public ActionResult Submit(ContactModel model) { // The empty result. Indicates success without errors messages. var result = new ResponseModel(); // If the ModelState is invalid, return the error messages. if (!ModelState.IsValid) { result.Errors.AddRange(ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage)).ToList()); } // Validate the Captcha Code if it was entered if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CaptchaCode) && !Captcha.Validate(model.CaptchaId, model.CaptchaCode, model.CaptchaInstanceId)) { result.Errors.Add(CaptchaErrorMessage); } // If there are no errors so far, map the view model to the data model and try to insert it into the database. // If the insertion fails, add a user friendly error message. if (result.Success && !ContactRepository.Insert(AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<Contact>(model))) { result.Errors.Add(DefaultErrorMessage); } return Json(result); }
public ActionResult Item(int? id, string validation) { if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } var ownerships = db.OwnerShips.Include(o => o.TypeOwnerShip); OwnerShip ownership = ownerships.ToList().Find(x => x.Id == id); if (ownership == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } else { ContactModel contact = new ContactModel(); contact.Id = id.Value; contact.CodRef = ownership.Ref; ownership.Contact = contact; } if (validation != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Validar Campos"); } return View(ownership); }
public virtual JsonResult Index(ContactModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) return Json(ModelState.First(s => s.Value.Errors.Any()).Value.Errors.First().ErrorMessage); var mailMessage = new MailMessage(model.Email, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ContactMailToAddress"]) { Subject = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Subject) ? model.Subject : "[No subject]", IsBodyHtml = false, Body = model.Message, }; using (var smtp = new SmtpClient()) { try { //throw new SmtpException(SmtpStatusCode.GeneralFailure, "my custom message"); //throw new InvalidOperationException("my custom message"); smtp.Send(mailMessage); } catch (SmtpException ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("5.1.8") && ex.Message.Contains("R0107008")) return Json("domain"); return Json("other"); } } return Json(true); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel model) { if (_mailService.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "an email", model.Comment)) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } return View(); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { _contactModel = e.Parameter as ContactModel; fullstackpanel.DataContext = _contactModel; _contactModel.PageCollapsed = true; }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel model) { var msg = string.Format("Comment From: {1}{0}Email: {2}{0}Website: {3}{0}Comment: {4}", Environment.NewLine, model.Name, model.Email, model.Website, model.Comment); if(_mail.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Web Contact", msg)) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } return View(); }
public ViewResult Add() { var newContact = new ContactModel(); newContact.Children = new Child[2]{ new Child{Name = "John"}, new Child{Name = "Math"} }; return View(newContact); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel model) { var msg = string.Format("Comment from :{1}{0}Email:{2}{0}Website:{2}{0}Comment:{3}{0}" , Environment.NewLine, model.Name, model.Email, model.Website, model.Comment); if (mail.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Contact Us", msg)) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel model) { string msg = string.Format("Comment From: {1}{0}Email: {2}{0}Website: {3}{0}Comment: {4}{0}", Environment.NewLine, model.Name, model.Email, model.Website, model.Comment); if (_mail.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Website Contact", msg)) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } else { ViewBag.MailSent = false; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel model) { var msg = string.Format("Comment from: {1}{0}Email:{2}{0}Web Site:{3}{0}Comment{4}{0}", Environment.NewLine, model.Name, model.Email, model.WebSite, model.Comment); if (_mail.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Website Contact", msg)) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel contactDetails) { if (m_service.SendMail("*****@*****.**", contactDetails.Email, "Thanks for your interest", string.Format("Comment from {1}{0}Website: {2}", Environment.NewLine, contactDetails.Name, contactDetails.Website))) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel model) { var msg = string.Format("Comment Form: {1}{0}Email:{2}{0}Website: {3}{0}Comments" Environment.NewLine, model.Name, model.Email, model.Website, model.Comment); var svc = new MailService(); if (_mail.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Website Contact", msg)) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel model) { var msg = string.Format("Comment From: {1}{0} Phone: {2}{0} Email: {3}{0} Comment: {4}{0}", Environment.NewLine, model.fullname,,, model.comment); var svc = new MailService(); if(svc.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "WebSite contact", msg)) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } return View(); }
