Example #1
        // Initializes, attaches it to archive
        internal ZipArchiveEntry(ZipArchive archive, ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader cd)
            Archive = archive;

            _diskNumberStart       = cd.DiskNumberStart;
            _generalPurposeBitFlag = (BitFlagValues)cd.GeneralPurposeBitFlag;
            _compressionMethod     = (CompressionMethodValues)cd.CompressionMethod;

            // Leave this as a uint and let the caller convert it if it wants (perf optimization)
            LastWriteTime = cd.LastModified;

            CompressedLength     = cd.CompressedSize;
            Length               = cd.UncompressedSize;
            ExternalAttributes   = (int)cd.ExternalFileAttributes;
            _offsetOfLocalHeader = cd.RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader;

            // we don't know this yet: should be _offsetOfLocalHeader + 30 + _storedEntryNameBytes.Length + extrafieldlength
            // but entryname/extra length could be different in LH
            _storedOffsetOfCompressedData = null;

            Crc32 = cd.Crc32;

            // Sacrifice a slight amount of time for safety. Zips entry names are emphatically NOT supposed to
            // have backslashes according to the spec, but they might anyway, so normalize them all to forward slashes.
            FullName = DecodeEntryName(cd.Filename)?.Replace('\\', '/') ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(FullName));
            Name     = ParseFileName(FullName, (ZipVersionMadeByPlatform)cd.VersionMadeByCompatibility);
        // Initializes, attaches it to archive
        internal ZipArchiveEntry(ZipArchiveFast archive, ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader cd)
            Archive = archive;

            _diskNumberStart       = cd.DiskNumberStart;
            _generalPurposeBitFlag = (BitFlagValues)cd.GeneralPurposeBitFlag;
            _compressionMethod     = (CompressionMethodValues)cd.CompressionMethod;

            // Leave this as a uint and let the caller convert it if it wants (perf optimization)
            LastWriteTime = cd.LastModified;

            CompressedLength     = cd.CompressedSize;
            Length               = cd.UncompressedSize;
            _offsetOfLocalHeader = cd.RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader;

            // we don't know this yet: should be _offsetOfLocalHeader + 30 + _storedEntryNameBytes.Length + extrafieldlength
            // but entryname/extra length could be different in LH
            _storedOffsetOfCompressedData = null;

            // Sacrifice a slight amount of time for safety. Zips entry names are emphatically NOT supposed to
            // have backslashes according to the spec, but they might anyway, so normalize them all to forward slashes.
            FullName = DecodeEntryName(cd.Filename).Replace('\\', '/');
            // Lazy-load Name so we don't preemptively do a ton of Substring() calls when we don't need to.
            _versionMadeByCompatibility = (ZipVersionMadeByPlatform)cd.VersionMadeByCompatibility;
Example #3
        private Stream GetDataDecompressor(Stream compressedStreamToRead)
            CompressionMethodValues compressionMethod = CompressionMethod;

            if ((compressionMethod != CompressionMethodValues.Stored) && (compressionMethod == CompressionMethodValues.Deflate))
                return(new DeflateStream(compressedStreamToRead, CompressionMode.Decompress));
Example #4
        private void WriteLocalFileHeaderAndDataIfNeeded()
            // _storedUncompressedData gets frozen here, and is what gets written to the file
            if (_storedUncompressedData != null || _compressedBytes != null)
                if (_storedUncompressedData != null)
                    _uncompressedSize = _storedUncompressedData.Length;

                    //The compressor fills in CRC and sizes
                    //The DirectToArchiveWriterStream writes headers and such
                    using (Stream entryWriter = new DirectToArchiveWriterStream(
                               GetDataCompressor(_archive.ArchiveStream, true, null),
                        _storedUncompressedData.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        _storedUncompressedData = null;
                    // we know the sizes at this point, so just go ahead and write the headers
                    if (_uncompressedSize == 0)
                        CompressionMethod = CompressionMethodValues.Stored;
                    WriteLocalFileHeader(isEmptyFile: false);
                    foreach (byte[] compressedBytes in _compressedBytes)
                        _archive.ArchiveStream.Write(compressedBytes, 0, compressedBytes.Length);
            else // there is no data in the file, but if we are in update mode, we still need to write a header
                if (_archive.Mode == ZipArchiveMode.Update || !_everOpenedForWrite)
                    _everOpenedForWrite = true;
                    WriteLocalFileHeader(isEmptyFile: true);
Example #5
        private void WriteLocalFileHeaderAndDataIfNeeded()
            //_storedUncompressedData gets frozen here, and is what gets written to the file
            if (_storedUncompressedData != null || _compressedBytes != null)
                if (_storedUncompressedData != null)
                    _uncompressedSize = _storedUncompressedData.Length;

