protected override void OnContactTapGesture(ContactEventArgs e) { var textFadeOut = (Storyboard)FindResource("TextFadeOut"); textFadeOut.Begin(); new ThreadedSoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.Tap).PlaySound(); }
public ContactMultiTapEventArgs(RoutedEvent routedEvent, ContactEventArgs args, int multiTapCount) { this.RoutedEvent = routedEvent; this.ContactEventArgs = args; this.MultiTapCount = multiTapCount; this.Handled = args.Handled; this.Source = args.Source; }
public void AfterOnTapGesture(ContactEventArgs e) { OnTapAnimation(); CardOut = true; CurrentState = States.StateUnlocked; }
private void addLibraryBar_ContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { //SurfaceButton _bt = (SurfaceButton)sender; //_bt.po string stamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //guid to stamp the control name with stamp = stamp.Replace("-", ""); //remove the - from the guid //get the sender contact so we can get the orientation double o = e.Contact.GetOrientation(this); //Point p = e.Contact.GetPosition(); //create the LibraryBar LibraryBar lb = new LibraryBar(); lb.Width = 860; lb.Height = 250; lb.Rows = 1; //need a binging item to get the xml resource out of the resource dictionary Binding items = new Binding(); items.Source = FindResource("Source"); //Source is the XML data in the resource dict //items.XPath = "Entry"; //can use Xpath here to get the xml needed lb.SetBinding(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, items); lb.ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate)this.FindResource("BarItemTemplate"); //set the item template from the resource dict //lb.AddHandler(SurfaceDragDrop.DragCompletedEvent,(OnShoppingListDragCompleted)); //lb.PreviewContactDown += OnShoppingListPreviewContactDown; //lb.PreviewContactChanged += OnShoppingListPreviewContactChanged; //lb.PreviewContactUp += OnShoppingListPreviewContactUp; //lb.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += OnShoppingListPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown; //lb.PreviewMouseMove += OnShoppingListPreviewMouseMove; //lb.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += OnShoppingListPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp; //register the library bar so we can find it later //NameScope.GetNameScope(this).RegisterName("fm1_anotherLb" + stamp, lb); //must call Registername to be able to use FindName later //Must create a new scatterview item to be added to the named scatter view in the XAML. ScatterViewItem svi = new ScatterViewItem(); svi.Style = (Style)this.FindResource("LibraryControlInScatterViewItemContentStyle"); //Get the style for the scatterview item when using a surface library control (provided in SDK eg) svi.Orientation = o + 90; svi.Center = new Point(400, 400); svi.Content = lb; //register the scatterview item so we can find it later //NameScope.GetNameScope(this).RegisterName("fm1_anotherSV" + stamp, svi); //must call Registername to be able to use FindName later NameScope.GetNameScope(this).RegisterName("fm1_anotherSV", svi); //temp perm name DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer(); timer.Tag = _countDown; //store the count down in the tag of the timer so we can access it later timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); timer.Start(); //add the new timer and listview to the dictionary so we can get at it later myDictionary.Add(timer, svi); //add the library bar to the screen this.myScatterView.Items.Add(svi); }
private void Switchboard_ContactJoined(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Mail = e.Contact.Mail; if (!msn.InAcceptList(Mail)) { conversation.Switchboard.Close(); } frm_main.AddActiveConv(Mail); }
void ImageThumbnailTemplate_ContactTapGesture(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { /*LibraryBarItem self = sender as LibraryBarItem; Image i = pouet.Content as Image; if (i != null) Console.WriteLine(i.Source); e.Handled = true; */ Console.WriteLine("Fap"); e.Handled = true; }
protected override void OnContactDown(ContactEventArgs e) { base.OnContactDown(e); e.Contact.Capture(this); _manipulationProcessor.BeginTrack(e.Contact); e.Handled = true; }