public void SetUp() { theModel = new ContactModel(); theType = theModel.GetType(); r1 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IValidationRule>(); r2 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IValidationRule>(); r3 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IValidationRule>(); theMatchingSource = ConfiguredValidationSource.For(type => type == theType, r1, r2); theOtherSource = ConfiguredValidationSource.For(type => type == typeof(int), r3); theGraph = ValidationGraph.BasicGraph(); theGraph.RegisterSource(theMatchingSource); theGraph.RegisterSource(theOtherSource); theContext = ValidationContext.For(theModel); thePlan = ValidationPlan.For(theType, theGraph); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel contactModel) { var svc = new MailService(); var msg = string.Format("Comment From: {1}{0}Email:{2}{0}Website: {3}{0}Comment{4}{0}" , Environment.NewLine , contactModel.Name , contactModel.Email , contactModel.Website , contactModel.Comment); svc.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Website Contact", msg); ViewBag.MailSent = true; if (_mail.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Website Contract", msg)) { ViewBag.MailSent = true; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel contactModel) { ViewBag.PageTitle = " - Contact us today."; if (ModelState.IsValid) { SendEmail sendEmail = new SendEmail(contactModel.Email, contactModel.Subject, contactModel.Description, contactModel.Name); // Successful contactModel.SentSuccesfully = sendEmail.SentSuccessfully; } else { // Not ready - validation failed contactModel.SentSuccesfully = 1; } return View(contactModel); }
public void SaveContact(ContactModel contact) { var activity = MainActivity.Instance; List <ContentProviderOperation> ops = new List <ContentProviderOperation>(); ops.Add(ContentProviderOperation.NewInsert(ContactsContract.RawContacts.ContentUri) .WithValue(ContactsContract.RawContacts.InterfaceConsts.AccountType, null) .WithValue(ContactsContract.RawContacts.InterfaceConsts.AccountType, null) .Build()); // Name if (contact.Name.Text != null) { ops.Add(ContentProviderOperation.NewInsert(ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri) .WithValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.RawContactId, 0) .WithValue(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.Mimetype, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName.ContentItemType) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName.DisplayName, contact.Name.Text) .Build()); } // Phone Numbers foreach (PhoneField phone in contact.PhoneNumbers) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(phone.Number)) { ops.Add(ContentProviderOperation.NewInsert(ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri) .WithValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.RawContactId, 0) .WithValue(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.Mimetype, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.ContentItemType) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.Number, phone.Number) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.InterfaceConsts.Type, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.InterfaceConsts.TypeCustom) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.InterfaceConsts.Data2, GetPhoneDataKind(phone)) .Build()); } } // Emails foreach (EmailField email in contact.Emails) { if (email.Email != null) { ops.Add(ContentProviderOperation.NewInsert(ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri) .WithValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.RawContactId, 0) .WithValue(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.Mimetype, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ContentItemType) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.InterfaceConsts.Data, email.Email) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.InterfaceConsts.Type, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.InterfaceConsts.TypeCustom) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.InterfaceConsts.Data2, GetEmailDataKind(email)) .Build()); } } // Websites foreach (ContactField website in contact.Websites) { if (website.Text != null) { ops.Add(ContentProviderOperation.NewInsert(ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri) .WithValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.RawContactId, 0) .WithValue(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.Mimetype, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Website.ContentItemType) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.InterfaceConsts.Data, website.Text) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.InterfaceConsts.Type, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Website.InterfaceConsts.TypeCustom) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.InterfaceConsts.Data2, (int)WebsiteDataKind.Work) .Build()); } } // Organization foreach (ContactField company in