private CompoundChild GetChild(CompoundShapeEntry entry, int index)
            var instance = entry.Shape.GetCollidableInstance();

            //Establish the link between the child event manager and our event manager.
   = Events;
            return(new CompoundChild(Shape, instance, index));
        protected override void OnCollisionObjectScaleChanged()
            for (int i = 0; i < Entity.CollisionInformation.Shape.Shapes.Count; i++)
                CompoundShapeEntry childShape = Entity.CollisionInformation.Shape.Shapes[i];

                if (childShape.Shape is TransformableShape)
                    ((TransformableShape)childShape.Shape).Transform = Matrix3x3.CreateFromMatrix(Matrix.CreateScale(CollisionObjectScale) * CollisionObjectWorldTransform);
Example #3
        private void CreateCompoundBody()
            List <CompoundShapeEntry> shapes = new List <CompoundShapeEntry>();

            // Create parts of compound shape
            Vector3 blockPos = new Vector3();

            for (int z = 0; z < GAME_FIELD_SIZE; ++z)
                for (int y = 0; y < GAME_FIELD_SIZE; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < GAME_FIELD_SIZE; ++x)
                        blockPos.X = (x - GAME_FIELD_SIZE * 0.5f) * BLOCK_SIZE + BLOCK_SIZE * 0.5f;
                        blockPos.Y = (y - GAME_FIELD_SIZE * 0.5f) * BLOCK_SIZE + BLOCK_SIZE * 0.5f;
                        blockPos.Z = (z - GAME_FIELD_SIZE * 0.5f) * BLOCK_SIZE + BLOCK_SIZE * 0.5f;

                        BoxShape blockShape = new BoxShape(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);

                        CompoundShapeEntry entry = new CompoundShapeEntry(blockShape, blockPos);

            // Create compound body
            compoundBody = new CompoundBody(shapes, COMPOUND_BODY_MASS);

            compoundBody.PositionUpdateMode = BEPUphysics.PositionUpdating.PositionUpdateMode.Continuous;
            compoundBody.AngularDamping     = COMPOUND_BODY_ANGULAR_DAMPING;

            // Add constraint prevents compound body from moving
            constraint = new MaximumLinearSpeedConstraint(compoundBody, 0.0f);

            // Create collision group for removed blocks
            removedBlocksGroup = new CollisionGroup();

            // Mark all chapes in compound body to be removed for now
            foreach (CompoundChild child in compoundBody.CollisionInformation.Children)
                child.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Group = removedBlocksGroup;

            // Add compound body and its constraints to physics space

            //compoundBody.CollisionInformation.Events.ContactCreated += handleContactCreated;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new demo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param>
        public SpaceshipDemo(DemosGame game)
            : base(game)
            //Build the ship
            var shipFuselage  = new CompoundShapeEntry(new CylinderShape(3, .7m), new Vector3(0, 5, 0), 4);
            var shipNose      = new CompoundShapeEntry(new ConeShape(2, .7m), new Vector3(0, 7, 0), 2);
            var shipWing      = new CompoundShapeEntry(new BoxShape(5, 2, .2m), new Vector3(0, 5, 0), 3);
            var shipThrusters = new CompoundShapeEntry(new ConeShape(1, .5m), new Vector3(0, 3.25m, 0), 1);

            var bodies = new List <CompoundShapeEntry>();


            var ship = new CompoundBody(bodies, 10);

