/// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            ContentChannelTypeService contentTypeService = new ContentChannelTypeService(new RockContext());
            SortProperty sortProperty = gContentChannelType.SortProperty;

            var types = contentTypeService.Queryable("Channels")
                        .Select(t => new
                Channels = t.Channels.Count()

            if (sortProperty != null)
                types = types.AsQueryable().Sort(sortProperty).ToList();
                types = types.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList();

            gContentChannelType.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read <ContentChannelType>().Id;
            gContentChannelType.DataSource   = types;
        protected override void ShowSettings()
            pnlConfigure.Visible = true;

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var contentChannelTypeService = new ContentChannelTypeService(rockContext);

            ddlContentChannelType.DataSource = contentChannelTypeService.Queryable().ToList();

            int        contentChannelType = GetAttributeValue("ContentChannelType").AsInteger();
            List <int> contentChannels    = GetAttributeValue("ContentChannels").Split(',').AsIntegerList();
            List <int> attributes         = GetAttributeValue("ContentChannelAttributes").Split(',').AsIntegerList();

            // If no saved selection
            ddlContentChannelType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(string.Empty, string.Empty));

            if (contentChannelType != 0)
                ddlContentChannelType.SelectedValue = contentChannelType.ToString();

                var contentChannelOptions = from ListItem li in cblContentChannels.Items
                                            where contentChannels.Any((channelId) => { return(channelId == li.Value.AsInteger()); })
                                            select li;
                foreach (ListItem li in contentChannelOptions)
                    li.Selected = true;

                var contentChannelAttributeOptions = from ListItem li in cblContentChannelAttributes.Items
                                                     where attributes.Any((attributeId) => { return(attributeId == li.Value.AsInteger()); })
                                                     select li;
                foreach (ListItem li in contentChannelAttributeOptions)
                    li.Selected = true;
                ddlContentChannelType.SelectedIndex = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            ContentChannelTypeService contentTypeService = new ContentChannelTypeService( new RockContext() );
            SortProperty sortProperty = gContentChannelType.SortProperty;

            var types = contentTypeService.Queryable( "Channels" )
                .Select( t => new
                    Channels = t.Channels.Count()
                } )

            if ( sortProperty != null )
                types = types.AsQueryable().Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                types = types.OrderBy( p => p.Name ).ToList();

            gContentChannelType.DataSource = types;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// The list source.
        /// </value>
        internal override Dictionary <string, string> GetListSource(Dictionary <string, ConfigurationValue> configurationValues)
            ContentChannelTypeService service = new ContentChannelTypeService(new RockContext());

            return(service.Queryable().OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToDictionary(k => k.Guid.ToString(), v => v.Name));
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Content Channel data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="csvData">The CSV data.</param>
        private int LoadContentChannel(CSVInstance csvData)
            var lookupContext             = new RockContext();
            var contentChannelService     = new ContentChannelService(lookupContext);
            var contentChannelTypeService = new ContentChannelTypeService(lookupContext);
            var groupService = new GroupService(lookupContext);

            // Look for custom attributes in the Content Channel file
            var allFields        = csvData.TableNodes.FirstOrDefault().Children.Select((node, index) => new { node = node, index = index }).ToList();
            var customAttributes = allFields
                                   .Where(f => f.index > ContentChannelParentId)
                                   .ToDictionary(f => f.index, f => f.node.Name);

            var completed            = 0;
            var importedCount        = 0;
            var alreadyImportedCount = contentChannelService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().Count(c => c.ForeignKey != null);

            ReportProgress(0, $"Starting Content Channel import ({alreadyImportedCount:N0} already exist).");

            string[] row;
            // Uses a look-ahead enumerator: this call will move to the next record immediately
            while ((row = csvData.Database.FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                var rowContentChannelName             = row[ContentChannelName];
                var rowContentChannelTypeName         = row[ContentChannelTypeName];
                var rowContentChannelDescription      = row[ContentChannelDescription];
                var rowContentChannelId               = row[ContentChannelId];
                var rowContentChannelRequiresApproval = row[ContentChannelRequiresApproval];
                var rowContentChannelParentId         = row[ContentChannelParentId];

                var rowChannelId = rowContentChannelId.AsType <int?>();

                var requiresApproval = ( bool )ParseBoolOrDefault(rowContentChannelRequiresApproval, false);

                var contentChannelTypeId = 0;
                if (contentChannelTypeService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.ToLower() == rowContentChannelTypeName.ToLower()) != null)
                    contentChannelTypeId = contentChannelTypeService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.ToLower() == rowContentChannelTypeName.ToLower()).Id;

                // Verify the Content Channel Type Exists
                if (contentChannelTypeId < 1)
                    var newConentChannelType = new ContentChannelType
                        Name            = rowContentChannelTypeName,
                        DateRangeType   = ContentChannelDateType.DateRange,
                        IncludeTime     = true,
                        DisablePriority = true,
                        CreatedDateTime = ImportDateTime


                    contentChannelTypeId = lookupContext.ContentChannelTypes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == rowContentChannelTypeName).Id;

                // Check that this Content Channel doesn't already exist.
                var exists = false;
                if (alreadyImportedCount > 0)
                    exists = contentChannelService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().Any(c => c.ForeignKey == rowContentChannelId);

                if (!exists)
                    // Create and populate the new Content Channel.
                    var contentChannel = new ContentChannel
                        Name                 = rowContentChannelName,
                        Description          = rowContentChannelDescription,
                        ContentChannelTypeId = contentChannelTypeId,
                        ForeignKey           = rowContentChannelId,
                        ForeignId            = rowChannelId,
                        ContentControlType   = ContentControlType.HtmlEditor,
                        RequiresApproval     = requiresApproval