contact.Companies) { if (company.Text != null) { ops.Add(ContentProviderOperation.NewInsert(ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri) .WithValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.RawContactId, 0) .WithValue(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.Mimetype, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.ContentItemType) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.Company, company.Text) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.InterfaceConsts.Type, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.InterfaceConsts.Data3) .Build()); } } // Job Title foreach (ContactField jobTitle in contact.JobTitles) { ops.Add(ContentProviderOperation.NewInsert(ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri) .WithValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.RawContactId, 0) .WithValue(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.Mimetype, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.ContentItemType) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.Title, jobTitle.Text) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.InterfaceConsts.Type, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.InterfaceConsts.Data3) .Build()); } // Attach thumbnail if (System.IO.File.Exists(contact.ProfileImage)) { ops.Add(ContentProviderOperation.NewInsert(ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri) .WithValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.RawContactId, 0) .WithValue(ContactsContract.Data.InterfaceConsts.Mimetype, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo.ContentItemType) .WithValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo.InterfaceConsts.Data15, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(contact.ProfileImage)) .Build()); } activity.ContentResolver.ApplyBatch(ContactsContract.Authority, ops); }
public ActionResult AddOrUpdateContacts(ContactModel model) { var contactObj = Mapper.Map<ContactModel, Contact>(model); var status = 0; if (model.Row_Id != null && model.Row_Id != 0) status = _repository.UpdateContacts(contactObj); else { contactObj.Created = DateTime.Now; var contactid = _repository.AddContacts(contactObj); if (contactid != 0) { var ordercontact = new OrderContact(); ordercontact.OrderId = model.Orderid; ordercontact.ContactId = contactid; ordercontact.Created = DateTime.Now; status = _repository.SaveOrdercontact(ordercontact); } } if (status == 1) { var contactlist = new List<Contact>(); var companylstModel = new List<ContactModel>(); var ordercontacts = _repository.GetOrderContactsbyOrder(model.Orderid); if (ordercontacts.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in ordercontacts) { if (item != null) { if (item.ContactId != null) { var contact = _repository.GetContactsById(item.ContactId.Value); if (contact != null) { contactlist.Add(contact); } } } } companylstModel = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Contact>, List<ContactModel>>(contactlist); } return PartialView("Controls/Company/_CompanyContacts", companylstModel); } return null; }
public ActionResult AddNewContact(string orderid, string cid) { var contactModel = new ContactModel(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cid)) { contactModel.CompanyId = int.Parse(cid); contactModel.Orderid = int.Parse(orderid); } return PartialView("Controls/Company/_EditContacts", contactModel); }
async Task GetData() { var contacts_data = await StoreManager.ContactStore.GetItemsAsync(true, true); var company_data = await StoreManager.CompanyStore.GetItemsAsync(true, true); #region Contacts Contacts = new ObservableCollection <ObservableGroupCollection <ContactModel> >(); foreach (var item in contacts_data.GroupBy((arg) => arg.Lastname?.First()).OrderBy((arg) => arg.Key)) { var group = new ObservableGroupCollection <ContactModel>() { Key = item.Key?.ToString()?.ToUpper() }; foreach (var x in item) { ContactModel t; group.Add(t = new ContactModel(x)); } Contacts.Add(group); } #endregion #region Comapnies Companies = new ObservableCollection <ObservableGroupCollection <CompanyModel> >(); foreach (var item in company_data?.Where((arg) => arg.Name != null).OrderBy((arg) => arg.Name)) { var group = new ObservableGroupCollection <CompanyModel>() { Key = item.Name?.First().ToString()?.ToUpper() }; List <ContactModel> contacts = new List <ContactModel>(); foreach (var x in Contacts) { contacts.AddRange(x.Where((arg) => arg.Contact.CompanyId == item.Id)); } group.Add(new CompanyModel(item) { Contacts = new ObservableCollection <ContactModel>(contacts) }); Companies.Add(group); } #endregion AllContacts = Contacts; AllCompanies = Companies; TabSelectedChanged(TabIndex); }
