public async Task Task_AddNewContactAsync_AddNewContact_Valid_Data_ReturningSuccessMessage() { // arrange phase var contactInfo = _contactInfo.FirstOrDefault(); ContactInfoDTO contactInfoDTO = _mapper.Map <ContactInfoDTO>(contactInfo); _repository.Setup(t => t.AddTAsync(contactInfo)).ReturnsAsync(1); // mock returing created record _repository.Setup(t => t.GetOneByAsync(t => t.Id == contactInfo.Id)).ReturnsAsync(contactInfo); // processing phase var controller = new ContactController(_repository.Object, _mapper); var result = await controller.AddNewContactAsync(contactInfo); // assert phase var objResult = Assert.IsType <CreatedResult>(result.Result); var statusResult = objResult.StatusCode; var actualResult = objResult.Value as ContactInfoDTO; //assert result Assert.NotNull(result); //assert statusCode Assert.Equal(201, statusResult); //assert validate actualResult.Should().BeEquivalentTo(contactInfoDTO, t => t.ComparingByMembers <ContactInfoDTO>()); }
public bool merge(ContactInfoDTO entity) { try { var addObj = (from p in ctx.ContactInfos where p.userName == @entity.userName && p.contactType == @entity.contactType select p).Single(); model.ContactInfo obj = (ContactInfo)addObj; /*Update*/ obj.userName = entity.userName; obj.contactType = entity.contactType; =; ctx.SubmitChanges(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { model.Log log = new Log(); log.message = "ContactInfo Merge: " + " ["+entity.userName+" , "+entity.contactType+"] " + e.Message; ctx.Dispose(); ctx = new ModelDataContext(); ctx.SubmitChanges(); return false; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostContactInformation(string session, [FromBody] ContactInfoDTO data) { var vehicle = _entryService.GetVehicle(int.Parse(session)); var dateTime = _entryService.GetDateTime(int.Parse(session)); List <string> services = new List <string>(); var allServices = _serviceRepository.Get(); var ids = _entryService.GetServiceNeeds(int.Parse(session)); foreach (var id in ids) { services.Add(allServices.Find(el => el.ServiceId == id).Name); } var fromAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "CarService"); //email var toAddress = new MailAddress(data.Email, "CarService"); //const string fromPassword = "******"; //Password const string fromPassword = "******"; //Password //const string fromPassword = "******"; //Password string subject = "Your appointment has been scheduled"; string body = "<h2> Hello, " + data.FirstName + " " + data.LastName + "<h2>" + "<p>" + "Your appointment has been scheduled" + "</p>" + "<h3>Date and Time: </h3>" + "<p>" + dateTime + "</p>" + "<h3>Vehicle: </h3>" + "<p>" + $"{vehicle.Year} {vehicle.Make} {vehicle.Model}" + "</p>" + "<h3>" + "Services:" + "</h3>" + "<ul>"; foreach (var service in services) { body += "<li>" + service + "</li>"; } body += "</ul>"; var smtp = new SmtpClient { Host = "", Port = 587, EnableSsl = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, //UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword) }; using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress) { Subject = subject, Body = body, IsBodyHtml = true }) { smtp.Send(message); } //_entryService.RemoveSession(int.Parse(session)); return(Ok(new { dateTime = dateTime })); }
public ContactInfoDTO find(string userName, string contactType) { var obj = (from p in ctx.ContactInfos where p.userName == @userName && p.contactType == @contactType select p).Single(); ContactInfoDTO add = new ContactInfoDTO(); add.userName = obj.userName; add.contactType = obj.contactType; =; return add; }
public async Task <ActionResult <ContactInfoDTO> > UpdateContactAsync([FromRoute] string id, [FromBody] ContactInfo updateContact) { updateContact.Id = id; int result = await _genericRepository.UpdateTAsync(updateContact); if (result == 0) { return(NotFound("No Contact Updated")); } ContactInfoDTO contactInfoDTO = _mapper.Map <ContactInfoDTO>(updateContact); return(Ok(contactInfoDTO)); }
public ContactInfoDTO find(string userName, string contactType) { ContactInfoDTO info = new ContactInfoDTO(); SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(); SqlCommand sqlCmd = null; try { oConn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["conn"]; oConn.Open(); sqlCmd = oConn.CreateCommand(); sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; sqlCmd.CommandText = "select * from ContactInfo where userName = '******' AND contactType = '" + contactType + "'"; SqlDataReader rdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.HasRows) { while (rdr.Read()) { info.userName = rdr["userName"].ToString(); info.contactType = rdr["contactType"].ToString(); = rdr["data"].ToString(); } } } catch { } finally { if (sqlCmd != null) { sqlCmd = null; } if (oConn != null) { if (oConn.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Open)) { oConn.Close(); } oConn = null; } } return info; }
public List<ContactInfoDTO> findAll() { var objs = (from p in ctx.ContactInfos select p); ContactInfoDTO add = null; List<ContactInfoDTO> addList = new List<ContactInfoDTO>(); foreach (ContactInfo obj in objs) { add = new ContactInfoDTO(); add.userName = obj.userName; add.contactType = obj.contactType; =; addList.Add(add); } return addList; }
