private CloudBlobContainer GetBlobContainer(ContainerType containerType) { var storageCredentials = new StorageCredentials(this._accountName, this._accountKey); var storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(storageCredentials, true); var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); return(blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerType.ToString())); }
private void ValidateAzureVMContainerType(ContainerType type) { if (type != ContainerType.AzureVM) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Resources.UnExpectedContainerTypeException, ContainerType.AzureVM.ToString(), type.ToString())); } }
// Sectors public void SetSectorMessage() { sector_title.SetActive(true); sector_text.text = active_container_type.ToString(); Color color; color = active_container.active_color; sector_text.color = color; }
/// <summary> /// Gets an instance of the provider based on the container type and backup management type (optional) /// </summary> /// <param name="containerType">Type of the container</param> /// <param name="backupManagementType">Type of the backup management type (optional)</param> /// <returns></returns> public IPsBackupProvider GetProviderInstance ( ContainerType containerType, BackupManagementType?backupManagementType ) { PsBackupProviderTypes providerType = 0; switch (containerType) { case ContainerType.AzureVM: if (backupManagementType == BackupManagementType.AzureVM || backupManagementType == null) { providerType = PsBackupProviderTypes.IaasVm; } else { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format(Resources.BackupManagementTypeIncorrectForContainerType, containerType) ); } break; case ContainerType.Windows: if (backupManagementType == BackupManagementType.MARS) { providerType = PsBackupProviderTypes.Mab; } else if (backupManagementType == null) { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( Resources.BackupManagementTypeRequiredForContainerType, containerType) ); } else { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( Resources.BackupManagementTypeIncorrectForContainerType, containerType) ); } break; default: throw new ArgumentException( String.Format(Resources.UnsupportedContainerType, containerType.ToString()) ); } return(GetProviderInstance(providerType)); }
static CloudBlobContainer GetContainer(ContainerType containerType) { var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(App.Current.Properties["connectionString"].ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("Account Created"); var client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient(); Debug.WriteLine(client.ToString()); return(client.GetContainerReference(containerType.ToString().ToLower())); }
/// <param name="containerName">Имя контейнера должно быть меньше 256 символов и не содержать завершающего слеша '/' в конце.</param> /// <param name="customHeaders">Произвольные мета-данные через передачу заголовков с префиксом X-Container-Meta-.</param> /// <param name="type">X-Container-Meta-Type: Тип контейнера (public, private, gallery)</param> public UpdateContainerMetaRequest( string containerName, ContainerType type = ContainerType.Private, IDictionary <string, object> customHeaders = null, CORSHeaders corsHeaders = null) : base(containerName) { customHeaders.Add(HeaderKeys.XContainerMetaType, type.ToString().ToLower()); SetCustomHeaders(customHeaders); SetCORSHeaders(corsHeaders); }
public async Task <string> UploadFileAsync(ContainerType containerType, Stream stream) { var container = _client.GetContainerReference(containerType.ToString().ToLower()); await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); var name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var fileBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(name); await fileBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(stream); return(name); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a container to the linkcollector list. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The value can be: DLC, RSDF, CCF or CRAWLJOB</param> /// <param name="content">File as dataurl. </param> public async Task AddContainer(ContainerType type, string content) { var containerObject = new AddContainerObject { Type = type.ToString(), Content = content }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(containerObject); var param = new[] { json }; await CallAction <object>("addContainer", param); }
private void WriteStart(ContainerType containerType, string propertyName) { var containerString = containerType.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName)) { writer.WriteLine($"output.WriteStart{containerString}();"); } else { writer.WriteLine($"output.WriteStart{containerString}(\"{propertyName}\");"); } }
