Example #1
        private static List <Compound> AskForCompounds(string _prompt)
            while (true)
                string input = ConsoleFunctions.ReadLine();

                if (input == null)
                switch (input.ToLower())
                    var input_split = Regex.Split(input.Replace(" ", ""), "[+]");
                    return(input_split.Select(_compounds => new Compound(_compounds.Replace("+", ""))).ToList());

                case "redo":

                case "exit":

                case "":
Example #2
        public Server(string[] args)

            if (!args.Contains("--minimal"))
                for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            "\u00A74\u00A7l[ETHO]\u00A7r \u00A7l\u00A7nUSE\u00A77 --minimal\u00A7r \u00A7l\u00A7nIN PROGRAM ARGUMENTS TO FIX ASYNC WRITING OR DEAL W/ IT")
            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("For some reason, writing async in non-minimal console doesn't work.");
            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("For some reason, the server doesn't close all threads. Just kill it for now.");
            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Registering default events...");

            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Loading plugins...");

            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Initiating server on {0}", Globals.ProtocolName);
            CurrentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            var currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

            currentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledException;

            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Enabling global error handling... ");
            ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine("Enabled.", ConsoleColor.Green);

            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Checking if server properties exist... ");
            ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine(LoadSettings() ? "Loading." : "Created.", ConsoleColor.Green);

            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Loading server variables... ");
            ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine("Loaded.", ConsoleColor.Green);

            ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Checking files and directories... ");
            ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine("Files are good hopefully.", ConsoleColor.Green);

            Initiated = true;
Example #3
        public static void CheckEquation()
            string was_balanced = Try();

            if (was_balanced == "true")
                ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine("\nYour equation is properaly balanced.", ConsoleColor.Green, false);
            else if (was_balanced != "exit")
                ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine("\nYour equation is NOT properaly balanced.", ConsoleColor.Yellow, false);
                ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine(was_balanced, ConsoleColor.Yellow, false);
Example #4
 public static void Enable(IPlugin plugin)
         Plugins[plugin] = PluginState.Enabled;
     catch (Exception ex)
             $"Failed to enable plugin: {plugin.GetName()} {plugin.GetVersion()}   {ex}");
         Plugins[plugin] = PluginState.Failed;
Example #5
        public override void UseItem(Level world, Player player, Vector3 blockCoordinates, BlockFace face)
            var blockatpos = world.GetBlock(blockCoordinates);

            if (!(blockatpos is BlockAir))
                BitArray b = new BitArray(new byte[] { blockatpos.Metadata });
                ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Block: " + blockatpos);
                for (int i = 0; i < b.Count; i++)
                    ConsoleFunctions.WriteInfoLine("Bit " + i + ": " + b[i]);
                player.SendChat("Info tool used, Metadata written to chat!", ChatColor.Gold);
Example #6
 public void SendChat(string message, TextAttribute color)
     ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine(message, color);
Example #7
        public static bool BalanceEquation(bool _notified, int _tollerence = 100)
            // Only show the starting message once.
            // Checks if the message has already been shown.
            if (_notified == false)
                    new[] {
                    "PLEASE wrap all polyatomic ions in ()",
                    "EXAMPLE: (NO^3)^2 or (ClO)",
                    "PLEASE use the caret ^ symbol for the subscript numbers",
                    "EXAMPLE: CO^2 or H^2O"
                }, false, new [] { ConsoleColor.Yellow });

            // Ask user for reactants and products.
            var reactants = AskForCompounds("Reactants:");
            var products  = AskForCompounds("Products:");

            // Create an array that refrences the compounds for easy
            // access with intagers.
            var comp = new[] { reactants, products };

            // Check if either reactants or products returned null,
            // if so, exit because we can't do anything.
            if (reactants == null || products == null)

            // Create a list that will represent each element non repeting.
            var unique_elements = new List <string>();

            // Start the for-loop to look through the compounds for elements.
            for (int comp_index = 0; comp_index < comp.Length; comp_index++)
                for (int component = 0; component < comp[comp_index].Count; component++)
                    for (int e = 0; e < comp[comp_index][component].Elements.Count; e++)
                        // Get the current atom that the for-loops are looking at.
                        string current_atom = comp[comp_index][component].Elements[e].Atom.Symbol;

                        // Check if the current element's symbol (H, N, Cl) is NOT already
                        // in the unique_elements list. If so, add it to the list!
                        if (!unique_elements.Contains(current_atom))

            // Create a new array for the balancing table. This table will keep
            // track of how many of each atom are in the equation on each side.
            var balance_table = new int[unique_elements.Count, 2];

            // This nested method will re-count all of the atoms and update the
            // balance table.
            Action recalc_balance_table = () => {
                // Creates a new array because it's easier. I will probably change
                // this later so that it does not and updates the value.
                balance_table = new int[unique_elements.Count, 2];

                for (int comp_index = 0; comp_index < comp.Length; comp_index++)
                    for (int component = 0; component < comp[comp_index].Count; component++)
                        for (int e = 0; e < comp[comp_index][component].Elements.Count; e++)
                            int atom_count = comp[comp_index][component].Elements[e].Count;
                            int entry      = unique_elements.FindIndex(comp[comp_index][component].Elements[e].Atom.Symbol.Equals);

                            balance_table[entry, comp_index] += atom_count;

            // Calculate the balance table for the first time.

