Example #1
        public bool Load(ContentLoadContext context)
            PipelineLoadBakedContext loadBakedContext = new PipelineLoadBakedContext();

            loadBakedContext.ContentPath = name;
            var fpBaked = Path.Combine(directoryOwner.BakedContentDiskRoot, name);

            var bakedLoader = content as IBakedLoader;

            //save time... assume this succeeds
                using (var fs = new FileStream(fpBaked, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None))
                    loadBakedContext.BakedReader = new BinaryReader(fs);
Example #2
        public bool Load(ContentLoadContext context)
            bool loaded = false;

            //try loading the baked content
            PipelineLoadBakedContext loadBakedContext = new PipelineLoadBakedContext();

            loadBakedContext.ContentPath = name;
            var fpBaked = Path.Combine(directoryOwner.BakedContentDiskRoot, name);

            var bakeable    = content.Manager.PipelineConnector.GetPipeline(content);
            var bakedLoader = content as IBakedLoader;

            //what is this hot garbage?? I would like a special context for preparing which has more limited information
            bakeContext = new PipelineBakeContext()
                PipelineConnector  = content.Manager.PipelineConnector,
                Content            = content,
                RawContentDiskRoot = directoryOwner.RawContentDiskRoot,
                ContentPath        = name,
                RawContentDiskPath = Path.Combine(directoryOwner.RawContentDiskRoot, name),
                ForOven            = directoryOwner.Manager.DumpBakedContent,
                Attributes         = content.attributes ?? new object[0]

            //TODO - dont even do this unless we support hot loading or arent bruted or something, I dont know
            bool resolvedDependencies = bakeContext.ResolveDependencies(name);

            //analyze whether we need to bake
            bool satisfied = true;

            //if the output doesnt exist, we do need to bake
            var fiTo = new FileInfo(fpBaked);

            if (!fiTo.Exists)
                satisfied = false;

            //check timestamps - we may need to bake if deps are out of date
            if (satisfied)
                foreach (var dep in bakeContext.resolvedDependencies.Values)
                    var fiFrom     = new FileInfo(dep);
                    var fiFromTime = fiFrom.LastWriteTimeUtc;
                    if (fiTo.LastWriteTimeUtc < fiFromTime)
                        satisfied = false;

            //TODO: if we're the oven AND we're doing a clean operation, force to be unsatisfied

            if (satisfied)
                if (directoryOwner.Manager.DumpBakedContent)
                    //it's already there. nothing to do
                    //i GUESS this is what we can return

                //TODO: engine special functions to open files and report existence without two operations
                using (var fs = new FileStream(fpBaked, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None))
                    loadBakedContext.BakedReader = new BinaryReader(fs);
                    loaded = bakedLoader.LoadBaked(loadBakedContext);

            //if it loaded, we're done
            if (loaded)

            //if it didnt load, we need to load it raw
            //that consists actually of baking it, and if that succeeded, loading that as baked

            //if we couldnt resolve dependencies, we can't bake
            if (!resolvedDependencies)

            var msBake = new MemoryStream();
            var bwBake = new BinaryWriter(msBake);

            bakeContext.BakedWriter = bwBake;

            bool baked = bakeable.Bake(bakeContext);

            //if it didnt bake, we definitely can't load it
            if (!baked)

            msBake.Position = 0;

            //dump newly baked content (depending on configuration)
            if (content.Manager.DumpBakedContent)
                using (var fs = new FileStream(fpBaked, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    fs.Write(msBake.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)msBake.Length);

                //unclear what default timestamp should be in case there's no inputs
                //probably need to set it equal to the build time of the executing assembly - pipe that in from the oven?
                DateTime timestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
                foreach (var dep in bakeContext.resolvedDependencies.Values)
                    var      fiFrom = new FileInfo(dep);
                    DateTime nextTs = fiFrom.LastWriteTimeUtc;
                    if (nextTs > timestamp)
                        timestamp = nextTs;
                if (timestamp != DateTime.MinValue)
                    fiTo.LastWriteTimeUtc = timestamp;

                //no actual loading to do in this case

            //now, load the baked content
            var bakedReader = new BinaryReader(msBake);

            loadBakedContext.BakedReader = bakedReader;
            loaded = bakedLoader.LoadBaked(loadBakedContext);

            //TODO: add sophisticated diagnostics log system and report this as a FAILED load

            //well, whether or not it worked, that's all we can do