public async Task DeleteAsync(string fileName, ContainerType containerType) { try { var containerClient = _blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(containerType.ToString()); var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(fileName); await blobClient.DeleteAsync(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(exception.Message); } }
public async Task <Stream> DownloadAsync(string fileName, ContainerType containerType) { try { var containerClient = _blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(containerType.ToString()); var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(fileName); var contentInfo = await blobClient.DownloadAsync(); return(contentInfo.Value.Content); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(exception.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a container to the linkcollector list. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The value can be: DLC, RSDF, CCF or CRAWLJOB</param> /// <param name="content">File as dataurl. </param> public bool AddContainer(ContainerType type, string content) { AddContainerObject containerObject = new AddContainerObject { Type = type.ToString(), Content = content }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(containerObject); var param = new[] { json }; var response = ApiHandler.CallAction <object>(Device, "/linkgrabberv2/addContainer", param, JDownloaderHandler.LoginObject); return(response != null); }
/// <param name="containerName">Имя контейнера должно быть меньше 256 символов и не содержать завершающего слеша '/' в конце.</param> /// <param name="customHeaders">Произвольные мета-данные через передачу заголовков с префиксом X-Container-Meta-.</param> /// <param name="type">X-Container-Meta-Type: Тип контейнера (public, private, gallery)</param> /// <param name="corsHeaders">Дополнительные заголовки кэшировани и CORS</param> public CreateContainerRequest( string containerName, ContainerType type = ContainerType.Private, Dictionary <string, object> customHeaders = null, CorsHeaders corsHeaders = null) : base(containerName) { if (customHeaders == null) { customHeaders = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } customHeaders.Add(HeaderKeys.XContainerMetaType, type.ToString().ToLower()); SetCustomHeaders(customHeaders); SetCorsHeaders(corsHeaders); }
public async Task UploadAsync(Stream stream, string fileName, ContainerType containerType) { try { var containerClient = _blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(containerType.ToString()); await containerClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); await containerClient.SetAccessPolicyAsync(Azure.Storage.Blobs.Models.PublicAccessType.BlobContainer); var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(fileName); var contentInfo = await blobClient.UploadAsync(stream); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(exception.Message); } }
public async Task <byte[]> GetFileAsync(ContainerType containerType, string name) { var container = _client.GetContainerReference(containerType.ToString().ToLower()); var blob = container.GetBlobReference(name); if (await blob.ExistsAsync()) { await blob.FetchAttributesAsync(); byte[] blobBytes = new byte[blob.Properties.Length]; await blob.DownloadToByteArrayAsync(blobBytes, 0); return(blobBytes); } return(null); }
public List <string> GetNames(ContainerType containerType) { try { var blobNames = new List <string>(); var containerClient = _blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(containerType.ToString()); var blobs = containerClient.GetBlobs(); blobs.ToList().ForEach(x => { blobNames.Add(x.Name); }); return(blobNames); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(exception.Message); } }
public async Task <IList <string> > GetFilesListAsync(ContainerType containerType) { var container = _client.GetContainerReference(containerType.ToString().ToLower()); var allBlobsList = new List <string>(); BlobContinuationToken token = null; do { var result = await container.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(token); if (result.Results.Any()) { var blobs = result.Results.Cast <CloudBlockBlob>().Select(b => b.Name); allBlobsList.AddRange(blobs); } token = result.ContinuationToken; } while (token != null); return(allBlobsList); }
private static void CheckContainerType(ContainerType containerType) { switch (containerType) { case ContainerType.Box: case ContainerType.Building: case ContainerType.Floor: case ContainerType.Freezer: case ContainerType.Refrigerator: case ContainerType.Room: case ContainerType.Shelf: case ContainerType.TopLevel: case ContainerType.Uncontained: // OK to create container. break; default: throw new DataArgumentException("Not supported container type " + containerType.ToString(), "containerType"); } }
