public void GenerateSimpleSwum() { var dataProject = new DataProject <CompleteWorkingSet>("npp_6.2.3", Path.GetFullPath("..//..//..//projects//npp_6.2.3"), "..//..//..//SrcML"); dataProject.UpdateAsync().Wait(); //get srcml stuff in order NamespaceDefinition globalNamespace; Assert.That(dataProject.WorkingSet.TryObtainReadLock(5000, out globalNamespace)); //initialize swum stuff splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); tagger = new UnigramTagger(); posData = new PCKimmoPartOfSpeechData(); //find an example method var guiMethod = globalNamespace.GetDescendants <MethodDefinition>().Where(m => m.Name == "saveGUIParams").First(); var guiMethodXElement = DataHelpers.GetElement(dataProject.SourceArchive, guiMethod.PrimaryLocation); //generate swum for method declaration MethodContext mc = ContextBuilder.BuildMethodContext(guiMethodXElement); MethodDeclarationNode mdn = new MethodDeclarationNode("saveGUIParams", mc); BaseVerbRule rule = new BaseVerbRule(posData, tagger, splitter); rule.ConstructSwum(mdn); Console.WriteLine(mdn.ToString()); }
public void initalizeSwum() { //initialize swum stuff splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); tagger = new UnigramTagger(); posData = new PCKimmoPartOfSpeechData(); }
public static void ClassSetup() { //construct the necessary srcML wrapper unit tags XmlNamespaceManager xnm = ABB.SrcML.SrcML.NamespaceManager; StringBuilder namespaceDecls = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string prefix in xnm) { if (prefix != string.Empty && !prefix.StartsWith("xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (prefix.Equals("src", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { namespaceDecls.AppendFormat("xmlns=\"{0}\" ", xnm.LookupNamespace(prefix)); } else { namespaceDecls.AppendFormat("xmlns:{0}=\"{1}\" ", prefix, xnm.LookupNamespace(prefix)); } } } srcMLFormat = string.Format("<unit {0}>{{0}}</unit>", namespaceDecls.ToString()); splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); tagger = new UnigramTagger(); posData = new PCKimmoPartOfSpeechData(); }
private static FieldRule SetupFieldRule() { var splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); var tagger = new UnigramTagger(); var posData = new PCKimmoPartOfSpeechData(); return(new FieldRule(posData, tagger, splitter)); }
public void TestToPlainString_DefaultContext() { var mdn = new MethodDeclarationNode("MyMethod", new MethodContext()); var splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); mdn.Parse(splitter); mdn.AssignStructuralInformation(splitter, new UnigramTagger()); Assert.AreEqual("My Method", mdn.ToPlainString()); }
public void TestToPlainString_Context() { var formals = new FormalParameterRecord[] { new FormalParameterRecord("SGVData*", false, "p"), new FormalParameterRecord("ASSchedule*", false, "p2") }; MethodContext mc = new MethodContext("int", true, "MyClass", formals, true, false, false); MethodDeclarationNode mdn = new MethodDeclarationNode("CalcNewValue", mc); var splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); mdn.Parse(splitter); mdn.AssignStructuralInformation(splitter, new UnigramTagger()); Assert.AreEqual("Calc New Value", mdn.ToPlainString()); }
public void GenerateSameActionSUnit() { // var dataProject = new DataProject<CompleteWorkingSet>("npp_6.2.3", // Path.GetFullPath("..//..//..//projects//npp_6.2.3"), // "..//..//..//SrcML"); //var dataProject = new DataProject<CompleteWorkingSet>("CodeAnalysisToolkit", // Path.GetFullPath("..//..//..//samples"), // "..//..//..//SrcML"); var dataProject = new DataProject <CompleteWorkingSet>(folderName, Path.GetFullPath(fullFilePath), "..//..//..