public AltaEmpresa(string rol) { InitializeComponent(); ConfigGlobal cg = new ConfigGlobal(); DateTime fechaSistema = cg.getFechaSistema(); lblFechaSistema.Visible = true; lblFechaSistema.Text = fechaSistema.ToString(); rolLogueado = rol; if (rolLogueado != "sin Rol") { textUsername.ReadOnly = true; textUsername.Visible = false; textUsername.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window; textPassword.ReadOnly = true; textPassword.Visible = false; textPassword.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window; labelUser.Text = "Usuario y Password creadas por defecto."; } else { lblUsername.Visible = false; lblPassword.Visible = false; } }
public AltaCliente(string rol) { InitializeComponent(); foreach (string tipo in Documento.string_docu) { comboTipoDoc.Items.Add(tipo); } ConfigGlobal cg = new ConfigGlobal(); DateTime fechaSistema = cg.getFechaSistema(); lblFechaSistema.Visible = true; lblFechaSistema.Text = fechaSistema.ToString(); rolLogueado = rol; if (rolLogueado != "sin Rol") { textUsername.ReadOnly = true; textUsername.Visible = false; textUsername.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window; textPassword.ReadOnly = true; textPassword.Visible = false; textPassword.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window; labelUser.Text = "Usuario y Password creadas por defecto."; } else { lblUsername.Visible = false; lblPassword.Visible = false; } }
private void btnSubirTxt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //creamos un objeto OpenDialog que es un cuadro de dialogo para buscar archivos OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Archivos de Texto (*.txt)|*.txt"; //le indicamos el tipo de filtro en este caso que busque //solo los archivos excel dialog.Title = "Seleccione el archivo de Text"; //le damos un titulo a la ventana dialog.FileName = string.Empty; //inicializamos con vacio el nombre del archivo //si al seleccionar el archivo damos Ok if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { List <string> FechaIncorrectas = new List <string>(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dialog.FileName, false)) { //string[] separarFecha = horaIngresada.ToString("HH:mm:ss").Split(':');//DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss").Split(':'); //string hor = separarFecha[0]; //string minutos = separarFecha[1]; //int horas = int.Parse(hor); //int horas =0; string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { //MessageBox.Show(line); DateTime fechaTxt = Convert.ToDateTime(line); //Valido las fechas ConfigGlobal conf = new ConfigGlobal(); if (fechaTxt >= conf.getFechaSistema()) { if (this.esFechaValida(fechaTxt)) { fechasValidas.Add(fechaTxt); } } else { FechaIncorrectas.Add(line); } } } filtrarFechasValidas(fechasValidas); for (int i = 0; i < FechaIncorrectas.Count; i++) { MessageBox.Show("Fecha incorrecta " + FechaIncorrectas[i]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); SqliteCreacion.SituarBd_EnDirectorioLocal(); ConfigGlobal.InicializarConexion(ConfigGlobal.TipoConexion.Sqlite); Application.Run(new InicioForm()); }
/// <summary> /// method to save setting /// </summary> private void SaveSetting() { ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Database_Catalog = txtCatalog.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.DataBase_SqlServer = txtSqlServer.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Database_SqlAuthentication = rbtnSqlServerAuthentication.Checked; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Database_Password = txtPassword.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Database_UserName = txtLogin.Text; ConfigGlobal.Save(); }
private void btnFiltroFecha_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { grafico.Visible = true; dataGridView1.Visible = true; string tipoEstadistica = cbxTipoEstadistica.SelectedItem.ToString(); string anio = cbxAnio.SelectedItem.ToString(); string trimestre = cbxTrimestre.SelectedItem.ToString(); Estadistica estadistica = new Estadistica(); ConfigGlobal conf = new ConfigGlobal(); DateTime fechaDelSistema = conf.getFechaSistema(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); switch (tipoEstadistica) { case "Empresas con mayor cantidad de localidades no vendidas": // //estadistica.getLocalidadesNoVendidas(dataGridView1,trimestre, anio); break; case "Clientes con mayores puntos vencidos": dt = estadistica.getClientesMasPuntosVencidos(dataGridView1, trimestre, anio); CargarData.cargarGridView(dataGridView1, dt); grafico.Series[0].