public void CanCancelConnectRequest()
            var testFile = "file:///my/test/file.sql";

            // Given a connection that times out and responds to cancellation
            var mockConnection = new Mock <DbConnection> {
                CallBase = true
            CancellationToken token;
            bool ready = false;

            mockConnection.Setup(x => x.OpenAsync(Moq.It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Callback <CancellationToken>(t =>
                // Pass the token to the return handler and signal the main thread to cancel
                token = t;
                ready = true;
            .Returns(() =>
                if (TestUtils.WaitFor(() => token.IsCancellationRequested))
                    throw new OperationCanceledException();

            var mockFactory = new Mock <ISqlConnectionFactory>();

            mockFactory.Setup(factory => factory.CreateSqlConnection(It.IsAny <string>()))

            var connectionService = new ConnectionService(mockFactory.Object);

            // Connect the connection asynchronously in a background thread
            var connectionDetails = TestObjects.GetTestConnectionDetails();
            var connectTask       = Task.Run(async() =>
                return(await connectionService
                       .Connect(new ConnectParams()
                    OwnerUri = testFile,
                    Connection = connectionDetails

            // Wait for the connection to call OpenAsync()
            Assert.True(TestUtils.WaitFor(() => ready));

            // Send a cancellation request
            var cancelResult = connectionService
                               .CancelConnect(new CancelConnectParams()
                OwnerUri = testFile

            // Wait for the connection task to finish

            // Verify that the connection was cancelled (no connection was created)

            // Verify that the cancel succeeded