Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all of the Key names under the specified Key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentKey">The parent key to enumerate</param>
        /// <returns>List of ConfigDbKey/KeyName pairs</returns>
        public List<KeyValuePair<ConfigDbKey, String>> EnumKeys( ConfigDbKey parentKey )

            if( parentKey == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser )
                parentKey = OpenKey( parentKey, String.Empty, true );

            List<KeyValuePair<ConfigDbKey, String>> keys = null;
            String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1}", (int) parentKey, (int) KeyValueType.Key );
            Table table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrID, StrName }, false, new String[] { "~" + StrName } );

            if( table.Count > 0 )
                keys = new List<KeyValuePair<ConfigDbKey, String>>( table.Count );
                foreach( Record record in table )
                    ConfigDbKey key = (ConfigDbKey) record[0];
                    string keyName = (string) record[1];
                    var kvp = new KeyValuePair<ConfigDbKey, String>( key, keyName );
                    keys.Add( kvp );
                keys = new List<KeyValuePair<ConfigDbKey, String>>( 0 );                

            return keys;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all of the Value names and, optionally, the Values under the specified Key.
        /// The Value can be either String or String[]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentKey">The parent key to enumerate</param>
        /// <param name="getValues">Specifies whether to also return the value</param>
        /// <returns>List of String/Value pairs</returns>
        public List<KeyValuePair<String, object>> EnumValues( ConfigDbKey parentKey, bool getValues )

            if( parentKey == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser || parentKey == ConfigDbKey.LocalMachine )
                throw new Exception( ErrCantHaveValues );

            List<KeyValuePair<String, object>> values = null;

            // get the default value of the parent Key
            ConfigDbDataType dataType;
            object defValue = getValue( parentKey, null, out dataType );

            String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1}", (int) parentKey, (int) KeyValueType.Value );
            Table table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrName, StrDataType, StrValue, StrValues }, false, new String[] { "~" + StrName } );

            int numRecs = table.Count + 1; // (hasDefaultValue ? 1 : 0);
            values = new List<KeyValuePair<String, object>>( table.Count );

            // add the Default value
            var kvp = new KeyValuePair<String, object>( String.Empty, defValue );
            values.Add( kvp );

            // add all the others
            if( table.Count > 0 )
                foreach( Record record in table )
                    string valueName = (string) record[StrName];
                    dataType = (ConfigDbDataType) record[StrDataType];
                    string ndx = dataType == ConfigDbDataType.String ? StrValue : StrValues;
                    object value = record[ndx];
                    kvp = new KeyValuePair<String, object>( valueName, value );
                    values.Add( kvp );

            return values;
Example #3
        public String GetKeyName( ConfigDbKey key )

            String filter = String.Format( "ID = {0}", (int) key );

            Table table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrName }, false, null );

            return (String) table[0][0];
Example #4
        public ConfigDbKey OpenKey( ConfigDbKey rootKey, String keyName, bool createIfNeedBe )

            keyName = keyName.Trim();

            if( rootKey != ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser &&  (keyName == null || keyName.Length == 0) )
                throw new Exception( "Invalid keyName parameter" );

            if( rootKey == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser )
	            keyName = getRoot( rootKey, keyName );

            Int32 id = (Int32) rootKey;
            String[] keys = keyName.Split( @"\/".ToCharArray() );

            foreach( String sKey in keys )
                String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND ~Name = '{1}'", id, sKey );
                Table table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrID }, false, null );

                if( table.Count > 0 )
                    id = (Int32) table[0][0];
                    if( createIfNeedBe )
                        // create it
                        FieldValues fieldValues = new FieldValues( 3 );
                        fieldValues.Add( StrParentID, id );
                        fieldValues.Add( StrName, sKey );
                        fieldValues.Add( StrType, (Int32) KeyValueType.Key );
                        fieldValues.Add( StrDataType, (Int32) ConfigDbDataType.String );
                        int index = _db.AddRecord( fieldValues );