            // This is the main loop! This loop cycles through the balance table
            // works on balancing elements out.
            int count = 0;

            while (true)
                if (count > _tollerence)
                    return(ConsoleFunctions.ThrowError("Equation could not be balanced"));

                // A simple true/false to tell if the loop should stop.
                // Default is true then gets set false later if needed.
                bool can_break = true;

                // This loop cycles through the elements in the balance table.
                for (int e = 0; e < balance_table.GetLength(0); e++)
                    // Calculates the need for the selected element.
                    // Gets the element's reactant cound and subtracts the
                    // product's count resulting in a sometimes negative number.
                    int need = balance_table[e, 0] - balance_table[e, 1];

                    if (need == 0)
                        continue;                                // Yay, this element was perfectly balanced!
                    // Continue onto the next element in the table.

                    // Oh no, the element was not balanced. Tell the loop that
                    // it can't break yet.
                    can_break = false;

                    // Get the current element's symbol. FYI: unique_elements
                    // and balance_table's element indexe's are aligned.
                    string atom = unique_elements[e];

                    // Set which side we need to adjust. Negative values denote the
                    // reactant side while positive values denote the product side.
                    int side = need < 0 ? 0 : 1;

                    // Now that need doesn't need to be negative, get the absolute
                    // value of it for later use where it shouldn't be negative.
                    need = Math.Abs(need);

                    // Create a list to keep track of all of the compounds that
                    // contain the selected element.
                    var occurances = new List <Compound>();

                    // Look through all of the compounds on selected side and see if
                    // they contain the element we are looking for.
                    for (int i = 0; i < comp[side].Count; i++)
                        if (!comp[side][i].CheckFor(atom))
                        for (int el = 0; el < comp[side][i].Elements.Count; el++)
                            if (comp[side][i].Elements[el].Atom.Symbol != atom)
                                continue;                                                                             // This element was not the one we want :(
                            // Goto the next element in the compound.

                            // Yay! the selected element was the one we were looking
                            // for, break the loop so that it doesn't continue.
                        // The loop was broken so lets add the compound to the list.
                        // There might possibly be a problem here? Not sure if when
                        // the for-loop ends it goes directly here or not.

                    // Check that our for-loops above actually found a compound with
                    // the selected element in it.
                    if (occurances.Count == 0)
                        // Huston, we have a problem. A need was detected for an
                        // element that does not exist! That can't happen normally.
                        // Warn the user.
                        string side_value = side == 0 ? "reactant" : "product";
                        return(ConsoleFunctions.ThrowError("ERROR in " + side_value + "."));

                    // The index of the element that we want to target in the
                    // compound. Default is zero.
                    int occurance = 0;

                    // Find the element's index.
                    for (int el = 0; el < occurances[0].Elements.Count; el++)
                        if (occurances[0].Elements[el].Atom.Symbol != atom)

                        // Oh good, it found it. Set occurance to equal the index
                        // then stop the loop.
                        occurance = el;

                    // Get the element's base count (H^2 <-- 2)
                    int occurance_base_count = occurances[0].Elements[occurance].BaseCount;

                    // ReUp, multiply and add, the element, but first check to
                    // make sure that need/o_b_c is > 1, if not make it > 1 using
                    // DivideAndUpdate() which returns the new need.
                    occurances[0].ReUp(DivideAndUpdate(need, occurance_base_count) / occurance_base_count);

                    // Rebalance the balance table.

                if (!can_break)

                // Yay! The loop can break, start the output process.
                ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine("\n>Output:", ConsoleColor.Gray, false);

                // Create an array for the reactant and product output.
                var output = new[] { "", "" };

                // Loop through each compound on each side of the formula
                // and append it to the output.
                for (int comp_index = 0; comp_index < comp.Length; comp_index++)
                    for (int component = 0; component < comp[comp_index].Count; component++)
                        if (component != 0)
                            output[comp_index] += " + ";                                 // Add a divider in-between each compound,
                        // but not on the first entry.

                        // Append the compounds multiplyer than the origional value;
                        // 2NaO^4Xe^2
                        output[comp_index] += comp[comp_index][component].GetMultiplier() + comp[comp_index][component].FullEquation;

                // Finally, output the final values in bright yellow.
                ConsoleFunctions.WriteLine(output[0] + " >>> " + output[1], ConsoleColor.Yellow, false);
            // Yes, it was successful! Return true.