Example #1
        public void TestCompression()
            string inStr   = SerializationManager.Serialize(gateway.FindArray <Order>());
            string outGZip = CompressionManager.Compress(inStr);
            string out7Zip = CompressionManager.Compress7Zip(inStr);

            Console.WriteLine("Input Size: " + inStr.Length.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("GZip Output Size: " + outGZip.Length.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("7Zip Output Size: " + out7Zip.Length.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(inStr.Length, CompressionManager.Decompress7Zip(out7Zip).Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(inStr.Length, CompressionManager.Decompress(outGZip).Length);
Example #2
        private void DecompressFile(string fileName)
                byte[] compressedData = StreamHelper.ReadFile(fileName);
                byte[] decompressedData;
                if (compressedData.Length > 0)
                    this.type11ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = compressedData[0] == 0x11;
                    this.type10ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = !this.type11ToolStripMenuItem.Checked;

                if (this.type11ToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                    decompressedData = CompressionManager.DecompressOnz(compressedData);
                    decompressedData = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedData);

                if (decompressedData == null)
                    throw new FormatException("Not a compressed file!");

                string outFileName = fileName;
                if (!this.overwriteToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                    outFileName += ".decompressed";

                StreamHelper.WriteFile(outFileName, decompressedData);
            catch (SystemException exc)
                this.errors.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "[{0}]: {1}", fileName, exc.Message));
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //string msg = "This is a sentence to be compressed, converted to Base64 encoding,\r\nthen converted back to compressed form, then decompressed.";
            string msg = FoeServerCatalog.GetRssCache("CKXX");
            //PrintTitle("Testing CompressionManager");

            // Show original message
            //Console.WriteLine("Original message:");

            // Show Base64 without compression
            string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg));

            //Console.WriteLine("Base64 without compression:");

            // Show compressed base64
            byte[] compressed = CompressionManager.Compress(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg));
            base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(compressed);
            //Console.WriteLine("Compressed + Base64:");

            // Show decompressed
            //compressed = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
            compressed = Convert.FromBase64String("XQAAgAAQAAAAAAAAAAArlMVWcCtFDcKRGJnu/tFfaO6aVg==");
            //compressed = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
            byte[] decompressed = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressed);
            string originalMsg  = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressed);

Example #4
        public static string leer(string archivoHex)
            FileStream    fs = new FileStream(archivoHex, FileMode.Open);
            int           hexIn;
            string        hex  = "";
            StringBuilder hex2 = new StringBuilder();

            while ((hexIn = fs.ReadByte()) != -1)
                hex2.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", hexIn));

            hex = hex2.ToString();

            byte[] compressedFile   = strToByte.StringToByteArray(hex);
            byte[] decompressedFile = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedFile);

            hex = strToByte.ByteArrayToString(decompressedFile);


            //string cabeceraDatos = (archivoHex.Contains("ds_event.cmp")) ? hex[212].ToString() + hex[213].ToString() + hex[210].ToString() + hex[211].ToString() + hex[208].ToString() + hex[209].ToString() : cabeceraDatos = hex[210].ToString() + hex[211].ToString() + hex[208].ToString() + hex[209].ToString();

            string cabeceraDatos = "";

            if (archivoHex.Contains("ds_event.cmp"))
                cabeceraDatos = hex[212].ToString() + hex[213].ToString() + hex[210].ToString() + hex[211].ToString() + hex[208].ToString() + hex[209].ToString();
            else if (archivoHex.Contains("ds_eventm"))
                cabeceraDatos = "0";
                cabeceraDatos = hex[210].ToString() + hex[211].ToString() + hex[208].ToString() + hex[209].ToString();


            int cabeceraDatosInt = Convert.ToInt32(cabeceraDatos, 16);
            string punterosyTexto = "";

            for (int i = cabeceraDatosInt * 2; i < hex.Length; i++)
                punterosyTexto += string.Format("{0:X2}", hex[i]);


