public void sendMultipleCommandsBeforeClosing() { using (ConnectionClient client = new ConnectionClient()) { Command command = Command.fromString("PING\r\n"); Command command2 = Command.fromString("PING\r\n"); client.connect(); client.send(command); client.send(command2); } }
private Connection initConn() { BoardDelegate bd = new BoardDelegate(board); ConnectionClient cc = new ConnectionClient(bd); initServerInfo(); Connection conn = new Connection(addr, port, cc); return conn; }
public ConnectionClient <WorkflowManagerClient, IWorkflowManager> GetWorkflowProxy() { lock (_locker) { if (_workflowProxy == null) { _workflowProxy = new ConnectionClient <WorkflowManagerClient, IWorkflowManager>(GetWorkflowManager()); } return(_workflowProxy); } }
public ConnectionClient <ReportManagerClient, IReportManager> GetReportProxy() { lock (_locker) { if (_reportProxy == null) { _reportProxy = new ConnectionClient <ReportManagerClient, IReportManager>(GetReportManager()); } return(_reportProxy); } }
public ConnectionClient <QueryManagerClient, IQueryManager> GetQueryProxy() { lock (_locker) { if (_queryProxy == null) { _queryProxy = new ConnectionClient <QueryManagerClient, IQueryManager>(GetQueryManager()); } return(_queryProxy); } }
public ConnectionClient <DocManagerClient, IDocManager> GetDocumentProxy() { lock (_locker) { if (_documentProxy == null) { _documentProxy = new ConnectionClient <DocManagerClient, IDocManager>(GetDocumentManager()); } return(_documentProxy); } }
public ConnectionClient <UserManagerClient, IUserManager> GetUserProxy() { lock (_locker) { if (_userProxy == null) { _userProxy = new ConnectionClient <UserManagerClient, IUserManager>(GetUserManager()); } return(_userProxy); } }
public void logout() { NetworkStream connection = ConnectionClient.getConnectionClient(); /* LOGOUT ACCOUNT command */ byte[] bytes; bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("LOUT"); connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); listener.onLogout(); }
public void deleteAccount() { NetworkStream connection = ConnectionClient.getConnectionClient(); /* DELETE ACCOUNT command */ byte[] bytes; bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("DELA"); connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); listener.onLogout(); }
public ConnectionClient <PresentationManagerClient, IPresentationManager> GetPresentationProxy() { lock (_locker) { if (_presentationProxy == null) { _presentationProxy = new ConnectionClient <PresentationManagerClient, IPresentationManager>(GetPresentationManager()); } return(_presentationProxy); } }
public Task <int> DeleteAsync(string surveyId, int interviewId) { CheckSurveyId(surveyId); return(Client.DeleteAsync(InterviewsApiUri(surveyId, interviewId)) .ContinueWith( responseMessageTask => responseMessageTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result) .ContinueWith(stringResult => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BackgroundActivityStatus>(stringResult.Result).ActivityId) .ContinueWith(activityResult => ConnectionClient.GetActivityResultAsync <int>(activityResult.Result, "DeletedTotal")) .Unwrap() .FlattenExceptions()); }
private void ConnectionCreated(ConnectionClient con) { if (con == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(con)); } m_ReconnectAttempts = MaxReconnectAttempts; TryInitPersistence(con); con.OnClientJoined += TryInitPersistence; con.OnDisconnected += ConnectionClosed; }
public void OnPeerConnected(NetPeer peer) { LiteNetConnection network = new LiteNetConnection(peer); RailNetPeerWrapper persistence = new RailNetPeerWrapper(network); ConnectionClient connection = new ConnectionClient( network, persistence, m_Session.World); m_Session.ConnectionCreated(connection); peer.Tag = connection; }
public void authenticateUser(string user, string password) { NetworkStream connection = ConnectionClient.getConnectionClient(); /* LOGIN command */ byte[] bytes; bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("LOIN "); connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(user.Length); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(bytes); } connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(user); connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(password.Length); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(bytes); } connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password); connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; int bytesRead = connection.Read(buffer, 0, 4); string response = ""; for (int i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++) { if (!buffer[i].Equals(00)) { response += Convert.ToChar(buffer[i]); } } Console.WriteLine(response); if (response.ToUpper().Equals("LGGD")) { listener.onLoginSuccess(); } else if (response.ToUpper().Equals("ERRO")) { bytesRead = connection.Read(buffer, 0, 5); listener.onLoginFail(); } }
