private static async Task GetPageResults(PagedListResult <StarShip> pagedList) { /// start at 2 as we already have the first paged results for (var i = 2; i <= pagedList.Pages; i++) { ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine(" Load more ? (type y or yes to continue)", "green"); var res = Console.ReadLine(); if (res == "y" || res == "yes" || res == "Y" || res == "YES") { //getting the next paged result var temp = await _swDataService.GetStarShipsAsync(i); _swDataService.CalculateSupplyStops(ref temp, MGLT); PrintResults(temp.Results); } else { /// end paging for loop i = pagedList.Pages; } } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { ///Starting Header ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("StarWars Starship Planet Stop Calculator", "yellow"); GetUserInput(); ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("Loading Ships to Bay", "green"); await GetStarShipCalculation(); ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("All Ships Loaded ", "green"); }
private static void PrintResults(List <StarShip> starShips) { foreach (var item in starShips) { ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("------------------------------------", "blue"); ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("Ship name: " + item.Name, "yellow"); ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("Stops: " + item.PlanetStops, "yellow"); ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("Flight Speed: " + item.MGLT, "yellow"); ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("Resupply limit: " + item.Consumables, "yellow"); ConsoleViewUtil.WriteFullLine("Time of Travel: " + item.MGLTTime, "yellow"); } }