            MatchCollection punterosMatch;

            if (archivoHex.Contains("ds_eventm"))
                punterosMatch = Regex.Matches(punterosyTexto, "(?:....0000)", RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
                punterosMatch = Regex.Matches(punterosyTexto, "....0{4}(0{2})(?!0*?$)", RegexOptions.RightToLeft);

            string punteros = punterosyTexto.Substring(0, punterosMatch[0].Groups[0].Index);


            string texto = "";

            if (archivoHex.Contains("ds_eventm") == true)
                texto = punterosyTexto.Substring(punterosMatch[0].Groups[0].Index + 4);
            else if (archivoHex.Contains("ds_event.cmp") == true)
                texto = punterosyTexto.Substring(punterosMatch[0].Groups[0].Index + 10);
                texto = punterosyTexto.Substring(punterosMatch[0].Groups[1].Index + 2);

            var    conversionRegex = new Regex(string.Join("|", conversion.Keys));
            string textoConvertido = conversionRegex.Replace(texto, m => conversion[m.Value]);


Example #5
        public static void generate(string path)
            switch (Properties.Settings.Default.selectedLang)
            case 0:
                conversion = conversionES;

            case 1:
                conversion = conversionRU;

            List <string> filesTranslated = new List <string>();

            filesTranslated.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles("./DSSE-files/translation/", "*.xml"));
            fileNumber = filesTranslated.Count();
            List <string> filesTranslatedNames = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < fileNumber; i++)


            for (int i = 0; i < fileNumber; i++)
                FileStream    fs = new FileStream(path + filesTranslatedNames[i] + ".cmp", FileMode.Open);
                int           hexIn;
                string        hex  = "";
                StringBuilder hex2 = new StringBuilder();
                for (int j = 0; (hexIn = fs.ReadByte()) != -1; j++)
                    hex2.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", hexIn));
                hex = hex2.ToString();

                byte[] compressedFile   = strToByte.StringToByteArray(hex);
                byte[] decompressedFile = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedFile);

                hex = strToByte.ByteArrayToString(decompressedFile);

                string cabeceraDatos = "";
                if (filesTranslatedNames[i].Equals("ds_event"))
                    cabeceraDatos = hex[212].ToString() + hex[213].ToString() + hex[210].ToString() + hex[211].ToString() + hex[208].ToString() + hex[209].ToString();
                else if (filesTranslatedNames[i].Contains("ds_eventm"))
                    cabeceraDatos = "0";
                    cabeceraDatos = hex[210].ToString() + hex[211].ToString() + hex[208].ToString() + hex[209].ToString();

                int cabeceraDatosInt = Convert.ToInt32(cabeceraDatos, 16);

                string        binaryData  = "";
                StringBuilder binaryData2 = new StringBuilder();
                int           k           = 0;
                while (k < cabeceraDatosInt * 2)
                    binaryData2.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", hex[k]));
                binaryData = binaryData2.ToString();

                //Console.WriteLine("Datos binarios:" + binaryData);

                XDocument document = XDocument.Load("./DSSE-files/translation/" + filesTranslatedNames[i] + ".xml");
                XElement  root     = document.Root;

                List <string> lines = new List <string>();

                lines.AddRange(from el in root.Elements("Segment")
                               where el.Element("Translated") != null
                               select el.Element("Translated").Value);

                int numberofTextSegments = 0;
                for (int m = 0; m < lines.Count; m++)
                    lines[m] = lines[m].Replace("\n", "[br]");
                    if (!lines[m].Contains("[new]"))
                        lines[m] = "[00]" + lines[m];

                string allLines = string.Join("", lines);
                allLines += "[00]"; //añadir último 00


                var conversionRegex = new Regex(string.Join("|", conversion.Keys.Select(key => Regex.Escape(key))));
                var textoConvertido = conversionRegex.Replace(allLines, n => conversion[n.Value]);


                string        punterosyTexto  = "";
                StringBuilder punterosyTexto2 = new StringBuilder();
                for (int m = cabeceraDatosInt * 2; m < hex.Length; m++)
                    //punterosyTexto += string.Format("{0:X2}", hex[m]);
                    punterosyTexto2.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", hex[m]));

                punterosyTexto = punterosyTexto2.ToString();

                MatchCollection punterosMatch;

                if (filesTranslatedNames[i].Contains("ds_eventm"))
                    punterosMatch = Regex.Matches(punterosyTexto, "(?:....0000)", RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
                    punterosMatch = Regex.Matches(punterosyTexto, "....0{4}(0{2})(?!0*?$)", RegexOptions.RightToLeft);

