Example #1
        /// <summary>Absorbs one TaskAttemptStatus</summary>
        /// <param name="reportedStatus">
        /// the status report that we got from a task attempt
        /// that we want to fold into the speculation data for this job
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">
        /// the time this status corresponds to.  This matters
        /// because statuses contain progress.
        /// </param>
        protected internal virtual void StatusUpdate(TaskAttemptStatusUpdateEvent.TaskAttemptStatus
                                                     reportedStatus, long timestamp)
            string        stateString = reportedStatus.taskState.ToString();
            TaskAttemptId attemptID   = reportedStatus.id;
            TaskId        taskID      = attemptID.GetTaskId();

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.V2.App.Job.Job job = context.GetJob(taskID.GetJobId()
            if (job == null)
            Task task = job.GetTask(taskID);

            if (task == null)
            estimator.UpdateAttempt(reportedStatus, timestamp);
            if (stateString.Equals(TaskAttemptState.Running.ToString()))
                runningTasks.PutIfAbsent(taskID, true);
                runningTasks.Remove(taskID, true);
                if (!stateString.Equals(TaskAttemptState.Starting.ToString()))
                    Sharpen.Collections.Remove(runningTaskAttemptStatistics, attemptID);
 private ConcurrentMap <ApplicationAttemptId, ApplicationAttemptHistoryData> GetSubMap
     (ApplicationId appId)
     applicationAttemptData.PutIfAbsent(appId, new ConcurrentHashMap <ApplicationAttemptId
                                                                      , ApplicationAttemptHistoryData>());
 private ConcurrentMap <ContainerId, ContainerHistoryData> GetSubMap(ApplicationAttemptId
     containerData.PutIfAbsent(appAttemptId, new ConcurrentHashMap <ContainerId, ContainerHistoryData
Example #4
        private void IncorporateReading(TaskAttemptId attemptID, float newProgress, long
            //TODO: Refactor this method, it seems more complicated than necessary.
            AtomicReference <ExponentiallySmoothedTaskRuntimeEstimator.EstimateVector> vectorRef
                = estimates[attemptID];

            if (vectorRef == null)
                estimates.PutIfAbsent(attemptID, new AtomicReference <ExponentiallySmoothedTaskRuntimeEstimator.EstimateVector
                IncorporateReading(attemptID, newProgress, newTime);
            ExponentiallySmoothedTaskRuntimeEstimator.EstimateVector oldVector = vectorRef.Get
            if (oldVector == null)
                if (vectorRef.CompareAndSet(null, new ExponentiallySmoothedTaskRuntimeEstimator.EstimateVector
                                                (this, -1.0, 0.0F, long.MinValue)))
                IncorporateReading(attemptID, newProgress, newTime);
            while (!vectorRef.CompareAndSet(oldVector, oldVector.Incorporate(newProgress, newTime
                oldVector = vectorRef.Get();
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Lazily initializes the internal data structure for tracking the specified
        /// phase and step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Lazily initializes the internal data structure for tracking the specified
        /// phase and step.  Returns either the newly initialized data structure or the
        /// existing one.  Initialization is atomic, so there is no risk of lost updates
        /// even if multiple threads attempt to initialize the same step simultaneously.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="phase">Phase to initialize</param>
        /// <param name="step">Step to initialize</param>
        /// <returns>StepTracking newly initialized, or existing if found</returns>
        private StepTracking LazyInitStep(Phase phase, Step step)
            ConcurrentMap <Step, StepTracking> steps = phases[phase].steps;

