Example #1
 private void CreateConnection(ConnectionTemplate ct, CrossReferencedDictionary <string, Module> modules)
     if (ct.SourceIndex == -1)
         if (ct.DestIndex == -1)
             Connections.NewConnection(modules[ct.Source], modules[ct.Dest]);
             Connections.NewConnection(modules[ct.Source], modules[ct.Dest], ct.DestIndex);
         if (ct.DestIndex == -1)
             Connections.NewConnection(modules[ct.Source], ct.SourceIndex, modules[ct.Dest]);
             Connections.NewConnection(modules[ct.Source], ct.SourceIndex, modules[ct.Dest], ct.DestIndex);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the initial connections for a brand new Net
        /// </summary>
        protected void InitializeConnections()
            ConnectionTemplate[] conTmpl = new ConnectionTemplate[Inputs * Outputs];

            // create templates for all possible connections
            for (int i = 0, c = 0; i < Inputs; i++)
                for (int o = 0; o < Outputs; o++)
                    conTmpl[c++] = new ConnectionTemplate(generator.Next, i, o);

            // mix them up
            SortUtils.Shuffle(conTmpl, _rng);

            // make up a number between the max possible connections and zero
            int connectionCount = (int)NumericsUtils.ProbabilisticRound(conTmpl.Length * 0.075, _rng);

            connectionCount = System.Math.Max(2, connectionCount);

            // create that many actual connections
            for (int i = 0; i < connectionCount; i++)
                Node input  = Neurons[i];
                Node output = Neurons[i + Inputs];

                Connection con = new Connection(_rng.NextUInt(), input, output, _rng.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0, _rng.NextDouble() * -5.0)
                    Enabled = true

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads an Connection Template object from a XML file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlFileName">the path to the xml file</param>
        /// <returns>Connection Template</returns>
        public ConnectionTemplate LoadFromXmlFile(string xmlFileName)
            // since xml contains dictionairies xmlSerializer doesn not work.
            // use DataContractSerializer instead.https://theburningmonk.com/2010/05/net-tips-xml-serialize-or-deserialize-dictionary-in-csharp/
            // all unique operations should be referenced in list: CutBeamByBeamData , add if error
            DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(ConnectionTemplate), new List <Type>()

            using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(xmlFileName, FileMode.Open))
                XmlDictionaryReader reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(fileStream, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas());
                this.connectionTemplate = (ConnectionTemplate)serializer.ReadObject(reader);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Map the weld IDs and operation Ids corresponding to ids used by Idea
        /// </summary>
        public void MapWeldsIdsAndOperationIds()
            // no direct relation between weld ID and operation is present.
            // therefore we will derive this relation by specificating of unique sizes for welds
            // as adjustment of the template
            // 0 temporary store welds sizes
            // 1 Set unique welds sizes
            // 2 Analyse
            // 3 match weld and operation
            // 4 reset weld sizes

            // 0+1 temporary store welds sizes and set unique weld sizes

            //4.Modify template set unique weldsizes
            //4.1.in cornerjoints there are weldless workshop operations
            List <CutBeamByBeamData> cut = new List <CutBeamByBeamData>();
            ConnectionTemplate       connectionTemplate1 = this.connectionTemplateGenerator.connectionTemplate;

            foreach (var c in connectionTemplate1.Properties.Items)
                if (c.Value.GetType() == typeof(CutBeamByBeamData))
                    CutBeamByBeamData cutBeamByBeamData = (c.Value as CutBeamByBeamData);
                    if (cutBeamByBeamData.FlangesWeld != null)

            double flangesize = 0.001; //flange odd
            double websize    = 0.002; //web even
            List <ConnectingMember> conlist2 = joint.attachedMembers.OfType <ConnectingMember>().ToList();

            foreach (ConnectingMember con in conlist2)
                foreach (CutBeamByBeamData c in cut)
                    string modifiedObject = c.ModifiedObjectPath;
                    string modifiedId     = modifiedObject.Remove(0, 18).Remove(1, 1);
                    int    modId          = Convert.ToInt32(modifiedId);

                    if (con.ideaOperationID == modId)
                        if (con.flangeWeld.weldType == Weld.WeldType.Fillet)
                            c.FlangesWeld.WeldType = WeldTypeCode.Fillet;
                            c.Weld.WeldType        = WeldTypeCode.Fillet;
                            c.FlangesWeld.WeldType = WeldTypeCode.DoubleFillet;
                            c.Weld.WeldType        = WeldTypeCode.DoubleFillet;
                        c.FlangesWeld.Size  = flangesize;        //m
                        con.flangeWeld.size = flangesize * 1000; //m to mm
                        c.Weld.Size         = websize;           //m
                        con.webWeld.size    = websize * 1000;    //m to mm
                flangesize = flangesize + 0.002; //flange odd
                websize    = websize + 0.002;    //web evem

