private static void ExecuteMain(string[] args) { Environment.ExitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; try { CommandLineOption cmd = new CommandLineOption(args); if (cmd.HasHelpSwitch()) { Console.WriteLine(CommandLineOption.GetHelpMessage()); System.Environment.Exit(EXIT_HELP); } CsvDivConfig config = cmd.CreateConfig(); ValidationResult valid = config.Valid(); if (valid == ValidationResult.Success) { ConsoleExecutor.Execute(config); } else { Console.WriteLine(CommandLineOption.GetHelpMessage()); Console.WriteLine(valid.ErrorMessage); System.Environment.Exit(EXIT_ERROR); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Environment.ExitCode = EXIT_ERROR; } }
public Program() { _logger = new ConsoleLogger(); _conExec = new ConsoleExecutor(_logger); _conExec.AddCommand("watch", InitFileWatch, strings => strings.Count() != 2, "Watches the input directory for file changes."); _conExec.AddCommand("build", ExecAssetsBuild, strings => strings.Count() >= 2, "Builds the assets in the input directory and copies the artifacts to the output directory."); _conExec.AddCommand("build-file", ExecAssetBuild, strings => strings.Count() >= 2, "Builds the asset in the input file and copies the output to the output file"); new[] { "h", "help" }.ToList() .ForEach(commandString => _conExec.AddCommand(commandString, (logger, args) => logger.Success(_conExec.CommandDescriptions.Aggregate((acc, item) => acc + string.Format("{0}\n", item))))); }
private static void DebuggerThread() { // // Wait for the display to be ready. // _console.WaitForSync(); ConsoleExecutor debuggerPrompt = new ConsoleExecutor(_imlacSystem); if (_startupArgs.Length > 0) { // // Assume arg 0 is a script file to be executed. // Console.WriteLine("Executing startup script '{0}'", _startupArgs[0]); try { _state = debuggerPrompt.ExecuteScript(_imlacSystem, _startupArgs[0]); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error parsing script: {0}", e.Message); } } while (_state != SystemExecutionState.Quit) { try { switch (_state) { case SystemExecutionState.Halted: case SystemExecutionState.Debugging: _state = debuggerPrompt.Prompt(_imlacSystem); break; case SystemExecutionState.SingleStep: _imlacSystem.SingleStep(); _imlacSystem.Display.RenderCurrent(false); _state = SystemExecutionState.Debugging; break; case SystemExecutionState.SingleFrame: _imlacSystem.SingleStep(); if (_imlacSystem.DisplayProcessor.FrameLatch) { Console.WriteLine("Frame completed."); _state = SystemExecutionState.Debugging; } break; case SystemExecutionState.UntilDisplayStart: _imlacSystem.SingleStep(); if (_imlacSystem.DisplayProcessor.State == ProcessorState.Running) { Console.WriteLine("Display started."); _state = SystemExecutionState.Debugging; } break; case SystemExecutionState.Running: _imlacSystem.SingleStep(); if (_imlacSystem.Processor.State == ProcessorState.Halted) { Console.WriteLine("Main processor halted at {0}", Helpers.ToOctal(_imlacSystem.Processor.PC)); _state = SystemExecutionState.Debugging; } else if (_imlacSystem.Processor.State == ProcessorState.BreakpointHalt) { Console.WriteLine( "Breakpoint hit: {0} at address {1}", BreakpointManager.GetBreakpoint(_imlacSystem.Processor.BreakpointAddress), Helpers.ToOctal(_imlacSystem.Processor.BreakpointAddress)); _state = SystemExecutionState.Debugging; } break; } } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)) { Console.WriteLine("Internal error during execution: {0}", e.Message); _state = SystemExecutionState.Debugging; } } } // We are exiting, shut things down. // _imlacSystem.Shutdown(); }
public void OnEndEdit(string str) { ConsoleExecutor consoleExecutor = (ConsoleExecutor)gameObject.GetComponent("ConsoleExecutor"); consoleExecutor.execute(str); }
private void RunButtonClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Text = string.Empty; var planResult = new ConsoleExecutor().ExecuteDataPlan(CreateOptionsFromForm(),new TextAreaLogger(LogTextBox),_dataPlan); MessageBox.Show(planResult == 0 ? "Completed Action Successfully." : "Action failed, read log for details."); }