private void TryInitPersistence(ConnectionClient con) { if (con == null || con.State != EConnectionState.ClientConnected) { return; } if (m_Persistence == null) { m_Persistence = new PersistenceClient(new GameEnvironmentClient()); } m_Persistence.SetConnection(con); }
public void DownloadLog(string GuildName, ref int RegisteredUserCount, ref int ConnectedUserCount, ref int GuestUserCount, Dictionary <string, int> GuildmateTable, List <string> ChatLineList) { Dictionary <string, string> Values = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Values.Add("id", LogId); Values.Add("guildname", GuildName); Values.Add("index", LastReadIndex.ToString()); try { FormUrlEncodedContent Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(Values); Task <HttpResponseMessage> PostTask = ConnectionClient.PostAsync(ConnectionAddress + "download_form.php", Content); if (PostTask.Wait(2000)) { HttpResponseMessage Response = PostTask.Result; Task <string> ReadTask = Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (ReadTask.Wait(2000)) { string Result = ReadTask.Result; string[] Lines = Result.Split('\n'); bool IsUserInfoParsed = false; for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; i++) { string Line = Lines[i]; if (Line.Length < 1 || Line[0] != '*') { continue; } Line = Line.Substring(1); if (!IsUserInfoParsed) { IsUserInfoParsed = true; ParseUserInfo(Line, ref RegisteredUserCount, ref ConnectedUserCount, ref GuestUserCount, GuildmateTable); } else { ChatLineList.Add(Line); } } } } } catch { } }
protected override void OnGUI() { DrawConnectionControls(); DrawServerList(); if (GUILayout.Button("Walk")) { ConnectionClient.SendData("Walk"); } if (GUILayout.Button("Idle")) { ConnectionClient.SendData("Idle"); } }
private void TryInitPersistence(ConnectionClient con) { if (con == null || con.State != EConnectionState.ClientPlaying) { return; } if (Persistence == null) { Persistence = new PersistenceClient(new GameEnvironmentClient()); OnPersistenceInitialized?.Invoke(Persistence); } Persistence.SetConnection(con); }
protected virtual Task CloseAsync() { if (!Connected) { return(Task.FromResult(false)); } Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _connected, 0, 1); _cts.Cancel(); _packetQueue.CompleteAdding(); try { if (ConnectionClient != null) { ConnectionClient.Disconnect(false); if (ConnectionClient.Poll(10000, SelectMode.SelectRead)) { } } } catch { } finally { EventHandler disconnected = Disconnected; if (disconnected != null) { disconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); } if (ConnectionClient != null) { ConnectionClient.Close(); ConnectionClient = null; } if (Completed != null) { Completed.SetResult(true); } } return(Task.FromResult(false)); }
public ConnectionClient_Test() { m_NetworkConnection .Setup( con => con.SendRaw(It.IsAny <ArraySegment <byte> >(), It.IsAny <EDeliveryMethod>())) .Callback( (ArraySegment <byte> arg, EDeliveryMethod eMethod) => m_SendRawParam = arg); m_GamePersistence = new Mock <IGameStatePersistence>(); m_GamePersistence.Setup(per => per.Receive(It.IsAny <ArraySegment <byte> >())) .Callback( (ArraySegment <byte> arg) => m_PersistenceReceiveParam = arg); m_Connection = new ConnectionClient( m_NetworkConnection.Object, m_GamePersistence.Object, m_WorldData.Object); }
public async Task <object> Go(QueryContext context, ConnectionClient client, RegistryService registry) { var c = new Command(); c.Commands.Add(context.Query); try { var res = await client.PostCommandAsync(c); return(new CommandResultViewModel(res)); } catch (Exception err) { return(new CommandResultViewModel(err.Message)); } }
public async Task <object> Go(QueryContext context, ConnectionClient client, RegistryService registry) { var from = context.Query.Split("from", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x.Trim().TrimEnd(';')).ToList(); var fromTableName = @from[1].Split(' ')[0]; var select = @from[0].Split("select", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x.Trim().TrimEnd(';')).ToList(); var columnsOrWildcard = @select[0].Trim(); string[] columns; if (columnsOrWildcard == "*") { if (fromTableName.ToLower().Equals("sqlite_master")) { columns = Describe.DescribeMasterColumns.ToArray(); } else { columns = (await client.DescribeCommandAsync(new Describe() { TableName = fromTableName })).Results.Select(DescribeResponse.GetName).ToArray(); } } else { columns = @select[0].Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } var q = new Network.Server.Api.Db.Model.Query() { Select = context.Query, Columns = columns.Select(x => x?.Trim()).ToList(), Properties = columns.Select(x => x?.Trim()).ToList() }; try { var res = await client.PostQueryAsync(q); return(new QueryResultViewModel(res, await registry.GetServices(), context.HttpContext.Request)); } catch (Exception err) { return(new QueryResultViewModel(err.Message)); } }
