/// <summary>
 /// A simple constructor that initializes the object with its dependencies.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p_ilgInstallLog">The install log to use to log file installations.</param>
 /// <param name="p_mmgModManager">The mod manager to use to upgrade any replaced mods.</param>
 /// <param name="p_dlgConfirmUpgrade">The delegate to call to confirm that a mismatched version mod should be upgraded.</param>
 /// <param name="p_dlgOverwriteConfirmationDelegate">The method to call in order to confirm an overwrite.</param>
 public UpgradeMismatchedVersionScanner(IInstallLog p_ilgInstallLog, ModManager p_mmgModManager, ConfirmMismatchedVersionModUpgradeDelegate p_dlgConfirmUpgrade, ConfirmItemOverwriteDelegate p_dlgOverwriteConfirmationDelegate)
     InstallLog                 = p_ilgInstallLog;
     ModManager                 = p_mmgModManager;
     m_dlgConfirmUpgrade        = p_dlgConfirmUpgrade;
     m_dlgOverwriteConfirmation = p_dlgOverwriteConfirmationDelegate;
		/// <summary>
		/// A simple constructor that initializes the object with its dependencies.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_ilgInstallLog">The install log to use to log file installations.</param>
		/// <param name="p_mmgModManager">The mod manager to use to upgrade any replaced mods.</param>
		/// <param name="p_dlgConfirmUpgrade">The delegate to call to confirm that a mismatched version mod should be upgraded.</param>
		/// <param name="p_dlgOverwriteConfirmationDelegate">The method to call in order to confirm an overwrite.</param>
		public UpgradeMismatchedVersionScanner(IInstallLog p_ilgInstallLog, ModManager p_mmgModManager, ConfirmMismatchedVersionModUpgradeDelegate p_dlgConfirmUpgrade, ConfirmItemOverwriteDelegate p_dlgOverwriteConfirmationDelegate)
			InstallLog = p_ilgInstallLog;
			ModManager = p_mmgModManager;
			m_dlgConfirmUpgrade = p_dlgConfirmUpgrade;
			m_dlgOverwriteConfirmation = p_dlgOverwriteConfirmationDelegate;