public List<ArticleModel> GetArticles(string strQuery) { ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); connManager.OpenConnection(); DataSet DSQuestions = new DataSet(); DSQuestions = connManager.GetData(strQuery); connManager.DisposeConn(); List<ArticleModel> articles = new List<ArticleModel>(); ArticleModel article; foreach (DataRow row in DSQuestions.Tables[0].Rows) { article = new ArticleModel(); article.ArticleID = row["ArticleID"].ToString(); article.ArticleTitle = row["ArticleTitle"].ToString(); article.InsertedDate = row["InsertedDate"].ToString(); article.ThumbsUp = row["ThumbsUp"].ToString(); article.ThumbsDown = row["ThumbsDown"].ToString(); article.Views = row["Views"].ToString(); articles.Add(article); } return articles; }
public ActionResult LogOut() { Session["User"] = null; Session["Facebook"] = null; Session.RemoveAll(); List<ArticleModel> articles = new List<ArticleModel>(); ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); articles = connManager.GetArticles("Select * from VwArticles where articleid not in (10044,10045,10046,10047,10048,10049) order by articleId desc"); connManager.DisposeConn(); PagingInfo info = new PagingInfo(); info.SortField = " "; info.SortDirection = " "; info.PageSize = 10; info.PageCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)(articles.Count / info.PageSize))); info.CurrentPageIndex = 0; var query = articles.OrderBy(c => c.ArticleID).Take(info.PageSize); ViewBag.PagingInfo = info; ViewBag.UserEmail = null; Response.Redirect("../Articles/Index"); return View("../Articles/Index", articles); }
private void ProcessVotes(string LikeType, string articleID) { List<string> lstReplies = (List<string>)Session["Articles"]; string strQuery = ""; int votes = 0; if (lstReplies == null) { lstReplies = new List<string>(); } if (!lstReplies.Contains(articleID)) { ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); connManager.OpenConnection(); DataTable dsVotes = connManager.GetDataTable("Select ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown from CodeArticles where ArticleId = " + articleID); if (dsVotes != null && dsVotes.Rows.Count > 0) { if (LikeType.Equals("Up")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsVotes.Rows[0]["ThumbsUp"].ToString())) votes = votes + 1; else votes = int.Parse(dsVotes.Rows[0]["ThumbsUp"].ToString()) + 1; strQuery = "Update CodeArticles set ThumbsUp = " + votes + " where ArticleId = " + articleID; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsVotes.Rows[0]["ThumbsDown"].ToString())) votes = votes - 1; else votes = int.Parse(dsVotes.Rows[0]["ThumbsDown"].ToString()) + 1; strQuery = "Update CodeArticles set ThumbsDown = " + votes + " where ArticleId = " + articleID; } } SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strQuery, connManager.DataCon); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connManager.DisposeConn(); lstReplies.Add(articleID); Session["Articles"] = lstReplies; } //GetArticleData(articleID.ToString()); }
private void GetArticleData(string strArticleId, ref VwArticlesModel model) { ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); connManager.OpenConnection(); DataTable dsQuestion = connManager.GetArticle(strArticleId); connManager.DisposeConn(); if (dsQuestion != null) { if (dsQuestion.Rows.Count > 0) { model.ArticleID = long.Parse(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ArticleId"].ToString()); if (!dsQuestion.Rows[0]["EMail"].ToString().Contains("")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString())) { model.AskedUser = "******" + dsQuestion.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString() + "<b>"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString())) { model.AskedUser = model.AskedUser + " <b>" + dsQuestion.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString() + "<b>"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ImageURL"].ToString())) { model.ImageURL = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ImageURL"].ToString(); } else { model.ImageURL = "~/Images/Person.JPG"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["Details"].ToString())) { model.AskedUserDetails = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["Details"].ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["Stars"].ToString())) { model.Stars = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["Stars"].ToString(); } else { model.Stars = "0"; } } Session["AskedUserEMail"] = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["EMail"].ToString(); //model.ArticleTitle = "<b>" + dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ArticleTitle"].ToString() + "<b>"; model.ArticleTitle = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ArticleTitle"].ToString(); model.ArticleViews = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["Views"].ToString(); string filepath = string.Empty; if (Request.Url.ToString().Contains("localhost")) filepath = Server.MapPath("/CodeAnalyzeMVC2015/Articles/" + dsQuestion.Rows[0]["WordFile"].ToString()).Replace("\\Details\\Articles", ""); else filepath = Server.MapPath("/Articles/" + dsQuestion.Rows[0]["WordFile"].ToString()).Replace("\\Details\\Articles", ""); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(fs)) { string content = tr.ReadToEnd(); model.ArticleDetails = content; } } //if (dsQuestion.Rows[0]["SourceFile"] != DBNull.Value && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["SourceFile"].ToString())) //{ // hfSourceFile.Value = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["SourceFile"].ToString(); // lnkBtnSourceCode.Enabled = true; // lnkBtnSourceCode.ForeColor = Color.Blue; // lnkBtnSourceCode.Text = "Download Source Code"; //} //else //{ // lnkBtnSourceCode.Enabled = false; // lnkBtnSourceCode.ForeColor = Color.Gray; // lnkBtnSourceCode.Text = "No Source Code Uploaded"; //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["YouTubURL"].ToString())) { model.iframeVideoURL = "//"; } model.ThumbsUp = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ThumbsUp"].ToString(); model.ThumbsDown = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ThumbsDown"].ToString(); model.HasDemo = Convert.ToInt32(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["HasDemo"].ToString()); if (dsQuestion.Rows[0]["DemoURL"]!=null) { model.DemoURL = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["DemoURL"].ToString(); } } } }
private void BindComments(string strQuery, ref VwArticlesModel model) { ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); connManager.OpenConnection(); DataTable dsSolution = connManager.GetDataTable(strQuery); string strReplyId = ""; string tblReplies = "<table width=\"100%\" style=\"word-wrap:normal; word-break:break-all\" cell-padding=\"0\" cell-spacing=\"0\">"; if (dsSolution != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dsSolution.Rows.Count; i++) { //Response no user details string htrResponseNoByDetailsOuterRow = "<tr>"; string htcResponseNoByDetailsOuterCell = "<td style=\"background-color:lightgrey;border-radius:10px;\">"; string htmlTblResponseNoByDetails = "<table style=\"width:100%\">"; #region table string htmlRowResponseNoByDetails = "<tr>"; string htcUserImage = "<td>"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsSolution.Rows[i]["ImageURL"].ToString())) { if (Request.Url.ToString().Contains("localhost")) htcUserImage += "<img src=\"/CodeAnalyzeMVC2015/" + dsSolution.Rows[i]["ImageURL"].ToString().Replace("~", "") + "\" style=\"height:30px;width:30px\" />"; else htcUserImage += "<img src=\"" + dsSolution.Rows[i]["ImageURL"].ToString().Replace("~", "") + "\" style=\"height:30px;width:30px\" />"; } else { if (Request.Url.ToString().Contains("localhost")) htcUserImage += "<img src=\"/CodeAnalyzeMVC2015/Images/Person.JPG\" style=\"height:25px;width:25px\" />"; else htcUserImage += "<img src=\"/Images/Person.JPG\" style=\"height:25px;width:25px\" />"; } htcUserImage += "</td>"; #region responseNoBy string htcResponseNoByDetails = "<td valign=\"middle\">"; string strFirstName = ""; string strAnswers = ""; string strRepliedDate = ""; string strUserId = dsSolution.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsSolution.Rows[i]["FirstName"].ToString())) strFirstName = dsSolution.Rows[i]["FirstName"].ToString(); else strFirstName = dsSolution.Rows[i]["EMail"].ToString().Split('@')[0]; strRepliedDate = dsSolution.Rows[i]["InsertedDate"].ToString().Split('@')[0]; DataTable dsCount = new DataTable(); dsCount = connManager.GetDataTable("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VwArticleReplies WHERE (ArticleId = " + strUserId + ") "); if (dsCount != null && dsCount.Rows.Count != 0) { if (dsCount.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "0") { if (dsCount != null) strAnswers = dsCount.Rows[0][0].ToString(); else strAnswers = "none"; if (!dsSolution.Rows[i]["EMail"].ToString().Contains("")) //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Comment No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> by <b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; // Total replies by user: "******"."; htcResponseNoByDetails += "<b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; // Total replies by user: "******"."; else { if (!strFirstName.ToLower().Equals("admin")) //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Comment No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> by <b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += "<b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; else //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Comment No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; } } else if (!strFirstName.ToLower().Equals("admin")) //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Comment No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> by <b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += "<b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; else //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Comment No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; } else if (!strFirstName.ToLower().Equals("admin")) //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Comment No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> by <b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += "<b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; else //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Comment No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + " "; htcResponseNoByDetails += "</b> " + strRepliedDate + " "; htcResponseNoByDetails += "</td>"; htmlRowResponseNoByDetails += htcUserImage; htmlRowResponseNoByDetails += htcResponseNoByDetails; #endregion htmlRowResponseNoByDetails += "</tr>"; #endregion htmlTblResponseNoByDetails += htmlRowResponseNoByDetails + "</table>"; htcResponseNoByDetailsOuterCell += htmlTblResponseNoByDetails + "</td>"; htrResponseNoByDetailsOuterRow += htcResponseNoByDetailsOuterCell + "</tr>"; string htmlRowSolutionContent = string.Empty; string htcReplyContent = string.Empty; strReplyId = dsSolution.Rows[i]["ReplyId"].ToString(); htcReplyContent += "<td>" + dsSolution.Rows[i]["ReplyText"].ToString() + "</td>"; htmlRowSolutionContent += "<tr>" + htcReplyContent + "</tr>"; tblReplies += htrResponseNoByDetailsOuterRow + htmlRowSolutionContent; tblReplies += "<tr><td><br /></td></tr>"; } } tblReplies += "</table>"; model.ArticleReplies = tblReplies; connManager.DisposeConn(); }
private void GetQuestionData(string strQuestionId, ref VwSolutionsModel model) { ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); connManager.OpenConnection(); DataTable dsQuestion = connManager.GetQuestion(strQuestionId); connManager.DisposeConn(); long quesID; string strQuestionDetails = String.Empty; if (dsQuestion != null) { if (dsQuestion.Rows.Count > 0) { quesID = long.Parse(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["QuestionId"].ToString()); model.QuestionID = quesID.ToString(); if (!dsQuestion.Rows[0]["EMail"].ToString().Contains("")) { model.AskedUser = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString() + " "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString())) { model.AskedUser = model.AskedUser + "" + dsQuestion.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString() + ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ImageURL"].ToString())) model.ImageURL = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["ImageURL"].ToString(); else model.ImageURL = "~/Images/Person.JPG"; } //else //{ // model.ImageURL = "~/Images/Person.JPG"; //} Session["AskedUserEMail"] = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["EMail"].ToString(); model.QuestionTitle = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["QuestionTitle"].ToString(); strQuestionDetails = dsQuestion.Rows[0]["Question"].ToString().Replace("font-size: x-small", "font-size: medium"); strQuestionDetails = StringClean(strQuestionDetails); model.QuestionDetails = "<table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td>" + strQuestionDetails + "</td></tr></table>"; ViewBag.QuestionDetails = model.QuestionDetails; model.QuestionViews = "<b>" + dsQuestion.Rows[0]["Views"].ToString() + "<b>"; } } }
private void ProcessVotes(string LikeType, string ReplyId, string quesID) { List<string> lstReplies = (List<string>)Session["Replies"]; string strQuery = ""; int votes = 0; if (lstReplies == null) { lstReplies = new List<string>(); } if (!lstReplies.Contains(ReplyId)) { ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); connManager.OpenConnection(); DataTable dsVotes = connManager.GetDataTable("Select ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown from Replies where ReplyId = " + ReplyId); if (dsVotes != null && dsVotes.Rows.Count > 0) { if (LikeType.Equals("UP")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsVotes.Rows[0]["ThumbsUp"].ToString())) votes = votes + 1; else votes = int.Parse(dsVotes.Rows[0]["ThumbsUp"].ToString()) + 1; strQuery = "Update Replies set ThumbsUp = " + votes + " where ReplyId = " + ReplyId; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsVotes.Rows[0]["ThumbsDown"].ToString())) votes = votes - 1; else votes = int.Parse(dsVotes.Rows[0]["ThumbsDown"].ToString()) + 1; strQuery = "Update Replies set ThumbsDown = " + votes + " where ReplyId = " + ReplyId; } } SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strQuery, connManager.DataCon); command.CommandText = strQuery; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connManager.DisposeConn(); lstReplies.Add(ReplyId); Session["Replies"] = lstReplies; } //BindQuestionAskedUserData("Select * from VwQuestions where QuestionId = " + quesID.ToString() + ""); }