            //Setup the launch pad and ramp
            Entity toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(10, 4, 0), 26, 1, 6);

            toAdd             = new Box(new Vector3(32, 7.8m, 0), 20, 1, 6);
            toAdd.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, -MathHelper.Pi / 8);
            toAdd             = new Box(new Vector3(32, 8.8m, -3.5m), 20, 1, 1);
            toAdd.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, -MathHelper.Pi / 8);
            toAdd             = new Box(new Vector3(32, 8.8m, 3.5m), 20, 1, 1);
            toAdd.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, -MathHelper.Pi / 8);
            toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(-2.75m, 5.5m, 0), .5m, 2, 3);

            ship.AngularDamping = .4m; //Helps keep the rocket on track for a little while longer :D
            var thruster = new Thruster(ship, new Vector3(0, -2, 0), new Vector3(0, 300, 0), 0);

            ship.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Right, MathHelper.Pi / 2) * Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, MathHelper.Pi / 2);

            game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(-14, 12, 25);
            game.Camera.Yaw(MathHelper.Pi / -4);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a compound collidable containing only the specified subset of children.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">Shape to base the compound collidable on.</param>
        /// <param name="childIndices">Indices of child shapes from the CompoundShape to include in the compound collidable.</param>
        /// <returns>Compound collidable containing only the specified subset of children.</returns>
        public static CompoundCollidable CreatePartialCompoundCollidable(CompoundShape shape, IList <int> childIndices)
            if (childIndices.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create a compound from zero shapes.");

            CompoundCollidable compound = new CompoundCollidable();
            Vector3            center   = new Vector3();
            float totalWeight           = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < childIndices.Count; i++)
                //Create and add the child object itself.
                CompoundShapeEntry entry = shape.shapes[childIndices[i]];
                compound.children.Add(new CompoundChild(shape, entry.Shape.GetCollidableInstance(), childIndices[i]));
                //Grab its entry to compute the center of mass of this subset.
                Vector3 toAdd;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref entry.LocalTransform.Position, entry.Weight, out toAdd);
                Vector3.Add(ref center, ref toAdd, out center);
                totalWeight += entry.Weight;

            if (totalWeight <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Compound has zero total weight; invalid configuration.");

            Vector3.Divide(ref center, totalWeight, out center);
            //Our subset of the compound is not necessarily aligned with the shape's origin.
            //By default, an object will rotate around the center of the collision shape.
            //We can't modify the shape data itself since it could be shared, which leaves
            //modifying the local position of the collidable.
            //We have the subset position in shape space, so pull the collidable back into alignment
            //with the origin.
            //This approach matches the rest of the CompoundHelper's treatment of subsets.
            compound.LocalPosition = -center;

            //Recompute the hierarchy for the compound.
            compound.Shape = shape;
Example #6
        public SpaceShip(PlayerIndex player, Color color, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 position)
            this.playerIndex = player;

            var shape = new ProceduralCuboid(1, 1, 1);


            ShipObject = new GameObject();

            ShipObject.AddComponent(new RenderGeometryComponent(shape));
            ShipObject.AddComponent(new EffectRenderComponent(EffectLoader.LoadSM5Effect("flatshaded")));
            ShipObject.AddComponent(new ShadowCasterComponent());


            //Build the ship
            var shipFuselage = new CompoundShapeEntry(new BoxShape(1, 1f, 1), new BEPUutilities.Vector3(0, 0, 0), 4);

            bodies = new List <CompoundShapeEntry>();

            PhysicsBody = new CompoundBody(bodies, 10);

            PhysicsBody.Orientation = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(BEPUutilities.Vector3.Right, (float)Math.PI / 2) * BEPUutilities.Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(BEPUutilities.Vector3.Forward, (float)Math.PI / 2);
            PhysicsBody.Position    = position.ToBepuVector();
            PhysicsBody.IsAffectedByGravity = false;

            //used by the gravitational field to opt out of its effects
            PhysicsBody.Tag = "spaceship";