            if (!steps.Contains(step))
                steps.PutIfAbsent(step, new StepTracking());
Example #6
 /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Exceptions.YarnException"/>
 private void AddStartingContainer(NMClientImpl.StartedContainer startedContainer)
     if (startedContainers.PutIfAbsent(startedContainer.containerId, startedContainer)
         != null)
         throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException("Container " + startedContainer.containerId.ToString
                                              () + " is already started");
     startedContainers[startedContainer.GetContainerId()] = startedContainer;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers the provider.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="provider">  the provider to register, not null </param>
 /// <exception cref="ZoneRulesException"> if unable to complete the registration </exception>
 private static void RegisterProvider0(ZoneRulesProvider provider)
     foreach (String zoneId in provider.ProvideZoneIds())
         Objects.RequireNonNull(zoneId, "zoneId");
         ZoneRulesProvider old = ZONES.PutIfAbsent(zoneId, provider);
         if (old != null)
             throw new ZoneRulesException("Unable to register zone as one already registered with that ID: " + zoneId + ", currently loading from provider: " + provider);
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void ApplicationStarted(ApplicationStartData appStart)
            ApplicationHistoryData oldData = applicationData.PutIfAbsent(appStart.GetApplicationId
                                                                             (), ApplicationHistoryData.NewInstance(appStart.GetApplicationId(), appStart.GetApplicationName
                                                                                                                        (), appStart.GetApplicationType(), appStart.GetQueue(), appStart.GetUser(), appStart
                                                                                                                    .GetSubmitTime(), appStart.GetStartTime(), long.MaxValue, null, null, null));

            if (oldData != null)
                throw new IOException("The start information of application " + appStart.GetApplicationId
                                          () + " is already stored.");
        private string CheckScheme(string scheme)
            string @fixed   = StringUtils.ToUpperCase(scheme);
            string interned = schemes.PutIfAbsent(@fixed, @fixed);

            if (schemes.Count > MaxNumSchemes)
                // mistakes or abuses
                throw new ArgumentException("too many schemes? " + schemes.Count + " when process scheme: "
                                            + scheme);
            return(interned == null ? @fixed : interned);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the DecimalStyle for the specified locale.
        /// <para>
        /// This method provides access to locale sensitive decimal style symbols.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locale">  the locale, not null </param>
        /// <returns> the decimal style, not null </returns>
        public static DecimalStyle Of(Locale locale)
            Objects.RequireNonNull(locale, "locale");
            DecimalStyle info = CACHE[locale];

            if (info == null)
                info = Create(locale);
                CACHE.PutIfAbsent(locale, info);
                info = CACHE[locale];
Example #11
        private static Currency GetInstance(String currencyCode, int defaultFractionDigits, int numericCode)
            // Try to look up the currency code in the instances table.
            // This does the null pointer check as a side effect.
            // Also, if there already is an entry, the currencyCode must be valid.
            Currency instance = Instances[currencyCode];

            if (instance != null)

            if (defaultFractionDigits == Integer.MinValue)
                // Currency code not internally generated, need to verify first
                // A currency code must have 3 characters and exist in the main table
                // or in the list of other currencies.
                if (currencyCode.Length() != 3)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                char char1      = currencyCode.CharAt(0);
                char char2      = currencyCode.CharAt(1);
                int  tableEntry = GetMainTableEntry(char1, char2);
                if ((tableEntry & COUNTRY_TYPE_MASK) == SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_MASK && tableEntry != INVALID_COUNTRY_ENTRY && currencyCode.CharAt(2) - 'A' == (tableEntry & SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_FINAL_CHAR_MASK))
                    numericCode           = (tableEntry & NUMERIC_CODE_MASK) >> NUMERIC_CODE_SHIFT;
                    // Check for '-' separately so we don't get false hits in the table.
                    if (currencyCode.CharAt(2) == '-')
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                    int index = OtherCurrencies.IndexOf(currencyCode);
                    if (index == -1)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                    defaultFractionDigits = OtherCurrenciesDFD[index / 4];
                    numericCode           = OtherCurrenciesNumericCode[index / 4];

