model.PossibleSeasons = _editMatchHelper.PossibleSeasonsAsListItems(new[] { model.Match.Season }); model.PossibleHomeTeams = _editMatchHelper.PossibleTeamsAsListItems(model.Season.Teams); model.PossibleAwayTeams = _editMatchHelper.PossibleTeamsAsListItems(model.Season.Teams); } model.IsAuthorized[AuthorizedAction.CreateMatch] = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated; _editMatchHelper.ConfigureAddMatchModelMetadata(model); model.Breadcrumbs.Add(new Breadcrumb { Name = Constants.Pages.Matches, Url = new Uri(Constants.Pages.MatchesUrl, UriKind.Relative) }); return(CurrentTemplate(model)); }
private void DoTest(string input, IList expectedOutput, ContentModel contentModel, string lastStartTag) { HtmlTokenizer tokenizer = new HtmlTextTokenizer(new StringReader(input)); tokenizer.ParseError += new EventHandler<ParseErrorEventArgs>(reader_ParseError); tokenizer.ContentModel = contentModel; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastStartTag)) { HtmlTextTokenizer__lastEmittedStartTagName.SetValue(tokenizer, lastStartTag); } Trace.Write("Input: "); Trace.WriteLine(input); try { while (tokenizer.Read()) { switch (tokenizer.TokenType) { case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: actualOutput.Add(new object[] { "DOCTYPE", tokenizer.Name, tokenizer.GetAttribute("PUBLIC"), tokenizer.GetAttribute("SYSTEM"), !tokenizer.ForceQuirks }); break; case XmlNodeType.Element: Dictionary<string, string> attrs = new Dictionary<string, string>( tokenizer.HasAttributes ? tokenizer.AttributeCount : 0, StringComparer.InvariantCulture); if (tokenizer.HasAttributes) { for (int i = 0; i < tokenizer.AttributeCount; i++) { attrs.Add( tokenizer.GetAttributeName(i), tokenizer.GetAttribute(i)); } } actualOutput.Add(new object[] { "StartTag", tokenizer.Name, attrs }); break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: actualOutput.Add(new string[] { "EndTag", tokenizer.Name }); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: actualOutput.Add(new string[] { "Comment", tokenizer.Value }); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: actualOutput.Add(new string[] { "Character", tokenizer.Value }); break; default: Assert.Fail("Unexpected token type: {0}", tokenizer.TokenType); break; } } Trace.Write("Expected output: "); TraceOutput(expectedOutput); Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.Write("Actual output: "); TraceOutput(actualOutput); Trace.WriteLine(""); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput.Count, actualOutput.Count, "Not the same number of tokens"); for (int i = 0; i < expectedOutput.Count; i++) { object expected = expectedOutput[i]; object actual = actualOutput[i]; if (expected.GetType() == typeof(string)) { // ParseError #if !NUNIT Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(ParseErrorEventArgs)); #else Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(ParseErrorEventArgs), actual); #endif } else { Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetType(), actual.GetType()); object[] expectedToken = (object[])expected; object[] actualToken = (object[])actual; Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.Length, actualToken.Length); for (int j = 0; j < expectedToken.Length; j++) { if (expectedToken[j] is ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>>) { #if !NUNIT Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actualToken[j], typeof(IDictionary<string, string>)); #else Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(IDictionary<string, string>), actualToken[j]); #endif ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> expectedDict = (ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>>)expectedToken[j]; IDictionary<string, string> actualDict = (IDictionary<string, string>)actualToken[j]; Assert.AreEqual(expectedDict.Count, actualDict.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> attr in expectedDict) { Assert.AreEqual(attr.Value, actualDict[attr.Key]); } } else { Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken[j], actualToken[j]); } } } } } catch (NotImplementedException nie) { // Amnesty for those that confess Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine(nie); #if NUNIT Assert.Ignore("Not Implemented"); #else Assert.Inconclusive("Not Implemented"); #endif } }