void ProviderScatterViewItem_ContactUp(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { TrashBin t = StaticField.trashSVI.trashBin; ProviderScatterViewItem s = sender as ProviderScatterViewItem; ScatterViewItem trashSVI = StaticField.trashSVI; Point centerS = s.ActualCenter; Point centerTrashSVI = trashSVI.ActualCenter; double trashSVIWidth = trashSVI.ActualWidth; double trashSVIHeight = trashSVI.ActualHeight; double max = Math.Min(trashSVIHeight, trashSVIWidth); if ((centerS.X <= centerTrashSVI.X + max / 2) && (centerS.X >= centerTrashSVI.X - max / 2) && (centerS.Y <= centerTrashSVI.Y + max / 2) && (centerS.Y >= centerTrashSVI.Y - max / 2)) { ObservableCollection<Trash> dataTemplate = (ObservableCollection<Trash>) t.ItemsSource; if (dataTemplate == null) { dataTemplate = new ObservableCollection<Trash>(); } Trash trash = new Trash(s.providerTemplate, s.providerTemplate.ProviderImage.Source); dataTemplate.Add(trash); t.ItemsSource = dataTemplate; // loop over Wedding services to disactivate var st =; for (int i = 0; i < st.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < st[i].services.Count; j++) { if ( == st[i].services[j].id) { st[i].services[j].activated = false; Console.WriteLine("GOT IT !" + st[i].services[j].activated); } } } // loop over all scattersView to delete ScatterView sv = ((ScatterView)MainView.GetWindow(this).FindName("MainScatterView")); ItemCollection tmp = (ItemCollection) sv.Items; tmp.Remove(s); } }
/// <summary> /// Occurs when the user tap on a shape. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void scatter_ContactTapGesture(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < this.scatter.Items.Count; i++) { ScatterViewItem svi = (ScatterViewItem)this.scatter.Items[i]; if (svi.IsActive) //if a shape is selected { this.selectedShape = this.shapes[i]; // trigger an event with this selected shape in parameter ShapeSelectedEventArgs eventShapeSelection = new ShapeSelectedEventArgs(this.selectedShape); if (eventShapeSelection != null) this.OnShapeSelected(this, eventShapeSelection); } } }
private void GenePentagon_PreviewContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { FrameworkElement element = (FrameworkElement)sender; VisualGene visualGene = (VisualGene) element.DataContext; ViewModel.SelectedGene = visualGene.Model; //// Bring gene pentagon to the front of the chromosome bar //// so the elementmenu will appear in front of other gene pentagons //SurfaceListBoxItem container = this.GetListBoxItem(element); //container.SetValue(Panel.ZIndexProperty, _maxZIndex); //_maxZIndex++; Rect contactPosition = e.Contact.BoundingRect; ViewModel.GenePentagonContacted(contactPosition, visualGene.Direction); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void AfterContactdown(ContactEventArgs e) { if (CurrentState.Equals(States.StateRotation)) { AfterContactDownAnimation(); base.OnContactDown(e); e.Contact.Capture(this); _manipulationProcessor.BeginTrack(e.Contact); e.Handled = true; } }
protected override void OnContactDown(ContactEventArgs e) { var p = e.Contact.GetPosition(this); if (p.Y > 30 && p.Y < 50) { if (p.X > 30 && p.X < 45) { ZoomOut(this, e); Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else if (p.X > 55 && p.X < 70) { ZoomIn(this, e); Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } }
private void scatterviewMomma_ContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { ScatterViewItem svi = new ScatterViewItem(); svi.Background = Brushes.Tomato; svi.Height = 300; svi.Width = 300; //DoubleAnimation animation = new DoubleAnimation(); //animation.To = 0; //animation.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)); //Storyboard sb = new Storyboard(); //sb.Children.Add(animation); //Storyboard.SetTarget(sb, svi); //Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(sb, new PropertyPath(Control.ActualHeightProperty)); //sb.Begin(); ScatterView temp = (ScatterView) scatterviewMomma.Parent; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the tap event for the current color indicator. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The color wheel.</param> /// <param name="args">The arguments for the event.</param> private void OnCurrentColorTap(object sender, ContactEventArgs args) { // Replace the current color botton with the color wheel ColorWheel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
public void OnContactStartRecord(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { isTouching = true; touchManager.Clear(); capture.OnContactHelper(); }
private void conv_UserTyping(Conversation sender, ContactEventArgs e) { this.Invoke(new StartClientWritingTimerDelegate(this.StartClientWritingTimer), new object [] { e.Contact.Name } ); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the ContactDownEvent for the color wheel and the current color indicator. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The color wheel that raised the event.</param> /// <param name="args">The arguments for the event.</param> private void OnColorSelectionPreviewContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs args) { // Capture the contact and handle the event IInputElement element = sender as IInputElement; if (element != null && Contacts.CaptureContact(args.Contact, element)) { args.Handled = true; } }
static void Switchboard_ContactLeft(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { WL("{0} left", e.Contact.Name); }