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; grafico.Series[0].Name = "Puntos Vencidos por Compras"; foreach (DataRow drow in dt.Rows) { grafico.Series[0].Points.AddXY(drow["Cantidad de compras"].ToString(), drow["Puntos Vencidos"].ToString()); } break; case "Clientes con mayor cantidad de compras": dt = estadistica.getClientesMayorCompras(dataGridView1, trimestre, anio); CargarData.cargarGridView(dataGridView1, dt); grafico.Series[0].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; grafico.Series[0].Name = "Compras por Publicaciones"; foreach (DataRow drow in dt.Rows) { grafico.Series[0].Points.AddXY(drow["Cantidad de compras"].ToString(), drow["Cantidad de Publicaciones"].ToString()); } break; default: MessageBox.Show("Ha ocurrido un error al cargar los datos.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; } //Empresas con mayor cantidad de localidades no vendidas, dicho listado debe //filtrarse por grado de visibilidad de la publicación y por mes - año.Primero se // deberá ordenar por fecha y luego por visibilidad. //● Clientes con mayor cantidad de compras, agrupando las publicaciones por //empresa. }
// GET: Home/Refresh public ActionResult Refresh() { Service.Model.Config.UpdateAssemblyInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); ConfigGlobal.Refresh(); Service.Scheduler.Schedule.Cache.RefreshCache(); CameraSource.Cache.RefreshCache(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
private void CanjePuntos_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConfigGlobal global = new ConfigGlobal(); int puntosVigentes = 0; fechaDelSistema = global.getFechaSistema(); DaoSP dao = new DaoSP(); lblPuntosACanjear.Visible = false; //Busco los puntos de ese cliente puntosVigentes = puntos.consultarPuntosVigentes(fechaDelSistema, userLogueado.cliente.numeroDocumento); lblPuntosVigentes.Text = puntosVigentes.ToString(); //Busco los premios que pueda a llegar a canjear un cliente, //tener en cuenta que los premios tienen su puntaje, //por ende el cliente segun sus puntos es el premio que le corresponde. DataTable dtPremios = new DataTable(); string query = "select distinct p.Id as IdPremio,p.descripcion as Descripcion,PuntosVigentes,p.puntos as Puntos,FechaVencimiento from dropeadores.Puntos pu, " + " dropeadores.Premio p where Id_Cliente =" + userLogueado.cliente.numeroDocumento + " and pu.PuntosVigentes > p.puntos and FechaVencimiento > '" + fechaDelSistema + "' "; dtPremios = dao.ConsultarConQuery(query); DataTable dtPremios2 = new DataTable(); string query2 = "select distinct p.puntos as Puntos,p.descripcion from dropeadores.Puntos pu, " + " dropeadores.Premio p where Id_Cliente =" + userLogueado.cliente.numeroDocumento + " and pu.PuntosVigentes > p.puntos and FechaVencimiento > '" + fechaDelSistema + "' "; dtPremios2 = dao.ConsultarConQuery(query2); if (dtPremios.Rows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("No existen puntos asociados al cliente, o no existen premios para la cantidad de puntos asociados.", "Error al cargar los puntos", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { DataRow rowPremios = dtPremios.Rows[0]; premio.Id = int.Parse(rowPremios["IdPremio"].ToString()); premio.puntos = int.Parse(rowPremios["Puntos"].ToString()); premio.descripcion = rowPremios["Descripcion"].ToString(); CargarData.cargarComboBox(cbxPremios, dtPremios2, "Puntos", "descripcion"); } DataTable dtcli = new DataTable(); dtcli = dao.ConsultarConQuery("select nombre,apellido,NumeroDocumento from dropeadores.Cliente where NumeroDocumento= " + userLogueado.cliente.numeroDocumento); DataRow rowcli = dtcli.Rows[0]; cliente.nombre = rowcli["nombre"].ToString(); cliente.apellido = rowcli["apellido"].ToString(); cliente.numeroDocumento = int.Parse(rowcli["NumeroDocumento"].ToString()); lblCliente.Text = cliente.nombre + " " + cliente.apellido; lblDniCli.Text = cliente.numeroDocumento.ToString(); }
private void cargarTabla() { ConfigGlobal fech = new ConfigGlobal(); DaoSP prueba = new DaoSP(); dataGridViewCompra.DataSource = ubicacionesSeleccionadas; dataGridViewCompra.Columns[2].Visible = false; dataGridViewCompra.Columns[6].Visible = false; dataGridViewCompra.Columns[4].Visible = false; }