private SourceItemViewModel CreateSourceItemViewModel(ContentModel content) { return new SourceItemViewModel(content.Name, GetSourceItemType(content), x => { switch (x.Type) { case SourceItemType.File: { var vm = this.CreateViewModel<SourceViewModel>(); vm.Branch = Branch; vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner; vm.RepositoryName = RepositoryName; vm.TrueBranch = TrueBranch; vm.Name = content.Name; vm.HtmlUrl = content.HtmlUrl; vm.Path = content.Path; vm.PushAccess = PushAccess; NavigateTo(vm); break; } case SourceItemType.Directory: { var vm = this.CreateViewModel<SourceTreeViewModel>(); vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner; vm.Branch = Branch; vm.RepositoryName = RepositoryName; vm.TrueBranch = TrueBranch; vm.Path = content.Path; vm.PushAccess = PushAccess; NavigateTo(vm); break; } case SourceItemType.Submodule: { var nameAndSlug = content.GitUrl.Substring(content.GitUrl.IndexOf("/repos/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 7); var repoId = new RepositoryIdentifier(nameAndSlug.Substring(0, nameAndSlug.IndexOf("/git", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); var vm = this.CreateViewModel<SourceTreeViewModel>(); vm.RepositoryOwner = repoId.Owner; vm.RepositoryName = repoId.Name; vm.Branch = content.Sha; NavigateTo(vm); break; } } }); }
public ActionResult Create(ContentModel model, string command, FormCollection fm) { try { using (var objContext = new db_KISDEntities()) { var file = Request.Files.Count > 0 ? Request.Files[0] : null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { var InnerImagesTitle = Models.Common.GetInnerImages(); ViewBag.InnerImagesTitle = InnerImagesTitle;//get all the inner image titles var RightSectionTitle = (from db in objContext.RightSections where db.StatusInd == true select new { db.TitleTxt, db.RightSectionID }).ToList().OrderBy(x => x.TitleTxt); ViewBag.RightSectionTitle = RightSectionTitle; var ContentType = model.ContentTypeID; ViewBag.ContentTypeID = ContentType; var IsSave = false; var contenttypetitle = objContext.ContentTypes.Find(ContentType).ContentTypeNameTxt; ViewBag.Title = contenttypetitle; ViewBag.PageTitle = model.PageTitleTxt ?? ""; ViewBag.IsActiveInd = GetStatusData(model.StatusInd == true ? "1" : "0"); var objContent = objContext.Contents.Where(x => x.ContentTypeID == ContentType).FirstOrDefault(); if (objContent == null) { IsSave = true; objContent = new Content(); } #region System Change Log DataTable dtOld; var oldResult = (from a in objContext.Contents where a.ContentID == model.ContentID select a).ToList(); dtOld = Models.Common.LINQResultToDataTable(oldResult); #endregion ViewBag.Submit = IsSave ? "Save" : "Update"; if (model != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PageURLTxt)) { var count = 0; count = objContext.Contents.Where(x => x.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() == model.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() && x.ContentID != model.ContentID && x.IsDeletedInd == false).Count(); count += objContext.BoardOfMembers.Where(x => x.URLTxt.ToLower().Trim() == model.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() && x.IsDeletedInd == false).Count(); count += objContext.Departments.Where(x => x.URLTxt.ToLower().Trim() == model.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() && x.IsDeletedInd == false).Count(); count += objContext.ExceptionOpportunities.Where(x => x.URLTxt.ToLower().Trim() == model.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() && x.IsDeletedInd == false).Count(); count += objContext.GalleryListings.Where(x => x.URLTxt.ToLower().Trim() == model.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() && x.IsDeletedInd == false).Count(); count += objContext.NewsEvents.Where(x => x.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() == model.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() && x.IsDeletedInd == false).Count(); count += objContext.RightSections.Where(x => x.ExternalLinkURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() == model.