            // 2 run analysis
            //8. get connection data
            IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionData connectionData = this.GetConnectionData();

            // 3 match weld and operaton:
            foreach (IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData in connectionData.Welds)
                foreach (ConnectingMember con in this.joint.attachedMembers.OfType <ConnectingMember>().ToList())
                    if (weldData.Thickness == (con.flangeWeld.size) / 1000)//compare m with mm
                        if (weldData.Thickness == (con.webWeld.size) / 1000)//compare m with mm

            // 5 reset original weldsizes
            double startsize = this.joint.project.minthroat;

            foreach (ConnectingMember con in this.joint.attachedMembers.OfType <ConnectingMember>().ToList())
                con.flangeWeld.size = startsize;
                con.webWeld.size    = startsize;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls method IdeaRS.ConnectionLink.ConnectionLink.OpenIdeaConnection to run Idea Connection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iomFilePath">IOM filename - includes geometry of the connection (connected members)</param>
        /// <param name="templateFilePath">Idea connection template or connection project file name</param>
        /// <param name="isHiddenCalculation">Set true to run hidden calculation </param>
        private void OpenIOMInIdeaCon2(string iomFilePath, string templateFilePath, bool isHiddenCalculation, ConnectionTemplate connectionTemplate = null)
            //reset weld update
            foreach (WeldMatch w in weldMathes)
                w.increase = false;

            FileStream fs  = new FileStream(iomFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            FileStream fsr = null;

            string filenameRes = iomFilePath + "R";             //nb:  PGC should be referenced by an input parameter instead of name + R ...

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filenameRes))
                fsr = new FileStream(filenameRes, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            FileStream   connTemplateStream   = null;
            FileStream   connProjectStream    = null;
            MemoryStream importSettingsStream = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFilePath) && File.Exists(templateFilePath))
                string fileExt      = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(templateFilePath);
                bool   isConProject = fileExt.Equals(".ideacon", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                if (isConProject)
                    connProjectStream = new FileStream(templateFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    connTemplateStream = new FileStream(templateFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            if (dynLinkLazy.Value != null)
                //PGC: TEST importsettings and hiddenanalysis
                //IMPORT SETTINGS
                IdeaConImportSettings ideaConImportSettings = new IdeaConImportSettings();
                ideaConImportSettings.UseWizard           = false;     //show the wizard
                ideaConImportSettings.OnePageWizard       = true;      //show one page or multipage wizard
                ideaConImportSettings.DefaultBoltAssembly = "M12 4.6"; //is also default
                ideaConImportSettings.DesignCode          = "ECEN";    //this is also default
                ideaConImportSettings.StartIdeaStaticaApp = true;      //this is also default
                ideaConImportSettings.WaitForExit         = true;      //this is also default

                //serialize importsettings to XML and memory stream
                importSettingsStream = new MemoryStream();
                StreamWriter  writer     = new StreamWriter(importSettingsStream, new System.Text.UTF8Encoding());
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(IdeaConImportSettings));
                serializer.Serialize(writer, ideaConImportSettings);
                importSettingsStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                //Hidden analysis
                // dynLinkLazy.Value.OpenIdeaConnection(fs, fsr, connProjectStream, connTemplateStream, importSettingsStream, true);
                dynLinkLazy.Value.RunHiddenAnalysis(fs, fsr, connProjectStream, connTemplateStream, importSettingsStream, true);

                //retrieves the file name
                string filename = dynLinkLazy.Value.TempFileFullName;

                ////retrieves projectinfo as xml + deserialize xml back to ConProjectInfo object
                //String projectinfoXML = dynLinkLazy.Value.GetConnectionProjectInfo(filename);
                //ConProjectInfo conProjectInfo = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ConProjectInfo)).Deserialize(new StringReader(projectinfoXML)) as ConProjectInfo;

                ////select first connection

                //ConnectionInfo con = conProjectInfo.Connections.First();