                        // get the new ID
                        Record record = _db.GetRecordByIndex( index, new String[] { StrID } );
                        id = (int) record[0];
                        throw new Exception( ErrKeyNotFound );

            return (ConfigDbKey) id;
Example #5
        public bool HasKey( ConfigDbKey parentKey, string keyName )

            if( keyName != null )
                keyName = keyName.Trim();

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( keyName ) )
                throw new Exception( "Key name cannot be null or empty" );

            String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1} AND Name = '{2}'",
                                (int) parentKey, (int) KeyValueType.Key, keyName );

            Table table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrID }, false, null );

            return table.Count > 0;
Example #6
        public ConfigDbKey GetParentKey( ConfigDbKey key )

            String filter = String.Format( "ID = {0}", (int) key );

            Table table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrParentID }, false, null );

            return (ConfigDbKey) table[0][0];
Example #7
        public Boolean GetValueAsBoolean( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName )

            String sVal = GetValue( key, valueName );
            Boolean value; // = Boolean.Parse( sVal );
            if( !Boolean.TryParse( sVal, out value ) )
                Byte bVal;
                if( Byte.TryParse( sVal, out bVal ) )
                    if( bVal == 0 )
                        value = false;
                        goto Done;
                    else if( bVal == 1 )
                        value = true;
                        goto Done;
                throw new Exception( string.Format( ErrCantConvert, sVal, typeof( Boolean ).ToString() ) );
            return value;
Example #8
        public void RenameValue( ConfigDbKey key, string valueName, string newValueName )

            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser || key == ConfigDbKey.LocalMachine )
                throw new Exception( ErrCantHaveValues );

            if( valueName != null )
                valueName = valueName.Trim();

            if( newValueName != null )
                newValueName = newValueName.Trim();

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( valueName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( newValueName ) )
                throw new Exception( "Cannot rename default Value" );

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( newValueName ) )
                throw new Exception( "New Value name cannot be null or empty" );

            String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1} AND Name = '{2}'",
                                (int) key, (int) KeyValueType.Value, valueName );

            FieldValues fieldValues = new FieldValues( 1 );
            fieldValues.Add( StrName, newValueName );
            int numUpdated = _db.UpdateRecords( FilterExpressionGroup.Parse( filter ), fieldValues );
Example #9
        public String[] GetArrayValue( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName )

            ConfigDbDataType dataType;
            object value = getValue( key, valueName, out dataType );

            if( dataType != ConfigDbDataType.StringArray )
                throw new Exception( "The value is not a String array - use GetValue instead." );

            return value as String[];
Example #10
        public UInt32 GetValueAsUInt( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName )

            String sVal = GetValue( key, valueName );
            UInt32 value; // = UInt32.Parse( sVal );
            if( !UInt32.TryParse( sVal, out value ) )
                throw new Exception( string.Format( ErrCantConvert, sVal, typeof( UInt32 ).ToString() ) );
            return value;
Example #11
        public String GetValue( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName )

            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser || key == ConfigDbKey.LocalMachine )
                throw new Exception( ErrCantHaveValues );

            ConfigDbDataType dataType;
            object value = getValue( key, valueName, out dataType );

            if( dataType == ConfigDbDataType.StringArray )
                throw new Exception( "The value is a String array and cannot be converted - use GetStringArray instead." );

            return value as String;
Example #12
        object getValue( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName, out ConfigDbDataType dataType )
            dataType = ConfigDbDataType.String;

            if( valueName != null )
                valueName = valueName.Trim();

            // cannot set CURRENT_USER key directly - must append the Username
            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser )
                key = OpenKey( key, String.Empty, true );

            // make sure the key is there and get the default values in case we need them
            FilterExpression srchExp = new FilterExpression( StrID, (Int32) key, EqualityEnum.Equal, MatchTypeEnum.UseCase );
            Table table = _db.SelectRecords( srchExp, new String[] { StrDataType, StrValue, StrValues } );

            if( table.Count == 0 )
                throw new Exception( ErrKeyNotFound );

            object value = null;