protected Boolean SubmitForm() { StringBuilder formattedHtml = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder formattedInternalHtml = new StringBuilder(); string seasonalMonths = ""; try { foreach (ListItem item in cblSeasonal.Items) { if (item.Selected) { seasonalMonths += item.Value + " - "; } } if (seasonalMonths.Length > 3) { seasonalMonths = seasonalMonths.Substring(0, seasonalMonths.Length - 3); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { _newLogic.WriteExceptionToDB(ex, "AdminSubmitForm - Get Seasonal Months"); } try { //Instanciate new model objects for each piece of data to be created MerchantModel newMerchant = new MerchantModel(); MerchantPrincipalModel newMerchantPrincipal = new MerchantPrincipalModel(); ContactModel newMerchantPrincipalContact = new ContactModel(); AddressModel newMerchantPrincipalContactAddress = new AddressModel(); ContactModel newContact = new ContactModel(); ContactModel newBusiness = new ContactModel(); AddressModel newBusinessAddress = new AddressModel(); ProcessorModel newProcessor = new ProcessorModel(); DebitCardModel newDebitCard = new DebitCardModel(); BankModel newBankModel = new BankModel(); BankAccountModel newBankAccountModel = new BankAccountModel(); //Set base merchant information in newMerchant object if (txtMerchantId.Text != "") { newMerchant.MerchantId = txtMerchantId.Text; } if (txtCorpName.Text != "") { newMerchant.CorpName = txtCorpName.Text; } if (txtDBAName.Text != "") { newMerchant.DbaName = txtDBAName.Text; } if (txtBusLicNumber.Text != "") { newMerchant.BusLicNumber = txtBusLicNumber.Text; } if (txtBusLicType.Text != "") { newMerchant.BusLicType = txtBusLicType.Text; } if (txtBusLicIssuer.Text != "") { newMerchant.BusLicIssuer = txtBusLicIssuer.Text; } if (radBusLicDate.SelectedDate.HasValue) { newMerchant.BusLicDate = Convert.ToDateTime(radBusLicDate.SelectedDate); } if (txtFedTaxId.Text != "") { newMerchant.FedTaxId = txtFedTaxId.Text; } if (txtMerchandiseSold.Text != "") { newMerchant.MerchandiseSold = txtMerchandiseSold.Text; } if (txtYearsInBus.Text != "") { newMerchant.YearsInBusiness = Convert.ToInt32(txtYearsInBus.Text); } if (txtMonthsInBus.Text != "") { newMerchant.MonthsInBusiness = Convert.ToInt32(txtMonthsInBus.Text); } if (rblSeasonal.SelectedValue != "") { newMerchant.SeasonalSales = Convert.ToBoolean(rblSeasonal.SelectedValue); } if (seasonalMonths != "") { newMerchant.SeasonalMonths = seasonalMonths; } if (txtSwipedPct.Text != "") { newMerchant.SwipedPct = Convert.ToInt32(txtSwipedPct.Text); } if (txtAvgMonthlySales.Text != "") { newMerchant.AvgMonthlySales = Convert.ToDecimal(txtAvgMonthlySales.Text); } if (txtHighestMonthlySales.Text != "") { newMerchant.HighestMonthlySales = Convert.ToDecimal(txtHighestMonthlySales.Text); } if (txtAvgWeeklySales.Text != "") { newMerchant.AvgWeeklySales = Convert.ToDecimal(txtAvgWeeklySales.Text); } if (rblHighRisk.SelectedValue != "") { newMerchant.HighRisk = Convert.ToBoolean(rblHighRisk.SelectedValue); } if (txtHighRiskWho.Text != "") { newMerchant.HighRiskWho = txtHighRiskWho.Text; } if (radHighRiskDate.SelectedDate.HasValue) { newMerchant.HighRiskDate = Convert.ToDateTime(radHighRiskDate.SelectedDate); } if (rblBankruptcy.SelectedValue != "") { newMerchant.Bankruptcy = Convert.ToBoolean(rblBankruptcy.SelectedValue); } if (radBankruptcyDate.SelectedDate.HasValue) { newMerchant.BankruptcyDate = Convert.ToDateTime(radBankruptcyDate.SelectedDate); } //Add Legal Org State to merchant if (ddlLegalOrgState.SelectedValue != "") { Int32 legalOrgStateId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLegalOrgState.SelectedValue); newMerchant.LegalOrgState = _globalCtx.GeoStates.Where(gs => gs.RecordId == legalOrgStateId).FirstOrDefault(); } //Add Legal Org Type to merchant if (ddlLegalOrgType.SelectedValue != "") { Int32 legalOrgTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLegalOrgType.SelectedValue); newMerchant.LegalOrgType = _globalCtx.LegalOrgTypes.Where(lot => lot.RecordId == legalOrgTypeId).FirstOrDefault(); } //Add Merchant Type to Merchant if (rblMerchantType.SelectedValue != "") { newMerchant.MerchantType = _globalCtx.MerchantTypes.Where(mt => mt.MerchantTypeName == rblMerchantType.SelectedValue).FirstOrDefault(); } //Add MCC to merchant if (ddlMCC.SelectedValue != "") { Int32 mccId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMCC.SelectedValue); newMerchant.Mcc = _globalCtx.MerchantCategoryCodes.Where(mcc => mcc.RecordId == mccId).FirstOrDefault(); } //Add Business Contact info - Email, Phone, Fax if (txtBusEmail.Text != "") { newBusiness.Email = txtBusEmail.Text; } if (txtBusFax.Text != "") { newBusiness.Fax = txtBusFax.Text; } if (txtBusPhone.Text != "") { newBusiness.HomePhone = txtBusPhone.Text; } _globalCtx.Contacts.Add(newBusiness); //Add Business Contact Addess if (txtCorpAddress.Text != "") { newBusinessAddress.Address = txtCorpAddress.Text; } if (txtCorpCity.Text != "") { newBusinessAddress.City = txtCorpCity.Text; } if (ddlCorpState.SelectedValue != "") { Int32 businessAddressStateId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCorpState.SelectedValue); newBusinessAddress.State = _globalCtx.GeoStates.Where(gs => gs.RecordId == businessAddressStateId).FirstOrDefault(); } if (txtCorpZip.Text != "") { newBusinessAddress.Zip = txtCorpZip.Text; } _globalCtx.Addresses.Add(newBusinessAddress); //Add new Business Contact Address to new Business newBusiness.Address = newBusinessAddress; //Add new Contact to new Merchant newMerchant.Business = newBusiness; //Add new Contact if (txtContactFirstName.Text != "") { newContact.FirstName = txtContactFirstName.Text; } if (txtContactLastName.Text != "") { newContact.LastName = txtContactLastName.Text; } if (txtContactEmail.Text != "") { newContact.Email = txtContactEmail.Text; } if (txtContactPhone.Text != "") { newContact.HomePhone = txtContactPhone.Text; } if (txtContactFax.Text != "") { newContact.Fax = txtContactFax.Text; } _globalCtx.Contacts.Add(newContact); //Add new contact to new Merchant newMerchant.Contact = newContact; //Add new Merchant Principal if (txtPrincipalDLNumber.