            PhysicsBody.AngularDamping = 0.99f;
            PhysicsBody.LinearDamping  = 0.99f;
        private CompoundChild GetChild(CompoundShapeEntry entry, int index)
            var instance = entry.Shape.GetCollidableInstance();

            return(new CompoundChild(Shape, instance, index));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a child from a compound collidable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compound">Compound collidable to remove a child from.</param>
        /// <param name="removalPredicate">Callback which analyzes a child and determines if it should be removed from the compound.</param>
        /// <param name="childContributions">Distribution contributions from all shapes in the compound shape.  This can include shapes which are not represented in the compound.</param>
        /// <param name="distributionInfo">Distribution information of the new compound.</param>
        /// <param name="weight">Total weight of the new compound.</param>
        /// <param name="removedWeight">Weight removed from the compound.</param>
        /// <param name="removedCenter">Center of the chunk removed from the compound.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not any removal took place.</returns>
        public static bool RemoveChildFromCompound(CompoundCollidable compound,
                                                   Func <CompoundChild, bool> removalPredicate, IList <ShapeDistributionInformation> childContributions,
                                                   out ShapeDistributionInformation distributionInfo, out float weight, out float removedWeight,
                                                   out Vector3 removedCenter)
            bool removalOccurred = false;

            removedWeight = 0;
            removedCenter = new Vector3();
            for (int i = compound.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //The shape doesn't change during this process.  The entity could, though.
                //All of the other collidable information, like the Tag, CollisionRules, Events, etc. all stay the same.
                CompoundChild child = compound.children.Elements[i];
                if (removalPredicate(child))
                    removalOccurred = true;
                    CompoundShapeEntry entry = child.Entry;
                    removedWeight += entry.Weight;
                    Vector3 toAdd;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref entry.LocalTransform.Position, entry.Weight, out toAdd);
                    Vector3.Add(ref removedCenter, ref toAdd, out removedCenter);
                    //The child event handler must be unhooked from the compound.
           = null;

            if (!removalOccurred)
                //No removal occurred, so we cannot proceed.
                distributionInfo = new ShapeDistributionInformation();
                weight           = 0;

            if (removedWeight > 0)
                Vector3.Divide(ref removedCenter, removedWeight, out removedCenter);

            //Compute the contributions from the original shape to the new form of the original collidable.
            distributionInfo = new ShapeDistributionInformation();
            weight           = 0;
            for (int i = compound.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CompoundChild                child        = compound.children.Elements[i];
                CompoundShapeEntry           entry        = child.Entry;
                ShapeDistributionInformation contribution = childContributions[child.shapeIndex];
                Vector3.Add(ref contribution.Center, ref entry.LocalTransform.Position, out contribution.Center);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref contribution.Center, child.Entry.Weight, out contribution.Center);
                Vector3.Add(ref contribution.Center, ref distributionInfo.Center, out distributionInfo.Center);
                distributionInfo.Volume += contribution.Volume;
                weight += entry.Weight;

            //Average the center out.
            Vector3.Divide(ref distributionInfo.Center, weight, out distributionInfo.Center);

            //Note that the 'entry' is from the Shape, and so the translations are local to the shape's center.
            //That is not technically the center of the new collidable- distributionInfo.Center is.
            //Offset the child collidables by -distributionInfo.Center using their local offset.
            Vector3 offset;

            Vector3.Negate(ref distributionInfo.Center, out offset);

            //Compute the unscaled inertia tensor.
            for (int i = compound.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CompoundChild      child = compound.children.Elements[i];
                CompoundShapeEntry entry = child.Entry;
                Vector3            transformedOffset;
                Quaternion         conjugate;
                Quaternion.Conjugate(ref entry.LocalTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
                Quaternion.Transform(ref offset, ref conjugate, out transformedOffset);
                child.CollisionInformation.localPosition = transformedOffset;
                ShapeDistributionInformation contribution = childContributions[child.shapeIndex];
                CompoundShape.TransformContribution(ref entry.LocalTransform, ref distributionInfo.Center,
                                                    ref contribution.VolumeDistribution, entry.Weight, out contribution.VolumeDistribution);
                //Vector3.Add(ref entry.LocalTransform.Position, ref offsetA, out entry.LocalTransform.Position);
                Matrix3x3.Add(ref contribution.VolumeDistribution, ref distributionInfo.VolumeDistribution,
                              out distributionInfo.VolumeDistribution);

            //Normalize the volume distribution.
            Matrix3x3.Multiply(ref distributionInfo.VolumeDistribution, 1 / weight,
                               out distributionInfo.VolumeDistribution);

            //Update the hierarchies of the compounds.
            //TODO: Create a new method that does this quickly without garbage.  Requires a new Reconstruct method which takes a pool which stores the appropriate node types.