private void conv_ContactJoin(Conversation sender, ContactEventArgs e) { this._contact.MSNContact = e.Contact; this.DisplayMessage("\t\t\t\t\t\tContact joined! " + e.Contact.Name); this.UpdateMsnContactName(); foreach( string message in this.messageStack) { this.SendMessage(message); } messageStack.Clear(); }
void OnContactLeave(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { InvokeHandler(ContactLeave, e); }
void OnPreviewContactMoved(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { InvokeHandler(PreviewContactMoved, e); }
void OnGotContactCapture(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { InvokeHandler(GotContactCapture, e); }
void OnContactMoved(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Point position = e.GetPosition(this); FixedHingeJoint joint; if (contactJoints.TryGetValue(e.Contact.Id, out joint)) { joint.Anchor = position.ToVector2D(); //scale Body body = joint.Bodies.First(); FrameworkElement frameworkElement = body.Tag as FrameworkElement; if (frameworkElement != null && GetIsScalable(frameworkElement)) { ScaleState state; if (elementToScale.TryGetValue(frameworkElement, out state)) { IEnumerable <Contact> contacts = MultitouchScreen.GetContactsCaptured((IInputElement)e.Source); double previousDistance = 0; double currentDistance = 0; int divisor = 0; Contact[] contactsArray = contacts.ToArray(); Point center = new Point(frameworkElement.ActualWidth / 2, frameworkElement.ActualHeight / 2); for (int i = 0; i < contactsArray.Length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < contactsArray.Length; j++) { Point currFirst = contactsArray[j].GetPosition(this); Point currSecond = contactsArray[i].GetPosition(this); Vector vector = frameworkElement.PointFromScreen(currFirst) - frameworkElement.PointFromScreen(currSecond); currentDistance += vector.Length; Point prevFirst = contactsArray[j].GetPoints(this).FirstOrDefault(); if (default(Point) == prevFirst) { prevFirst = currFirst; } Point prevSecond = contactsArray[i].GetPoints(this).FirstOrDefault(); if (default(Point) == prevSecond) { prevSecond = currSecond; } Vector previousVector = frameworkElement.PointFromScreen(prevFirst) - frameworkElement.PointFromScreen(prevSecond); previousDistance += previousVector.Length; divisor++; } } if (divisor == 0) { divisor = 1; } previousDistance /= divisor; currentDistance /= divisor; double delta = currentDistance / previousDistance; if (double.IsNaN(delta)) { delta = 1; } var newScale = state.Scale * delta; if (newScale > MaxScale) { delta = MaxScale / state.Scale; } else if (newScale < MinScale) { delta = MinScale / state.Scale; } state.Scale *= delta; state.Center = center; body.Transformation *= Matrix2x3.FromScale(new Vector2D(delta, delta)); } } } }
private void OnContactLoaded(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { View.Add(e.Contacto); //SubTitle = View.Count + " contacts"; //labelSubTitle.Text = SubTitle; }
internal void Input(IEnumerable <ContactInfo> contactInfos) { foreach (ContactInfo contactInfo in contactInfos) { ContactAction clickAction = clickStates.GetAction(contactInfo); RoutedEvent routedEvent = null; switch (contactInfo.State) { case ContactState.Down: routedEvent = MultitouchScreen.ContactDownEvent; break; case ContactState.Up: routedEvent = MultitouchScreen.ContactUpEvent; break; case ContactState.Move: routedEvent = MultitouchScreen.ContactMoveEvent; break; default: break; } if (routedEvent != null) { dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, (Action)(delegate { try { Point localPoint = Application.Current.MainWindow.PointFromScreen(contactInfo.Center); IInputElement inputElement = Application.Current.MainWindow.InputHitTest(localPoint); MultitouchDevice device; if (!devices.TryGetValue(contactInfo.Id, out device)) { //novoe kasanie v predelah elementa. posilaem snachalo ContactEnterEvent. device = new MultitouchDevice(contactInfo.Id, inputElement); devices.Add(contactInfo.Id, device); ContactEventArgs mouseEnter = new ContactEventArgs(device, contactInfo); mouseEnter.RoutedEvent = MultitouchScreen.ContactEnterEvent; InputManager.Current.ProcessInput(mouseEnter); } else { if (device.Target != inputElement) { //staroe kasanie popalo na novij element. posilaem ContactLeaveEvent v starij element. ContactEventArgs mouseLeave = new ContactEventArgs(device, contactInfo); mouseLeave.RoutedEvent = MultitouchScreen.ContactLeaveEvent; try { InputManager.Current.ProcessInput(mouseLeave); } finally { devices.Remove(contactInfo.Id); } } } //posilaem event v element. RaiseInputEvent(device, inputElement, contactInfo, routedEvent); //esli bil click ili double click, to posilaem ih tozhe. if (clickAction == ContactAction.Click) { RaiseInputEvent(device, inputElement, contactInfo, MultitouchScreen.ContactClickEvent); } else if (clickAction == ContactAction.DoubleClick) { RaiseInputEvent(device, inputElement, contactInfo, MultitouchScreen.ContactDoubleClickEvent); } if (routedEvent == MultitouchScreen.ContactUpEvent) { devices.Remove(contactInfo.Id); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.ToString()); } })); } } }