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() && (x.IsDeletedInd == false || x.IsDeletedInd == null)).Count(); if (model.PageURLTxt.Trim().ToLower() == "error404")// Check for duplicate url and error404 url { count = count + 1; } if (count > 0) { #region Route value directory var rvd = new RouteValueDictionary(); rvd.Add("ContentType", ContentType); #endregion ViewBag.FocusPageUrl = true; // Set focus on Pageurl Field if same url exist ViewBag.InnerImages = new SelectList(objContext.Images.Where(x => x.ImageTypeID == 2 && x.StatusInd == true).ToList(), "ImageID", "TitleTxt"); if (model.PageURLTxt.ToLower().Trim() == "error404") //if user types url 'error404' below validation msg should display { ModelState.AddModelError("PageURLTxt", model.PageURLTxt + " URL is not allowed."); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("PageURLTxt", model.PageURLTxt + " URL already exists."); } return(View(model)); } } objContent.ContentTypeID = ContentType; objContent.ParentID = (int?)null; objContent.IsExternalLinkInd = model.IsExternalLinkInd; objContent.ExternalLinkTxt = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ExternalLinkTxt) ? string.Empty : model.ExternalLinkTxt; objContent.ExternalLinkTargetInd = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? model.ExternalLinkTargetInd : false; objContent.PageTitleTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty :(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PageTitleTxt) ? string.Empty : model.PageTitleTxt); objContent.MenuTitleTxt = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MenuTitleTxt) ? (ContentType == 1 ? "home" : string.Empty) : model.MenuTitleTxt.Replace("<", ""); objContent.PageURLTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PageURLTxt) ? (ContentType == 1 ? "home" : string.Empty) : (ContentType == 1 ? "home" : model.PageURLTxt)); objContent.BannerImageID = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? 0 : model.BannerImageID; objContent.AbstractTxt = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AbstractTxt) ? string.Empty : model.AbstractTxt; objContent.BannerImageAbstractTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty :(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.BannerImageAbstractTxt) ? string.Empty : model.BannerImageAbstractTxt); objContent.DescriptionTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty :(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DescriptionTxt) ? string.Empty : model.DescriptionTxt); objContent.StatusInd = (ContentType == Convert.ToInt32(ContentTypeAlias.Footer) || ContentType == Convert.ToInt32(ContentTypeAlias.Header) || ContentType == Convert.ToInt32(ContentTypeAlias.Search) || ContentType == Convert.ToInt32(ContentTypeAlias.Home) ) ? true : (fm["IsActiveInd"] == "1" ? true : false); objContent.ContentCreateDate = model.ContentCreateDate; objContent.PageMetaTitleTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty :(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PageMetaTitleTxt) ? string.Empty : model.PageMetaTitleTxt); objContent.PageMetaDescriptionTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty :(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PageMetaDescriptionTxt) ? string.Empty : model.PageMetaDescriptionTxt); objContent.AltBannerImageTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty : model.AltBannerImageTxt; objContent.RightSectionAbstractTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty : model.RightSectionAbstractTxt; objContent.RightSectionTitleTxt = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? string.Empty : model.RightSectionTitleTxt; objContent.IsFacebookSharingInd = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? false : model.IsFacebookSharingInd; objContent.IsGooglePlusSharingInd = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? false: model.IsGooglePlusSharingInd; objContent.IsTwitterSharingInd = model.IsExternalLinkInd ? false : model.IsTwitterSharingInd; objContent.IsDeletedInd = false; objContent.CreateDate = model.ContentID > 0 ? objContent.CreateDate : DateTime.Now;; objContent.CreateByID = model.ContentID > 0 ? objContent.CreateByID : Convert.ToInt64(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey); objContent.LastModifyByID = Convert.ToInt64(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey); objContent.LastModifyDate = DateTime.Now; //Save image path if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { #region Upload Image Models.Common.CreateFolder(); var NewImgName = UploadImage(); //var croppedfile = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath(NewImgName.Data.ToString()));//err var fileName = NewImgName.Data; TempData["CroppedImage"] = null; objContent.AbstractTxt = "~/WebData/images/" + fileName; #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AbstractTxt) && ( (objContent.ContentTypeID == Convert.ToInt32(ContentTypeAlias.Header)) )) { try { Models.Common.DeleteImage(Server.MapPath(model.AbstractTxt)); } catch { } } } if (IsSave) { objContext.Contents.Add(objContent); } objContext.SaveChanges(); var AlertText = IsContent(objContent.ContentTypeID) ? " Content" : " Page Content"; TempData["Alert"] = contenttypetitle + (IsSave ? AlertText + " saved successfully." : AlertText + " updated successfully."); #region System Change Log SystemChangeLog objSCL = new SystemChangeLog(); long userid = Convert.ToInt64(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey); User objuser = objContext.Users.Where(x => x.UserID == userid).FirstOrDefault(); objSCL.NameTxt = objuser.FirstNameTxt + " " + objuser.LastNameTxt; objSCL.UsernameTxt = objuser.UserNameTxt; objSCL.UserRoleID = (short)objContext.UserRoles.Where(x => x.UserID == objuser.UserID).First().RoleID; objSCL.ModuleTxt = "Content"; objSCL.LogTypeTxt = model.ContentID > 0 ? "Update" : "Add"; objSCL.NotesTxt = (GetContentType(model.ContentTypeID)) + " Details" + (model.ContentID > 0 ? " updated for " : " added for ") + model.PageTitleTxt; objSCL.LogDateTime = DateTime.Now; objContext.SystemChangeLogs.Add(objSCL); objContext.SaveChanges(); objSCL = objContext.SystemChangeLogs.OrderByDescending(x => x.ChangeLogID).FirstOrDefault(); var newResult = (from x in objContext.Contents where x.ContentID == objContent.ContentID select x); DataTable dtNew = Models.Common.LINQResultToDataTable(newResult); foreach (DataColumn col in dtNew.Columns) { if (model.ContentID > 0) { if (dtOld.Rows[0][col.ColumnName].ToString() != dtNew.Rows[0][col.ColumnName].ToString()) { SystemChangeLogDetail objSCLD = new SystemChangeLogDetail(); objSCLD.ChangeLogID = objSCL.ChangeLogID; objSCLD.FieldNameTxt = col.ColumnName.ToString(); objSCLD.OldValueTxt = dtOld.Rows[0][col.ColumnName].ToString(); objSCLD.NewValueTxt = dtNew.Rows[0][col.ColumnName].ToString(); objContext.SystemChangeLogDetails.Add(objSCLD); objContext.SaveChanges(); } } else { SystemChangeLogDetail objSCLD = new SystemChangeLogDetail(); objSCLD.ChangeLogID = objSCL.ChangeLogID; objSCLD.FieldNameTxt = col.ColumnName.ToString(); objSCLD.OldValueTxt = ""; objSCLD.NewValueTxt = dtNew.Rows[0][col.ColumnName].ToString(); objContext.SystemChangeLogDetails.Add(objSCLD); objContext.SaveChanges(); } } #endregion return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["Alert"] = " Some error occured. Please try again later."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult Index(ContentModel model) { return(RenderView(false)); }
//private void GetMetaData(int id, ContentModel syncModel) //{ // var xml = XDocument.Load(string.Format("http://{0}/library/metadata/{1}", _plexServerAddress, id)); // // read the genres // var genres = xml.Descendants("Genre").Select(node => ReadAttribute(node, "tag")).ToList(); // syncModel.Genres = string.Join(",", genres); // // read the collections // var collections = xml.Descendants("Collection").Select(node => ReadAttribute(node, "tag")).ToList(); // syncModel.Collections = string.Join(",", collections); //} private string CalculateComparisonHash(ContentModel contentModel) { var contents = new StringBuilder(); contents.Append(contentModel.Title); contents.Append(contentModel.SortName); contents.Append(contentModel.Season); contents.Append(contentModel.Episode); contents.Append(contentModel.Collections); contents.Append(contentModel.LibraryName); contents.Append(string.Join(",",contentModel.MediaModels.Select(a => string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", a.VideoId, a.MediaId, a.FilePath, a.Size)))); var md5 = MD5.Create(); byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(contents.ToString()); byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(inputBytes); // step 2, convert byte array to hex string var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++) { sb.Append(hash[i].ToString("X2")); } return sb.ToString(); }