            // if valueName is null or empty, use the Key's value, which we already have from above

            if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( valueName ) )
                String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1} AND ~Name = '{2}'", (int) key, (int) KeyValueType.Value, valueName );
                table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrDataType, StrValue, StrValues }, false, null );

                if( table.Count == 0 )
                    // Note: its easier to program against if we don't throw an error if there is no Value
                    // throw new Exception( ErrValueNotFound );
                    return null;

                Debug.Assert( table.Count == 1 );

            dataType = (ConfigDbDataType) table[0][StrDataType];

            if( dataType == ConfigDbDataType.String )
                value = table[0][StrValue];
                value = table[0][StrValues];
            return value;
Example #13
        public void SetValue( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName, ConfigDbDataType dataType, object value )

            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser || key == ConfigDbKey.LocalMachine )
                throw new Exception( ErrCantHaveValues );

            Table table;

            if( valueName != null )
                valueName = valueName.Trim();

    		// cannot set CURRENT_USER key directly - must append the Username
            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser )
                key = OpenKey( key, String.Empty, true );
                // make sure the key is there
                FilterExpression srchExp = new FilterExpression( StrID, (Int32) key, EqualityEnum.Equal, MatchTypeEnum.UseCase );
                table = _db.SelectRecords( srchExp, new String[] { StrID } );

                if( table.Count == 0 )
                    throw new Exception( ErrKeyNotFound );

            int id = -1;
            FieldValues fieldValues = new FieldValues( 5 );
            // these fields are always set regardless of adding or updating
            fieldValues.Add( StrDataType, (Int32) dataType );
            if( dataType == ConfigDbDataType.StringArray )
                fieldValues.Add( StrValues, value );
                fieldValues.Add( StrValue, value );

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( valueName ) )
                // we use the Key's value instead of creating a new 
                id = (Int32) key;
                String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1} AND ~Name = '{2}'", (int) key, (int) KeyValueType.Value, valueName );
                table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrID }, false, null );

                if( table.Count > 0 )
                    // found an existing value - update it
                    id = (int) table[0][0];

            if( id > -1 )
                // update
                _db.UpdateRecordByKey( id, fieldValues );
            else // add new value
                fieldValues.Add( StrParentID, (Int32) key );
                fieldValues.Add( StrType, (Int32) KeyValueType.Value );
                fieldValues.Add( StrName, valueName );
                int index = _db.AddRecord( fieldValues );
Example #14
        public void RenameKey( ConfigDbKey key, string newKeyName )

            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser || key == ConfigDbKey.LocalMachine )
                throw new Exception( "Cannot rename CurrentUser and LocalMachine root keys" );

            if( newKeyName != null )
                newKeyName = newKeyName.Trim();

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( newKeyName ) )
                throw new Exception( ErrKeysCannotBeEmpty );

            //String filter = String.Format( "ID = {0} AND Type = {1}", (int) key, (int) KeyValueType.Key );
            String filter = String.Format( "ID = {0}", (int) key );

            FieldValues fieldValues = new FieldValues( 1 );
            fieldValues.Add( StrName, newKeyName );
            int numUpdated = _db.UpdateRecords( FilterExpressionGroup.Parse( filter ), fieldValues );
Example #15
        public DateTime GetValueAsDateTime( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName )

            String sVal = GetValue( key, valueName );
            DateTime value; // = DateTime.Parse( sVal );
            if( !DateTime.TryParse( sVal, out value ) )
                throw new Exception( string.Format( ErrCantConvert, sVal, typeof( DateTime ).ToString() ) );
            return value;
Example #16
        public void RenameKey( ConfigDbKey key, string keyName, string newKeyName )

            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser )
                key = OpenKey( key, String.Empty, true );
            if( keyName != null )
                keyName = keyName.Trim();

            if( newKeyName != null )
                newKeyName = newKeyName.Trim();

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( keyName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( newKeyName ) )
                throw new Exception( ErrKeysCannotBeEmpty );

            String filter = String.Format( "ID = {0}", (int) key );

            FieldValues fieldValues = new FieldValues( 1 );
            fieldValues.Add( StrName, newKeyName );
            int numUpdated = _db.UpdateRecords( FilterExpressionGroup.Parse( filter ), fieldValues );
Example #17
        public void DeleteValue( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName )

            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser || key == ConfigDbKey.LocalMachine )
                throw new Exception( "CurrentUser and LocalMachine keys cannot have Values" );

            if( valueName != null )
                valueName = valueName.Trim();

            // make sure the key is there

            FilterExpression srchExp = new FilterExpression( StrID, (Int32) key, EqualityEnum.Equal, MatchTypeEnum.UseCase );
            Table table = _db.SelectRecords( srchExp, new String[] { StrDataType, StrValue, StrValues } );
            if( table.Count == 0 )
                throw new Exception( ErrKeyNotFound );

            KeyValueType valueType = string.IsNullOrEmpty( valueName ) ? KeyValueType.Key : KeyValueType.Value;
            String filter;

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( valueName ) )
                // update the Key record
                SetValue( key, valueName, ConfigDbDataType.String, null );
                // delete the Value record
                filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1} AND ~Name = '{2}'", (Int32) key, (Int32) KeyValueType.Value, valueName );
                FilterExpressionGroup srchExpGrp = FilterExpressionGroup.Parse( filter );
                _db.DeleteRecords( srchExpGrp );
Example #18
        public bool HasValue( ConfigDbKey key, string valueName )

            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser || key == ConfigDbKey.LocalMachine )
                throw new Exception( ErrCantHaveValues );

            if( valueName != null )
                valueName = valueName.Trim();

            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( valueName ) )
                throw new Exception( "Value cannot be null or empty" );

            String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1} AND Name = '{2}'",
                                (int) key, (int) KeyValueType.Value, valueName );

            Table table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrID }, false, null );

            return table.Count > 0;
Example #19
        public void DeleteKey( ConfigDbKey key )

            if( key == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser || key == ConfigDbKey.LocalMachine )
                throw new Exception( "Cannot delete CurrentUser or LocalMachine keys" );

            deleteSubKeys( key );
            deleteKey( key );
Example #20
        public int GetSubKeyCount( ConfigDbKey key )

            String filter = String.Format( "ParentID = {0} AND Type = {1}",
                                (int) key, (int) KeyValueType.Key );

            Table table = getMatchingRecords( filter, new String[] { StrID }, false, null );

            return table.Count;
Example #21
 void deleteKey( ConfigDbKey key )
     FilterExpressionGroup srchExpGroup = FilterExpressionGroup.Parse( 
         string.Format( "ParentID = {0} OR ID = {0}", (Int32) key ) );
     _db.DeleteRecords( srchExpGroup );
Example #22
        public ConfigDbDataType GetValueType( ConfigDbKey key, String valueName )

            ConfigDbDataType dataType;
            getValue( key, valueName, out dataType );

            return dataType;
Example #23
        void deleteSubKeys( ConfigDbKey key )
            FilterExpression srchExp = new FilterExpression( StrParentID, (Int32) key, EqualityEnum.Equal, MatchTypeEnum.UseCase );
            Table table = _db.SelectRecords( srchExp, new String[] { StrID } );

            if( table.Count > 0 )
                foreach( Record record in table )
                    int id = (int) record[0];
                    deleteSubKeys( (ConfigDbKey) id );
                    deleteKey( (ConfigDbKey) id );
Example #24
 public void Reparent( ConfigDbKey key, ConfigDbKey parentKey )
     String filter = String.Format( "ID = {0}", (int) key );
     FieldValues fieldValues = new FieldValues( 1 );
     fieldValues.Add( StrParentID, (int) parentKey );
     int numUpdated = _db.UpdateRecords( FilterExpressionGroup.Parse( filter ), fieldValues );
Example #25
        String getRoot( ConfigDbKey regKeyRoot, String keyPath ) // String pszRoot )
	        String key, userName;

	        if( regKeyRoot == ConfigDbKey.CurrentUser )
                userName = Environment.UserName;
		        if( userName.Length == 0 )
			        userName = "******"; // give it a default username which will be for all users of this machine

			    if( keyPath.Length > 0 )
				    key = String.Format( "{0}/{1}", userName, keyPath );
				    key = String.Format( "{0}", userName );
			    key = keyPath;

            return key;