public void ContactInfo_Test() { /*Context*/ ContactInfoDAO contactInfo_context = new ContactInfoDAO(); AccountDAO acc_context = new AccountDAO(); /*Insert*/ AccountDTO acc = new AccountDTO(); acc.userName = "******"; acc.password = "******"; acc.accountType = "administrator"; acc.status = "active"; acc_context.presist(acc); ContactInfoDTO contact = new ContactInfoDTO(); contact.userName = "******"; contact.contactType = "skype"; = "skippy"; contactInfo_context.presist(contact); bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool actual; actual = contactInfo_context.isFound("griddy", "skype"); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); /*Update*/ = "Gready"; contactInfo_context.merge(contact); string expectedUpdate = "Gready"; ContactInfoDTO contUpd = contactInfo_context.find("griddy", "skype"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpdate,; /*Delete*/ contactInfo_context.removeByUserId("griddy", "skype"); bool expectedDelete = false; bool actualDelete = contactInfo_context.isFound("griddy", "skype"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedDelete, actualDelete); acc_context.removeByUserId("griddy"); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ContactInfoDTO> > AddNewContactAsync([FromBody] ContactInfo newContact) { if (newContact == null) { return(NotFound("Input object cannot be null")); } newContact.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int created = await _genericRepository.AddTAsync(newContact); if (created == 0) { return(NotFound("No New Contact created")); } var newRecord = await _genericRepository.GetOneByAsync(t => t.Id == newContact.Id); ContactInfoDTO contactInfoDTO = _mapper.Map <ContactInfoDTO>(newRecord); return(Created("New Contact Created", contactInfoDTO)); }
protected void CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Determine the currently logged on user's UserId //MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser(); //Guid currentUserId = (Guid)currentUser.ProviderUserKey; //Create user in Account table DAO_Account_Interface acc_ctx = new AccountDAO(); AccountDTO newAccount = new AccountDTO(); newAccount.userName = CreateUserWizard1.UserName.ToLower(); newAccount.password = "******"; newAccount.status = "active"; newAccount.accountType = "user"; acc_ctx.presist(newAccount); //Add User Email to COntact Info DAO_ContactInfo_Interface info_ctx = new ContactInfoDAO(); ContactInfoDTO mail_info = new ContactInfoDTO(); mail_info.userName = newAccount.userName; mail_info.contactType = "e-mail"; = CreateUserWizard1.Email; info_ctx.presist(mail_info); //Add User information to User Table DAO_User_Interface user_ctx = new UserDAO(); UserDTO user_info = new UserDTO(); user_info.userName = newAccount.userName; = txtID.Text; user_info.fullName = txtName.Text; user_info.surname = txtSurname.Text; user_info.nickName = txtNickname.Text; user_info.idType = RadioIdType.SelectedValue; user_info.race = RadioRace.SelectedValue; user_info.gender = RadioGender.SelectedValue; user_ctx.presist(user_info); Roles.AddUserToRole(newAccount.userName, "User"); }
public void setContactDto(ContactInfoDTO contactInformationDto) { view.setContactType(contactInformationDto.contactType); view.setData(; //view.setUsername(contactInformationDto.userName); }
public ContactInfoDTO getContactInformationDto() { ContactInfoDTO contactInfoDto = new ContactInfoDTO(); contactInfoDto.userName = view.getUsername(); contactInfoDto.contactType = view.getContactType(); = view.getData(); return contactInfoDto; }
public bool remove(ContactInfoDTO entity) { return this.removeByUserId(entity.userName, entity.contactType); }
public bool presist(ContactInfoDTO entity) { bool success = false; SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(); SqlCommand sqlCmd = null; try { oConn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["conn"]; oConn.Open(); sqlCmd = oConn.CreateCommand(); sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCmd.CommandText = "insertContactInfo"; sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("userName", entity.userName)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("contactType", entity.contactType)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("data",; SqlDataReader rdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.HasRows) { while (rdr.Read()) { } //Read all } rdr.Close(); if (rdr.RecordsAffected > 0) success = true; } catch { } finally { if (sqlCmd != null) { sqlCmd = null; } if (oConn != null) { if (oConn.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Open)) { oConn.Close(); } oConn = null; } } return success; }
public bool presist(ContactInfoDTO entity) { try { model.ContactInfo obj = new ContactInfo(); obj.userName = entity.userName; obj.contactType = entity.contactType; =; ctx.ContactInfos.InsertOnSubmit(obj); ctx.SubmitChanges(); return true; } catch (Exception) { ctx.Dispose(); ctx = new ModelDataContext(); return false; } }