                    //The compressor fills in CRC and sizes
                    //The DirectToArchiveWriterStream writes headers and such
                    using (Stream entryWriter = new DirectToArchiveWriterStream(
                                                    GetDataCompressor(_archive.ArchiveStream, true, null),
                        _storedUncompressedData.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        _storedUncompressedData = null;
                    // we know the sizes at this point, so just go ahead and write the headers
                    if (_uncompressedSize == 0)
                        CompressionMethod = CompressionMethodValues.Stored;
                    foreach (Byte[] compressedBytes in _compressedBytes)
                        _archive.ArchiveStream.Write(compressedBytes, 0, compressedBytes.Length);
            else //there is no data in the file, but if we are in update mode, we still need to write a header
                if (_archive.Mode == ZipArchiveMode.Update || !_everOpenedForWrite)
                    _everOpenedForWrite = true;
Example #6
        //return value is true if we allocated an extra field for 64 bit headers, un/compressed size
        private Boolean WriteLocalFileHeader(Boolean isEmptyFile)
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(_archive.ArchiveStream);

            //_entryname only gets set when we read in or call moveTo. MoveTo does a check, and
            //reading in should not be able to produce a entryname longer than UInt16.MaxValue
            Debug.Assert(_storedEntryNameBytes.Length <= UInt16.MaxValue);

            //decide if we need the Zip64 extra field:
            Zip64ExtraField zip64ExtraField = new Zip64ExtraField();
            Boolean zip64Used = false;
            UInt32 compressedSizeTruncated, uncompressedSizeTruncated;

            //if we already know that we have an empty file don't worry about anything, just do a straight shot of the header
            if (isEmptyFile)
                CompressionMethod = CompressionMethodValues.Stored;
                compressedSizeTruncated = 0;
                uncompressedSizeTruncated = 0;
                Debug.Assert(_compressedSize == 0);
                Debug.Assert(_uncompressedSize == 0);
                Debug.Assert(_crc32 == 0);
                //if we have a non-seekable stream, don't worry about sizes at all, and just set the right bit
                //if we are using the data descriptor, then sizes and crc should be set to 0 in the header
                if (_archive.Mode == ZipArchiveMode.Create && _archive.ArchiveStream.CanSeek == false && !isEmptyFile)
                    _generalPurposeBitFlag |= BitFlagValues.DataDescriptor;
                    zip64Used = false;
                    compressedSizeTruncated = 0;
                    uncompressedSizeTruncated = 0;
                    //the crc should not have been set if we are in create mode, but clear it just to be sure
                    Debug.Assert(_crc32 == 0);
                else //if we are not in streaming mode, we have to decide if we want to write zip64 headers
                    if (SizesTooLarge()
 || (_archive._forceZip64 && _archive.Mode == ZipArchiveMode.Update)
                        zip64Used = true;
                        compressedSizeTruncated = ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
                        uncompressedSizeTruncated = ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;

                        //prepare Zip64 extra field object. If we have one of the sizes, the other must go in there
                        zip64ExtraField.CompressedSize = _compressedSize;
                        zip64ExtraField.UncompressedSize = _uncompressedSize;

                        zip64Used = false;
                        compressedSizeTruncated = (UInt32)_compressedSize;
                        uncompressedSizeTruncated = (UInt32)_uncompressedSize;

            //save offset
            _offsetOfLocalHeader = writer.BaseStream.Position;

            //calculate extra field. if zip64 stuff + original extraField aren't going to fit, dump the original extraField, because this is more important
            Int32 bigExtraFieldLength = (zip64Used ? zip64ExtraField.TotalSize : 0)
                                      + (_lhUnknownExtraFields != null ? ZipGenericExtraField.TotalSize(_lhUnknownExtraFields) : 0);
            UInt16 extraFieldLength;
            if (bigExtraFieldLength > UInt16.MaxValue)
                extraFieldLength = (UInt16)(zip64Used ? zip64ExtraField.TotalSize : 0);
                _lhUnknownExtraFields = null;
                extraFieldLength = (UInt16)bigExtraFieldLength;