//SrcML"); List <String> success = new List <String>(); Dictionary <SwumRule, bool> inClasses = null; bool debug = false; ///////////////// DEBUGGING // Get SrcML stuff in order dataProject.UpdateAsync().Wait(); NamespaceDefinition globalNamespace; Assert.That(dataProject.WorkingSet.TryObtainReadLock(1000, out globalNamespace)); // Initialize Swum splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); tagger = new UnigramTagger(); posData = new PCKimmoPartOfSpeechData(); var methodList = globalNamespace.GetDescendants <MethodDefinition>().Where(m => m.Name == methodName); MethodDefinition topMethod = null; // Check if the method was found try { topMethod = methodList.First(); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) { Console.WriteLine("--ERROR: Method '" + methodName + "' Not Found--"); Assert.Fail("Method '" + methodName + "' Not Found"); } var guiMethodXElement = DataHelpers.GetElement(dataProject.SourceArchive, topMethod.PrimaryLocation); //generate swum for method declaration MethodContext mc = ContextBuilder.BuildMethodContext(guiMethodXElement); MethodDeclarationNode mdn = new MethodDeclarationNode(methodName, mc); BaseVerbRule rule = new BaseVerbRule(posData, tagger, splitter); Console.WriteLine("Method = \t" + methodName); Console.WriteLine("InClass = \t" + rule.InClass(mdn)); // Get the action verb from the SWUM String methodVerb = GetMethodVerb(methodName, mc); Console.WriteLine("Verb = \t\t" + methodVerb); Console.WriteLine("============================"); // Get all of the lines of code that contains the verb in any form var expr = topMethod.GetDescendants().Where(t => t.ToString().Contains(methodVerb)).ToArray(); // Iterate each line foreach (Statement t in expr) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Line: " + t.ToString()); } // This finds any method calls in this line and finds the verb in that method - from GetCallsTo() var methods = t.FindExpressions <MethodCall>(true).Where(c => c.ToString().ToLower().Contains(methodVerb));//c.Name.Contains(methodVerb)); // Iterate through a list of the method calls in a line and find ones that contain the verb foreach (MethodCall i in methods) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("===\n" + i.Name); } MethodDeclarationNode mdnNEW = new MethodDeclarationNode(i.Name, mc); inClasses = InClassChecker(i.Name, mc); String foundVerb = GetMethodVerb(i.Name, mc); if (foundVerb.Equals("!NONE!")) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(" Method does not contain verb"); } } else { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("GetMethodVerb= " + GetMethodVerb(i.Name, mc)); } success.Add(i.Name); } if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("CompareSwums= " + CompareSwums(i.Name, mc)); } // Debugging if (debug) { int numbtrue = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <SwumRule, bool> entry in inClasses) { if (entry.Value) { numbtrue++; mdnNEW = new MethodDeclarationNode(i.Name, mc); entry.Key.InClass(mdnNEW); entry.Key.ConstructSwum(mdnNEW); Console.WriteLine("\t" + entry.Key.GetType().ToString() + new String(' ', 30 - entry.Key.GetType().ToString().Length) + " = " + mdnNEW.ToString()); if (mdnNEW.Action.ToPlainString().Equals(methodVerb, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine("\tMethod contains the verb"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\tMethod does not contain the verb" + "\n"); } } } Console.WriteLine(" Inclasses = " + numbtrue); } //end if debug } // End Method Iteration } // End Line Iteration if (success.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("===== No Same-Action Methods Found ====="); //Assert.Fail("No Same-Action Methods found"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n============= SUCCESSES ==============="); foreach (String i in success) { Console.WriteLine(i); } //Assert.Pass("Same-Action methods found, check Output"); } dataProject.WorkingSet.ReleaseReadLock(); } // End Same-Action main method
