Example #1
        public void DoTestShowProjectHelp(string nantNamespace, string prefix)
            string buildFileContents = @"<?xml version='1.0' ?>
                <{1}{2}project {0} name='Hello World' default='build' basedir='.'>

                    <{1}{2}property name='basename' value='HelloWorld'/>
                    <{1}{2}target name='init'/> <!-- fake subtarget for unit test -->

                    <{1}{2}target name='clean' description='cleans build directory'>
                        <{1}{2}delete file='${{basename}}.exe' failonerror='false'/>

                    <{1}{2}target name='build' description='compiles the source code'>
                        <{1}{2}csc target='exe' output='${{basename}}.exe'>
                                <{1}{2}include name='${{basename}}.cs'/>

                    <{1}{2}target name='test' depends='build' description='run the program'>
                        <{1}{2}exec program='${{basename}}.exe'/>

            string colon         = prefix.Length == 0? string.Empty: ":";
            string namespaceDecl = nantNamespace.Length == 0? string.Empty:
                                   string.Format("xmlns{2}{1}=\"{0}\"", nantNamespace, prefix, colon);
            // write build file to temp file
            string buildFileName = CreateTempFile("buildfile.xml", string.Format(buildFileContents, namespaceDecl, prefix, colon));

            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(buildFileName), buildFileName + " does not exist.");

            X.XmlDocument document = new Project(buildFileName, Level.Warning, 0).Document;
            Assert.AreEqual(nantNamespace, document.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
            string result = null;

            using (ConsoleCapture c = new ConsoleCapture()) {
                result = c.Close();

            /* expecting output in the form of"
             *  Default Target:
             *   build         compiles the source code
             *  Main Targets:
             *   clean         cleans build directory
             *   build         compiles the source code
             *   test          run the program
             *  Sub Targets:
             *   init

            // using a regular expression to look for valid output
            // expression created by RegEx http://www.organicbit.com/regex/
            string expression = @"Default Target:[\s]*(?<default>build)\s*compiles the source code[\s]*Main Targets:[\s]*(?<main1>build)\s*compiles the source code[\s]*(?<main2>clean)\s*cleans build directory[\s]*(?<main3>test)\s*run the program[\s]*Sub Targets:[\s]*(?<subtarget1>init)";

            Match match = Regex.Match(result, expression);

            if (match.Success)
                Assert.AreEqual("build", match.Groups["default"].Value);
                Assert.AreEqual("build", match.Groups["main1"].Value);
                Assert.AreEqual("clean", match.Groups["main2"].Value);
                Assert.AreEqual("test", match.Groups["main3"].Value);
                Assert.AreEqual("init", match.Groups["subtarget1"].Value);
                Assert.Fail("Project help text does not appear to be valid, see results for details:" + Environment.NewLine + result);

            // delete the build file
            Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(buildFileName), buildFileName + " exists.");