private void SaveSetting() { ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_ProjectName = txtProjectName.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_ClassPrefix = txtClassPrefix.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_SpPrefix = txtSpPrefix.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_OutputDirectory = txtOutputDir.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_FoudationLink = txtFoudationLink.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_MemoryWorkerBase = txtMemoryWorkerBase.Text; ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_CheckGenByForder = chkGeneratorByFolder.Checked; ConfigGlobal.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="transaction"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task <TransactionResult> BarCodeTransactionAsync(Transaction transaction, Domain.Enums.TransactionType action) { switch (ConfigGlobal.GetValue("Payment", "BarCodeProvider").ToLower()) { case "cielo": return(await CieloProviderAsync(transaction, action)); default: throw new Exception("Provider not set"); } }
protected SecurityTokenResult GetSubscribersToken(ApplicationDetails appAuth) { try { SecurityKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(ConfigGlobal.GetValue("Application", "AppSecretKey"))); TokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler(); if (appAuth != null && appAuth.AppId > 0) { ///Criamos uma identidade ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(); ///Claim de acesso Collection <Claim> claims = new Collection <Claim> { new Claim(ClaimTypes.PrimarySid, appAuth.AppId.ToString()), new Claim(ClaimTypes.SerialNumber, appAuth.AppUid.ToString()), new Claim(ClaimTypes.UserData, appAuth.AppDescription.ToString()), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, ((int)appAuth.Owner).ToString()), new Claim("AccountStatus", ((int)appAuth.AccountStatus).ToString()), }; ///Configura os Token var tokenDescriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor { Issuer = ConfigGlobal.GetValue("Application", "Issuer"), Subject = claimsIdentity, SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(SecurityKey, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256, SecurityAlgorithms.Sha256Digest) }; ///Gera o Token e retorna a string SecurityToken token = TokenHandler.CreateToken(tokenDescriptor); var tokenString = TokenHandler.WriteToken(token); ///Retorna return(new SecurityTokenResult { Create = DateTime.UtcNow, Token = tokenString, Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1), }); } else { return(null); } } catch { return(null); } }
private void btnConnectOracle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadListFile(); LoadListFieldsBool(); ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_EntityPath = txtLinkMapEntity.Text.Trim(); ConfigGlobal.Save(); var loginScreen = new ConnectStringForm(); var result = loginScreen.ShowDialog(); this.DialogResult = result; this.Close(); }
public void Execute(object state) { try { ConfigGlobal.Refresh(); Schedule.Cache.RefreshCache(); CameraSource.Cache.RefreshCache(); ExamineSchedulerException(); _log.Info("Scheduler executed: (RefreshCache)"); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Warn("Scheduler failed: (RefreshCache)"); _log.Error(ex); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { OracleHelper.ConnectionString = txtConnectionString.Text.Trim(); OracleHelper.IsConectOracle = true; OracleHelper.GetDt("select 5 from dual"); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_ConnectionString = txtConnectionString.Text.Trim(); ConfigGlobal.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserID == -1) { phAnonymous.Visible = true; } else { phAnonymous.Visible = false; } if (ConfigGlobal.IsPluginAdmin(UserID)) { pnlFuncLink.Visible = true; } else { pnlFuncLink.Visible = false; } }
public static ConfigGlobal readConfig() { if (File.Exists(confFile)) { Configuracion = Serializador.deserializar <ConfigGlobal>(confFile); } else if (Configuracion == null) { Configuracion = new ConfigGlobal(); Configuracion.usuario = "postgres"; = "localhost"; Configuracion.puerto = "5432"; //Configuracion.SetPassword("null"); Configuracion.Reportes = standardReports(); Serializador.serializar <ConfigGlobal>(Configuracion, confFile); } return(Configuracion); }
public JsonResult Config(string key, string value) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { var config = _repo.Single <Config>(x => x.ConfigKey == key && x.ConfigSystem == ConfigSystem.Reservation.ToString()); if (config != null) { config.ConfigValue = value; config.Save(); ConfigGlobal.Refresh(); ConfigGlobalSecureNode.Refresh(); return(Json("Success")); } } return(Json("Failed")); }