                //Console.WriteLine(4 + punterosMatch[0].Groups[0].Value);

                string        punteros  = "";
                StringBuilder punteros2 = new StringBuilder();
                for (int p = 0; p < 4 + punterosMatch[0].Groups[0].Index; p++)
                    punteros2.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", punterosyTexto[p]));

                punteros = punteros2.ToString();


                MatchCollection punterosDiv = Regex.Matches(punteros, "(....)0000");

                //Console.WriteLine(punterosDiv[0].Groups[1] + "\n\r");

                //El primer valor que hay en punteros es la longitud de punteros + texto. [!] Hay que adaptarlo.
                //El segundo valor no sirve, solo resta -1 respecto al siguiente.
                //El tercer valor (2) es el primer puntero base.

                //En lines[] tengo las líneas convertidas en HEX ya para saber la longitud.

                var pointBase = "";

                if (filesTranslatedNames[i].Contains("ds_eventm"))
                    pointBase = punterosDiv[1].Groups[1].Value;
                    pointBase = punterosDiv[2].Groups[1].Value;

                //Console.WriteLine("Pointbase: "+pointBase);

                string pointers = "";

                List <string> lineasHex = Regex.Split(textoConvertido.Substring(2), "00(?!0)").ToList();

                StringBuilder pointers2 = new StringBuilder();
                for (int q = 0; q < lineasHex.Count() - 2; q++) //-2 porque el último texto no va punteado
                    var _pointBaseLE        = pointBase.ToCharArray();
                    var _pointBaseBE        = _pointBaseLE[2].ToString() + _pointBaseLE[3].ToString() + _pointBaseLE[0].ToString() + _pointBaseLE[1].ToString();
                    var _pointBaseBEDecimal = Convert.ToInt32(_pointBaseBE, 16);
                    int lineSize            = ((lineasHex[q].Length / 2) + 1);
                    //Console.WriteLine(lineSize + "\n\r");
                    //Console.WriteLine("Point base: "+pointBase.ToString() + "\r\n");
                    var    newPointerBE = Convert.ToInt32((_pointBaseBEDecimal + lineSize)).ToString("x").PadLeft(4, '0').ToCharArray();
                    string newPointerLE = newPointerBE[2].ToString() + newPointerBE[3].ToString() + newPointerBE[0].ToString() + newPointerBE[1].ToString();
                    //pointers += newPointerLE.ToString().PadRight(8, '0');
                    pointers2.Append(newPointerLE.ToString().PadRight(8, '0'));
                    pointBase = newPointerLE;

                if (filesTranslatedNames[i].Contains("ds_eventm"))
                    numberofTextSegments = Convert.ToInt32(numberofTextSegments);
                    string numberofTextSegmentsS = numberofTextSegments.ToString("x").PadRight(8, '0');
                    pointers = numberofTextSegmentsS + punterosDiv[1].Groups[1].Value + "0000" + pointers2.ToString();
                    pointers = punterosDiv[0].Groups[1].Value + "0000" + punterosDiv[1].Groups[1].Value + "0000" + punterosDiv[2].Groups[1].Value + "0000" + pointers2.ToString();


                //string archivoFinal = pointers + "00" + textoConvertido;

                string archivoFinal = "";

                if ((filesTranslatedNames[i].Equals("ds_event") == false) && (filesTranslatedNames[i].Contains("ds_eventm") == false))
                    archivoFinal = pointers + textoConvertido;
                else if (filesTranslatedNames[i].Contains("ds_eventm") == true)
                    archivoFinal = pointers + textoConvertido.Substring(2); //Elimina los 00 añadidos antes al principio, en este tipo de ficheros sobra.
                    //Este fixedData es para el archivo "ds_event.cmp", tiene esos datos invariables. Para ahorrar su captura los pongo aquí directamente.
                    string fixedData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
                    archivoFinal = pointers + fixedData + textoConvertido;

                var datosLengthArray = Convert.ToInt32((archivoFinal.Length / 2)).ToString("x").PadLeft(4, '0').ToCharArray();
                var datosLength      = datosLengthArray[2].ToString() + datosLengthArray[3].ToString() + datosLengthArray[0].ToString() + datosLengthArray[1].ToString();

                if (filesTranslatedNames[i].Contains("ds_eventm") == false)
                    archivoFinal = archivoFinal.Remove(0, 4);
                    archivoFinal = archivoFinal.Insert(0, datosLength.ToString());
                    archivoFinal = binaryData + archivoFinal;

                byte[] archivoFinalBin = strToByte.StringToByteArray(archivoFinal);