public override IDictionary <string, object> GetAttributes() { base.GetAttributes(); if (this.ContainerType == Enums.ContainerType.Main) { this.Configuration.Add("role", ContainerType.ToString().ToLower()); } else { this.Configuration.Add("data-role", ContainerType.ToString().ToLower()); } if (this.IsFixed) { this.Configuration.Add("data-position", "fixed"); } if (this.IsFullScreen) { this.Configuration.Add("data-fullscreen", "true"); } if (this.CreateBackButton) { this.Configuration.Add("data-add-back-btn", "true"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BackButtonText)) { this.Configuration.Add("data-back-btn-text", "Return"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BackButtonText)) { this.Configuration.Add("data-back-btn-text", this.BackButtonText); } return(this.Configuration); }
public InventoryAddResult AddItem(ContainerType container, Item item, bool newIndex) { switch (container) { case ContainerType.BODY: case ContainerType.LEFT_BAG: case ContainerType.RIGHT_BAG: case ContainerType.BACK_BAG: List <Item> list = items[container]; var query = from it in list where it.ItemID == item.ItemID && ((it.stack + item.stack) < 99) select it; if (query.Count() != 0 && item.Stackable) { query.First().stack += item.stack; item.stack = query.First().stack; item.Slot = query.First().Slot; return(InventoryAddResult.STACKED); } else { list.Add(item); if (newIndex) { item.Slot = index; index++; } return(InventoryAddResult.NEW_INDEX); } case ContainerType.BACK: case ContainerType.CHEST_ACCE: case ContainerType.FACE: case ContainerType.FACE_ACCE: case ContainerType.HEAD: case ContainerType.HEAD_ACCE: case ContainerType.LEFT_HAND: case ContainerType.LOWER_BODY: case ContainerType.PET: case ContainerType.RIGHT_HAND: case ContainerType.SHOES: case ContainerType.SOCKS: case ContainerType.UPPER_BODY: if (equipments.ContainsKey((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString()))) { Logger.ShowDebug("Container:" + container.ToString() + " must be empty before adding item!", Logger.CurrentLogger); } else { equipments.Add((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString()), item); if (newIndex) { item.Slot = index; index++; } } return(InventoryAddResult.NEW_INDEX); default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported container!"); } }
private void MoveItem(ContainerType src, int ID, ContainerType dst, int count, SearchType type) { List <Item> list; if (src == dst) { Logger.ShowDebug("Source container is equal to Destination container! Transfer aborted!", Logger.CurrentLogger); return; } switch (src) { case ContainerType.BODY: case ContainerType.LEFT_BAG: case ContainerType.RIGHT_BAG: case ContainerType.BACK_BAG: list = items[src]; break; case ContainerType.BACK: case ContainerType.CHEST_ACCE: case ContainerType.FACE: case ContainerType.FACE_ACCE: case ContainerType.HEAD: case ContainerType.HEAD_ACCE: case ContainerType.LEFT_HAND: case ContainerType.LOWER_BODY: case ContainerType.PET: case ContainerType.RIGHT_HAND: case ContainerType.SHOES: case ContainerType.SOCKS: case ContainerType.UPPER_BODY: list = new List <Item>(); list.Add(equipments[(EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), src.ToString())]); equipments.Remove((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), src.ToString())); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported Source Container!"); } List <Item> result = new List <Item>(); switch (type) { case SearchType.ITEM_ID: var query = from it in list where it.ItemID == ID select it; result = query.ToList(); break; case SearchType.SLOT_ID: var query1 = from it in list where it.Slot == ID select it; result = query1.ToList(); break; } if (result.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The source container doesn't contain such item"); } else { Item oldItem = result.First(); Item newItem = oldItem.Clone(); newItem.Slot = oldItem.Slot; if (count > oldItem.stack) { count = oldItem.stack; } newItem.stack = (byte)count; oldItem.stack -= (byte)count; if (oldItem.stack == 0) { list.Remove(oldItem); } AddItem(dst, newItem, false); } }
private InventoryDeleteResult DeleteItem(ContainerType container, int ID, int count, SearchType type) { switch (container) { case ContainerType.BODY: case ContainerType.LEFT_BAG: case ContainerType.RIGHT_BAG: case ContainerType.BACK_BAG: List <Item> list = items[container]; List <Item> result = new List <Item>(); switch (type) { case SearchType.ITEM_ID: var query = from it in list where it.ItemID == ID select it; result = query.ToList(); break; case SearchType.SLOT_ID: var query1 = from it in list where it.Slot == ID select it; result = query1.ToList(); break; } if (result.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No such item"); } Item item = result.First(); if (item.stack > count) { item.stack -= (byte)count; return(InventoryDeleteResult.STACK_UPDATED); } else { int rest = count - item.stack; list.Remove(item); return(InventoryDeleteResult.ALL_DELETED); } case ContainerType.BACK: case ContainerType.CHEST_ACCE: case ContainerType.FACE: case ContainerType.FACE_ACCE: case ContainerType.HEAD: case ContainerType.HEAD_ACCE: case ContainerType.LEFT_HAND: case ContainerType.LOWER_BODY: case ContainerType.PET: case ContainerType.RIGHT_HAND: case ContainerType.SHOES: case ContainerType.SOCKS: case ContainerType.UPPER_BODY: equipments.Remove((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString())); return(InventoryDeleteResult.ALL_DELETED); } return(InventoryDeleteResult.ALL_DELETED); }