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipal.PrincipalDLNumber = PWDTK.StringToUtf8Bytes(txtPrincipalDLNumber.Text); } if (ddlPrincipalDLState.SelectedValue != "") { Int32 dlStateId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlPrincipalDLState.SelectedValue); newMerchantPrincipal.PrincipalDLState = _globalCtx.GeoStates.Where(gs => gs.RecordId == dlStateId).FirstOrDefault(); } if (radPrincipalDoB.SelectedDate.HasValue) { newMerchantPrincipal.PrincipalDoB = Convert.ToDateTime(radPrincipalDoB.SelectedDate); } if (txtPrincipalPctOwn.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipal.PrincipalPctOwn = Convert.ToInt32(txtPrincipalPctOwn.Text); } _globalCtx.MerchantPrincipal.Add(newMerchantPrincipal); //Create new contact for Merchant Principal if (txtPrincipalFirstName.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContact.FirstName = txtPrincipalFirstName.Text; } if (txtPrincipalLastName.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContact.LastName = txtPrincipalLastName.Text; } if (txtPrincipalMI.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContact.MiddleInitial = txtPrincipalMI.Text; } if (txtPrincipalTitle.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContact.Title = txtPrincipalTitle.Text; } if (txtPrincipalCellPhone.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContact.CellPhone = txtPrincipalCellPhone.Text; } if (txtPrincipalHomePhone.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContact.HomePhone = txtPrincipalHomePhone.Text; } _globalCtx.Contacts.Add(newMerchantPrincipalContact); //Create new address for Merchant principal Contact if (txtPrincipalAddress.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContactAddress.Address = txtPrincipalAddress.Text; } if (txtPrincipalCity.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContactAddress.City = txtPrincipalCity.Text; } if (ddlPrincipalState.SelectedValue != "") { Int32 mpcStateId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlPrincipalState.SelectedValue); newMerchantPrincipalContactAddress.State = _globalCtx.GeoStates.Where(gs => gs.RecordId == mpcStateId).FirstOrDefault(); } if (txtPrincipalZip.Text != "") { newMerchantPrincipalContactAddress.Zip = txtPrincipalZip.Text; } _globalCtx.Addresses.Add(newMerchantPrincipalContactAddress); //Add new address to Merchant Principal Contact newMerchantPrincipalContact.Address = newMerchantPrincipalContactAddress; //Add new Contact to Merchant Principal newMerchantPrincipal.Contact = newMerchantPrincipalContact; //Add new Principal to the new merchant newMerchant.MerchantPrincipal = newMerchantPrincipal; //Check if merchant processor already exists, if so link to merchant. If not, create it and add to merchant. if (txtCardProcessor.Text != "") { if (_globalCtx.Processor.Where(p => p.ProcessorName == txtCardProcessor.Text.Trim()).ToList().Count > 0) { newMerchant.Processor = _globalCtx.Processor.First(p => p.ProcessorName == txtCardProcessor.Text.Trim()); } else { newProcessor.ProcessorName = txtCardProcessor.Text.Trim(); _globalCtx.Processor.Add(newProcessor); newMerchant.Processor = newProcessor; } } _globalCtx.Banks.Add(newBankModel); newBankAccountModel.Bank = newBankModel; newDebitCard.Bank = newBankModel; _globalCtx.BankAccounts.Add(newBankAccountModel); _globalCtx.DebitCards.Add(newDebitCard); newMerchant.BankAccount = newBankAccountModel; newMerchant.DebitCard = newDebitCard; //Set Merchant Status to "Admin Registered" newMerchant.MerchantStatus = _globalCtx.MerchantStatuses.FirstOrDefault(ms => ms.StatusDescription == "Pre-Enrolled"); //Set Underwriting Status to "Pending" newMerchant.UnderwritingStatus = _globalCtx.UnderwritingStatuses.FirstOrDefault(ms => ms.StatusDescription == "Pending"); newMerchant.AdvancePlan = _globalCtx.AdvancePlans.First(ap => ap.DefaultPlan == true); //Add new Merchant to context _globalCtx.Merchants.Add(newMerchant); //Add new merchant to selected User if (txtSelectedUserName.Text != "") { var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(_globalCtx)); ApplicationUser selectedUser = manager.FindByName(txtSelectedUserName.Text); if (selectedUser != null) { selectedUser.Merchant = newMerchant; //Save Context and Update DB _globalCtx.SaveChanges(); } } else { lblSubmissionMessage.Text = "Please select a User to join with this merchant."; return false; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { _newLogic.WriteExceptionToDB(ex, "AdminSubmitForm - Add Data to DB"); return false; } return true; }
public void Delete(ContactModel contactModel) { contactsModel.Remove(contactModel); }
private void uxFileDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { App.ContactRepository.Delete(selectedContact.Id); selectedContact = null; LoadContacts(); }