/// <summary> /// Method to load default values /// </summary> private void LoadDefaultValues() { ConfigGlobal.Init(); txtLinkMapEntity.Text = ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Setting_EntityPath; txtCatalog.Text = ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Database_Catalog; txtSqlServer.Text = ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.DataBase_SqlServer; rbtnSqlServerAuthentication.Checked = ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Database_SqlAuthentication; if (rbtnSqlServerAuthentication.Checked) { txtPassword.Text = ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Database_Password; txtLogin.Text = ConfigGlobal.SettingConfig.Database_UserName; } else { txtPassword.Text = ""; txtLogin.Text = ""; } }
public void Execute(object state) { var logInfo = new LogInfo { MethodInstance = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), ThreadInstance = Thread.CurrentThread }; //string _scheduleType = this.GetType().DeclaringType.FullName; try { _log.Info("Scheduler Start: (RefreshCache)", logInfo); Config.UpdateAssemblyInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), ConfigSystem.iArsenal); ConfigGlobal.Refresh(); Arsenal_Match.Cache.RefreshCache(); Arsenal_Player.Cache.RefreshCache(); Arsenal_Team.Cache.RefreshCache(); MatchTicket.Cache.RefreshCache(); Member.Cache.RefreshCache(); Product.Cache.RefreshCache(); Showcase.Cache.RefreshCache(); // Clean Log Log.Clean(); // Clean QrCode Files CleanQrCodeFiles(); _log.Info("Scheduler End: (RefreshCache)", logInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Warn(ex, logInfo); } }
public JsonResult Config(string key, string value) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { using (IRepository repo = new Repository()) { var config = repo.Single <Config>(x => x.ConfigKey == key); if (config != null) { config.ConfigValue = value; repo.Save(config); ConfigGlobal.Refresh(); return(Json("Success")); } } } return(Json("Failed")); }
protected void btnRefreshCache_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ConfigGlobal.Refresh(); Arsenal_Match.Cache.RefreshCache(); Arsenal_Player.Cache.RefreshCache(); Arsenal_Team.Cache.RefreshCache(); MatchTicket.Cache.RefreshCache(); Member.Cache.RefreshCache(); Product.Cache.RefreshCache(); Showcase.Cache.RefreshCache(); ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "succeed", "alert('更新全部缓存成功');window.location.href=window.location.href", true); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');", true); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_userId > 0) { pnlAnonymousUser.Visible = false; pnlLoginUser.Visible = true; var m = Member.Cache.LoadByAcnID(_userId); if (m != null && m.ID > 0) { lblUserInfo.Text = $"欢迎访问,<b>{m.Name}</b> (<em>NO.{m.ID}</em>)"; } else { lblUserInfo.Text = $"欢迎访问,<b>{_userName}</b> (<em>ID.{_userId}</em>)"; } if (ConfigGlobal.IsPluginAdmin(_userId)) { ltrlAdminConfig.Text = "<a href=\"AdminConfig.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">后台管理</a> - "; } else { ltrlAdminConfig.Visible = false; } } else { pnlAnonymousUser.Visible = true; pnlLoginUser.Visible = false; hlLogin.NavigateUrl = $"{ConfigGlobal.APILoginURL}?api_key={ConfigGlobal.APIAppKey}&next={Request.Url.PathAndQuery}"; } }
public void Execute(object state) { var logInfo = new LogInfo { MethodInstance = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), ThreadInstance = Thread.CurrentThread }; try { _log.Info("Scheduler Start: (RefreshCache)", logInfo); Config.UpdateAssemblyInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), ConfigSystem.Reservation); ConfigGlobal.Refresh(); ConfigGlobalSecureNode.Refresh(); Delivery.Cache.RefreshCache(); Menu.Cache.RefreshCache(); // 删除30天前的无效订单记录 Order.Clean(-30); OperationStandard.Cache.RefreshCache(); OperationStandardDto.Cache.RefreshCache(); // 删除30天前的无效安全检查记录 CheckList.Clean(-30); _log.Info("Scheduler End: (RefreshCache)", logInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Warn(ex, logInfo); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="transaction"></param> /// <param name="action"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task <TransactionResult> ChargeBackTransactionAsync(Transaction transaction, Domain.Enums.TransactionType action) { try { string provider; var order = await TransactionDB.GetLogTransactionByOrderIdAsync(transaction.OrderId); // switch (Enum.Parse(typeof(Domain.Enums.PaymentType), order.PaymentType)) { case Domain.Enums.PaymentType.CreditCard: provider = ConfigGlobal.GetValue("Payment", "CreditCardProvider").ToLower(); break; case Domain.Enums.PaymentType.DebitCard: provider = ConfigGlobal.GetValue("Payment", "DebitCardProvider").ToLower(); break; default: throw new Exception("Payment type not set"); } // switch (provider) { case "cielo": return(await CieloProviderAsync(transaction, action)); default: throw new Exception("Provider not set"); } } catch { throw; } }