private void OnContactChanged(object source, ContactEventArgs e) { //Event handler for new contact created OnValidateForm(null, EventArgs.Empty); }
void OnContactEnter(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { InvokeHandler(ContactEnter, e); }
private void Grid_ContactUp_1(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Grid_MouseUp_1(sender, null); }
void OnContactRemoved(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { InvokeHandler(ContactRemoved, e); }
// For Testing private void OuterEllipse_PreviewContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { //if (e.Contact.IsFingerRecognized) //{ // CenterButtonAnimations(); //} //else if (!e.Contact.IsTagRecognized) //{ Restaurant.Model.States newState = StateMachineHelper.GetNextState(Session.Instance.GlobalState); if (Session.Instance.Persons.Count > 0) { foreach (Person p in Session.Instance.Persons) { Session.Instance.NextStateForPerson(p, newState); } } else { Session.Instance.NextGlobalState(); } //} }
private static void OnContactInfoReceived(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine($"Contact info: {e.Contact.Number}"); }
/// <summary> /// Called when contact is moved. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="Multitouch.Framework.WPF.Input.ContactEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected virtual void OnContactMoved(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Point position = e.GetPosition(this); if(points.ContainsKey(e.Contact.Id)) points[e.Contact.Id].Add(new StylusPoint(position.X, position.Y)); }
private static void OnContactStateChanged(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine($"{e.Contact.Number} changed state to {e.Contact.State}"); }
private void conv_ContactLeave(Conversation sender, ContactEventArgs e) { this.DisplayMessage("\t\t\t\t\t\tContact left! " + e.Contact.Name); if(sender.Users.Count > 0) { this.UpdateMsnContactName(); } }
private void ContactTyping(Conversation sender, ContactEventArgs e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.Contact.Name + " is typing"); }
private void PublicationsSurfaceListBox_PreviewContactUp(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { ((PublicationsViewModel)this.DataContext).Routed_PublicationsSurfaceListBox_PreviewContactUp(sender, e); }
private void OnContactOffline(Messenger sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Console.Text = e.Contact.Name + " went offline\r\n"; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the tap event for the color wheel. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The color wheel.</param> /// <param name="args">The arguments for the event.</param> private void OnColorWheelContactTap(object sender, ContactEventArgs args) { // Set the color on the CurrentColor indicator and on the SurfaceInkCanvas Color color = GetPixelColor(args.Contact); // Black means the user touched the transparent part of the wheel. In that // case, leave the color set to its current value if (color != Colors.Black) { DrawingPadCanvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color = color; CurrentColor.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(color); } // Set editing mode to ink DrawingPadCanvas.EditingMode = SurfaceInkEditingMode.Ink; // Update the button image EditModeButton.Content = LoadImageFromPath("Resources\\Draw.png"); // Replace the color wheel with the current color button ColorWheel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }
private void country_ContactEnter(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { (sender as Image).Opacity = 0.5; }
/// <summary> /// Controls what occurs when the user stops a gesture /// NOTE: This event fires more than it ought. So we have it ignore any data shorter than 600 millisecondsw /// /// </summary> public void OffContactStopRecord(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { capture.OffContactHelper(); if (capture.totalMillisec > 800) { lock (obj) { writeToCSV(); } capture.calculateRatio(touchManager); advanceGesture(); } }
private static void ContactUp(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { try { int id = e.Contact.Id; if (!deviceDictionary.Keys.Contains(id)) { ContactDown(sender, e); } SurfaceTouchDevice device = deviceDictionary[id]; if (device != null && device.IsActive) { device.ReportUp(); device.Deactivate(); deviceDictionary.Remove(id); } } //Ignore InvalidOperationException due to race condition on Surface hardware catch (InvalidOperationException) { } }