public async Task <bool> DeleteContainerAsync(ContainerType containerType) { var container = _client.GetContainerReference(containerType.ToString().ToLower()); return(await container.DeleteIfExistsAsync()); }
private void MoveItem(ContainerType src, int ID, ContainerType dst, int count, SearchType type) { List<Item> list; if (src == dst) { Logger.ShowDebug("Source container is equal to Destination container! Transfer aborted!", Logger.CurrentLogger); return; } switch (src) { case ContainerType.BODY: case ContainerType.LEFT_BAG: case ContainerType.RIGHT_BAG: case ContainerType.BACK_BAG: list = items[src]; break; case ContainerType.BACK: case ContainerType.CHEST_ACCE: case ContainerType.FACE: case ContainerType.FACE_ACCE: case ContainerType.HEAD: case ContainerType.HEAD_ACCE: case ContainerType.LEFT_HAND: case ContainerType.LOWER_BODY: case ContainerType.PET: case ContainerType.RIGHT_HAND: case ContainerType.SHOES: case ContainerType.SOCKS: case ContainerType.UPPER_BODY: list = new List<Item>(); list.Add(equipments[(EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), src.ToString())]); equipments.Remove((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), src.ToString())); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported Source Container!"); } List<Item> result = new List<Item>(); switch (type) { case SearchType.ITEM_ID: var query = from it in list where it.ItemID == ID select it; result = query.ToList(); break; case SearchType.SLOT_ID: var query1 = from it in list where it.Slot == ID select it; result = query1.ToList(); break; } if (result.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The source container doesn't contain such item"); } else { Item oldItem = result.First(); Item newItem = oldItem.Clone(); newItem.Slot = oldItem.Slot; if (count > oldItem.stack) count = oldItem.stack; newItem.stack = (byte)count; oldItem.stack -= (byte)count; if (oldItem.stack == 0) list.Remove(oldItem); AddItem(dst, newItem, false); } }
public override string ToString() { return(ContainerType.ToString() + " " + ContainerWeight.ToString()); }
public static void HandleDebugEchoFlags(Session session, params string[] parameters) { try { if (parameters?.Length == 2) { var debugOutput = ""; switch (parameters[0].ToLower()) { case "descriptionflags": ObjectDescriptionFlag objectDescFlag = new ObjectDescriptionFlag(); objectDescFlag = (ObjectDescriptionFlag)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{objectDescFlag.GetType().Name} = {objectDescFlag.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)objectDescFlag + ")"; break; case "weenieflags": WeenieHeaderFlag weenieHdr = new WeenieHeaderFlag(); weenieHdr = (WeenieHeaderFlag)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{weenieHdr.GetType().Name} = {weenieHdr.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)weenieHdr + ")"; break; case "weenieflags2": WeenieHeaderFlag2 weenieHdr2 = new WeenieHeaderFlag2(); weenieHdr2 = (WeenieHeaderFlag2)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{weenieHdr2.GetType().Name} = {weenieHdr2.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)weenieHdr2 + ")"; break; case "positionflag": UpdatePositionFlag posFlag = new UpdatePositionFlag(); posFlag = (UpdatePositionFlag)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{posFlag.GetType().Name} = {posFlag.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)posFlag + ")"; break; case "type": ItemType objectType = new ItemType(); objectType = (ItemType)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{objectType.GetType().Name} = {objectType.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)objectType + ")"; break; case "containertype": ContainerType contType = new ContainerType(); contType = (ContainerType)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{contType.GetType().Name} = {contType.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)contType + ")"; break; case "usable": Usable usableType = new Usable(); usableType = (Usable)Convert.ToInt64(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{usableType.GetType().Name} = {usableType.ToString()}" + " (" + (Int64)usableType + ")"; break; case "radarbehavior": RadarBehavior radarBeh = new RadarBehavior(); radarBeh = (RadarBehavior)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{radarBeh.GetType().Name} = {radarBeh.