public ActionResult API(ContactModel contactModel) { ViewBag.PageTitle = " - Our new API is currently in development."; if (ModelState.IsValid) { SendEmail sendEmail = new SendEmail(contactModel.Email, contactModel.Subject, contactModel.Description, contactModel.Name); // Successful contactModel.SentSuccesfully = 2; } else { // Not ready - validation failed contactModel.SentSuccesfully = 1; } return View(contactModel); }
public void Put(int id, [FromBody] ContactModel model) { contactService.UpdateContact(model, id); }
public bool AddContact(ContactModel contactModel) { contactModel.Status = ContactStatus.Active.ToString(); _unitOfWork.Contacts.Add(MapModelToDataModel(contactModel)); return(_unitOfWork.SaveChanges() > 0); }
private void SaveContactChanges(MerchantModel editMerchant) { try { foreach (RepeaterItem rItem in rptrContactChanges.Items) { Label lblFieldName = (Label)rItem.FindControl("lblFieldName2"); Label lblNewValue = (Label)rItem.FindControl("lblNewValue2"); CheckBox cbConfirmed = (CheckBox)rItem.FindControl("cbConfirmed2"); if (lblFieldName != null && lblNewValue != null && cbConfirmed != null) { if (lblFieldName.Text == "FirstName") { if (cbConfirmed.Checked) { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, editMerchant.Contact.FirstName, lblNewValue.Text); editMerchant.Contact.FirstName = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); } else { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, "", lblNewValue.Text); ContactModel newContact = new ContactModel(); newContact.FirstName = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); _globalCtx.Contacts.Add(newContact); editMerchant.Contact = newContact; } } else { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { txtContactFirstName.Text = editMerchant.Contact.FirstName; } else { txtContactFirstName.Text = ""; } } } if (lblFieldName.Text == "LastName") { if (cbConfirmed.Checked) { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, editMerchant.Contact.LastName, lblNewValue.Text); editMerchant.Contact.LastName = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); } else { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, "", lblNewValue.Text); ContactModel newContact = new ContactModel(); newContact.LastName = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); _globalCtx.Contacts.Add(newContact); editMerchant.Contact = newContact; } } else { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { txtContactLastName.Text = editMerchant.Contact.LastName; } else { txtContactLastName.Text = ""; } } } if (lblFieldName.Text == "Email") { if (cbConfirmed.Checked) { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, editMerchant.Contact.Email, lblNewValue.Text); editMerchant.Contact.Email = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); } else { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, "", lblNewValue.Text); ContactModel newContact = new ContactModel(); newContact.Email = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); _globalCtx.Contacts.Add(newContact); editMerchant.Contact = newContact; } } else { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { txtContactEmail.Text = editMerchant.Contact.Email; } else { txtContactEmail.Text = ""; } } } if (lblFieldName.Text == "Phone") { if (cbConfirmed.Checked) { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, editMerchant.Contact.HomePhone, lblNewValue.Text); editMerchant.Contact.HomePhone = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); } else { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, "", lblNewValue.Text); ContactModel newContact = new ContactModel(); newContact.HomePhone = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); _globalCtx.Contacts.Add(newContact); editMerchant.Contact = newContact; } } else { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { txtContactPhone.Text = editMerchant.Contact.HomePhone; } else { txtContactPhone.Text = ""; } } } if (lblFieldName.Text == "Fax") { if (cbConfirmed.Checked) { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, editMerchant.Contact.Fax, lblNewValue.Text); editMerchant.Contact.Fax = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); } else { AddChangeToAudit(editMerchant.RecordId, lblFieldName.Text, "", lblNewValue.Text); ContactModel newContact = new ContactModel(); newContact.Fax = lblNewValue.Text.Trim(); _globalCtx.Contacts.Add(newContact); editMerchant.Contact = newContact; } } else { if (editMerchant.Contact != null) { txtContactFax.Text = editMerchant.Contact.Fax; } else { txtContactFax.Text = ""; } } } } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { string userId = ""; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { userId = Page.User.Identity.GetUserId(); } _newLogic.WriteExceptionToDB(ex, "SaveContactChanges", 0, editMerchant.RecordId, userId); } }
public ActionResult Contact() { var model = new ContactModel(); return(PartialView(model)); }
public HttpStatusCodeResult Add(ContactModel model) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK); }
