private void SetGravityMultiplier(string[] modifiers, out string output)
     output = "";
     if (ConsoleHeader.TryParseSingle(modifiers[0], out float value))
         output = "gravitational multiplier set to: " + value;
         GravitationalMultiplier = value;
    private void SetViewmodelTiltAngle(string[] modifiers, out string output)
        output = "";
        if (ConsoleHeader.TryParseSingle(modifiers[0], out float value))
            value = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0F, 20F);

            MaximumZTilt = value;

            output = "viewmodel z offset set to : (" + value + ")";
    private void SetViewmodelOffsetZ(string[] modifiers, out string output)
        output = "";
        if (ConsoleHeader.TryParseSingle(modifiers[0], out float value))
            value = Mathf.Clamp(value, -2F, 2F);

            HandsOffset = value;

            output = "viewmodel z offset set to : (" + value + ")";
Example #4
        public UserInfoBlock()
            Header = new ConsoleHeader("Welcome to the Game");
            Block  = new CanvasBlock(Header);

            NameList = new CanvasBlockList("What's your Name?");
            NameList.Add(new TextInput(5, "Name:"));

            ColorList = new CanvasColorBlockList("What's Your Favorite Color?", ConsoleColor.Red);

    private void SetVisFOV(string[] modifiers, out string output)
        output = "";
        if (ConsoleHeader.TryParseSingle(modifiers[0], out float value))
            value = Mathf.Clamp(value, 5F, 120F);
            VisCamera.fieldOfView = value;

            switch (value)
            case 120F:
                output = "vis fov set to : Quake Pro (120)";

                output = "vis fov set to : (" + value + ")";
        public override kCura.EventHandler.Console GetConsole(PageEvent pageEvent)
            int activeWorkspaceId = this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID();

            //Construct a console object to build the console appearing in the UI.
            kCura.EventHandler.Console returnConsole = new kCura.EventHandler.Console();
            returnConsole.Items = new List <IConsoleItem>();
            returnConsole.Title = CONSOLE_TITLE;
            string select = "<h3 style='color:#11599E'>Comments Tree</h3>";

            List <string> elements = new List <string>();

            using (kCura.Relativity.Client.IRSAPIClient client =
                       this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <kCura.Relativity.Client.IRSAPIClient>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System))
                client.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID();
                Service.SqlService.CommentSqlService     commentService      = new Service.SqlService.CommentSqlService(this.Helper.GetDBContext(this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID()));
                Service.RSAPIService.CommentRSAPIService commentRSAPIService = new Service.RSAPIService.CommentRSAPIService(client);
                Data.Entities.Comment comment = commentRSAPIService.Get(this.ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID);
                comment.CommentChilds = commentService.GetCommentsChild(comment.ArtifactId);
                drawCommentTree2(ref elements, (comment.CommentChilds).ToList());
                returnConsole.HTMLBlocks = elements;

            ConsoleHeader header = new ConsoleHeader("Console Application");

            //Construct the submit job button.
            ConsoleButton submitJobButton = new ConsoleButton();

            submitJobButton.Name           = INSERT_JOB_BUTTON_NAME;
            submitJobButton.DisplayText    = INSERT_JOB_DISPLAY_TEXT;
            submitJobButton.ToolTip        = INSERT_JOB_TOOL_TIP;
            submitJobButton.RaisesPostBack = true;
            submitJobButton.Enabled        = true;

            //Construct the delete job button
            ConsoleButton deleteJobButton = new ConsoleButton()
                Name           = DELETE_JOB_BUTTON_NAME,
                DisplayText    = DELETE_JOB_DISPLAY_TEXT,
                ToolTip        = DELETE_JOB_TOOL_TIP,
                RaisesPostBack = true,
                Enabled        = true

            //Button to see the comment data
            ConsoleButton seeCommentButton = new ConsoleButton()
                Name           = "See Comment Data",
                DisplayText    = "Commen Data",
                ToolTip        = "Comment Data",
                RaisesPostBack = true,
                Enabled        = true

            ConsoleSeparator separador = new ConsoleSeparator();

            //If a job is already in the queue, change the text and disable the button.
            if (pageEvent == PageEvent.PreRender)
                SqlParameter commentArtifactId = new SqlParameter("@commentArtifacId", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
                commentArtifactId.Value = ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID;

                int jobCount = this.Helper.GetDBContext(activeWorkspaceId).ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <Int32>(JOB_EXISTS_QUERY, new SqlParameter[] { commentArtifactId });

                //Use the helper function to check if a job currently exists. Set Enabled to the opposite value.
                if (jobCount > 0)
                    submitJobButton.Enabled = false;
                    deleteJobButton.Enabled = true;
                    submitJobButton.Enabled = true;
                    deleteJobButton.Enabled = false;

                //Get the base path to the application.
                String basePath = this.Application.ApplicationUrl.Substring(0, this.Application.ApplicationUrl.IndexOf("/Case/Mask/"));

                //Construct the path to the custom page with the current patient artifact id and current workspace.
                String patientProfilePageUrl = String.Format("{0}/CustomPages/{1}/Home/Index/?artifacId={2}", basePath, COMMENT_HISTORY_APPLICATION_GUID, ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID);

                //Create the JavaScript for the button and set the button property.
                String windowOpenJavaScript = String.Format("'{0}', '', 'location=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,width=300,height=400');", patientProfilePageUrl);
                seeCommentButton.OnClickEvent = windowOpenJavaScript;

            //Add the buttons to the console.