private void country_ContactLeave(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { (sender as Image).Opacity = 1.0; }
/// <summary> /// Received a event notification that a contact information was successfully read. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void OnContactLoaded(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Contacts.Add(e.Contact); RaiseSearchHandle(); }
private static void ContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { try { if (deviceDictionary.Keys.Contains(e.Contact.Id)) { return; } SurfaceTouchDevice device = new SurfaceTouchDevice(e.Contact); deviceDictionary.Add(e.Contact.Id, device); device.SetActiveSource(e.Device.ActiveSource); device.Activate(); device.ReportDown(); } //Ignore InvalidOperationException due to race condition on Surface hardware catch (InvalidOperationException) { } }
public SurfaceVEPushPinClickedEventArgs(ContactEventArgs contactEventArgs) { this.contactEventArgs = contactEventArgs; this.RoutedEvent = contactEventArgs.RoutedEvent; }
/// <summary> /// Creates detailed view notecard that pops up when a ResultSVI has been touched. /// /// Make as touched so we don't have useless memory waste. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// clumsy animation conversion for anchoring expanded results void resultSVI_PreviewContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { ScatterViewItem senderSVI = (ScatterViewItem)sender; ResultSVI resultSVI = (ResultSVI)senderSVI.Content; if (!resultSVI._balloon) //if a balloon doesn't already exist { resultSVI._balloon = true; //outlines selected svi resultSVI.BorderBrush = Brushes.SeaShell; resultSVI.BorderThickness = new Thickness(3); //creates the info box //ScatterViewItem svi = new ScatterViewItem(); //svi.Background = Brushes.OliveDrab; // svi.Opacity = .75; // svi.Orientation = 0; Grid infoGrid = new Grid(); infoGrid.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; infoGrid.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; //create rows and single column RowDefinition row1 = new RowDefinition(); RowDefinition row2 = new RowDefinition(); RowDefinition row3 = new RowDefinition(); RowDefinition row4 = new RowDefinition(); RowDefinition row5 = new RowDefinition(); ColumnDefinition col1 = new ColumnDefinition(); //edit heights of information to be displayed row1.Height = new GridLength(35); row2.Height = new GridLength(15); row3.Height = new GridLength(15); row4.Height = new GridLength(15); row5.Height = new GridLength(15); // add rows and column to the infoGrid contained in the SVI infoGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(row1); infoGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(row2); infoGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(row3); infoGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(row4); infoGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(row5); infoGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col1); //get sender, ResultSVI ScatterViewItem resultSVIWrapper = (ScatterViewItem)sender; ResultSVI result = (ResultSVI)resultSVIWrapper.Content; //text for notecard TextBlock headerText = new TextBlock(); headerText.Text = " Detailed BLAST Result"; headerText.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; headerText.FontSize = 12; headerText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; headerText.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; Grid.SetColumnSpan(headerText, 1); Grid.SetRow(headerText, 0); infoGrid.Children.Add(headerText); TextBlock startText = new TextBlock(); startText.Text = " Start: " + result.GetHitStart(); startText.FontSize = 12; startText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left; Grid.SetColumnSpan(startText, 1); Grid.SetRow(startText, 1); infoGrid.Children.Add(startText); TextBlock lengthText = new TextBlock(); double length = result.GetHitStop() - result.GetHitStart(); lengthText.Text = " Length: " + length; lengthText.FontSize = 12; lengthText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left; Grid.SetColumnSpan(lengthText, 1); Grid.SetRow(lengthText, 2); infoGrid.Children.Add(lengthText); TextBlock eValText = new TextBlock(); eValText.Text = " E-Val " + result.GetEvalue(); eValText.FontSize = 12; eValText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left; Grid.SetColumnSpan(eValText, 1); Grid.SetRow(eValText, 3); infoGrid.Children.Add(eValText); TextBlock scoreText = new TextBlock(); scoreText.Text = " Score " + result.GetScore(); scoreText.FontSize = 12; scoreText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left; Grid.SetColumnSpan(scoreText, 1); Grid.SetRow(scoreText, 4); infoGrid.Children.Add(scoreText); double start = resultSVI.GetHitStart(); double score = resultSVI.GetScore(); //svi.Content = infoGrid; // svi.Center = senderSVI.Center; //ScatterViewItem child = (ScatterViewItem)sender; //ScatterView temp = (ScatterView)child.Parent; // temp.Items.Add(svi); infoGrid.Height = 5; infoGrid.Width = 100; resultSVI.infoCanvas.Children.Add(infoGrid); infoGrid.Margin = new Thickness(0, -25, 0, 0); resultSVI.infoCanvas.Children.Remove(resultSVI.eValLabel); resultSVI.infoCanvas.Children.Remove(resultSVI.scoreLabel); senderSVI.Opacity = 1; // Animation for making notecard appear //EasingFunction Code Duration duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0)); //Make width animation and height animation DoubleAnimation widthAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(); widthAnimation.Duration = duration; DoubleAnimation heightAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(); heightAnimation.Duration = duration; DoubleAnimation infoGridHeightAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(); infoGridHeightAnimation.Duration = duration; ThicknessAnimation infoGridMarginAnimation = new ThicknessAnimation(); infoGridMarginAnimation.Duration = duration; // give starting and stopping x and y values for animation widthAnimation.To = 100; widthAnimation.From = 100; heightAnimation.To = 100; heightAnimation.From = 50; infoGridHeightAnimation.To = 100; infoGridHeightAnimation.From = 50; infoGridMarginAnimation.To = new Thickness(0,-25,0,0); infoGridMarginAnimation.From = new Thickness(0,0,0,0); // Tell storyboards which animation is happening to which item Storyboard.SetTargetName(widthAnimation, senderSVI.Name); Storyboard.SetTarget(widthAnimation, senderSVI); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(widthAnimation, new PropertyPath(ScatterViewItem.WidthProperty)); Storyboard.SetTargetName(heightAnimation, senderSVI.Name); Storyboard.SetTarget(heightAnimation, senderSVI); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(heightAnimation, new PropertyPath(ScatterViewItem.HeightProperty)); Storyboard.SetTargetName(infoGridHeightAnimation, infoGrid.Name); Storyboard.SetTarget(infoGridHeightAnimation, infoGrid); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(infoGridHeightAnimation, new PropertyPath(ScatterViewItem.HeightProperty)); Storyboard.SetTargetName(infoGridMarginAnimation, infoGrid.Name); Storyboard.SetTarget(infoGridMarginAnimation, infoGrid); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(infoGridMarginAnimation, new PropertyPath(Grid.MarginProperty)); // add and begin animations storyBoard1 = new Storyboard(); storyBoard1.Children.Add(heightAnimation); storyBoard1.Children.Add(widthAnimation); storyBoard1.Children.Add(infoGridHeightAnimation); storyBoard1.Children.Add(infoGridMarginAnimation); storyBoard1.Begin(); }//closes if }
private void SurfaceButton_ContactTapGesture(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { SurfaceButton surfaceButton = sender as SurfaceButton; ScatterViewItem scatterViewItem = surfaceButton.FindVisualParent<ScatterViewItem>(); ScatterFlip.SetIsFlipped(scatterViewItem, !ScatterFlip.GetIsFlipped(scatterViewItem)); }
private void RaiseElementDraggedEvent(FrameworkElement element, Point offset, ContactEventArgs e) { ElementRoutedEventArgs newEventArgs = new ElementRoutedEventArgs(element, offset, e); newEventArgs.RoutedEvent = ElementDraggedEvent; RaiseEvent(newEventArgs); }
public CountryContactEventArgs(string countryId, ContactEventArgs e) { this.CountryId = countryId; this.ContactEventArgs = e; }
private void OnContactLoaded(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Contacts.Add(e.Contact); }
protected void HandleEvent(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { events.Enqueue(new RoutedEventArgsInfo(e)); }
static void Switchboard_UserTyping(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { WL(e.Contact.Name + "is typing"); //发送打字状态 ((XihSolutions.DotMSN.SBMessageHandler)sender).SendTypingMessage(); }
private void PublicationsArticle_PreviewContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { //This method is used to handle moving PublicationsArticleSVI back into the SurfaceListBox ((ExtendedDesktopViewModel)this.DataContext)._mainVM.Routed_PublicationsArticle_PreviewContactDown(sender, e);//reroutes event handler to SurfaceWindow1ViewModel, which will then reroute it to PublicationsViewModel }
public SurfaceVEPushPinClickedEventArgs() { this.contactEventArgs = null; }
