Example #1
        public static Boolean CheckConsumeNoExists(int ConsumeID, string ConsumeNo)
            string sSqlText = "Select 1 From Consume_Info Where ConsumeType=" + ConsumeType_ConsumeValue.ToString()
                              + " And ConsumeNo='" + ConsumeNo + "' And ID<>" + ConsumeID.ToString();

Example #2
        public static SqlDataReader GetConsumeLstByReader(int _OrganID, string sWhereSQL)
            string sSQL = "";

            sSQL = "Select a.*"
                   + ", b.OpName as ConsumeOpName, c.OrganName"
                   + ", (Case IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0) when 0 then '草稿' when 1 then '正式' end) As ApprovalStatusName"
                   + " from Consume_Info a "
                   + " left join SysUser_Info b on b.Status=0 And a.ConsumeUserID=b.ID"
                   + " left join SysOrgan_Info c on c.Status=0 And a.OrganID=c.ID"
                   + " Where a.Status=0 And ConsumeType=" + ConsumeType_ConsumeValue.ToString() + sWhereSQL;
            if (_OrganID > 0)
                sSQL = sSQL + " And a.OrganID=" + _OrganID.ToString();
            sSQL = sSQL + " Order By a.ConsumeDate Desc";

Example #3
        public static int UpUserInspection(int _ID, string[] FieldValues, string Sql)
            string sSqlText = "";

            if (_ID > 0)
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " UPDATE InterPhoneCarry_Info SET ConsumeNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",ConsumeUserID=" + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + ",Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",ServiceID='" + FieldValues.GetValue(5) + "'"
                           + ",ApprovalStatus='" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " WHERE ID=" + _ID + "" + ";";

                sSqlText = sSqlText + Sql + " ;";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " Insert Into InterPhoneCarry_Info (TableRecGuid"
                           + ", ConsumeNo"
                           + ", ConsumeType"
                           + ", ConsumeDate"
                           + ", OrganID"
                           + ", ConsumeUserID"
                           + ", CreateUserID"
                           + ", ServiceID"
                           + ", Description"
                           + ", ApprovalStatus)"
                           + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + "," + ConsumeType_ConsumeValue.ToString()
                           + ",GetDate()"
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + ""
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(5) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + ")";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + Sql + " ;";

Example #4
        public static int UpdateSingleConsume(int _ConsumeID, string[] FieldValues, string DetailsSQL)
            string sSqlText = "begin";

            //sSqlText += " Update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity + b.Quantity "
            //    + ", ToolStock_Info.ConsumeQuantity=ToolStock_Info.ConsumeQuantity - b.Quantity"
            //    + " From ( ConsumeDetails_Info b where b.consumeID In (Select ID From Consume_Info Where Status=0 "
            //    + " And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "' and IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1)) b and ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID;";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity + b.Quantity "
                        + ", ToolStock_Info.ConsumeQuantity=ToolStock_Info.ConsumeQuantity - b.Quantity"
                        + " From (Select ToolID, Sum(Quantity) As Quantity From ConsumeDetails_Info a, Consume_Info b where a.consumeID=b.Id  "
                        + " And b.TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "' and b.ApprovalStatus=1 And b.Status=0 Group By ToolID) b "
                        + " Where ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ";";

            if (_ConsumeID > 0)
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " UPDATE Consume_Info SET ConsumeNo='" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + ",ConsumeUserID=" + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + ",Description='" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + ",ApprovalStatus='" + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + "'";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " WHERE ID=" + _ConsumeID + "" + ";";

                sSqlText += " ;";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " Insert Into Consume_Info (TableRecGuid"
                           + ", ConsumeNo"
                           + ", ConsumeType"
                           + ", ConsumeDate"
                           + ", OrganID"
                           + ", ConsumeUserID"
                           + ", CreateUserID"
                           + ", Description"
                           + ", ApprovalStatus)"
                           + " Values('" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'"
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(1) + "'"
                           + "," + ConsumeType_ConsumeValue.ToString()
                           + ",GetDate()"
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString()
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(2) + ""
                           + "," + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserID().ToString() + ""
                           + ",'" + FieldValues.GetValue(3) + "'"
                           + "," + FieldValues.GetValue(4) + ")";
                sSqlText = sSqlText + " ;";
            sSqlText = sSqlText + DetailsSQL;

            sSqlText += " Insert Into ToolStock_Info (OrganID, ToolID, Quantity)"
                        + " (Select distinct " + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ", ToolID, 0 From ConsumeDetails_Info Where Status=0 "
                        + " And ConsumeID In (Select ID From Consume_Info Where Status=0 And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "')"
                        + " And ToolID not in (Select ToolID From ToolStock_Info Where OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + "));";

            //sSqlText += " update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity-b.Quantity "
            //    + ", ToolStock_Info.ConsumeQuantity=ToolStock_Info.ConsumeQuantity + b.Quantity"
            //    + " From ConsumeDetails_Info b where b.consumeID In (Select ID From Consume_Info Where Status=0 And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "') and ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID"
            //    + " And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID() + ";";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStock_Info Set ToolStock_Info.Quantity=ToolStock_Info.Quantity - b.Quantity "
                        + ", ToolStock_Info.ConsumeQuantity=ToolStock_Info.ConsumeQuantity + b.Quantity"
                        + " From (Select ToolID, Sum(Quantity) As Quantity From ConsumeDetails_Info a, Consume_Info b where a.consumeID=b.Id  "
                        + " And b.TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "'and b.ApprovalStatus=1 And b.Status=0 Group By ToolID) b "
                        + " Where ToolStock_Info.ToolID=b.ToolID And ToolStock_Info.OrganID=" + SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID().ToString() + ";";

            sSqlText += " Update ToolStockDetail_Info Set ToolStockDetail_Info.ToolStatus=1 From "
                        + " ConsumeDetails_Info b where b.consumeID In (Select ID From Consume_Info Where Status=0 And IsNull(ApprovalStatus,0)=1 And TableRecGuid='" + FieldValues.GetValue(0) + "') and ToolStockDetail_Info.ID=b.ToolDetailID"
                        + " And ToolStockDetail_Info.OrganID=" + SysClass.SysGlobal.GetCurrentUserOrganID() + ";";

            sSqlText += " end;";