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)radarBeh + ")"; break; case "physicsdescriptionflags": PhysicsDescriptionFlag physicsDescFlag = new PhysicsDescriptionFlag(); physicsDescFlag = (PhysicsDescriptionFlag)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{physicsDescFlag.GetType().Name} = {physicsDescFlag.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)physicsDescFlag + ")"; break; case "physicsstate": PhysicsState physState = new PhysicsState(); physState = (PhysicsState)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{physState.GetType().Name} = {physState.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)physState + ")"; break; case "validlocations": EquipMask locFlags = new EquipMask(); locFlags = (EquipMask)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{locFlags.GetType().Name} = {locFlags.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)locFlags + ")"; break; case "currentwieldedlocation": EquipMask locFlags2 = new EquipMask(); locFlags2 = (EquipMask)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{locFlags2.GetType().Name} = {locFlags2.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)locFlags2 + ")"; break; case "priority": CoverageMask covMask = new CoverageMask(); covMask = (CoverageMask)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{covMask.GetType().Name} = {covMask.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)covMask + ")"; break; case "radarcolor": RadarColor radarBlipColor = new RadarColor(); radarBlipColor = (RadarColor)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{radarBlipColor.GetType().Name} = {radarBlipColor.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)radarBlipColor + ")"; break; default: debugOutput = "No valid type to test"; break; } if (session == null) { Console.WriteLine(debugOutput.Replace(", ", " | ")); } else { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(debugOutput, ChatMessageType.System)); } } } catch (Exception) { string debugOutput = "Exception Error, check input and try again"; if (session == null) { Console.WriteLine(debugOutput.Replace(", ", " | ")); } else { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(debugOutput, ChatMessageType.System)); } } }
public List <Item> GetContainer(ContainerType container) { switch (container) { case ContainerType.BODY: case ContainerType.LEFT_BAG: case ContainerType.RIGHT_BAG: case ContainerType.BACK_BAG: return(items[container]); case ContainerType.BACK: case ContainerType.CHEST_ACCE: case ContainerType.FACE: case ContainerType.FACE_ACCE: case ContainerType.HEAD: case ContainerType.HEAD_ACCE: case ContainerType.LEFT_HAND: case ContainerType.LOWER_BODY: case ContainerType.PET: case ContainerType.RIGHT_HAND: case ContainerType.SHOES: case ContainerType.SOCKS: case ContainerType.UPPER_BODY: Item item; List <Item> newList = new List <Item>(); if (equipments.ContainsKey((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString()))) { item = equipments[(EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString())]; newList.Add(item); } return(newList); default: return(new List <Item>()); } }
internal static string GetTypeTagName(ContainerType type) { return(type.ToString().ToLower()); }
public List<Item> GetContainer(ContainerType container) { switch (container) { case ContainerType.BODY: case ContainerType.LEFT_BAG: case ContainerType.RIGHT_BAG: case ContainerType.BACK_BAG: return items[container]; case ContainerType.BACK: case ContainerType.CHEST_ACCE: case ContainerType.FACE: case ContainerType.FACE_ACCE: case ContainerType.HEAD: case ContainerType.HEAD_ACCE: case ContainerType.LEFT_HAND: case ContainerType.LOWER_BODY: case ContainerType.PET: case ContainerType.RIGHT_HAND: case ContainerType.SHOES: case ContainerType.SOCKS: case ContainerType.UPPER_BODY: Item item; List<Item> newList = new List<Item>(); if (equipments.ContainsKey((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString()))) { item = equipments[(EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString())]; newList.Add(item); } return newList; default: return new List<Item>(); } }