private void InitForm() { try { lblMemberName.Text = $"<b>{MemberName}</b> (<em>NO.{Mid}</em>)"; if (OrderID > 0) { var o = (OrdrTravel)Order.Select(OrderID); if (ConfigGlobal.IsPluginAdmin(Uid) && o != null) { lblMemberName.Text = $"<b>{o.MemberName}</b> (<em>NO.{o.MemberID}</em>)"; } else { if (o == null || !o.MemberID.Equals(Mid) || !o.IsActive) { throw new Exception("此订单无效或非当前用户订单"); } } #region Bind OrderView Status Workflow if (ucPortalWorkflowInfo != null) { ucPortalWorkflowInfo.JSONOrderStatusList = $"[ {string.Join(",", o.StatusWorkflowInfo)} ]"; ucPortalWorkflowInfo.CurrOrderStatus = o.Status; } #endregion var m = repo.Single <Member>(o.MemberID); lblOrderMobile.Text = $"<em>{o.Mobile}</em>"; #region Set Member Nation & Region if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Nation)) { if (m.Nation.Equals("中国")) { lblMemberRegion.Text = "中国 "; var region = m.Region.Split('|'); var _regionID = int.MinValue; for (var i = 0; i < region.Length; i++) { if (int.TryParse(region[i], out _regionID)) { lblMemberRegion.Text += DictionaryItem.Cache.Load(_regionID).Name + " "; } else { continue; } } } else { lblMemberRegion.Text = m.Nation; } } else { lblMemberRegion.Text = "无"; } #endregion lblMemberIDCardNo.Text = m.IDCardNo; lblMemberPassportNo.Text = m.PassportNo; lblMemberPassportName.Text = m.PassportName; lblMemberQQ.Text = $"<em>{m.QQ}</em>"; lblMemberEmail.Text = $"<em>{m.Email}</em>"; lblOrderID.Text = $"<em>{o.ID}</em>"; lblOrderCreateTime.Text = o.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); lblOrderDescription.Text = o.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Remark)) { lblOrderRemark.Text = o.Remark.Replace("\r\n", "<br />"); phOrderRemark.Visible = true; } else { phOrderRemark.Visible = false; } // Should be Calculator in this Page var price = default(double); var priceInfo = string.Empty; var oiLondon = o.OITravelPlan.MapTo <OrdrItmTravelPlan, OrdrItmTravelPlanLondon>(); oiLondon.Init(); if (oiLondon.IsActive) { // Set Order Travel Date lblOrderItem_TravelInfo.Text = $"希望在 <em>{oiLondon.TravelFromDate.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日")}</em> 至 <em>{oiLondon.TravelToDate.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日")}</em> 出行"; // Set Order Travel Option if (oiLondon.TravelOption != null && oiLondon.TravelOption.Length > 0) { var _strTravelOption = string.Join("|", oiLondon.TravelOption); _strTravelOption = _strTravelOption.Replace("FLIGHT", "统一预订航班"); _strTravelOption = _strTravelOption.Replace("HOTEL", "统一预订住宿"); _strTravelOption = _strTravelOption.Replace("MATCHDAY", "参加比赛日活动"); _strTravelOption = _strTravelOption.Replace("LONDON", "参加伦敦游"); _strTravelOption = _strTravelOption.Replace("MUSEUM", "参观球场和博物馆"); lblOrderItem_TravelOption.Text = _strTravelOption; } else { lblOrderItem_TravelOption.Text = "无"; } } else { throw new Exception("此订单未填写观赛信息"); } // Set Travel Partner var listPartner = o.OITravelPartnerList.FindAll(oi => oi.IsActive && oi.Partner != null); if (listPartner != null && listPartner.Count > 0) { var oiPartner = listPartner[0]; var pa = oiPartner.Partner; if (pa != null) { var _strParterRelation = "({0})"; if (pa.Relation.Equals(1)) { _strParterRelation = string.Format(_strParterRelation, "亲属"); } else if (pa.Relation.Equals(2)) { _strParterRelation = string.Format(_strParterRelation, "朋友"); } else { _strParterRelation = string.Empty; } lblOrderItem_TravelPartner.Text = string.Format("<em>{0}</em>{5},{1},{2};护照:({3}){4}", pa.Name, pa.Gender ? "男" : "女", pa.IDCardNo, pa.PassportNo, pa.PassportName, _strParterRelation); } phOrderPartner.Visible = true; } else { phOrderPartner.Visible = false; } // Set Travel Price if (listPartner != null && listPartner.Count > 0) { var oiPartner = listPartner[0]; price = oiPartner.TotalPrice + oiLondon.TotalPrice; priceInfo = $"观赛团预订定金:{oiLondon.TotalPrice.ToString("f0")}+ 同伴定金:{oiPartner.TotalPrice.ToString("f0")} = <em>{price.ToString("f2")}</em>元 (CNY)"; phOrderPrice.Visible = true; } else { price = oiLondon.TotalPrice; priceInfo = $"观赛团预订定金:<em>{price.ToString("f2")}</em>元 (CNY)"; phOrderPrice.Visible = true; } tbOrderPrice.Text = price.ToString(); lblOrderPrice.Text = priceInfo; if (o.Status.Equals(OrderStatusType.Draft)) { btnSubmit.Visible = true; btnModify.Visible = true; btnCancel.Visible = true; phOrderPrice.Visible = false; } else if (o.Status.Equals(OrderStatusType.Submitted)) { btnSubmit.Visible = false; btnModify.Visible = false; btnCancel.Visible = true; phOrderPrice.Visible = false; } else { btnSubmit.Visible = false; btnModify.Visible = false; btnCancel.Visible = false; } } else { throw new Exception("此订单不存在"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');window.location.href = 'iArsenalOrder.aspx'", true); } }