private void BindSolution(string strQuery, ref VwSolutionsModel model) { ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); connManager.OpenConnection(); DataTable dsSolution = connManager.GetDataTable(strQuery); string quesID = RouteData.Values["id"].ToString(); string strReplyId = ""; string lblUp, lblDown = "0"; string tblReplies = "<table style=\"word-wrap:break-word; width:98%; \">"; string strDeleteRow = string.Empty; string strTitle = string.Empty; if (RouteData.Values["Title"]!=null ) { strTitle = RouteData.Values["Title"].ToString(); } else { strTitle = model.QuestionTitle; } if (dsSolution != null && dsSolution.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dsSolution.Rows.Count; i++) { lblUp = dsSolution.Rows[i]["ThumbsUp"].ToString(); lblDown = dsSolution.Rows[i]["ThumbsDown"].ToString(); strReplyId = dsSolution.Rows[i]["ReplyID"].ToString(); //Response no user details string htrResponseNoByDetailsOuterRow = "<tr>"; string htcResponseNoByDetailsOuterCell = "<td style=\"background-color:lightgrey; border-radius:10px;\">"; #region table string htmlTblResponseNoByDetails = "<table style=\"width:100%\">"; string htmlRowResponseNoByDetails = "<tr style=\"width:100%;\">"; string htcUserImage = "<td align=\"right\"> "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsSolution.Rows[i]["ImageURL"].ToString())) { if (Request.Url.ToString().Contains("localhost")) htcUserImage += "<img title=\"User Avatar\" src=\"/CodeAnalyzeMVC2015" + dsSolution.Rows[i]["ImageURL"].ToString().Replace("~", "") + "\" style=\"height:30px;width:30px\" />"; else htcUserImage += "<img title=\"User Avatar\" src=\"" + dsSolution.Rows[i]["ImageURL"].ToString().Replace("~", "").Replace("/CodeAnalyzeMVC2015", "") + "\" style=\"height:30px;width:30px\" />"; } else { if (Request.Url.ToString().Contains("localhost")) htcUserImage += "<img title=\"User Avatar\" src=\"/CodeAnalyzeMVC2015/Images/Person.JPG\" style=\"height:25px;width:25px\" />"; else htcUserImage += "<img title=\"User Avatar\" src=\"/Images/Person.JPG\" style=\"height:25px;width:25px\" />"; } htcUserImage += "</td>"; string htcResponseNoByDetails = "<td valign=\"middle\">"; #region responseNoBy string strFirstName = ""; string strLastName = ""; string strAnswers = ""; string strRepliedDate = ""; string strUserId = dsSolution.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsSolution.Rows[i]["FirstName"].ToString())) { strFirstName = dsSolution.Rows[i]["FirstName"].ToString(); strLastName = dsSolution.Rows[i]["LastName"].ToString(); } else strFirstName = dsSolution.Rows[i]["EMail"].ToString().Split('@')[0]; strRepliedDate = dsSolution.Rows[i]["RepliedDate"].ToString().Split('@')[0]; strRepliedDate = DateTime.Parse(strRepliedDate).ToShortDateString(); DataTable dsCount = new DataTable(); dsCount = connManager.GetDataTable("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VwSolutions WHERE (RepliedUser = "******") AND (AskedUser <> " + strUserId + ")"); if (dsCount != null && dsCount.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dsCount.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "0") { if (dsCount != null && dsCount.Rows.Count > 0) strAnswers = dsCount.Rows[0][0].ToString(); else strAnswers = "<b>none</b>"; if (!dsSolution.Rows[i]["EMail"].ToString().Contains("")) //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Response No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> by <b>" + strFirstName + " " + strLastName + "</b> ";// + strRepliedDate + ""; // Total replies by user: "******"."; htcResponseNoByDetails += "<b>" + strFirstName + " " + strLastName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; // Total replies by user: "******"."; else //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Response No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> by <b>" + strFirstName + "</b> ";// + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += "<b>" + strFirstName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; //htc4.InnerHtml = "Comment No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString(); } else if (!strFirstName.ToLower().Equals("admin")) // htcResponseNoByDetails += "Response No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> by <b>" + strFirstName + " " + strLastName + "</b> ";// + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += "<b>" + strFirstName + " " + strLastName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; else //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Response No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += " " + strRepliedDate; } else if (!strFirstName.ToLower().Equals("admin")) //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Response No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> by <b>" + strFirstName + " " + strLastName + "</b> ";// + strRepliedDate + ""; htcResponseNoByDetails += "<b>" + strFirstName + " " + strLastName + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + ""; else //htcResponseNoByDetails += "Response No <b>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</b> " + strRepliedDate + " "; htcResponseNoByDetails += " " + strRepliedDate + " "; #endregion htcResponseNoByDetails += "</td>"; htmlRowResponseNoByDetails += htcUserImage; htmlRowResponseNoByDetails += htcResponseNoByDetails; htmlRowResponseNoByDetails += AddThumbsUpDown(i, quesID, strReplyId, lblUp, lblDown); htmlRowResponseNoByDetails += "</tr>"; htmlTblResponseNoByDetails += htmlRowResponseNoByDetails + "</table>"; #endregion htcResponseNoByDetailsOuterCell += htmlTblResponseNoByDetails + "</td>"; htrResponseNoByDetailsOuterRow += htcResponseNoByDetailsOuterCell + "</tr>"; //Solution Row string htmlRowSolutionContent = "<tr>"; string htcReplyContent = "<td style=\"font-family:Calibri\" >"; strReplyId = dsSolution.Rows[i]["ReplyId"].ToString(); #region Reply string strReply = dsSolution.Rows[i]["Reply"].ToString().Replace("font-size: x-small", "font-size: 16px"); strReply = StringClean(strReply); #endregion htcReplyContent += strReply + "</td>"; htmlRowSolutionContent += htcReplyContent + "</tr>"; if (ViewBag.ReplyId != null && strReplyId == Convert.ToString(ViewBag.ReplyId)) { strDeleteRow += "<tr><td align=\"right\" style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;font-family:Calibri;font-size:18px;\">"; strDeleteRow += "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Delete\" value=\"Delete\"; onClick=\"DeletePost('" + quesID + "')\" style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;font-family:Calibri;font-size:18px;border:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:black\">"; strDeleteRow += "</td></tr>"; Session["DeleteReplyId"] = strReplyId; } tblReplies += htrResponseNoByDetailsOuterRow + strDeleteRow + htmlRowSolutionContent; tblReplies += "<tr><td><br /></td></tr>"; } tblReplies += "</table>"; model.AnswerDetails = tblReplies; ViewBag.AnswerDetails = tblReplies; } else { ViewBag.AnswerDetails = null; } connManager.DisposeConn(); }
public ActionResult CreateEditUser(Users user, HttpPostedFileBase fileUserPhoto, string txtPassword) { string activationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //AddEdit user if (Request.Form["Cancel"] == null) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (fileUserPhoto != null && fileUserPhoto.ContentLength > 1048576) { ViewBag.Ack = "Image file size should be less than 1 mb"; //return; } else { //try //{ ConnManager con = new ConnManager(); DataSet dsUser = con.GetData("Select * from Users where Email = '" + user.Email + "'"); con.DisposeConn(); if (dsUser.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { ViewBag.Ack = "EMail id already exists. If you have forgotten password, please click forgot password link on the Sign In page."; return View("Users", user); } DataTable dtUserActivation = con.GetDataTable("select * from UserActivation where Email = '" + user.Email + "'"); if (dtUserActivation.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewBag.lblAck = "User activation pending"; ViewBag.Activation = "Resend Activation Code?"; return View("../Account/Login"); } double dblUserID = 0; SqlConnection LclConn = new SqlConnection(); SqlTransaction SetTransaction = null; bool IsinTransaction = false; if (LclConn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { user.SetConnection = user.OpenConnection(LclConn); SetTransaction = LclConn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); IsinTransaction = true; } else { user.SetConnection = LclConn; } if (fileUserPhoto != null && fileUserPhoto.FileName != "") { try { string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileUserPhoto.FileName); string fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileUserPhoto.FileName); string fullFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileUserPhoto.FileName); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\") + fullFileName)) { fileUserPhoto.