            Currency currencyVal = new Currency(currencyCode, defaultFractionDigits, numericCode);

            instance = Instances.PutIfAbsent(currencyCode, currencyVal);
            return(instance != null ? instance : currencyVal);
Example #12
        /*   *************************************************************    */
        // This section contains the code that gets run for a SpeculatorEvent
        private AtomicInteger ContainerNeed(TaskId taskID)
            JobId    jobID    = taskID.GetJobId();
            TaskType taskType = taskID.GetTaskType();
            ConcurrentMap <JobId, AtomicInteger> relevantMap = taskType == TaskType.Map ? mapContainerNeeds
                                 : reduceContainerNeeds;
            AtomicInteger result = relevantMap[jobID];

            if (result == null)
                relevantMap.PutIfAbsent(jobID, new AtomicInteger(0));
                result = relevantMap[jobID];
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void ContainerStarted(ContainerStartData containerStart)
            ConcurrentMap <ContainerId, ContainerHistoryData> subMap = GetSubMap(containerStart
            ContainerHistoryData oldData = subMap.PutIfAbsent(containerStart.GetContainerId()
                                                              , ContainerHistoryData.NewInstance(containerStart.GetContainerId(), containerStart
                                                                                                 .GetAllocatedResource(), containerStart.GetAssignedNode(), containerStart.GetPriority
                                                                                                     (), containerStart.GetStartTime(), long.MaxValue, null, int.MaxValue, null));

            if (oldData != null)
                throw new IOException("The start information of container " + containerStart.GetContainerId
                                          () + " is already stored.");
Example #14
        private void Add(ListenerHandle handle)
            IList <ListenerHandle> list = lists.Get(handle.type);

            if (list == null)
                CopyOnWriteArrayList <ListenerHandle> newList;
                newList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList <ListenerHandle>();
                list    = lists.PutIfAbsent(handle.type, newList);
                if (list == null)
                    list = newList;
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void ApplicationAttemptStarted(ApplicationAttemptStartData appAttemptStart
            ConcurrentMap <ApplicationAttemptId, ApplicationAttemptHistoryData> subMap = GetSubMap
            ApplicationAttemptHistoryData oldData = subMap.PutIfAbsent(appAttemptStart.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                           (), ApplicationAttemptHistoryData.NewInstance(appAttemptStart.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                                                                             (), appAttemptStart.GetHost(), appAttemptStart.GetRPCPort(), appAttemptStart.GetMasterContainerId
                                                                                                                             (), null, null, null, null));

            if (oldData != null)
                throw new IOException("The start information of application attempt " + appAttemptStart
                                      .GetApplicationAttemptId() + " is already stored.");
        public virtual object GetClient(Type protocol, long clientVersion, IPEndPoint addr
                                        , Configuration conf)
            Constructor <object> constructor = cache[protocol];

            if (constructor == null)
                Type pbClazz = null;
                    pbClazz = localConf.GetClassByName(GetPBImplClassName(protocol));
                catch (TypeLoadException e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException("Failed to load class: [" + GetPBImplClassName(protocol
                                                                                                  ) + "]", e);
                    constructor = pbClazz.GetConstructor(typeof(long), typeof(IPEndPoint), typeof(Configuration
                    cache.PutIfAbsent(protocol, constructor);
                catch (MissingMethodException e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException("Could not find constructor with params: " + typeof(
                                                       long) + ", " + typeof(IPEndPoint) + ", " + typeof(Configuration), e);
                object retObject = constructor.NewInstance(clientVersion, addr, conf);
            catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            catch (MemberAccessException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            catch (InstantiationException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
        public virtual T NewRecordInstance <T>()
            System.Type          clazz       = typeof(T);
            Constructor <object> constructor = cache[clazz];

            if (constructor == null)
                Type pbClazz = null;
                    pbClazz = localConf.GetClassByName(GetPBImplClassName(clazz));
                catch (TypeLoadException e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException("Failed to load class: [" + GetPBImplClassName(clazz
                                                                                                  ) + "]", e);
                    constructor = pbClazz.GetConstructor();
                    cache.PutIfAbsent(clazz, constructor);
                catch (MissingMethodException e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException("Could not find 0 argument constructor", e);
                object retObject = constructor.NewInstance();
            catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            catch (MemberAccessException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            catch (InstantiationException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
Example #18
        /// <summary>Return a buffer into the pool.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Return a buffer into the pool. After being returned,
        /// the buffer may be recycled, so the user must not
        /// continue to use it in any way.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="buf">the buffer to return</param>
        public virtual void ReturnBuffer(ByteBuffer buf)
            // reset mark, limit, etc
            int size = buf.Capacity();
            Queue <WeakReference <ByteBuffer> > list = buffersBySize[size];