private InventoryDeleteResult DeleteItem(ContainerType container, int ID, int count, SearchType type) { switch (container) { case ContainerType.BODY: case ContainerType.LEFT_BAG: case ContainerType.RIGHT_BAG: case ContainerType.BACK_BAG: List<Item> list = items[container]; List<Item> result = new List<Item>(); switch (type) { case SearchType.ITEM_ID: var query = from it in list where it.ItemID == ID select it; result = query.ToList(); break; case SearchType.SLOT_ID: var query1 = from it in list where it.Slot == ID select it; result = query1.ToList(); break; } if (result.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No such item"); } Item item = result.First(); if (item.stack > count) { item.stack -= (byte)count; return InventoryDeleteResult.STACK_UPDATED; } else { int rest = count - item.stack; list.Remove(item); return InventoryDeleteResult.ALL_DELETED; } case ContainerType.BACK: case ContainerType.CHEST_ACCE: case ContainerType.FACE: case ContainerType.FACE_ACCE: case ContainerType.HEAD: case ContainerType.HEAD_ACCE: case ContainerType.LEFT_HAND: case ContainerType.LOWER_BODY: case ContainerType.PET: case ContainerType.RIGHT_HAND: case ContainerType.SHOES: case ContainerType.SOCKS: case ContainerType.UPPER_BODY: equipments.Remove((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString())); return InventoryDeleteResult.ALL_DELETED; } return InventoryDeleteResult.ALL_DELETED; }
static BlobContainerClient GetContainer(ContainerType containerType) { string storageConnectionstring = string.Empty; // read from application settings storageConnectionstring = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=fbmdevstorageaccount;AccountKey=CnffIaECGNR1u12oDlMw8B0h6jxSX/tq7up+Lugi5ZAIu7VLLKAIsJgrgKE1Y/DCXF5OQiGLsKHRNDJnYvgeog==;"; //var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionstring); BlobContainerClient containerClient = new BlobContainerClient(storageConnectionstring, containerType.ToString().ToLower()); containerClient.CreateIfNotExists(); //CloudBlobClient client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient(); return(containerClient);//.GetContainerReference(containerType.ToString().ToLower()); }
public override string ToString() { return("Type: " + ContainerType.ToString() + " | Ton: " + GetTonWeight()); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an instance of the provider based on the container type and backup management type (optional) /// </summary> /// <param name="containerType">Type of the container</param> /// <param name="backupManagementType">Type of the backup management type (optional)</param> /// <returns></returns> public IPsBackupProvider GetProviderInstance ( ContainerType containerType, BackupManagementType? backupManagementType ) { PsBackupProviderTypes providerType = 0; switch (containerType) { case ContainerType.AzureVM: if (backupManagementType == BackupManagementType.AzureVM || backupManagementType == null) providerType = PsBackupProviderTypes.IaasVm; else throw new ArgumentException( String.Format(Resources.BackupManagementTypeIncorrectForContainerType, containerType) ); break; case ContainerType.Windows: if (backupManagementType == BackupManagementType.MARS) providerType = PsBackupProviderTypes.Mab; else if (backupManagementType == null) throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( Resources.BackupManagementTypeRequiredForContainerType, containerType) ); else throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( Resources.BackupManagementTypeIncorrectForContainerType, containerType) ); break; default: throw new ArgumentException( String.Format(Resources.UnsupportedContainerType, containerType.ToString()) ); } return GetProviderInstance(providerType); }
public InventoryAddResult AddItem(ContainerType container, Item item, bool newIndex) { switch (container) { case ContainerType.BODY: case ContainerType.LEFT_BAG: case ContainerType.RIGHT_BAG: case ContainerType.BACK_BAG: List<Item> list = items[container]; var query = from it in list where it.ItemID == item.ItemID && ((it.stack + item.stack) < 99) select it; if (query.Count() != 0 && item.Stackable) { query.First().stack += item.stack; item.stack = query.First().stack; item.Slot = query.First().Slot; return InventoryAddResult.STACKED; } else { list.Add(item); if (newIndex) { item.Slot = index; index++; } return InventoryAddResult.NEW_INDEX; } case ContainerType.BACK: case ContainerType.CHEST_ACCE: case ContainerType.FACE: case ContainerType.FACE_ACCE: case ContainerType.HEAD: case ContainerType.HEAD_ACCE: case ContainerType.LEFT_HAND: case ContainerType.LOWER_BODY: case ContainerType.PET: case ContainerType.RIGHT_HAND: case ContainerType.SHOES: case ContainerType.SOCKS: case ContainerType.UPPER_BODY: if (equipments.ContainsKey((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString()))) { Logger.ShowDebug("Container:" + container.ToString() + " must be empty before adding item!", Logger.CurrentLogger); } else { equipments.Add((EnumEquipSlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumEquipSlot), container.ToString()), item); if (newIndex) { item.Slot = index; index++; } } return InventoryAddResult.NEW_INDEX; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported container!"); } }