public object Run(object t, ParallelTask task) { var model = t as CrawlTaskModel; var results = new List <object>(); var reporter = task.Progress as IProgress <string>; reporter.Report("正在读取Feed记录"); var feed = FeedLiteDb.GetFeed(model.FeedId); reporter.Report("正在下载 Feed"); var compile = new UrlCompile(); var addrs = compile.GetResult(feed.Address); foreach (var addr in addrs) { feed.Address = addr.ToString(); var job = new FeedJob(); var snap = job.DoTask(feed, false); reporter.Report("Feed 下载完成"); var block = RuiJiBlockParser.ParserBlock(feed.RuiJiExpression); var feedResult = RuiJiExtractor.Extract(snap.Content, block); results.Add(feedResult); reporter.Report("正在提取Feed地址"); var j = new FeedExtractJob(); var urls = j.ExtractAddress(snap); reporter.Report("Feed地址提取完成"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(snap.RuiJiExpression)) { foreach (var url in urls) { reporter.Report("正在提取地址 " + url); var result = Cooperater.GetResult(url); if (result != null) { var cm = new ContentModel(); cm.Id = model.FeedId; cm.Url = url; cm.Metas = result.Metas; cm.CDate = DateTime.Now; results.Add(cm); } } } reporter.Report("计算完成"); if (!model.IncludeContent) { results.ForEach((m) => { ClearContent(m); }); } } return(results); }
public virtual async Task <IActionResult> Index(ContentModel model) => await List(model, "Index");
public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel m) { PurchaseOrderViewModel model = MapOrder(); return(View("/Views/Preview.cshtml", model)); }
// GET: Confirmation public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel model) { return(View("/Views/Confirmation.cshtml")); }
public ActionResult Create(string ct) { TempData["CroppedImage"] = null; using (var objContext = new db_KISDEntities()) { //decrypt content type id(ct) ct = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(ct)) ? EncryptDecrypt.Decrypt(ct) : "0"; int ContentTypeID = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ct) ? Convert.ToInt32(ct) : 0; #region Check Tab is Accessible or Not int TabType = 0; if (ContentTypeID == 1 || ContentTypeID == 2 || ContentTypeID == 3) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.Home); } if (ContentTypeID == 4) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.AboutKISD); } if (ContentTypeID == 5) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.School); } if (ContentTypeID == 6) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.NewToKISD); } if (ContentTypeID == 7 || ContentTypeID == 35) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.ParentStudents); } if (ContentTypeID == 8) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.Departments); } if (ContentTypeID == 9 || ContentTypeID == 34) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.SchoolBoard); } if (ContentTypeID == 10) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.Employment); } if (ContentTypeID == 11) { TabType = Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.GoogleAnalytic); } var userId = objContext.Users.Where(x => x.UserNameTxt == User.Identity.Name).Select(x => x.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); var RoleID = objContext.UserRoles.Where(x => x.UserID == userId).Select(x => x.RoleID).FirstOrDefault(); var HasTabAccess = GetAccessibleTabAccess(TabType, Convert.ToInt32(userId)); if (!(HasTabAccess || RoleID == Convert.ToInt32(UserType.SuperAdmin) || RoleID == Convert.ToInt32(UserType.Admin))) //if tab not accessible then redirect to home { if (TabType == Convert.ToInt32(ModuleTypeAlias.Departments) && RoleID == Convert.ToInt32(UserType.DepartmentUser)) { } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } #endregion ViewBag.ContentTypeID = ContentTypeID; ViewBag.Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); var chkcontenttype = objContext.ContentTypes.Any(x => x.ContentTypeID == ContentTypeID && ContentTypeID <= 43); if (!chkcontenttype) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } var objContentModel = new ContentModel(); objContentModel.ContentTypeID = ContentTypeID; var objContent = objContext.Contents.Where(x => x.ContentTypeID == ContentTypeID).FirstOrDefault(); var contenttypetitle = objContext.ContentTypes.Find(ContentTypeID).ContentTypeNameTxt; objContentModel.RightSections = GetAllRightSections(); if (objContent != null) { objContentModel.ContentID = objContent.ContentID; objContentModel.AbstractTxt = objContent.AbstractTxt; objContentModel.ContentTypeID = objContent.ContentTypeID; objContentModel.IsExternalLinkInd = objContent.IsExternalLinkInd; objContentModel.ExternalLinkTxt = objContent.ExternalLinkTxt; objContentModel.ExternalLinkTargetInd = objContent.ExternalLinkTargetInd; objContentModel.PageTitleTxt = objContent.PageTitleTxt; objContentModel.MenuTitleTxt = objContent.MenuTitleTxt; objContentModel.PageURLTxt = objContent.PageURLTxt; objContentModel.BannerImageID = objContent.BannerImageID; objContentModel.AltBannerImageTxt = objContent.AltBannerImageTxt; objContentModel.BannerImageAbstractTxt = objContent.BannerImageAbstractTxt; objContentModel.DescriptionTxt = objContent.DescriptionTxt; objContentModel.ContentCreateDate = objContent.ContentCreateDate; objContentModel.CreateDate = objContent.CreateDate; objContentModel.StatusInd = objContent.StatusInd; objContentModel.PageMetaTitleTxt = objContent.PageMetaTitleTxt; objContentModel.RightSectionTitleTxt = objContent.RightSectionTitleTxt; objContentModel.RightSectionAbstractTxt = objContent.RightSectionAbstractTxt; objContentModel.PageMetaDescriptionTxt = objContent.PageMetaDescriptionTxt; objContentModel.IsGooglePlusSharingInd = objContent.IsGooglePlusSharingInd.HasValue ? objContent.IsGooglePlusSharingInd.Value : false; objContentModel.IsFacebookSharingInd = objContent.IsFacebookSharingInd.HasValue ? objContent.IsFacebookSharingInd.Value : false; objContentModel.IsTwitterSharingInd = objContent.IsTwitterSharingInd.HasValue ? objContent.IsTwitterSharingInd.Value : false; objContentModel.strCreateDate = objContent.CreateDate.HasValue ? objContent.CreateDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); ViewBag.IsActiveInd = GetStatusData(objContentModel.StatusInd == true ? "1" : "0"); ViewBag.Date = objContent.ContentCreateDate != null?objContent.ContentCreateDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); objContentModel.ContentTypeTitle = "Edit " + contenttypetitle + (IsContent(ContentTypeID) ? " Content" : " Page Content"); ViewBag.Submit = "Update"; } else { ViewBag.Submit = "Save"; string[] ToEmailarr = new string[] { "0" }; objContentModel.ContentTypeID = ContentTypeID; ViewBag.Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); objContentModel.IsGooglePlusSharingInd = false; objContentModel.IsFacebookSharingInd = false; objContentModel.IsTwitterSharingInd = false; objContentModel.ContentTypeTitle = "Add " + contenttypetitle + (IsContent(ContentTypeID) ? " Content" : " Page Content"); ViewBag.IsActiveInd = GetStatusData(string.Empty); } var InnerImagesTitle = Models.Common.GetInnerImages(); ViewBag.InnerImagesTitle = InnerImagesTitle;//get all the inner image titles ViewBag.Title = (ContentModel.GetContentTypeName(Convert.ToInt32(ContentTypeID))) + (ContentTypeID == Convert.ToInt32(ContentTypeAlias.Fly) ? " Page" : ""); return(View(objContentModel)); } }
/// <summary> /// over ride the default index action /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel model) { //return the view with the custom model combined with the umbraco content model return(View(MapModel(model.Content))); }
// GET: Home public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel model) { var home = new Home(model.Content); return(CurrentTemplate(home)); }
public ActionResult Counter(string categoryAlias = "", string alias = "") { ContentModel.AddHit(AppUsers.GetTenant(), categoryAlias, alias); return(this.Ok()); }
private CurrentTokenizerTokenState FollowGenericCdataOrRcdataParsingAlgorithm(ContentModel cdataOrRcdata) { Debug.Assert(cdataOrRcdata == ContentModel.Cdata || cdataOrRcdata == ContentModel.Rcdata); _inCdataOrRcdata = true; _tokenizer.ContentModel = cdataOrRcdata; // XXX: we're adding the element to the stack of open elements as a way to keep track of its name return InsertHtmlElement(); }
public virtual ActionResult About() { ContentModel model = db.GetContent("About"); return(View(model)); }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to delete Purchase and Sales Categories content /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> public void DeletePSCategoryContent(ContentModel content) { IContentOperationBL catBL = new CategoryContentOperationsBL(); catBL.DeletePSCategoryContent(content); }
public virtual ActionResult ForDesigners() { ContentModel model = db.GetContent("ForDesigners"); return(View(model)); }
public virtual ActionResult Index(ContentModel model) { return(CurrentTemplate(model)); }
public ActionResult HomePage(ContentModel model) { return(View()); }