            if (list == null)
                list = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue <WeakReference <ByteBuffer> >();
                Queue <WeakReference <ByteBuffer> > prev = buffersBySize.PutIfAbsent(size, list);
                // someone else put a queue in the map before we did
                if (prev != null)
                    list = prev;
            list.AddItem(new WeakReference <ByteBuffer>(buf));
            internal virtual int Get(T t)
                if (t == null)
                int sn = t2i[t];

                if (sn == null)
                    sn = max.GetAndIncrement();
                    int old = t2i.PutIfAbsent(t, sn);
                    if (old != null)
                    i2t[sn] = t;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the appropriate transition array for the given year.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="year">  the year, not null </param>
        /// <returns> the transition array, not null </returns>
        private ZoneOffsetTransition[] FindTransitionArray(int year)
            Integer yearObj = year;             // should use Year class, but this saves a class load

            ZoneOffsetTransition[] transArray = LastRulesCache[yearObj];
            if (transArray != null)
            ZoneOffsetTransitionRule[] ruleArray = LastRules;
            transArray = new ZoneOffsetTransition[ruleArray.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ruleArray.Length; i++)
                transArray[i] = ruleArray[i].CreateTransition(year);
            if (year < LAST_CACHED_YEAR)
                LastRulesCache.PutIfAbsent(yearObj, transArray);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a new <code>SharedCacheChecksum</code> object based on the configurable
        /// algorithm implementation
        /// (see <code>yarn.sharedcache.checksum.algo.impl</code>)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><code>SharedCacheChecksum</code> object</returns>
        public static SharedCacheChecksum GetChecksum(Configuration conf)
            Type clazz = conf.GetClass <SharedCacheChecksum>(YarnConfiguration.SharedCacheChecksumAlgoImpl
                                                             , defaultAlgorithm);
            SharedCacheChecksum checksum = instances[clazz];

            if (checksum == null)
                    checksum = ReflectionUtils.NewInstance(clazz, conf);
                    SharedCacheChecksum old = instances.PutIfAbsent(clazz, checksum);
                    if (old != null)
                        checksum = old;
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
Example #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains an instance of {@code ZoneOffset} specifying the total offset in seconds
 /// <para>
 /// The offset must be in the range {@code -18:00} to {@code +18:00}, which corresponds to -64800 to +64800.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="totalSeconds">  the total time-zone offset in seconds, from -64800 to +64800 </param>
 /// <returns> the ZoneOffset, not null </returns>
 /// <exception cref="DateTimeException"> if the offset is not in the required range </exception>
 public static ZoneOffset OfTotalSeconds(int totalSeconds)
     if (System.Math.Abs(totalSeconds) > MAX_SECONDS)
         throw new DateTimeException("Zone offset not in valid range: -18:00 to +18:00");
     if (totalSeconds % (15 * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) == 0)
         Integer    totalSecs = totalSeconds;
         ZoneOffset result    = SECONDS_CACHE[totalSecs];
         if (result == temporal.TemporalAccessor_Fields.Null)
             result = new ZoneOffset(totalSeconds);
             SECONDS_CACHE.PutIfAbsent(totalSecs, result);
             result = SECONDS_CACHE[totalSecs];
             ID_CACHE.PutIfAbsent(result.Id, result);
         return(new ZoneOffset(totalSeconds));
        private void InitializeData(Locale desiredLocale)
            Locale = desiredLocale;