private void InitForm() { try { lblMemberName.Text = $"<b>{MemberName}</b> (<em>NO.{Mid}</em>)"; if (OrderID > 0) { var o = (OrdrReplicaKit)Order.Select(OrderID); // Whether Home or Away ReplicaKit OrderItem oiReplicaKit; if (o.OIReplicaKitHome != null && o.OIReplicaKitHome.IsActive) { oiReplicaKit = o.OIReplicaKitHome; } else if (o.OIReplicaKitCup != null && o.OIReplicaKitCup.IsActive) { oiReplicaKit = o.OIReplicaKitCup; } else if (o.OIReplicaKitAway != null && o.OIReplicaKitAway.IsActive) { oiReplicaKit = o.OIReplicaKitAway; } else { throw new Exception("此订单未购买球衣商品"); } if (ConfigGlobal.IsPluginAdmin(Uid)) { lblMemberName.Text = $"<b>{o.MemberName}</b> (<em>NO.{o.MemberID}</em>)"; } else { if (!o.MemberID.Equals(Mid) || !o.IsActive) { throw new Exception("此订单无效或非当前用户订单"); } } #region Bind OrderView Status Workflow if (ucPortalWorkflowInfo != null) { ucPortalWorkflowInfo.JSONOrderStatusList = $"[ {string.Join(",", o.StatusWorkflowInfo)} ]"; ucPortalWorkflowInfo.CurrOrderStatus = o.Status; } #endregion lblOrderMobile.Text = $"<em>{o.Mobile}</em>"; //lblOrderPayment.Text = o.PaymentInfo; lblOrderAddress.Text = o.Address; lblOrderDescription.Text = o.Description; lblOrderID.Text = $"<em>{o.ID}</em>"; lblOrderCreateTime.Text = o.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Remark)) { lblOrderRemark.Text = o.Remark.Replace("\r\n", "<br />"); phOrderRemark.Visible = true; } else { phOrderRemark.Visible = false; } // Should be Calculator in this Page double price; string priceInfo; var oiNumber = o.OIPlayerNumber; var oiName = o.OIPlayerName; var oiFont = o.OIArsenalFont; var oiPremierPatch = o.OIPremiershipPatch; var oiChampionPatch = o.OIChampionshipPatch; lblOrderItem_ReplicaKit.Text = $"<em>{oiReplicaKit.ProductName}</em>"; lblOrderItem_ReplicaKitSize.Text = oiReplicaKit.Size; price = oiReplicaKit.TotalPrice; priceInfo = $"<合计> 球衣:{oiReplicaKit.TotalPrice.ToString("f2")}"; if (oiNumber != null && oiNumber.IsActive && oiName != null && oiName.IsActive) { if (oiFont != null && oiFont.IsActive) { lblOrderItem_PlayerDetail.Text = $"{oiName.PrintingName} ({oiNumber.PrintingNumber}) <em>【{Product.Cache.Load(oiFont.ProductGuid).DisplayName}】</em>"; price += oiFont.TotalPrice; priceInfo += $" + 印字号(特殊):{oiFont.TotalPrice.ToString("f2")}"; } else { lblOrderItem_PlayerDetail.Text = $"{oiName.PrintingName} ({oiNumber.PrintingNumber})"; price += oiNumber.TotalPrice + oiName.TotalPrice; priceInfo += $" + 印字号:{(oiNumber.TotalPrice + oiName.TotalPrice).ToString("f2")}"; } } else { lblOrderItem_PlayerDetail.Text = "无"; } if (oiPremierPatch != null && oiPremierPatch.IsActive && oiChampionPatch != null && oiChampionPatch.IsActive) { lblOrderItem_Patch.Text = $"{oiPremierPatch.ProductName} | {oiChampionPatch.ProductName}"; price += (oiPremierPatch.TotalPrice + oiChampionPatch.TotalPrice); priceInfo += $" + 袖标:{(oiPremierPatch.TotalPrice + oiChampionPatch.TotalPrice).ToString("f2")}"; } else if (oiPremierPatch != null && oiPremierPatch.IsActive && oiChampionPatch == null) { lblOrderItem_Patch.Text = $"{oiPremierPatch.ProductName} × {oiPremierPatch.Quantity}"; price += oiPremierPatch.TotalPrice; priceInfo += $" + 袖标:{oiPremierPatch.UnitPrice.ToString("f2")}×{oiPremierPatch.Quantity}"; } else if (oiPremierPatch == null && oiChampionPatch != null && oiChampionPatch.IsActive) { lblOrderItem_Patch.Text = $"{oiChampionPatch.ProductName} × {oiChampionPatch.Quantity}"; price += oiChampionPatch.TotalPrice; priceInfo += $" + 袖标:{oiChampionPatch.UnitPrice.ToString("f2")}×{oiChampionPatch.Quantity}"; } else { lblOrderItem_Patch.Text = "无"; } if (o.Postage > 0) { price += o.Postage; priceInfo += $" + 快递费:{o.Postage.ToString("f2")}"; } if (!o.Sale.HasValue) { lblOrderPrice.Text = $"{priceInfo} = <em>{price.ToString("f2")}</em>元 (CNY)"; } else { lblOrderPrice.Text = $"{priceInfo} = <em>{price.ToString("f2")}</em>元<br /><结算价>:<em>{o.Sale.Value.ToString("f2")}</em>元 (CNY)"; } tbOrderPrice.Text = price.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); if (o.Status.Equals(OrderStatusType.Draft)) { btnSubmit.Visible = true; btnModify.Visible = true; btnCancel.Visible = true; } else if (o.Status.Equals(OrderStatusType.Submitted)) { btnSubmit.Visible = false; btnModify.Visible = false; btnCancel.Visible = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Remark)) { lblOrderRemark.Text = "<em>请尽快按右侧提示框的付款方式进行球衣全额支付。--><br />我们会在收到您的款项后,为您安排确认并下单。</em>"; phOrderRemark.Visible = true; } ucPortalProductQrCode.QrCodeUrl = "~/UploadFiles/qrcode-alipay-vicky.png"; ucPortalProductQrCode.QrCodeProvider = "支付宝"; ucPortalProductQrCode.IsLocalUrl = true; } else { btnSubmit.Visible = false; btnModify.Visible = false; btnCancel.Visible = false; } } else { throw new Exception("此订单不存在"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');window.location.href = 'iArsenalOrder.aspx'", true); } }