                ////retrieves connection data as xml + deserialize xml back to ConnectionData object
                //var connectiondataXML= dynLinkLazy.Value.GetConnectionDataXML(new Guid(con.Identifier));

                ////ConnectionData connectionData= new XmlSerializer(typeof(ConnectionData)).Deserialize(new StringReader(connectiondataXML)) as ConnectionData;
                //IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionData connectionData = new XmlSerializer(typeof(IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionData)).Deserialize(new StringReader(connectiondataXML)) as IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.ConnectionData;

                //List<int> weldIds = connectionData.Welds.Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

                ////In eerste instantie heeft elke las een unieke dikte gekregen. Deze diktes zijn terug te vinden in "conncetionTemplate".
                ////De lasdiktes in het project worden uit "connectionData" gehaald. Deze worden gematcht met de unieke lasdikten.
                ////Hieruit wordt bepaald of het een web-las of flens-las is. Daarna wordt het toegevoegd aan de lijst weldmatches.
                ////match weld thickness with corresponding operation:
                //bool templatechanged = false;
                //if (tel == 0)
                //    foreach (IdeaRS.OpenModel.Connection.WeldData weldData in connectionData.Welds)
                //    {
                //        foreach (CutBeamByBeamData c in connectionTemplate.Properties.Items.Values)
                //        {
                //            if (c.FlangesWeld.Size == weldData.Thickness)
                //            {
                //                //het is flange
                //                //het is dit element
                //                WeldMatch w = new WeldMatch(weldData.Id, true, c.Name, c.FlangesWeld.Size);
                //                weldMathes.Add(w);

                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                if (c.Weld.Size == weldData.Thickness)
                //                {
                //                    //het is het web
                //                    //het is dit element
                //                    WeldMatch w = new WeldMatch(weldData.Id, false, c.Name, c.Weld.Size);
                //                    weldMathes.Add(w);
                //                }
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

                //    templatechanged = true;
                //    //set start lassen
                //    foreach (var c in connectionTemplate.Properties.Items)
                //    {
                //        //check if type of operation is CutBeamByBeamData since all objects have other parameters
                //        if (c.Value.GetType() == typeof(CutBeamByBeamData))
                //        {
                //            //cast unknown object type to CutBeamByBeamData type
                //            CutBeamByBeamData cutBeamByBeamData = (c.Value as CutBeamByBeamData);
                //            cutBeamByBeamData.FlangesWeld.Size = 0.001;
                //            cutBeamByBeamData.Weld.Size = 0.001;
                //        }
                //    }
                //    //retrieves connection analysis results (governing unity checks) as xml + deserialize xml back to ConnectionResultsData object
                //    var resultsdataXML = dynLinkLazy.Value.GetResultsData();
                //    ConnectionResultsData connectionResultsData = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ConnectionResultsData)).Deserialize(new StringReader(resultsdataXML)) as ConnectionResultsData;

                //    int i = 0;
                //    foreach (int wId in weldIds)
                //    {

                //        //double maxuc = 0;
                //        //foreach (CheckResWeld res in connectionResultsData.ConnectionCheckRes[0].CheckResWeld)
                //        //{
                //        //    if (res.Items.Contains(conid))
                //        //    {
                //        //        maxuc = Math.Max(maxuc, res.UnityCheck);
                //        //    }
                //        //}

                //        double maxuc = connectionResultsData.ConnectionCheckRes[0].CheckResWeld.Where(a => a.Items.Contains(wId)).Max(a => a.UnityCheck);

                //        //print maxuc to excel
                //        //create header with weldnames

                //        string weldname = weldMathes[i].operationName;
                //        string location;

                //        if (weldMathes[i].isFlange == true)
                //        {
                //            location = "Flange";
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            location = "Web";
                //        }

                //        excel.WritetoCellstring(0, i, "Utility, " + weldname + "," + location);
                //        excel.WritetoCell(tel, i, maxuc);
                //        i = i + 1; //column placing in excel

                //        if (maxuc > 100.0)
                //        {
                //            WeldMatch wmatch = weldMathes.First(a => a.weldId == wId);
                //            wmatch.increase = true;
                //        }
                //    }