void SaveContent(object param) { //creating an object of repository ICategoryRepository catRepository = new CategoryRepository(); if (SelectedPSCategory != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedPSContent)) { Error = "Please enter content to save"; return; } else { Error = string.Empty; MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes?", "Save Content", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { var cat = SelectedPSCategory as ContentModel; if (cat != null) { var content = new ContentModel(); content.CategoryID = cat.CategoryID; content.CategoryCode = cat.CategoryCode; content.ContentName = SelectedPSContent; catRepository.SavePSCategoryContent(content); // PSError = string.Empty; } } } } else { if (SelectedCategory == null) { Error = "Please select Category"; } else { // UpdateBindingGroup.CommitEdit(); var content = SelectedCategoryContent as ContentModel; if (content == null || content.ContentName == string.Empty || content.ContentName == null) { Error = "Please enter content to save"; } else { //Commented as client's mail on 31 march 2017 //if (content.Predefined == true) //{ // if (content.ContentName != "0") // { // Error = "Cannot edit Predefined Contents"; // return; // } // } string msg = catRepository.ValidateCategoryContent(content); if (msg != string.Empty) { Error = msg; } else { Error = string.Empty; MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes?", "Save Content", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { if (!catRepository.IsContentExists(content)) { Error = string.Empty; var catContent = SelectContent as ContentModel; //if (catContent != null) //{ // SelectedCategoryContent.IsSelected = catContent.IsSelected; //} if (SelectedIndex == -1) { catRepository.SaveCategoryContent(content); } else { catRepository.UpdateCategoryContent(content); } OnPropertyChanged("SelectContent"); // Update the list from the data source // MessageBox.Show("Record Saved Successfully"); // System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Record Saved successfully", "Save Content", MessageBoxButton.OK); } else { Error = "Content should be unique"; return; } } SelectContent = null; SelectedCategoryContent = null; SelectedContent = new ObservableCollection <ContentModel>(catRepository.GetCategoryContent(content.CategoryID)); } } } } }
public ActionResult Product(ContentModel model, string id) { return(this.View("Product", model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> CounterAsync(string categoryAlias = "", string alias = "") { await ContentModel.AddHitAsync(this.Tenant, categoryAlias, alias).ConfigureAwait(false); return(this.Ok()); }
public override SearchPage CreateModel(SearchPage viewModel, ContentModel contentModel) { viewModel = base.CreateModel(viewModel, contentModel); return(viewModel); }
private static SourceItemType GetSourceItemType(ContentModel content) { if (content.Type.Equals("dir", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return SourceItemType.Directory; if (content.Type.Equals("file", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var isTree = content.GitUrl.EndsWith("trees/" + content.Sha, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (content.Size == null || isTree) return SourceItemType.Submodule; } return SourceItemType.File; }
public async Task <IWikiArticle> GetArticleAsync(IArticleIdentifier articleIdentifier, ContentModel contentModel) { try { // Resolve license on a background task, retrieve after content has been parsed. var licenseTask = _articleLicenseProvider.GetArticleLicenseAsync(articleIdentifier); var parseQuery = MediaWikiUtils.GetParseQuery(articleIdentifier.Title, articleIdentifier.Language, contentModel); var parseQueryUri = new Uri(parseQuery); var mwResponse = await _networkingProvider.DownloadContentAsync(parseQueryUri); var mwResponseObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ParserResponse.ParserRootObject>(mwResponse); string?content = contentModel switch { ContentModel.Html => mwResponseObject?.parse?.text?["*"], ContentModel.WikiText => mwResponseObject?.parse?.wikitext?["*"], _ => throw new NotImplementedException() }; if (content == null) { var logSb = new StringBuilder().Append("Failed to deserialize MediaWiki parser output.").Append(Environment.NewLine) .Append("Media Wiki response content: ").Append(mwResponse); throw new ApplicationException(logSb.ToString()); } // retrieve license from background task var license = await licenseTask; return(_wikiMediaFactory.CreateWikiArticle(articleIdentifier, license, content, contentModel)); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Failed to retrieve article."); throw; } }