                    // Look for Parent Id and create appropriate objects.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rowContentChannelParentId))
                        var ParentChannels = new List <ContentChannel>();
                        var parentChannel  = contentChannelService.Queryable().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ForeignKey == rowContentChannelParentId);
                        if (parentChannel.ForeignKey == rowContentChannelParentId)
                            contentChannel.ParentContentChannels = ParentChannels;

                    // Save changes for context
                    lookupContext.WrapTransaction(() =>

                    // Set security if needed
                    if (contentChannel.RequiresApproval)
                        var rockAdmins = groupService.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.Group.GROUP_ADMINISTRATORS.AsGuid());
                        contentChannel.AllowSecurityRole(Authorization.APPROVE, rockAdmins, lookupContext);

                        var communicationAdmins = groupService.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.Group.GROUP_COMMUNICATION_ADMINISTRATORS.AsGuid());
                        contentChannel.AllowSecurityRole(Authorization.APPROVE, communicationAdmins, lookupContext);

                        // Save security changes
                        lookupContext.WrapTransaction(() =>

                    // Process Attributes for Content Channels
                    if (customAttributes.Any())
                        // create content channel attributes
                        foreach (var newAttributePair in customAttributes)
                            var pairs                  = newAttributePair.Value.Split('^');
                            var categoryName           = string.Empty;
                            var attributeName          = string.Empty;
                            var attributeTypeString    = string.Empty;
                            var attributeForeignKey    = string.Empty;
                            var definedValueForeignKey = string.Empty;
                            var fieldTypeId            = TextFieldTypeId;

                            if (pairs.Length == 1)
                                attributeName = pairs[0];
                            else if (pairs.Length == 2)
                                attributeName       = pairs[0];
                                attributeTypeString = pairs[1];
                            else if (pairs.Length >= 3)
                                categoryName  = pairs[1];
                                attributeName = pairs[2];
                                if (pairs.Length >= 4)
                                    attributeTypeString = pairs[3];
                                if (pairs.Length >= 5)
                                    attributeForeignKey = pairs[4];
                                if (pairs.Length >= 6)
                                    definedValueForeignKey = pairs[5];

                            var definedValueForeignId = definedValueForeignKey.AsType <int?>();

                            // Translate the provided attribute type into one we know about.
                            fieldTypeId = GetAttributeFieldType(attributeTypeString);

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeName))
                                LogException("Content Channel Type", $"Content Channel Type Channel Attribute Name cannot be blank '{newAttributePair.Value}'.");
                                var fk = string.Empty;
                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeForeignKey))
                                    fk = $"Bulldozer_ContentChannelType_{contentChannelTypeId}_{categoryName.RemoveWhitespace()}_{attributeName.RemoveWhitespace()}".Left(100);
                                    fk = attributeForeignKey;

                                AddEntityAttribute(lookupContext, contentChannel.TypeId, "ContentChannelTypeId", contentChannelTypeId.ToString(), fk, categoryName, attributeName, string.Empty, fieldTypeId, true, definedValueForeignId, definedValueForeignKey, attributeTypeString: attributeTypeString);

                        // Add any Content Channel attribute values
                        foreach (var attributePair in customAttributes)
                            var newValue = row[attributePair.Key];

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newValue))
                                var pairs                  = attributePair.Value.Split('^');
                                var categoryName           = string.Empty;
                                var attributeName          = string.Empty;
                                var attributeTypeString    = string.Empty;
                                var attributeForeignKey    = string.Empty;
                                var definedValueForeignKey = string.Empty;

                                if (pairs.Length == 1)
                                    attributeName = pairs[0];
                                else if (pairs.Length == 2)
                                    attributeName       = pairs[0];
                                    attributeTypeString = pairs[1];
                                else if (pairs.Length >= 3)
                                    categoryName  = pairs[1];
                                    attributeName = pairs[2];
                                    if (pairs.Length >= 4)
                                        attributeTypeString = pairs[3];
                                    if (pairs.Length >= 5)
                                        attributeForeignKey = pairs[4];
                                    if (pairs.Length >= 6)
                                        definedValueForeignKey = pairs[5];

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeName))
                                    string fk = string.Empty;
                                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeForeignKey))
                                        fk = $"Bulldozer_ContentChannelType_{contentChannelTypeId}_{categoryName.RemoveWhitespace()}_{attributeName.RemoveWhitespace()}".Left(100);
                                        fk = attributeForeignKey;

                                    var attribute = FindEntityAttribute(lookupContext, categoryName, attributeName, contentChannel.TypeId, fk);
                                    AddEntityAttributeValue(lookupContext, attribute, contentChannel, newValue, null, true);


                // Notify user of our status.
                if (completed % (ReportingNumber * 10) < 1)
                    ReportProgress(0, $"{completed:N0} Content Channel records processed, {importedCount:N0} imported.");

                if (completed % ReportingNumber < 1)

                    // Clear out variables
                    contentChannelService = new ContentChannelService(lookupContext);

            // Save any other changes to existing items.

            ReportProgress(0, $"Finished Content Channel import: {importedCount:N0} records added.");