                //    //weldsizes to excel
                //    int ic = i+1; //column placing in excel
                //    int ib = 0;
                //    int cutnumber = 1; //every cut consist out of a flangeweld and a webweld.
                //    //the list of throatthickness is shorter than the lists of results. Because in the list of results both flanges are displayed in case of single bevelcut.
                //    foreach (var c in connectionTemplate.Properties.Items)
                //    {
                //        //check if type of operation is CutBeamByBeamData since all objects have other parameters
                //        if (c.Value.GetType() == typeof(CutBeamByBeamData))
                //        {
                //            CutBeamByBeamData cutbeambybeamdata = c.Value as CutBeamByBeamData;

                //            if (weldMathes.Where(a => a.operationName == cutbeambybeamdata.Name && a.isFlange == true ).Count() > 0)
                //            {
                //                string weldname = "CUT "+ cutnumber;

                //                excel.WritetoCellstring(0, ic, "throat, " + weldname +", Flange");

                //                ib = ib + 1;

                //                excel.WritetoCell(tel, ic,cutbeambybeamdata.FlangesWeld.Size);
                //                ic = ic + 1;

                //            }
                //            if (weldMathes.Where(a => a.operationName == cutbeambybeamdata.Name && a.isFlange == false ).Count() > 0)
                //            {
                //                string weldname = "CUT " + cutnumber;

                //                excel.WritetoCellstring(0, ic, "throat, " + weldname+ ", Web");

                //                ib = ib + 1;

                //                excel.WritetoCell(tel, ic, cutbeambybeamdata.Weld.Size);
                //                ic = ic + 1;
                //            }

                //        }
                //        cutnumber = cutnumber + 1;
                //    }

                //    //increase welds that have increase ==true
                //    foreach (var c in connectionTemplate.Properties.Items)
                //    {
                //        //check if type of operation is CutBeamByBeamData since all objects have other parameters
                //        if (c.Value.GetType() == typeof(CutBeamByBeamData))
                //        {
                //            CutBeamByBeamData cutbeambybeamdata = c.Value as CutBeamByBeamData;

                //            if (weldMathes.Where(a => a.operationName == cutbeambybeamdata.Name && a.isFlange == true && a.increase == true).Count() > 0)
                //            {
                //                cutbeambybeamdata.FlangesWeld.Size = cutbeambybeamdata.FlangesWeld.Size + 0.001;
                //                templatechanged = true;

                //            }
                //            if (weldMathes.Where(a => a.operationName == cutbeambybeamdata.Name && a.isFlange == false && a.increase == true).Count() > 0)
                //            {
                //                cutbeambybeamdata.Weld.Size = cutbeambybeamdata.Weld.Size + 0.001;
                //                templatechanged = true;

                //            }

                //        }
                //    }


                //if (templatechanged && tel<max_iteration)

                //    //create new contemp file

                //    tel = tel + 1;
                //    //RAZ: save file of IDEA_connection [.ideacon]
                //    string filePath = @"C:\Data\\test_k_joint"+ tel +".ideaCon";
                //    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
                //    {
                //        dynLinkLazy.Value.WriteProjectData(fileStream);
                //        fileStream.Close();
                //    }

                //    string filename2 = @"C:\Data\template2.contemp";
                //    using (FileStream fs2 = File.Open(filename2, FileMode.Create))
                //    {
                //        DataContractSerializer serializer2 = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(ConnectionTemplate), new List<Type>() { typeof(CutBeamByBeamData) });
                //        XmlDictionaryWriter writer2 = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateTextWriter(fs2, Encoding.Unicode);
                //        serializer2.WriteObject(writer2, connectionTemplate);
                //        writer2.Flush();
                //        writer2.Close();
                //        fs2.Close();
                //    }
                //    //MessageBox.Show("recalculate updated version");

                //    this.OpenIOMInIdeaCon(iomFilePath, filename2, false, connectionTemplate);
                //    //MessageBox.Show("finsihed");
                //    Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
                //    dlg.DefaultExt = ".xml"; // Default file extension
                //    dlg.Filter = "Idea Connection Check results (.xml)|*.xml"; // Filter files by extension
                //    dlg.CheckPathExists = true;

                //    excel.SaveAs(@"C:\Data\WELDRESULTS2.xlsx");

                //    excel.Close();

                //    if (dlg.ShowDialog() != true)
                //    {
                //        return;
                //    }

                //    using (Stream outStream = dlg.OpenFile())
                //    {
                //        this.dynLinkLazy.Value.WriteConCheckResults(outStream);
                //        outStream.Close();
                //    }