                //File.WriteAllBytes("./DSSE-files/output/" + filesTranslatedNames[i] + ".decmp", archivoFinalBin);

                byte[] compressedFileOutput = CompressionManager.Compress(archivoFinalBin);

                File.WriteAllBytes("./DSSE-files/output/" + filesTranslatedNames[i] + ".cmp", compressedFileOutput);

                Stream myStreamF = File.Open("./DSSE-files/output/" + filesTranslatedNames[i] + ".cmp", FileMode.Open);
                myStreamF.Seek(myStreamF.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                while ((myStreamF.Length) % 4 != 0)



                //Console.WriteLine("Progreso: " + (i + 1) + " de " + fileNumber);

                MainWindow.generateOutputBGW.ReportProgress(i + 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Download email messages from the POP3 server for a given Foe message processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">POP3 server information</param>
        /// <param name="processorEmail">The current Foe message processor's email address.</param>
        public static void DownloadMessages(PopServer server, string processorEmail)
            // connect to POP3 server and download messages
            //FoeDebug.Print("Connecting to POP3 server...");
            POPClient popClient = new POPClient();

            popClient.IsUsingSsl = server.SslEnabled;

            popClient.Connect(server.ServerName, server.Port);
            popClient.Authenticate(server.UserName, server.Password);

            FoeDebug.Print("Connected to POP3.");

            // get mail count
            int count = popClient.GetMessageCount();

            FoeDebug.Print("Server reported " + count.ToString() + " messages.");

            // go through each message, from newest to oldest
            for (int i = count; i >= 1; i -= 1)
                //FoeDebug.Print("Opening mail message...");

                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message msg = popClient.GetMessage(i, true);
                if (msg != null)
                    // Get subject and verify sender identity
                    // Subject line in the mail header should look like one of the followings:
                    // Normal request (for news feed and content):
                    //   Subject: Request <Request ID> by <User ID>
                    // Registration request:
                    //   Subject: Register <Request ID> by Newbie
                    // where:
                    // Request ID is the request ID generated by the Foe client
                    // User ID is the user's ID as assigned by the server

                    //FoeDebug.Print("Message is not null. Getting message details.");

                    string subject   = msg.Subject;
                    string fromEmail = msg.FromEmail;

                    //FoeDebug.Print("Subject: " + subject);
                    //FoeDebug.Print("From: " + fromEmail);

                    // parse subject line
                    string[] tokens = subject.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                    if (tokens.Length == 4)
                        // check what type of request is it
                        string requestType = tokens[0].ToUpper();
                        string requestId   = tokens[1];
                        string userId      = tokens[3];

                        FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                         "subject: " + subject + "requestType: " + requestType);
                        if (requestType.ToUpper().CompareTo("REGISTE") == 0)
                            //FoeDebug.Print("This is a registration message.");
                            // It's a registration request
                            SaveRegistrationRequest(requestId, fromEmail, processorEmail);

                            FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                             "Received registration request from " + fromEmail);
                        else if (requestType.ToUpper().CompareTo("CATALOG") == 0)
                            // get user info by email address
                            FoeUser user = FoeServerUser.GetUser(fromEmail);

                            // verify user's email against the user ID
                            if ((user != null) && (userId == user.UserId) && (processorEmail == user.ProcessorEmail))
                                FoeDebug.Print("User verified.");

                                // the user's identity is verified
                                SaveCatalogRequest(requestId, user.Email, processorEmail);
                                //FoeDebug.Print("User is not registered. Request not processed.");
                                FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                 "Received content request from unregistered user " + fromEmail);
                        else if (requestType.ToUpper().CompareTo("CONTENT") == 0)
                            //FoeDebug.Print("This is a content request message.");

                            // It's a content request.
                            // We need to verify the user's identify first.

