Example #1
        public void ContainerNotifier_CallsNotify_WhenDetectingChangesForMountedFile()
            // Arrange
            var notify    = new Mock <INotifierAction>();
            var logger    = new Mock <ILoggerAdapter <ContainerNotifier> >();
            var watcher   = new Mock <IFileSystemWatcher>();
            var gitingore = new Mock <IGitIgnoreParser>();

            gitingore.Setup(g => g.IsIgnored(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(false);

            var containerId   = "123";
            var filePath      = Path.GetTempFileName();
            var containerPath = $"/app/{Path.GetFileName(filePath)}";

            var notifier = new ContainerNotifier(notify.Object, logger.Object, watcher.Object, gitingore.Object);

            // Act
            notifier.Monitor(containerId, filePath, containerPath);
            // Wait longer than 500 milliseconds before raising event because of throttling

            var eventArgs = new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), Path.GetFileName(filePath));

            watcher.Raise(w => w.Changed += null, eventArgs);

            // Assert
            notify.Verify(n => n.Notify(containerId, containerPath));
Example #2
        public void ContainerNotifier_Monitor_ConfiguresGitIgnoreCorrectly()
            // Arrange
            var notify  = new Mock <INotifierAction>();
            var logger  = new Mock <ILoggerAdapter <ContainerNotifier> >();
            var watcher = new Mock <IFileSystemWatcher>();

            var gitingore1 = new Mock <IGitIgnoreParser>();
            var gitingore2 = new Mock <IGitIgnoreParser>();

            var containerId   = "123";
            var hostPath      = Path.GetTempPath();
            var filePath      = Path.GetTempFileName();
            var containerPath = "/app";

            var notifier  = new ContainerNotifier(notify.Object, logger.Object, watcher.Object, gitingore1.Object);
            var notifier2 = new ContainerNotifier(notify.Object, logger.Object, watcher.Object, gitingore2.Object);

            // Act
            notifier.Monitor(containerId, hostPath, containerPath);
            notifier2.Monitor(containerId, filePath, containerPath);

            // Assert
            gitingore1.VerifySet(g => g.Directory = hostPath);
            gitingore2.VerifySet(g => g.Directory = It.IsAny <string>(), Times.Never);
Example #3
        public void ContainerNotifier_CallsNotify_OnlyWhenFileAreNotIgnoreByGitignore()
            // Arrange
            var notify    = new Mock <INotifierAction>();
            var logger    = new Mock <ILoggerAdapter <ContainerNotifier> >();
            var watcher   = new Mock <IFileSystemWatcher>();
            var gitingore = new Mock <IGitIgnoreParser>();

            gitingore.Setup(g => g.IsIgnored("bin/test.dll")).Returns(true);

            var containerId   = "123";
            var hostPath      = Path.GetTempPath();
            var containerPath = "/app";

            var notifier = new ContainerNotifier(notify.Object, logger.Object, watcher.Object, gitingore.Object);

            // Act
            notifier.Monitor(containerId, hostPath, containerPath);
            // Wait longer than 500 milliseconds before raising event because of throttling

            var eventArgs = new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, $"{hostPath}\\bin", "test.dll");

            watcher.Raise(w => w.Changed += null, eventArgs);

            eventArgs = new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, $"{hostPath}\\subfolder", "test2.js");
            watcher.Raise(w => w.Changed += null, eventArgs);

            // Assert
            notify.Verify(n => n.Notify(containerId, $"{containerPath}/subfolder/test2.js"));
Example #4
        public void ContainerNotifier_Dispose_RunsCleanupAndStopsListeningToEvents()
            // Arrange
            var notify    = new Mock <INotifierAction>();
            var logger    = new Mock <ILoggerAdapter <ContainerNotifier> >();
            var watcher   = new Mock <IFileSystemWatcher>();
            var gitingore = new Mock <IGitIgnoreParser>();

            gitingore.Setup(g => g.IsIgnored(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(false);

            var containerId   = "123";
            var hostPath      = Path.GetTempPath();
            var containerPath = "/app";

            var notifier = new ContainerNotifier(notify.Object, logger.Object, watcher.Object, gitingore.Object);

            // Act
            notifier.Monitor(containerId, hostPath, containerPath);

            var eventArgs = new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, hostPath, "test.js");

            watcher.Raise(w => w.Changed += null, eventArgs);

            // Assert
            notify.Verify(n => n.Notify(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Never);
Example #5
        public void ContainerNotifier_CallsNotify_OnlyOnceWhenMultipleEventsAreFiredInAShortTimeFrame()
            // Arrange
            var notify    = new Mock <INotifierAction>();
            var logger    = new Mock <ILoggerAdapter <ContainerNotifier> >();
            var watcher   = new Mock <IFileSystemWatcher>();
            var gitingore = new Mock <IGitIgnoreParser>();

            gitingore.Setup(g => g.IsIgnored(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(false);

            var containerId   = "123";
            var hostPath      = Path.GetTempPath();
            var containerPath = "/app";

            var notifier = new ContainerNotifier(notify.Object, logger.Object, watcher.Object, gitingore.Object);

            // Act
            notifier.Monitor(containerId, hostPath, containerPath);

            var eventArgs = new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, hostPath, "test1.js");

            watcher.Raise(w => w.Changed += null, eventArgs);

            eventArgs = new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, hostPath, "test2.js");
            watcher.Raise(w => w.Changed += null, eventArgs);

            eventArgs = new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, hostPath, "test3.js");
            watcher.Raise(w => w.Changed += null, eventArgs);


            eventArgs = new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, hostPath, "test4.js");
            watcher.Raise(w => w.Changed += null, eventArgs);

            // Assert
            notify.Verify(n => n.Notify(containerId, $"{containerPath}/test4.js"), Times.Once);