public TaskBedtimeResistance()

            Title = "Bedtime Resistance Strategies";

            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            taskModels = new List <SleepTasks>();

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 1",
                PageDescription = "Establish a regular bedtime routine.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 2",
                PageDescription = "Put child to bed at the same time every night.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 3",
                PageDescription = "Give him/her 2 bedtime passes.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 4",
                PageDescription = "When child leaves his/her room s/he must surrender a pass.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 4",
                PageDescription = "1 pass gets one “free trip” out of the room or one parent visit.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 4b",
                PageDescription = "Visits should be short (less than 3 minutes) & have a specific purpose(drink, hug).",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 5",
                PageDescription = "Once passes are gone ignore all bids for attention.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 5a",
                PageDescription = "If child leaves their room after all their passes are gone, guide them calmly back to the room while ignoring them(no speaking, avoid looking at them).",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 6",
                PageDescription = "Allow the child to select a prize/reward in the morning if they have one or more un-used passes from the previous night.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 7",
                PageDescription = "Repeat each night consistently.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.BedtimeResistance,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Bedtime Pass: Step 8",
                PageDescription = "Reduce to 1 bedtime pass.",



            foreach (SleepTasks item in taskModels)
                cardCheckTemplate = new CardCheckTemplate(item.PageTitle, item.PageDescription, item.Strategy);

            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetBackButtonTitle(this, "Back");
        public TaskMorningAwakening()

            Title = "Early Morning Awakening Strategies";

            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            taskModels = new List <SleepTasks>();

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.EarlyMorningAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Manage Sleep Environment",
                PageDescription = "Sleep environment should be the same in the morning as at bedtime, with no cues that it is daytime.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.EarlyMorningAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Address Sleep Motivation",
                PageDescription = "Decrease reinforcement for early awakening (child may play quietly in their room), but may not leave the bedroom.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.EarlyMorningAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Detecting Sleep Avoidance",
                PageDescription = "Use an inexpensive motion detector to signal when the child leaves the room. (Something like chimes/bells).",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.EarlyMorningAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Maintaining Expectations for Sleep Behaviour",
                PageDescription = "If the child awakens early than scheduled, return the child to their bedroom and simply state “it's still night-time, go back to sleep.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.EarlyMorningAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Napping Behaviour",
                PageDescription = "Decrease day time napping.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.EarlyMorningAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Waking Behaviour",
                PageDescription = "Establish a consistent wake time, use audible and/or visual cues to signal wake time. When the alarm goes off, enter the child’s bedroom and open the curtains, saying “it’s time to wake up. Gradually delay the stimulus (start time of day) by 15minutes every 2-3 days.",



            foreach (SleepTasks item in taskModels)
                cardCheckTemplate = new CardCheckTemplate(item.PageTitle, item.PageDescription, item.Strategy);

            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetBackButtonTitle(this, "Back");
        public TaskNightAwakening()

            Title = "Nighttime Awakening Strategies";

            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            taskModels = new List <SleepTasks>();

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.NightAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Independent Sleeping Arrangements",
                PageDescription = "Co-sleeping (bed-sharing) should not be allowed because this may serve to reinforce nighttime awakenings.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.NightAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Developing Structured Routines",
                PageDescription = "The bedtime routine should be structured, consistent, and delivered in a calm and positive manner. ",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.NightAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Reinforce Appropriate Sleep-related Behaviour",
                PageDescription = "Leave the bedroom when your child is still awake, as you do so provide verbal praise and positive touch if, and only if, the child is lying quietly in bed.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.NightAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Reduce Nighttime Interaction",
                PageDescription = "The duration for the bedtime interactions for sleep compatible behaviours should be gradually reduced over time as your child learns to fall asleep independently. ",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.NightAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Night-time Behaviour Management",
                PageDescription = "Managing middle-of-the-night awakenings:  Parents can handle this by either letting the child \"cry it out\" or by using the progressive delayed responding approach until the child learns to fall asleep independently.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.NightAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Decrease Reliance on Adult Reassurance",
                PageDescription = "For progressive delayed responding parents should engage in behaviours which will promote independent sleep onset.  If your child wakes at night and cries out, then parents should initially enter the room briefly and re-assure their child that everything is okay and quickly exit the room to minimize attention and interpersonal interaction during nighttime hours. This re-assuring interaction should be gradually reduced in frequency and duration over consecutive nights. ",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.NightAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Employ Relaxation Exercises",
                PageDescription = " Develop the child’s self-calming skills (go to the relaxation screen for examples).",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.NightAwakenings,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Avoid Corrective Measures",
                PageDescription = "Do not use early bedtime as a consequence for misbehaviour.",



            foreach (SleepTasks item in taskModels)
                cardCheckTemplate = new CardCheckTemplate(item.PageTitle, item.PageDescription, item.Strategy);