            //write header
            writer.Write(ZipHelper.DateTimeToDosTime(_lastModified.DateTime)); //UInt32
            writer.Write(_crc32);               //UInt32
            writer.Write(compressedSizeTruncated);  //UInt32
            writer.Write(uncompressedSizeTruncated); //UInt32
            writer.Write(extraFieldLength);    //UInt16


            if (zip64Used)
            if (_lhUnknownExtraFields != null)
                ZipGenericExtraField.WriteAllBlocks(_lhUnknownExtraFields, _archive.ArchiveStream);

            return zip64Used;
Example #7
        // return value is true if we allocated an extra field for 64 bit headers, un/compressed size
        private bool WriteLocalFileHeader(bool isEmptyFile)
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(_archive.ArchiveStream);

            // _entryname only gets set when we read in or call moveTo. MoveTo does a check, and
            // reading in should not be able to produce an entryname longer than ushort.MaxValue
            Debug.Assert(_storedEntryNameBytes.Length <= ushort.MaxValue);

            // decide if we need the Zip64 extra field:
            Zip64ExtraField zip64ExtraField = new Zip64ExtraField();
            bool            zip64Used = false;
            uint            compressedSizeTruncated, uncompressedSizeTruncated;

            // if we already know that we have an empty file don't worry about anything, just do a straight shot of the header
            if (isEmptyFile)
                CompressionMethod         = CompressionMethodValues.Stored;
                compressedSizeTruncated   = 0;
                uncompressedSizeTruncated = 0;
                Debug.Assert(_compressedSize == 0);
                Debug.Assert(_uncompressedSize == 0);
                Debug.Assert(_crc32 == 0);
                // if we have a non-seekable stream, don't worry about sizes at all, and just set the right bit
                // if we are using the data descriptor, then sizes and crc should be set to 0 in the header
                if (_archive.Mode == ZipArchiveMode.Create && _archive.ArchiveStream.CanSeek == false && !isEmptyFile)
                    _generalPurposeBitFlag |= BitFlagValues.DataDescriptor;
                    zip64Used = false;
                    compressedSizeTruncated   = 0;
                    uncompressedSizeTruncated = 0;
                    // the crc should not have been set if we are in create mode, but clear it just to be sure
                    Debug.Assert(_crc32 == 0);
                else // if we are not in streaming mode, we have to decide if we want to write zip64 headers
                    if (SizesTooLarge()
                        || (_archive._forceZip64 && _archive.Mode == ZipArchiveMode.Update)
                        zip64Used = true;
                        compressedSizeTruncated   = ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
                        uncompressedSizeTruncated = ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;

                        // prepare Zip64 extra field object. If we have one of the sizes, the other must go in there
                        zip64ExtraField.CompressedSize   = _compressedSize;
                        zip64ExtraField.UncompressedSize = _uncompressedSize;

                        zip64Used = false;
                        compressedSizeTruncated   = (uint)_compressedSize;
                        uncompressedSizeTruncated = (uint)_uncompressedSize;

            // save offset
            _offsetOfLocalHeader = writer.BaseStream.Position;

            // calculate extra field. if zip64 stuff + original extraField aren't going to fit, dump the original extraField, because this is more important
            int bigExtraFieldLength = (zip64Used ? zip64ExtraField.TotalSize : 0)
                                      + (_lhUnknownExtraFields != null ? ZipGenericExtraField.TotalSize(_lhUnknownExtraFields) : 0);
            ushort extraFieldLength;
            if (bigExtraFieldLength > ushort.MaxValue)
                extraFieldLength      = (ushort)(zip64Used ? zip64ExtraField.TotalSize : 0);
                _lhUnknownExtraFields = null;
                extraFieldLength = (ushort)bigExtraFieldLength;

            // write header
            writer.Write(ZipHelper.DateTimeToDosTime(_lastModified.DateTime)); // uint
            writer.Write(_crc32);                                              // uint
            writer.Write(compressedSizeTruncated);                             // uint
            writer.Write(uncompressedSizeTruncated);                           // uint
            writer.Write(extraFieldLength);                                    // ushort


            if (zip64Used)
            if (_lhUnknownExtraFields != null)
                ZipGenericExtraField.WriteAllBlocks(_lhUnknownExtraFields, _archive.ArchiveStream);