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\") + fullFileName); } else { fullFileName = fileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss") + fileExt; while (System.IO.File.Exists(fullFileName)) { fileName = fileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"); fullFileName = fileName + fileExt; } fileUserPhoto.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\") + fullFileName); } user.ImageURL = "~/Images/" + fullFileName; } catch (Exception ex) { //ViewBag.Ack = "Please try again"; user.ImageURL = "~/Images/Person.JPG"; } } else { user.ImageURL = "~/Images/Person.JPG"; } user.OptionID = 1; user.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; user.Password = txtPassword; bool result = user.CreateUsers(ref dblUserID, SetTransaction); if (IsinTransaction && result) { SetTransaction.Commit(); } else { SetTransaction.Rollback(); } using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLCON"].ToString())) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO UserActivation VALUES(@UserId, @ActivationCode)")) { using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter()) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", dblUserID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ActivationCode", activationCode); cmd.Connection = conn; conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } } } user.CloseConnection(LclConn); //ViewBag.Ack = "User Registered Successfully. Please login."; ViewBag.Ack = "User Info Saved Successfully. An activation link has been sent to your email address, please check your inbox and activate your account"; //SendNewUserRegEMail(user.Email); SendActivationEMail(user.Email, activationCode); SendEMail(user.Email, user.FirstName, user.LastName); } Session["User"] = user; //return View("ViewUser", user); return Redirect("../Account/ViewUser"); } else { ViewBag.Ack = ModelState["ReCaptcha"].Errors[0].ErrorMessage; return View("Users", user); } } else { return View("Users", user); } }
private ActionResult CheckUserLogin(string txtEMailId, string txtPassword) { ConnManager connManager = new ConnManager(); connManager.OpenConnection(); DataTable DSUserList = new DataTable(); DataTable dtUserActivation = new DataTable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPassword)) { DSUserList = connManager.GetDataTable("select * from users where email = '" + txtEMailId + "' and Password = '******'"); } else { DSUserList = connManager.GetDataTable("select * from users where email = '" + txtEMailId + "'"); } if (DSUserList.Rows.Count == 0) { ViewBag.lblAck = "Invalid login credentials, please try again"; return View("../Account/Login"); } else { dtUserActivation = connManager.GetDataTable("select * from UserActivation where UserId = " + double.Parse(DSUserList.Rows[0]["UserId"].ToString()) + " and Email = '" + txtEMailId + "'"); if (dtUserActivation.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewBag.lblAck = "User activation pending"; ViewBag.Activation = "Resend Activation Code?"; return View("../Account/Login"); } Users user = new Users(); user.UserId = double.Parse(DSUserList.Rows[0]["UserId"].ToString()); user.FirstName = DSUserList.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); user.LastName = DSUserList.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); user.Email = DSUserList.Rows[0]["EMail"].ToString(); user.Address = DSUserList.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(); user.ImageURL = DSUserList.Rows[0]["ImageURL"].ToString(); user.Password = DSUserList.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString(); user.ImageURL = user.ImageURL.Replace("~", ""); user.ImageURL = user.ImageURL.Replace("/CodeAnalyzeMVC2015", ""); DataSet dsQuestions = new DataSet(); DataSet dsAnswers = new DataSet(); DataSet dsArticles = new DataSet(); dsQuestions = connManager.GetData("Select Count(*) from Question where AskedUser = "******""); if (dsQuestions.Tables.Count > 0 && dsQuestions.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) user.QuestionsPosted = dsQuestions.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); dsAnswers = connManager.GetData("Select Count(*) from Replies where RepliedUser = "******""); if (dsAnswers.Tables.Count > 0 && dsAnswers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) user.AnswersPosted = dsAnswers.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); dsArticles = connManager.GetData("Select Count(*) from CodeArticles where UserId = " + user.UserId + ""); if (dsArticles.Tables.Count > 0 && dsArticles.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) user.ArticlesPosted = dsArticles.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); else user.ArticlesPosted = "0"; user.Details = DSUserList.Rows[0]["Details"].ToString(); Session["User"] = user; Session["user.Email"] = user.Email; ViewBag.UserEmail = user.Email; connManager.DisposeConn(); return View("../Account/ViewUser", user); } }