private void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (todosCamposCompletos()) { Usuario usuario = new Usuario(); if (rolLogueado != "sin Rol") { usuario.username = textNroIdentificacion.Text; usuario.password = textNroIdentificacion.Text; usuario.creadoPor = "admin"; } else { usuario.username = textUsername.Text; usuario.password = textPassword.Text; usuario.creadoPor = "cliente"; } //Carga de datos Domicilio dire = new Domicilio(); Cliente cli = new Cliente(); Tarjeta tar = new Tarjeta(); ConfigGlobal archivoDeConfig = new ConfigGlobal(); cli.apellido = textApellido.Text; cli.nombre = textNombre.Text; cli.tipoDocumento = txtTipoDoc.Text; cli.numeroDocumento = int.Parse(textNroIdentificacion.Text); cli.mail = textMail.Text; cli.fechaNacimiento = dateTimePickerFechaNac.Value; cli.cuil = textCUIL.Text; cli.telefono = int.Parse(textTelefono.Text); usuario.fechaCreacionPsw = archivoDeConfig.getFechaSistema(); dire.calle = textDireccion.Text; dire.piso = int.Parse(textPiso.Text); dire.dpto = textDepto.Text; dire.localidad = textLocalidad.Text; dire.cp = int.Parse(textCP.Text); dire.numero = int.Parse(txtNro.Text); cli.Cli_Dir = dire; usuario.cliente = cli; tar.propietario = txtTarjProp.Text; tar.numero = txtTarjNum.Text; tar.fechaVencimiento = dateTimePickerVenc.Value; cli.Cli_Tar = tar; //Alta del cliente int resp = usuario.Alta(); if (resp != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Error!. No se ha creado el Usuario.", "Error al crear Nuevo Usuario", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (rolLogueado != "sin Rol") { MessageBox.Show("Cliente " + textNombre.Text + " creado, tiene hasta el día " + (usuario.fechaCreacionPsw.AddDays(2)) + " Para cambiar la password creada por defecto.", "Usuario Creado", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); limpiar(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Cliente " + textNombre.Text + " creado", "Usuario Creado", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); limpiar(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }
private bool validarData() { ConfigGlobal cg = new ConfigGlobal(); if (radioSi.Checked) { if (fechasValidas.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Valide las fechas, ya existen otros espectaculos el mismo dia en el mismo horario", "Advertencia", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } } if ((dateTimePickerPublicacion.Value) < cg.getFechaSistema()) { MessageBox.Show("La fecha de publicacion debe ser posterior a la fecha del sistema", "¡Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (radioNo.Checked) { if (publicacion.hayAlgunEspectaculoEnEstaFecha(dateTimePickerEspectaculo.Value)) { MessageBox.Show("Ya existe un espectáculo en esa fecha..", "¡Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } } if (radioNo.Checked == false && radioSi.Checked == false) { MessageBox.Show("Debe seleccionar al menos una opción para la fecha del Espectáculo.", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (textDescripcion.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("debe escribir una descripcion", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (textDireccion.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("debe escribir una direccion", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (comboGradoPublicacion.SelectedIndex == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Debe seleccionar un Grado de publicacion", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (comboRubro.SelectedIndex == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Debe seleccionar un Rubro.", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (textStock.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Ingrese algún stock.", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (textStock.