private Task <int> ClearAsync(string surveyId, List <SampleFilter> filters, IEnumerable <string> columnsToClear) { var uri = new Uri(SurveySampleUrl(surveyId) + "Clear"); var request = new ClearSurveySampleModel { Filters = filters, Columns = columnsToClear }; return(Client.PutAsJsonAsync(uri, request) .ContinueWith(responseMessageTask => responseMessageTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result) .ContinueWith(stringResult => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BackgroundActivityStatus>(stringResult.Result).ActivityId) .ContinueWith(activityResult => ConnectionClient.GetActivityResultAsync <int>(activityResult.Result, "ClearTotal")) .Unwrap() .FlattenExceptions()); }
/// <summary> /// Удалить запись физ.лиза /// </summary> /// <param name="Id">ИД Клиента</param> internal static void DeletePhysical(int Id) { try { string sql = string.Format($"DELETE FROM PhysicalClient WHERE Id = { Id}"); ConnectionClient.ConOpen(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, ConnectionClient.connection)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } } catch (SqlException e) { errorMes.ErrorSQL(e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { errorMes.ErrorSQL(e.Message); } finally { ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } }
private void App_StartupAsync(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { if (ConnectionClient.ConnectionTest()) { AccountViewModel viewModel = new AccountViewModel(); MainWindow = new AccountView() { DataContext = viewModel }; MainWindow.Show(); RepositoryAccount.LoadAsync(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Отсутствует соединение с базой"); } }
public void deleteFriend(string friend) { NetworkStream connection = ConnectionClient.getConnectionClient(); /* DELETE FRIEND command */ byte[] bytes; bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("DELF "); connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(friend.Length); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(bytes); } connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(friend); connection.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); }
/// <summary> /// Загрузка данных по всем вкладам /// </summary> private static void LoadDeposit() { try { string sql = "SELECT * FROM Deposit"; int itemcount = 0; lock (o) { ConnectionClient.ConOpen(); using (SqlCommand commmand = new SqlCommand(sql, ConnectionClient.connection)) { SqlDataReader reader1 = commmand.ExecuteReader(); itemcount = reader1.Cast <object>().Count(); reader1.Close(); int count = 0; SqlDataReader reader = commmand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Deposit deposit = new Deposit((int)reader["Id"], (long)reader["AccountNumber"], (decimal)reader["Cash"], (decimal)reader["DepositAmount"], (int)reader["ClientId"], (bool)reader["State"], (int)reader["MonthsPeriod"], (int)reader["Rate"], (DateTime)reader["OpenDate"], (DateTime)reader["DateClose"], (bool)reader["Capitalization"], (int)reader["TypeId"], (decimal)reader["MoneyEarned"]); // Repository.GetDeposits.Add(deposit); accounts.Add(AccountFactory.GetAccount(deposit)); count++; countAccount++; ProgressBar.GetValue("Загрузка вкладов", itemcount, count); } } ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } } catch (SqlException e) { errorMes.ErrorSQL(e.Message); ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } catch (Exception e) { errorMes.ErrorSQL(e.Message); ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } finally { ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Загрузка данных по всем кредитам /// </summary> private static void LoadCredit() { try { string sql = "SELECT * FROM Credits"; int itemcount = 0; Debug.WriteLine("Поток Крдиты"); lock (o) { ConnectionClient.ConOpen(); using (SqlCommand commmand = new SqlCommand(sql, ConnectionClient.connection)) { SqlDataReader reader1 = commmand.ExecuteReader(); itemcount = reader1.Cast <object>().Count(); reader1.Close(); int count = 0; SqlDataReader reader = commmand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Credits credits = new Credits((int)reader["Id"], (long)reader["AccountNumber"], (decimal)reader["Cash"], (decimal)reader["RepayALoan"], (decimal)reader["AmountIssue"], (int)reader["ClientId"], (int)reader["Rate"], (decimal)reader["MonthlyPayment"], (bool)reader["State"], (int)reader["MonthsPeriod"], (DateTime)reader["OpenDate"], (DateTime)reader["NextDate"], (int)reader["TypeId"]); // Repository.GetCredits.Add(credits); accounts.Add(AccountFactory.GetAccount(credits)); count++; countAccount++; ProgressBar.GetValue("Загрузка