            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetBackButtonTitle(this, "Back");
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public TaskCosleeping()

            Title = "Co-Sleeping Strategies";

            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            taskModels = new List <SleepTasks>();

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.CoSleeping,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Graduated extinction with parental presence",
                PageDescription = "The following steps should be implemented for approximately 3 -5 nights before moving onto the next step.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.CoSleeping,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Graduated Extinction: Step 1",
                PageDescription = "Child goes to their own bed and parent sits on the child’s bed, or on a chair next to the bed, and remains until the child falls asleep.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.CoSleeping,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Graduated Extinction: Step 2",
                PageDescription = "Parent then moves away from the bed and closer to the bedroom door, until the child falls asleep.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.CoSleeping,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Graduated Extinction: Step 3",
                PageDescription = "Parent sits in the doorway and remains there until the child falls asleep.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.CoSleeping,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Graduated Extinction: Step 4",
                PageDescription = "Parent sits outside of the child’s bedroom out of view of the child.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.CoSleeping,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Graduated Extinction: Step 5",
                PageDescription = "Parent starts to take breaks that increase in length until the child is consistently falling asleep without the parent present in the hallway.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.CoSleeping,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Graduated Extinction: Step 6",
                PageDescription = "Be consistent in your approach and if your child leaves their bedroom through the night calmly and quietly  return the child every time, and simply state that it’s still night-time, go back to sleep.",



            foreach (SleepTasks item in taskModels)
                cardCheckTemplate = new CardCheckTemplate(item.PageTitle, item.PageDescription, item.Strategy);

            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetBackButtonTitle(this, "Back");
Example #5
        public TaskSleepOnset()

            Title = "Late Sleep Onset Strategies";

            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            taskModels = new List <SleepTasks>();

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.LateOnset,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Associate Bedroom with Sleep",
                PageDescription = "The goal is to associate the child's bed with falling asleep quickly.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.LateOnset,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Create a \"Sleep-only\" Bedroom Environment",
                PageDescription = "It is important that your child does not use the bedroom for anything else except sleep. (no TV or computer games, etc). A sleep friendly environment with no stimulation is important.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.LateOnset,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Increase Motivation for Sleep",
                PageDescription = "Move bedtime later than usual to ensure that the child is very tired on the first night.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.LateOnset,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Gradually Adjust Bedtimes",
                PageDescription = "Every 2-3 days the bedtime can then be moved 15 minutes earlier if the child fell asleep quickly (within 15-30 min) until an age appropriate bedtime has been achieved.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.LateOnset,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Reward Positive Relaxation Behaviour",
                PageDescription = "Leave the bedroom when your child is still awake and provide verbal praise and positive touch if, and only if, the child is lying quietly in bed. ",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.LateOnset,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Wake Time Routines",
                PageDescription = "Establish a consistent wake time, use audible and/or visual cues to signal wake time. When the alarm goes off, enter the child’s bedroom and open the curtains, saying “it’s time to wake up.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.LateOnset,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Block Napping",
                PageDescription = "No day time napping.",

            taskModels.Add(new SleepTasks()
                PageId          = Identifiers.Pages.LateOnset,
                Strategy        = Identifiers.Strategies.Specific,
                PageTitle       = "Reward Positive Sleep Behaviour",
                PageDescription = "Remember to reward your child the next morning for falling asleep quickly.",



            foreach (SleepTasks item in taskModels)
                cardCheckTemplate = new CardCheckTemplate(item.PageTitle, item.PageDescription, item.Strategy);

            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, true);
            NavigationPage.SetBackButtonTitle(this, "Back");