private void SeqTransSVI_PreviewContactUp(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { if (((ScatterViewItem)sender).DataContext as SequenceViewModel != null) { //Goes through workspaceActualSV looking for TranslationViewModels for (int i = 0; i < workspaceActualSV.Items.Count; i++) { //If the translation object is found in the workspaceActualSV if ((workspaceActualSV.Items[i]) as TranslationViewModel != null) { //Check centers to see if they should be aligned if ((Math.Abs(((TranslationViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Center.X - ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Center.X) < 50) && (Math.Abs(((TranslationViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Center.Y - ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Center.Y) < 50)) { //ALIGN! ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Center = ((TranslationViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Center; ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Orientation = ((TranslationViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Orientation; ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Width = ((TranslationViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Width; ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Height = ((TranslationViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Height; //Transparent-ify the top ((SequenceViewModel)((ScatterViewItem)sender).DataContext).Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent); } else { ((SequenceViewModel)((ScatterViewItem)sender).DataContext).Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); } } } } else if (((ScatterViewItem)sender).DataContext as TranslationViewModel != null) { //Goes through workspaceActualSV looking for TranslationViewModels for (int i = 0; i < workspaceActualSV.Items.Count; i++) { //If the translation object is found in the workspaceActualSV if ((workspaceActualSV.Items[i]) as SequenceViewModel != null) { //Check centers to see if they should be aligned if ((Math.Abs(((SequenceViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Center.X - ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Center.X) < 50) && (Math.Abs(((SequenceViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Center.Y - ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Center.Y) < 50)) { //ALIGN! ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Center = ((SequenceViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Center; ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Orientation = ((SequenceViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Orientation; ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Width = ((SequenceViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Width; ((ScatterViewItem)sender).Height = ((SequenceViewModel)workspaceActualSV.Items[i]).MyDadSVI.Height; //Transparent-ify the top ((TranslationViewModel)((ScatterViewItem)sender).DataContext).Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent); } else { ((TranslationViewModel)((ScatterViewItem)sender).DataContext).Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); } } } } }
private void OnContactEvent(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { object oGroup = e.GetExtra("group"); object oPerson = e.GetExtra("contact"); if (oPerson is Group) { oGroup = (oPerson as Group); } switch (e.Type) { case ContactEventTypes.CONTACT_ADDED: case ContactEventTypes.CAMERA_ADDED: if (oPerson != null) { if (oPerson is System.Collections.Generic.List <Person> ) { System.Collections.Generic.List <Person> lP = oPerson as System.Collections.Generic.List <Person>; foreach (Person p in lP) { if (p.Uri != null && !(p.Uri == "")) { this.SubscribeTermStatus(p); } } } else { Person p = oPerson as Person; if (p != null && p.Uri != null && !(p.Uri == "")) { this.SubscribeTermStatus(p); } } } break; case ContactEventTypes.CONTACT_REMOVED: if (oPerson != null) { if (oPerson is System.Collections.Generic.List <Person> ) { System.Collections.Generic.List <Person> lP = oPerson as System.Collections.Generic.List <Person>; foreach (Person p in lP) { this.UnSubscribeTermStatus(p); } } else { Person p = oPerson as Person; this.UnSubscribeTermStatus(p); } } break; case ContactEventTypes.GROUP_ADDED: if (oGroup != null) { Group g = oGroup as Group; if (g.Uri != null && !(g.Uri == "")) { this.SubscribeGroupStatus(g); this.SubscribeGroupMemberShip(g); } } break; case ContactEventTypes.GROUP_REMOVED: if (oGroup != null) { Group gg = oGroup as Group; this.UnSubscribeGroupStatus(gg); } break; } }
private void Switchboard_ContactLeft(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("==>Contact Left."); }
private void Grid_ContactDown(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { UIElement source = sender as UIElement; Point point = e.GetPosition(source); //Console.WriteLine("This is the point = " + point.ToString()); Canvas clicked = ClickLocation(point); //Console.WriteLine("This is the clicked variable", clicked.ToString()); if (clicked == Notes) { int row = ClickRow(e.GetPosition(clicked)); if (row != -1) AddNote(row); } else if (clicked != null) { TimeOfDay area = ClickArea(e.GetPosition(clicked)); AddEntry(clicked, area); } }
private void OnContactLeave(object sender, ContactEventArgs e) { OnContactUp(sender, e); }