public void GenerateVoidReturnSUnit() { var dataProject = new DataProject <CompleteWorkingSet>(folderName, Path.GetFullPath(fullFilePath), "..//..//..//SrcML"); dataProject.UpdateAsync().Wait(); //get srcml stuff in order NamespaceDefinition globalNamespace; Assert.That(dataProject.WorkingSet.TryObtainReadLock(5000, out globalNamespace)); //initialize swum stuff splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); tagger = new UnigramTagger(); posData = new PCKimmoPartOfSpeechData(); //find an example method var guiMethod = globalNamespace.GetDescendants <MethodDefinition>().Where(m => m.Name == methodName).First(); var guiMethodXElement = DataHelpers.GetElement(dataProject.SourceArchive, guiMethod.PrimaryLocation); // forget that, find ALL the methods var methods = globalNamespace.GetDescendants <MethodDefinition>().Where(m => m.Name == methodName); foreach (MethodDefinition method in methods) { //Console.WriteLine(method.ToString()); var statements = method.ChildStatements; foreach (Statement statement in statements) { var expressions = statement.GetExpressions(); foreach (Expression expression in expressions) { // Skip any expression that contains an assignment if (expression.ToString().Contains(" =") || expression.ToString().Contains(" ->")) { continue; } // Print whatever's left. It should be a void return. Console.WriteLine(expression.ToString()); // *** PoS tag it *** // convert the string to 'PhraseNode' objects so we can feed them to SWUM var pn = PhraseNode.Parse(new WordNode(expression.ToString()).ToString()); Console.WriteLine(pn.ToString()); // construct the "rule" to break up method names into sentences BaseVerbRule thisrule = new BaseVerbRule(posData, tagger, splitter); var methodNode = new MethodDeclarationNode(expression.ToString()); thisrule.ConstructSwum(methodNode); Console.WriteLine(methodNode.ToString()); } } } }
public void GenerateEndingSUnit() { /*var dataProject = new DataProject<CompleteWorkingSet>("npp_6.2.3", * Path.GetFullPath("..//..//..//projects//npp_6.2.3"), * "..//..//..//SrcML");*/ var dataProject = new DataProject <CompleteWorkingSet>(folderName, Path.GetFullPath(fullFilePath), "..//..//..//SrcML"); dataProject.UpdateAsync().Wait(); //get srcml stuff in order NamespaceDefinition globalNamespace; Assert.That(dataProject.WorkingSet.TryObtainReadLock(5000, out globalNamespace)); //initialize swum stuff splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); tagger = new UnigramTagger(); posData = new PCKimmoPartOfSpeechData(); //find an example method, uses global methodName variable var testMethod = globalNamespace.GetDescendants <MethodDefinition>().Where(m => m.Name == methodName).First(); var testMethodXElement = DataHelpers.GetElement(dataProject.SourceArchive, testMethod.PrimaryLocation); //generate swum for method declaration MethodContext mc = ContextBuilder.BuildMethodContext(testMethodXElement); MethodDeclarationNode mdn = new MethodDeclarationNode(methodName, mc); //Console.WriteLine(mdn.ToString()); //returns nothing since it hasn't been written var exp = testMethod.GetDescendants(); //var verb = mdn.Action.ToString(); var expResult = exp.ElementAt(exp.Count() - 1); Console.WriteLine(expResult); MethodDeclarationNode expMDN = null; if (expResult is ReturnStatement) { Console.WriteLine("return"); } else if (expResult.ToString().Contains(" = ")) { Console.WriteLine("Ending S Unit contains '='"); } else { var mCall = expResult.FindExpressions <MethodCall>().First(); expMDN = new MethodDeclarationNode(mCall.Name, mc); } //MethodDeclarationNode mdn2 = new MethodDeclarationNode(expResult.ToString(), mc); //BaseVerbRule rule = new BaseVerbRule(posData, tagger, splitter); //Console.WriteLine("InClass = " + rule.InClass(mdn)); //REQUIRED in order for the ConstructSwum method to work //rule.ConstructSwum(mdn); //rewrites mdn.ToString to a SWUM breakdown //Console.WriteLine(mdn.Action.ToString()); BaseVerbRule rule2 = new BaseVerbRule(posData, tagger, splitter); Console.WriteLine("InClass = " + rule2.InClass(expMDN)); //REQUIRED in order for the ConstructSwum method to work rule2.ConstructSwum(expMDN); //rewrites mdn.ToString to a SWUM breakdown Console.WriteLine(expMDN.Action.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(mdn.Action.ToString()); }
public ConservativeIdSplitterTests() { splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); }