Example #1
        private void UpdateDataView()
            string sSql = string.Empty;

            string filter = txtFilter.Text;

            if (filter != string.Empty)
                string cleanFilter = filter.Replace("'", "''").ToLower();
                cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("[", "[[]");
                cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("_", "[_]");
                cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("%", "[%]");

                sSql = " LOWER(ContainerType) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%' ";

            using (ContainerTypeList containerTypes = ContainerType.GetAll(sSql))
                if (containerTypes != null)
                    if (containerTypes.Count > 0)
                        dg.DataSource = containerTypes;
                        Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg);

                        lbNoresults.Visible = false;
                        dg.Visible          = true;
                        if (txtFilter.Text.Length > 0)
                            lbNoresults.Text = "No record match your search (" + txtFilter.Text + ")";

                        lbNoresults.Visible = true;
                        dg.Visible          = false;

                    panelGrid.Visible = true;
                    lbTitle.Text      = "Container types list";
    private void UpdateDataView()
        lbError.Visible = false;
        InputFormType type = InputFormType.GetByKey(inputFormTypeCode);

        if (type != null)
            // Get input form type
            lblTitle.Text = "New exclusion rule for input form type " + type.Name + " [" + type.Code + "]";

            // Build collection with all possible container types (not used in exclusion rule)
            ContainerTypeList containerTypes = GetPossibleContainerTypes();

            if (containerTypes.Count > 0)
                dg.DataSource = containerTypes;
                Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg, false);
                dg.DisplayLayout.AllowSortingDefault = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.AllowSorting.No;
                dg.Visible       = false;
                lbError.Text     = "No container types";
                lbError.CssClass = "hc_success";
                lbError.Visible  = true;
                UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "Save");
                UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "SaveSep");
            // Wrong request data
            lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
            lbError.Text     = "Error: exclusion rule of input form type is null";
            lbError.Visible  = true;
    private ContainerTypeList GetPossibleContainerTypes()
        // result list of container type
        ContainerTypeList resultList = new ContainerTypeList();

        // Get all container types
        using (ContainerTypeList containerTypes = ContainerType.GetAll())
            // Get all exclusion rules for this input form type (input form type code is not empty)
            string sqlFilter = "InputFormTypeCode = '" + inputFormTypeCode + "'";
            using (InputFormTypeExclusionRuleList iftExclusionRules = InputFormTypeExclusionRule.GetAll(sqlFilter))
                // Delete container type already used
                if (containerTypes != null)
                    foreach (ContainerType ct in containerTypes)
                        bool isFound = false;

                        if (iftExclusionRules != null)
                            foreach (InputFormTypeExclusionRule er in iftExclusionRules)
                                isFound = isFound || (er.ContainerTypeCode == ct.Code);

                        if (!isFound)