                            //FoeDebug.Print("Verifying user identity...");

                            // get user info by email address
                            FoeUser user = FoeServerUser.GetUser(fromEmail);

                            // verify user's email against the user ID
                            if ((user != null) && (userId == user.UserId) && (processorEmail == user.ProcessorEmail))
                                FoeDebug.Print("User verified.");

                                // the user's identity is verified
                                // get the full message body
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                    // decompress it
                                    byte[] compressedMsg   = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    byte[] decompressedMsg = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedMsg);
                                    string foe             = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedMsg);

                                    string[] catalogs = foe.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                    // save request
                                    if (catalogs.Length == 0)
                                    SaveContentRequest(requestId, user.Email, catalogs, processorEmail);

                                    //FoeDebug.Print("Request saved and pending processing.");
                                    FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                                     "Received content request from verified user " + fromEmail);
                                catch (Exception except)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                                    FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                     "Received malformed content request from verified user " + fromEmail + "\r\n" +
                                                     except.ToString() +
                                                     "Raw message:\r\n" + msgBody + "\r\n");

                                    //throw except;
                                //FoeDebug.Print("User is not registered. Request not processed.");
                                FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                 "Received content request from unregistered user " + fromEmail);
                        else if (requestType.ToUpper().CompareTo("FEED") == 0)
                            //FoeDebug.Print("This is a content request message.");

                            // It's a content request.
                            // We need to verify the user's identify first.

                            //FoeDebug.Print("Verifying user identity...");

                            // get user info by email address
                            FoeUser user = FoeServerUser.GetUser(fromEmail);

                            // verify user's email against the user ID
                            if ((user != null) && (userId == user.UserId) && (processorEmail == user.ProcessorEmail))
                                FoeDebug.Print("User verified.");

                                // the user's identity is verified
                                // get the full message body
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                    // decompress it
                                    byte[] compressedMsg   = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    byte[] decompressedMsg = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedMsg);
                                    string foe             = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedMsg);

                                    string[] array = foe.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                    // save request
                                    if (array.Length == 0)
                                    SaveFeedRequest(requestId, user.Email, array, processorEmail);

                                    //FoeDebug.Print("Request saved and pending processing.");
                                    FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                                     "Received feed request from verified user " + fromEmail);
                                catch (Exception except)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                                    FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                     "Received malformed feed request from verified user " + fromEmail + "\r\n" +
                                                     except.ToString() +
                                                     "Raw message:\r\n" + msgBody + "\r\n");

                                    //throw except;
                                //FoeDebug.Print("User is not registered. Request not processed.");
                                FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                 "Received content request from unregistered user " + fromEmail);
                            // Non-Foe message
                            FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                             "Received non-Foe message from " + fromEmail);
                        // Non-Foe message
                        FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                         "Received non-Foe message from " + fromEmail);

                    // Delete the current message
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Download and process email messages from the POP3 server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">POP3 server information</param>
        public static void DownloadMessages()
            Trace.WriteLine("Entered DownloadMessages().");

            // Get POP3 server info
            PopServer server = GetPopServer();

            Trace.WriteLine("  Retrieved POP server info.");

            // connect to POP3 server and download messages
            //FoeDebug.Print("Connecting to POP3 server...");
            POPClient popClient = new POPClient();

            popClient.IsUsingSsl = server.SslEnabled;

            popClient.Connect(server.ServerName, server.Port);
            popClient.Authenticate(server.UserName, server.Password);

            Trace.WriteLine("  Connected to POP3.");

            // get mail count
            int count = popClient.GetMessageCount();

            Trace.WriteLine("  There are " + count.ToString() + " messages in inbox.");

            // go through each message, from newest to oldest
            for (int i = count; i >= 1; i -= 1)
                Trace.WriteLine("  Opening message #" + i.ToString());

                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message msg = popClient.GetMessage(i, true);
                if (msg != null)
                    string subject   = msg.Subject;
                    string fromEmail = msg.FromEmail;

                    Trace.WriteLine("  Message came from " + msg.FromEmail + " with subject \"" + msg.Subject + "\"");

                    // Check if fromEmail is the same as processor's email on file
                    if (fromEmail.ToLower() == FoeClientRegistry.GetEntry("processoremail").Value.ToLower())
                        Trace.WriteLine("  Message came from the processor.");

                        // parse subject line
                        string[] tokens = subject.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                        // There should be 5 or 6 tokens
                        if (tokens.Length == 5)
                            Trace.WriteLine("  There are 5 tokens.");

                            // Get the request ID for this reply
                            string requestId = tokens[2];

                            // Check if request ID matches any request the client sent
                            FoeClientRequestItem req = FoeClientRequest.Get(requestId);