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Ingrese algún stock.", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (int.Parse(textStock.Text.ToString()) > 100) { MessageBox.Show("La máxima cantidad de stock es 100", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (int.Parse(textStock.Text.ToString()) <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("La mínima cantidad de stock es 10", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (int.Parse(textStock.Text.ToString()) % 10 != 0) { MessageBox.Show("El stock debe ser múltiplo de 10", "¡Advertencia!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } //if (publicacion.existeFechayHoraSinLote()) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Ya existe un espectaculo en esa fecha y hora, ingrese otra.", "¡Error!", // MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // return false; //} return(true); }
private void InitForm() { try { lblMemberName.Text = $"<b>{MemberName}</b> (<em>NO.{Mid}</em>)"; lblMemberACNInfo.Text = $"<b>{Username}</b> (<em>ID.{Uid}</em>)"; var pETPL = Product.Cache.Load("iETPL"); var pETPA = Product.Cache.Load("iETPA"); if (pETPL == null || pETPA == null) { throw new Exception("无相关商品信息,请联系管理员"); } if (OrderID > 0) { var o = (OrdrTravel)Order.Select(OrderID); if (o == null || !o.IsActive) { throw new Exception("此订单无效"); } if (ConfigGlobal.IsPluginAdmin(Uid) || o.MemberID.Equals(Mid)) { lblMemberName.Text = $"<b>{o.MemberName}</b> (<em>NO.{o.MemberID}</em>)"; var m = repo.Single <Member>(o.MemberID); if (m == null || !m.IsActive) { throw new Exception("无此会员信息"); } lblMemberACNInfo.Text = $"<b>{m.AcnName}</b> (<em>ID.{m.AcnID}</em>)"; #region Set Member Nation & Region if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Nation)) { if (m.Nation.Equals("中国")) { ddlNation.SelectedValue = m.Nation; var region = m.Region.Split('|'); if (region.Length > 1) { tbRegion1.Text = region[0]; tbRegion2.Text = region[1]; } else { tbRegion1.Text = region[0]; tbRegion2.Text = string.Empty; } } else { ddlNation.SelectedValue = "其他"; if (m.Nation.Equals("其他")) { tbNation.Text = string.Empty; } else { tbNation.Text = m.Nation; } } } else { ddlNation.SelectedValue = string.Empty; } #endregion tbIDCardNo.Text = m.IDCardNo; tbPassportNo.Text = m.PassportNo; tbPassportName.Text = m.PassportName; tbMobile.Text = m.Mobile; tbQQ.Text = m.QQ; tbEmail.Text = m.Email; tbOrderDescription.Text = o.Description; } else { throw new Exception("此订单非当前用户订单"); } var oiTP = o.OITravelPlan.MapTo <OrdrItmTravelPlan, OrdrItmTravelPlanLondon>(); oiTP.Init(); var listPartner = o.OITravelPartnerList.FindAll(oi => oi.IsActive && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(oi.Remark)); if (oiTP != null && oiTP.IsActive) { // Set Order Travel Date tbFromDate.Text = oiTP.TravelFromDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); tbToDate.Text = oiTP.TravelToDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // Set Order Travel Option for (var j = 0; j < cblTravelOption.Items.Count; j++) { cblTravelOption.Items[j].Selected = false; } if (oiTP.TravelOption != null && oiTP.TravelOption.Length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < oiTP.TravelOption.Length; i++) { cblTravelOption.Items.FindByValue(oiTP.TravelOption[i]).Selected = true; } } } else { throw new Exception("此订单未填写观赛信息"); } if (listPartner != null && listPartner.Count > 0) { cbPartner.Checked = true; var pa = listPartner[0].Partner; if (pa != null) { tbPartnerName.Text = pa.Name; ddlPartnerRelation.SelectedValue = pa.Relation.ToString(); rblPartnerGender.SelectedValue = pa.Gender.ToString().ToLower(); tbPartnerIDCardNo.Text = pa.IDCardNo; tbPartnerPassportNo.Text = pa.PassportNo; tbPartnerPassportName.Text = pa.PassportName; cbPartner.Checked = true; } else { cbPartner.Checked = false; } } else { cbPartner.Checked = false; } } else { //Fill Member draft information into textbox var m = repo.Single <Member>(Mid); #region Set Member Nation & Region if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Nation)) { if (m.Nation.Equals("中国")) { ddlNation.SelectedValue = m.Nation; var region = m.Region.Split('|'); if (region.Length > 1) { tbRegion1.Text = region[0]; tbRegion2.Text = region[1]; } else { tbRegion1.Text = region[0]; tbRegion2.Text = string.Empty; } } else { ddlNation.SelectedValue = "其他"; if (m.Nation.Equals("其他")) { tbNation.Text = string.Empty; } else { tbNation.Text = m.Nation; } } } else { ddlNation.SelectedValue = string.Empty; } #endregion tbIDCardNo.Text = m.IDCardNo; tbPassportNo.Text = m.PassportNo; tbPassportName.Text = m.PassportName; tbMobile.Text = m.Mobile; tbQQ.Text = m.QQ; tbEmail.Text = m.Email; } } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');window.location.href = 'Default.aspx'", true); } }