public IList<string> FindComponents(ContentModel.Querying.IQuery queryParameters) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override bool Read() { if (_tokenState == TokenState.Complete) { if (_textToken.Length > 0) { _textToken.Length = 0; _textTokenIsWhitespace = true; return true; } _tokenState = TokenState.Uninitialized; } _textToken.Length = 0; _textTokenIsWhitespace = true; do { switch (_currentParsingFunction) { case ParsingFunction.Initial: // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-tokenisation.htmlmultipage/section-tokenisation.html#tokenization: // The state machine must start in the data state. _currentParsingFunction = ParsingFunction.Data; break; case ParsingFunction.Eof: if (_textToken.Length == 0) { return false; } _tokenState = TokenState.Initialized; // HACK: to exit the while loop break; case ParsingFunction.ReaderClosed: return false; case ParsingFunction.Data: ParseData(); break; case ParsingFunction.EntityData: ParseEntityData(); break; case ParsingFunction.TagOpen: ParseTagOpen(); break; case ParsingFunction.CloseTagOpen: ParseCloseTagOpen(); break; case ParsingFunction.TagName: ParseTagName(); break; case ParsingFunction.BeforeAttributeName: ParseBeforeAttributeName(); break; case ParsingFunction.AttributeName: ParseAttributeName(); break; case ParsingFunction.AfterAttributeName: ParseAfterAttributeName(); break; case ParsingFunction.BeforeAttributeValue: ParseBeforeAttributeValue(); break; case ParsingFunction.AttributeValueDoubleQuoted: ParseAttributeValueDoubleQuoted(); break; case ParsingFunction.AttributeValueSingleQuoted: ParseAttributeValueSingleQuoted(); break; case ParsingFunction.AttributeValueUnquoted: ParseAttributeValueUnquoted(); break; // case ParsingFunction.EntityInAttributeValue: handled "inline" in the ParseAttributeXXX methods case ParsingFunction.AfterAttributeValueQuoted: ParseAfterAttributeValueQuoted(); break; case ParsingFunction.BogusComment: ParseBogusComment(); break; case ParsingFunction.MarkupDeclarationOpen: ParseMarkupDeclarationOpen(); break; case ParsingFunction.CommentStart: ParseCommentStart(); break; case ParsingFunction.CommentStartDash: ParseCommentStartDash(); break; case ParsingFunction.Comment: ParseComment(); break; case ParsingFunction.CommentEndDash: ParseCommentEndDash(); break; case ParsingFunction.CommentEnd: ParseCommentEnd(); break; case ParsingFunction.Doctype: ParseDoctype(); break; case ParsingFunction.BeforeDoctypeName: ParseBeforeDoctypeName(); break; case ParsingFunction.DoctypeName: ParseDoctypeName(); break; case ParsingFunction.AfterDoctypeName: ParseAfterDoctypeName(); break; case ParsingFunction.BeforeDoctypePublicId: ParseBeforeDoctypePublicId(); break; case ParsingFunction.DoctypePublicIdDoubleQuoted: ParseDoctypePublicIdDoubleQuoted(); break; case ParsingFunction.DoctypePublicIdSingleQuoted: ParseDoctypePublicIdSingleQuoted(); break; case ParsingFunction.AfterDoctypePublicId: ParseAfterDoctypePublicId(); break; case ParsingFunction.BeforeDoctypeSystemId: ParseBeforeDoctypeSystemId(); break; case ParsingFunction.DoctypeSystemIdDoubleQuoted: ParseDoctypeSystemIdDoubleQuoted(); break; case ParsingFunction.DoctypeSystemIdSingleQuoted: ParseDoctypeSystemIdSingleQuoted(); break; case ParsingFunction.AfterDoctypeSystemId: ParseAfterDoctypeSystemId(); break; case ParsingFunction.BogusDoctype: ParseBogusDoctype(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } while (_tokenState == TokenState.Uninitialized || (_tokenState == TokenState.Initialized && _textToken.Length == 0)); if (_tokenState == TokenState.Complete){ switch (_tokenType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: case XmlNodeType.EndElement: // Check duplicate attributes _attributes.RemoveAll( delegate(Attribute attr) { if (attr.isDuplicate) { OnParseError(new ParseErrorEventArgs(String.Concat("Duplicate attribute: ", attr.name), attr)); return true; } return false; } ); if (_tokenType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { _contentModel = ContentModel.Pcdata; if (_attributes.Count > 0) { OnParseError("End tag with attributes"); } } break; } } return true; }