                            if (req != null)
                                Trace.WriteLine("  Message Request ID matched.");

                                // Found the matching request
                                // Download the full reply
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                Trace.WriteLine("  Downloaded full message body.");

                                    // decompress it
                                    byte[] compressedMsg = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Decoded Base64 message.");

                                    byte[] decompressedMsg = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedMsg);
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Decompressed message.");

                                    string foe = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedMsg);
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Retrieved original FOE message.");

                                    // Check what is the original request type
                                    if (req.Type.ToLower() == "registe")
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Registration reply. Processing message.");
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Registration reply processed.");
                                    else if (req.Type.ToLower() == "catalog")
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Catalog reply. Processing message.");
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Catalog reply processed.");
                                    else if (req.Type.ToLower() == "feed")
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  feed reply. Processing message.");
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  feed reply processed.");
                                catch (Exception except)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Exception detected: \r\n" + except.ToString());
                                Trace.WriteLine("  Message ID mismatched.");
                        //content request's reply
                        else if (tokens.Length == 6)
                            Trace.WriteLine("  There are 6 tokens.");

                            // Get the request ID for this reply
                            string catalog   = tokens[1];
                            string requestId = tokens[3];

                            // Check if request ID matches any request the client sent
                            FoeClientRequestItem req = FoeClientRequest.Get(requestId);

                            if (req != null)
                                Trace.WriteLine("  Message Request ID matched.");

                                // Found the matching request
                                // Download the full reply
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                Trace.WriteLine("  Downloaded full message body.");

                                    byte[] compressed   = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    byte[] decompressed = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressed);
                                    string foe          = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressed);

                                    // Check what is the original request type
                                    if (req.Type.ToLower() == "content")
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Content reply. Processing message.");
                                        ProcessContentReply(catalog, foe);
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Content reply processed.");
                                catch (Exception except)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Exception detected: \r\n" + except.ToString());
                                Trace.WriteLine("  Message ID mismatched.");
                            Trace.WriteLine("  Message does not have 5 tokens.");
                        Trace.WriteLine("  Message did not come from processor.");
                // Delete the current message
                Trace.WriteLine("  Deleted current message in inbox.");
            Trace.WriteLine("  Disconnected from POP server.");

            Trace.WriteLine("  Exiting DownloadMessages().");
Example #8
 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     byte[] compressed = Convert.FromBase64String(tbxTarget.Text);
     tbxSource.Text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(CompressionManager.Decompress(compressed));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Download and process email messages from the POP3 server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">POP3 server information</param>
        public static void DownloadMessages()
            // Get POP3 server info
            PopServer server = GetPopServer();

            // connect to POP3 server and download messages
            //FoeDebug.Print("Connecting to POP3 server...");
            POPClient popClient = new POPClient();

            popClient.IsUsingSsl = server.SslEnabled;

            popClient.Connect(server.ServerName, server.Port);
            popClient.Authenticate(server.UserName, server.Password);

            FoeDebug.Print("Connected to POP3.");

            // get mail count
            int count = popClient.GetMessageCount();

            // go through each message, from newest to oldest
            for (int i = count; i >= 1; i -= 1)
                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message msg = popClient.GetMessage(i, true);
                if (msg != null)
                    string subject   = msg.Subject;
                    string fromEmail = msg.FromEmail;

                    // Check if fromEmail is the same as processor's email on file
                    if (fromEmail.ToLower() == FoeClientRegistry.GetEntry("processoremail").Value.ToLower())
                        // parse subject line
                        string[] tokens = subject.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                        // There should be 5 tokens
                        if (tokens.Length == 5)
                            // Get the request ID for this reply
                            string requestId = tokens[2];

                            // Check if request ID matches any request the client sent
                            FoeClientRequestItem req = FoeClientRequest.Get(requestId);
                            if (req != null)
                                // Found the matching request
                                // Download the full reply
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                    // decompress it
                                    byte[] compressedMsg   = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    byte[] decompressedMsg = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedMsg);
                                    string foeXml          = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedMsg);

                                    // Check what is the original request type
                                    if (req.Type.ToLower() == "reg")
                                    else if (req.Type.ToLower() == "content")
                                    else if (req.Type.ToLower() == "catalog")
                                catch (Exception)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                // Delete the current message