счетов", itemcount, count); } } ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } } catch (SqlException e) { errorMes.ErrorSQL(e.Message); ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } catch (Exception e) { errorMes.ErrorSQL(e.Message); ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } finally { ConnectionClient.ConClose(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write( @" New Features in version 1.0.0 1. PersistentConnection 2. Hub New Features in version 2.1.0 3. Hub<T> Select sample you want to run: "); var sample = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.WriteLine(); var url = "http://localhost:46962/"; var writer = Console.Out; switch (sample) { case '1': var client = new ConnectionClient(writer); client.RunAsync(url + "Connections/DemoPersistentConnection").Wait(); break; case '2': var hubClient = new HubClient(writer); hubClient.RunAsync(url).Wait(); break; case '3': var hubTClient = new HubTClient(writer); hubTClient.RunAsync(url).Wait(); break; default: break; } Console.WriteLine("Sample completed. Press ENTER to finish program."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public Task <int> DeleteAsync(string surveyId, string respondentKey) { Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(surveyId, nameof(surveyId)); Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(respondentKey, nameof(respondentKey)); var uri = SurveySampleUrl(surveyId); var filters = new List <SampleFilter> { new SampleFilter { Name = RespondentKey, Op = "eq", Value = respondentKey } }; return(Client.DeleteAsJsonAsync <IEnumerable <SampleFilter> >(uri, filters) .ContinueWith(responseMessageTask => responseMessageTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result) .ContinueWith(stringResult => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BackgroundActivityStatus>(stringResult.Result).ActivityId) .ContinueWith(activityResult => ConnectionClient.GetActivityResultAsync <int>(activityResult.Result, "DeletedTotal")) .Unwrap() .FlattenExceptions()); }
public static void SetUp() { lock (Synchronise) { RegistryClient = SqlDStart.NewClient().ConnectedTo(EndPoints.Registry); EndPointMonitor.WaitUntil(RegistryClient.EndPoint, EndPointIs.Up); AlphaClient = SqlDStart.NewClient().ConnectedTo(EndPoints.Alpha); EndPointMonitor.WaitUntil(AlphaClient.EndPoint, EndPointIs.Up); BetaClient = SqlDStart.NewClient().ConnectedTo(EndPoints.Beta); EndPointMonitor.WaitUntil(BetaClient.EndPoint, EndPointIs.Up); Free1Client = SqlDStart.NewClient().ConnectedTo(EndPoints.Free1); EndPointMonitor.WaitUntil(Free1Client.EndPoint, EndPointIs.Up); Free2Client = SqlDStart.NewClient().ConnectedTo(EndPoints.Free2); EndPointMonitor.WaitUntil(Free2Client.EndPoint, EndPointIs.Up); } }
/// <summary> /// Calls API Methods. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Type to which the response content will be converted.</typeparam> /// <param name="method">HTTPMethod (POST-GET-PUT-DELETE)</param> /// <param name="endpoint">Url endpoing.</param> /// <param name="isSigned">Specifies if the request needs a signature.</param> /// <param name="parameters">Request parameters.</param> /// <returns>returns raw JSON output as string</returns> public async Task <string> CallAsyncRaw(ApiMethod method, string endpoint, bool isSigned = false, string parameters = null) { var finalEndpoint = endpoint + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters) ? "" : $"?{parameters}"); if (isSigned) { parameters += (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters) ? "×tamp=" : "timestamp=") + Utilities.GenerateTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); var signature = Utilities.GenerateSignature(APISecret, parameters); finalEndpoint = $"{endpoint}?{parameters}&signature={signature}"; } var request = new HttpRequestMessage(Utilities.CreateHttpMethod(method.ToString()), finalEndpoint); var response = await ConnectionClient.SendAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// General method for sending messages. Sends single message to server and waits for any responses. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">XmlMessage to be sent.</param> /// <returns>All received messages as XMLDocuments.</returns> protected List<MessagePackage> SendMessage(IClusterMessage message) { var tcpClient = new ConnectionClient(ServerInfo); tcpClient.Connect(); var responses = tcpClient.SendAndWaitForResponses(message); tcpClient.Close(); return responses; }