            // Copy values of a cached instance if any.
            SoftReference <DateFormatSymbols> @ref = CachedInstances[Locale];
            DateFormatSymbols dfs;

            if (@ref != null && (dfs = @ref.get()) != null)
                CopyMembers(dfs, this);

            // Initialize the fields from the ResourceBundle for locale.
            LocaleProviderAdapter adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(typeof(DateFormatSymbolsProvider), Locale);

            // Avoid any potential recursions
            if (!(adapter is ResourceBundleBasedAdapter))
                adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.ResourceBundleBased;
            ResourceBundle resource = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)adapter).LocaleData.getDateFormatData(Locale);

            // JRE and CLDR use different keys
            // JRE: Eras, short.Eras and narrow.Eras
            // CLDR: long.Eras, Eras and narrow.Eras
            if (resource.ContainsKey("Eras"))
                Eras_Renamed = resource.GetStringArray("Eras");
            else if (resource.ContainsKey("long.Eras"))
                Eras_Renamed = resource.GetStringArray("long.Eras");
            else if (resource.ContainsKey("short.Eras"))
                Eras_Renamed = resource.GetStringArray("short.Eras");
            Months_Renamed      = resource.GetStringArray("MonthNames");
            ShortMonths_Renamed = resource.GetStringArray("MonthAbbreviations");
            Ampms = resource.GetStringArray("AmPmMarkers");
            LocalPatternChars_Renamed = resource.GetString("DateTimePatternChars");

            // Day of week names are stored in a 1-based array.
            Weekdays_Renamed      = ToOneBasedArray(resource.GetStringArray("DayNames"));
            ShortWeekdays_Renamed = ToOneBasedArray(resource.GetStringArray("DayAbbreviations"));

            // Put a clone in the cache
            @ref = new SoftReference <>((DateFormatSymbols)this.Clone());
            SoftReference <DateFormatSymbols> x = CachedInstances.PutIfAbsent(Locale, @ref);

            if (x != null)
                DateFormatSymbols y = x.get();
                if (y == null)
                    // Replace the empty SoftReference with ref.
                    CachedInstances[Locale] = @ref;
Example #24
        public virtual Server GetServer <_T0>(Type protocol, object instance, IPEndPoint addr
                                              , Configuration conf, SecretManager <_T0> secretManager, int numHandlers, string
            where _T0 : TokenIdentifier
            Constructor <object> constructor = serviceCache[protocol];

            if (constructor == null)
                Type pbServiceImplClazz = null;
                    pbServiceImplClazz = localConf.GetClassByName(GetPbServiceImplClassName(protocol)
                catch (TypeLoadException e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException("Failed to load class: [" + GetPbServiceImplClassName
                                                       (protocol) + "]", e);
                    constructor = pbServiceImplClazz.GetConstructor(protocol);
                    serviceCache.PutIfAbsent(protocol, constructor);
                catch (MissingMethodException e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException("Could not find constructor with params: " + typeof(
                                                       long) + ", " + typeof(IPEndPoint) + ", " + typeof(Configuration), e);
            object service = null;

                service = constructor.NewInstance(instance);
            catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            catch (MemberAccessException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            catch (InstantiationException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            Type       pbProtocol = service.GetType().GetInterfaces()[0];
            MethodInfo method     = protoCache[protocol];

            if (method == null)
                Type protoClazz = null;
                    protoClazz = localConf.GetClassByName(GetProtoClassName(protocol));
                catch (TypeLoadException e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException("Failed to load class: [" + GetProtoClassName(protocol
                                                                                                 ) + "]", e);
                    method = protoClazz.GetMethod("newReflectiveBlockingService", pbProtocol.GetInterfaces
                    protoCache.PutIfAbsent(protocol, method);
                catch (MissingMethodException e)
                    throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
                return(CreateServer(pbProtocol, addr, conf, secretManager, numHandlers, (BlockingService
                                                                                         )method.Invoke(null, service), portRangeConfig));
            catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            catch (MemberAccessException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);