//public ActionResult Google() //{ // return View(); //} public ActionResult ForgotPassword(string txtEMailId) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEMailId)) { ConnManager con = new ConnManager(); DataSet dsUser = con.GetData("Select * from Users where Email = '" + txtEMailId + "'"); con.DisposeConn(); if (dsUser.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { ViewBag.Ack = "No such EMail Id exists"; } DataTable dtUserActivation = con.GetDataTable("select * from UserActivation where Email = '" + txtEMailId + "'"); if (dtUserActivation.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewBag.Ack = "User activation pending"; ViewBag.Activation = "Resend Activation Code?"; return View("../Account/Login"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Password"].ToString())) { Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.IsBodyHtml = true; string EMailBody = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("EMailBody.txt")); mail.Body = string.Format(EMailBody, "Your CodeAnalyze account password is " + dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Password"].ToString()); mail.FromAdd = "*****@*****.**"; mail.Subject = "Code Analyze account password"; mail.ToAdd = dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EMail"].ToString(); mail.SendMail(); ViewBag.Ack = "Password has been emailed to you, please check your email."; } else { ViewBag.Ack = "You have created your profile thorugh one of the social sites. Please use the same channel to login. Google Or Facebook"; } } return View(); }
public ActionResult EditUser(Users user, HttpPostedFileBase fileUserPhoto) { //AddEdit user if (Request.Form["Cancel"] == null) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (fileUserPhoto != null && fileUserPhoto.ContentLength > 1048576) { ViewBag.Ack = "Image file size should be less than 1 mb"; //return; } else { //try //{ ConnManager con = new ConnManager(); DataSet dsUser = con.GetData("Select * from Users where Email = '" + user.Email + "'"); con.DisposeConn(); if (dsUser.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //if (Session["User"] == null) //{ // ViewBag.Ack = "EMail id already exists. If you have forgotten password, please click forgot password link on the Sign In page."; // //return; //} user.UserId = double.Parse(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserId"].ToString()); } double dblUserID = 0; SqlConnection LclConn = new SqlConnection(); SqlTransaction SetTransaction = null; bool IsinTransaction = false; if (LclConn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { user.SetConnection = user.OpenConnection(LclConn); SetTransaction = LclConn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); IsinTransaction = true; } else { user.SetConnection = LclConn; } if (fileUserPhoto != null && fileUserPhoto.FileName != "") { try { string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileUserPhoto.FileName); string fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileUserPhoto.FileName); string fullFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileUserPhoto.FileName); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\") + fullFileName)) { fileUserPhoto.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\") + fullFileName); } else { fullFileName = fileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss") + fileExt; while (System.IO.File.Exists(fullFileName)) { fileName = fileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"); fullFileName = fileName + fileExt; } fileUserPhoto.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\") + fullFileName); } user.ImageURL = "~/Images/" + fullFileName; } catch (Exception ex) { //ViewBag.Ack = "Please try again"; user.ImageURL = "~/Images/Person.JPG"; } user.OptionID = 5; } else { user.OptionID = 7; Users tempUser = new CodeAnalyzeMVC2015.Users(); tempUser = (Users)Session["User"]; user.ImageURL = tempUser.ImageURL; } user.ModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now; dblUserID = user.UserId; bool result = user.CreateUsers(ref dblUserID, SetTransaction); if (IsinTransaction && result) { SetTransaction.Commit(); } else { SetTransaction.Rollback(); } user.CloseConnection(LclConn); ViewBag.Ack = "User Updated Successfully."; //} //catch //{ //} } Session["User"] = user; //return View("ViewUser", user); return Redirect("../Account/ViewUser"); } else { user = (Users)Session["User"]; return View("../Account/ViewUser", user); } } else { user = (Users)Session["User"]; return View("../Account/ViewUser", user); } }