internal void editContact(BookModel bookModel) { if (!bookRepo.GetBookByName(bookModel.bookName, bookModel.bookType)) { Console.WriteLine("Book Name Not Exist"); } else { ContactModel contactModel = new ContactModel(); Console.WriteLine("which data you want to edit please enter your choice"); Console.WriteLine("1.first Name"); Console.WriteLine("2.last Name"); Console.WriteLine("3.address"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("5.state"); Console.WriteLine(" code"); Console.WriteLine(" number"); Console.WriteLine(""); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter first Name"); contactModel.firstName = Console.ReadLine(); switch (choice) { case "1": contactRepo.updateFirstName(contactModel.firstName); break; case "2": contactRepo.updateLastName(contactModel.firstName); break; case "3": contactRepo.updateAddress(contactModel.firstName); break; case "4": contactRepo.updateCity(contactModel.firstName); break; case "5": contactRepo.updateState(contactModel.firstName); break; case "6": contactRepo.updateZip(contactModel.firstName); break; case "7": contactRepo.updatePhoneNumber(contactModel.firstName); break; case "8": contactRepo.updateEmail(contactModel.firstName); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice try again!"); break; } } }
public ActionResult Save(ContactModel model, FormCollection collection) { ServiceProvider.ContactService.Save(model, Request.Files); return(Json(new { Msg = "OK" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// It initializes the NewContact property and sets a few values /// </summary> private void InitializeNewContact() { NewContact = new ContactModel(); NewContact.DateOfBirth = DateTime.Today; NewContact.ImagePath = "/Images/default.jpg"; }
public void Add(ContactModel contactModel) { contactsModel.Add(contactModel); }
public ContactModel[] LookupContactList(string firstname, string lastname, string phone, string email, int _logIncidentId = 0, int _logContactId = 0) { ContactModel[] retvals = null; string request = ""; string response = ""; string logMessage, logNote; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ContactListLookupURL) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ContactServiceUsername) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ContactServicePassword)) { throw new Exception("Provider's InitForContact not run."); } CONTACT.HZ_INTEGRATION_PUB_Service client = EBSProxyFactory.GetContactInstance(ContactListLookupURL, ContactServiceUsername, ContactServicePassword, ContactServiceTimeout); CONTACT.SOAHeader hdr = new CONTACT.SOAHeader(); hdr.Responsibility = "SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR"; hdr.RespApplication = "SYSADMIN"; hdr.SecurityGroup = "STANDARD"; hdr.NLSLanguage = "AMERICAN"; hdr.Org_Id = "204"; client.SOAHeaderValue = hdr; CONTACT.InputParameters ip_contact_list = new CONTACT.InputParameters(); /* not supported in new official api ip.P_FIRST_NAME = firstname; ip.P_LAST_NAME = lastname; */ if (email != null) ip_contact_list.P_EMAIL = email; ip_contact_list.P_RECORD_LIMIT = 200; ip_contact_list.P_RECORD_LIMITSpecified = true; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(phone) && phone.Length >= 7) { if (phone[phone.Length - 5] == '-' || phone[phone.Length - 5] == ' ') { ip_contact_list.P_PHONE = phone.Substring(phone.Length - 8); } else { ip_contact_list.P_PHONE = phone.Substring(phone.Length - 7); } } Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); try { request = serializer.Serialize(ip_contact_list); stopwatch.Start(); CONTACT.OutputParameters op_contact_list = client.GET_CONTACT_DETAIL(ip_contact_list); stopwatch.Stop(); response = serializer.Serialize(op_contact_list); if (op_contact_list.X_RETURN_STATUS == "S") { List<ContactModel> contacts = new List<ContactModel>(); foreach (CONTACT.APPSHZ_INTEGRATION_PX3348183X1X7 op in op_contact_list.X_CONTACT_REC_TBL) { ContactModel contact = new ContactModel(); contact.ContactPartyID = op.RELATIONSHIP_PARTY_ID; contact.FirstName = op.PERSON_FIRST_NAME; contact.LastName = op.PERSON_LAST_NAME; contact.Email = op.PRIMARY_EMAIL; contact.ContactOrgID = op.ORG_PARTY_ID; contact.PhoneNumber = op.PRIMARY_PHONE; contacts.Add(contact); } retvals = contacts.ToArray(); logMessage = "Request of search Contact (Success). Email = " + email + "; Phone = " + phone; logNote = "Request Payload: " + request; log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); logMessage = "Response of search Contact (Success). Email = " + email + "; Phone = " + phone; logNote = "Response Payload: " + response; log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote, (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } else { List<ContactModel> contacts = new List<ContactModel>(); ContactModel contact = new ContactModel(); contact.ErrorMessage = "There has been an error communicating with EBS. Please check log for detail."; contacts.Add(contact); retvals = contacts.ToArray(); logMessage = "Request of search Contact (Failure). Email = " + email + "; Phone = " + phone; logNote = "Request Payload: " + request; log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); logMessage = "Response of search Contact (Failure). Email = " + email + "; Phone = " + phone; logNote = "Response Payload: " + response; log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); } } catch (Exception ex) { List<ContactModel> contacts = new List<ContactModel>(); ContactModel contact = new ContactModel(); contact.ErrorMessage = "There has been an error communicating with EBS. Please check log for detail."; contacts.Add(contact); retvals = contacts.ToArray(); logMessage = "Request of search Contact (Failure). Email = " + email + "; Phone = " + phone + ". Error: " + ex.Message; logNote = "Request Payload: " + request; log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); logMessage = "Response of search Contact (Failure). Email = " + email + "; Phone = " + phone + ". Error: " + ex.Message; logNote = "Response Payload: " + response; log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); handleEBSException(ex, "Search Contact", _logIncidentId, _logContactId); } return retvals; }
public IActionResult Contact4(ContactModel model) { ViewData["Message"] = "Your contact page."; return(View(!ModelState.IsValid ? model : new ContactModel())); }
/* This method calls * HZ_INTEGRATION_PUB_Service : GET_CONTACT_DETAIL() * Its output is a table, foreach loop is used * (even though only one row is returned by setting record limit = 1) * APPSHZ_INTEGRATION_PX3348183X1X7 is generated and need to be updated * if proxy is regenerated * call dictAddProperty() to add the individual property name, type, and value * for dynamic columns feature */ public Dictionary<string, string> LookupContactDetail(decimal party_id, int _logIncidentId = 0, int _logContactId = 0) { string request = ""; string response = ""; string logMessage, logNote; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ContactListLookupURL) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ContactServiceUsername) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ContactServicePassword)) { throw new Exception("Provider's InitForContact not run."); } CONTACT.HZ_INTEGRATION_PUB_Service client = EBSProxyFactory.GetContactInstance(ContactListLookupURL, ContactServiceUsername, ContactServicePassword, ContactServiceTimeout); CONTACT.InputParameters ip = new CONTACT.InputParameters(); ip.P_PARTY_ID = party_id; ip.P_PARTY_IDSpecified = true; ip.P_RECORD_LIMIT = 1; // only return one contact ip.P_RECORD_LIMITSpecified = true; CONTACT.OutputParameters op = null; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); try { request = serializer.Serialize(ip); logMessage = "Request of getting EBS contact details (GET_CONTACT_DETAIL). "; logNote = "Request Payload: " + request; log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); // call the web service, catch the exception right away stopwatch.Start(); op = client.GET_CONTACT_DETAIL(ip); stopwatch.Stop(); response = serializer.Serialize(op); } catch (Exception ex) { handleEBSException(ex, "GET_CONTACT_DETAIL", 0, (int)party_id); // will throw the new exception (either timeout or error communicating ...) // b/c caller ContactDetailVirtualTable GetRows expect reportRows, so need to throw it to show the msg box throw; } if (op.X_RETURN_STATUS == "S") { logMessage = "Response of getting EBS contact details (GET_CONTACT_DETAIL). "; logNote = "Response Payload: " + response; log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote, (int) stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } else { logMessage = "Response of getting EBS contact details (GET_CONTACT_DETAIL) (Failure). "; logNote = "Response Payload: " + response; log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); } Dictionary<string, string> dictDetail = new Dictionary<string, string>(); ContactModel[] retvals = new ContactModel[op.X_CONTACT_REC_TBL.Length]; foreach (CONTACT.APPSHZ_INTEGRATION_PX3348183X1X7 contact in op.X_CONTACT_REC_TBL) { foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in contact.GetType().GetProperties()) { Object propVal = contact.GetType().GetProperty(propertyInfo.Name).GetValue(contact, null); dictAddProperty(propertyInfo, propVal, ref dictDetail); } } return dictDetail; }
public ContactViewModel() { CM = new ContactModel(); this.GetData(2); this.MessageData = new MessageData { ToAddress = "*****@*****.**" }; }
private void uxContactList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { selectedContact = (ContactModel)uxContactList.SelectedValue; }
private void addContactClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Regex regex = new Regex("\\d+"); Regex whitespace = new Regex("[ ()-.]"); // format lại chuỗi: xoá các khoảng trắng các dấu string temp = whitespace.Replace(_textContentVM.Content, String.Empty); MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(temp); List<string> listPhoneNumber = new List<string>(); int countStr = matches.Count; for (int i = 0; i < countStr; i++) { listPhoneNumber.Add(matches[i].Value); } ContactModel contactmodel = new ContactModel(); contactmodel.Mobilephone = getMobilePhone(listPhoneNumber); contactmodel.AlternateMobilePhone = getAlternateMobilePhone(listPhoneNumber); contactmodel.GivenName = getGivenName(); contactmodel.Email = getEmail(); Frame.Navigate(typeof(AddContact), contactmodel); }
public void Register([FromBody] ContactModel model) { contactService.SaveContact(model); }