Example #1
 public async Task LoadPSD(StorageFile file, IList <LayerModel> ls, Action <int, int> d = null)
     using (var stream = await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
         var psd = new ConsoleApp1.Mpsd2()
             encode = encoding
         d?.Invoke(psd.head.width, psd.head.height);
         foreach (var layer in psd.layerdata)
             int             w = layer.Width, h = layer.Height;
             WriteableBitmap b = null;
             if (w > 0 && h > 0)
                 b = new WriteableBitmap(w, h);
                 var bt = layer.getBGRA(w, h);
                 b.PixelBuffer.AsStream().Write(bt, 0, bt.Length);
             ls.Insert(0, new LayerModel()
                 Name    = layer.Name,
                 IsShow  = layer.Visable,
                 IsEdit  = layer.Editable,
                 Opacity = layer.Alpha / 255d,
                 X       = (double)layer.Left,
                 Y       = (double)layer.Top,
                 Bitmap  = b
Example #2
        public void SavePSD(Stream stream, IList <LayerModel> ls, int w, int h)
            var psd = new ConsoleApp1.Mpsd2()
                encode = encoding

            psd.head = ConsoleApp1.Mpsd2.Head.Create(w, h);
            var tt = new Task <ConsoleApp1.Mpsd2.Layer> [ls.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++)
                var item = ls[i];
                if (item.Bitmap == null)
                    tt[i] = ConsoleApp1.Mpsd2.Layer.CreateAsync(item.Name, (int)item.X, (int)item.Y,
                                                                0, 0, (byte)(item.Opacity * 255d), item.IsShow, item.IsEdit, new MemoryStream());
                    var b  = item.Bitmap;
                    var sm = b.PixelBuffer.AsStream();//Handled = The function evaluation was disabled because of an out of memory exception.
                    if (item.X == Rect.Empty.X)
                        throw null;
                    if (item.Name.Length > 255)
                        item.Name = item.Name.Substring(0, 255);
                    //if (item.Name.Length == 0) item.Name = ".";
                    tt[i] = ConsoleApp1.Mpsd2.Layer.CreateAsync(item.Name, (int)item.X, (int)item.Y,
                                                                b.PixelWidth, b.PixelHeight, (byte)(item.Opacity * 255d), item.IsShow, item.IsEdit, sm);
            var ttt = Task.WhenAll(tt).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            for (int i = 0; i < ttt.Length; i++)
                psd.layerdata.Insert(0, ttt[i]);