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Splits a single compound collidable into two separate compound collidables and computes information needed by the simulation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="splitPredicate">Delegate which determines if a child in the original compound should be moved to the new compound.</param>
        /// <param name="a">Original compound to be split.  Children in this compound will be removed and added to the other compound.</param>
        /// <param name="b">Compound to receive children removed from the original compound.</param>
        /// <param name="distributionInfoA">Volume, volume distribution, and center information about the new form of the original compound collidable.</param>
        /// <param name="distributionInfoB">Volume, volume distribution, and center information about the new compound collidable.</param>
        /// <param name="weightA">Total weight associated with the new form of the original compound collidable.</param>
        /// <param name="weightB">Total weight associated with the new compound collidable.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the predicate returned true for any element in the original compound and split the compound.</returns>
        public static bool SplitCompound(Func <CompoundChild, bool> splitPredicate,
                                         CompoundCollidable a, CompoundCollidable b,
                                         out ShapeDistributionInformation distributionInfoA, out ShapeDistributionInformation distributionInfoB,
                                         out float weightA, out float weightB)
            bool splitOccurred = false;

            for (int i = a.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //The shape doesn't change during this process.  The entity could, though.
                //All of the other collidable information, like the Tag, CollisionRules, Events, etc. all stay the same.
                CompoundChild child = a.children.Elements[i];
                if (splitPredicate(child))
                    splitOccurred = true;

                    //The child event handler must be unhooked from the old compound and given to the new one.
           = b.Events;

            if (!splitOccurred)
                //No split occurred, so we cannot proceed.
                distributionInfoA = new ShapeDistributionInformation();
                distributionInfoB = new ShapeDistributionInformation();
                weightA           = 0;
                weightB           = 0;

            //Compute the contributions from the original shape to the new form of the original collidable.
            distributionInfoA = new ShapeDistributionInformation();
            weightA           = 0;
            distributionInfoB = new ShapeDistributionInformation();
            weightB           = 0;
            for (int i = a.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CompoundChild      child = a.children.Elements[i];
                CompoundShapeEntry entry = child.Entry;
                Vector3            weightedCenter;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref entry.LocalTransform.Position, entry.Weight, out weightedCenter);
                Vector3.Add(ref weightedCenter, ref distributionInfoA.Center, out distributionInfoA.Center);
                distributionInfoA.Volume += entry.Shape.Volume;
                weightA += entry.Weight;

            for (int i = b.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CompoundChild      child = b.children.Elements[i];
                CompoundShapeEntry entry = child.Entry;
                Vector3            weightedCenter;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref entry.LocalTransform.Position, entry.Weight, out weightedCenter);
                Vector3.Add(ref weightedCenter, ref distributionInfoB.Center, out distributionInfoB.Center);
                distributionInfoB.Volume += entry.Shape.Volume;
                weightB += entry.Weight;

            //Average the center out.
            if (weightA > 0)
                Vector3.Divide(ref distributionInfoA.Center, weightA, out distributionInfoA.Center);

            if (weightB > 0)
                Vector3.Divide(ref distributionInfoB.Center, weightB, out distributionInfoB.Center);

            //Note that the 'entry' is from the Shape, and so the translations are local to the shape's center.
            //That is not technically the center of the new collidable- distributionInfoA.Center is.
            //Offset the child collidables by -distributionInfoA.Center using their local offset.
            Vector3 offsetA;

            Vector3.Negate(ref distributionInfoA.Center, out offsetA);
            Vector3 offsetB;

            Vector3.Negate(ref distributionInfoB.Center, out offsetB);

            //Compute the unscaled inertia tensor.
            for (int i = a.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CompoundChild      child = a.children.Elements[i];
                CompoundShapeEntry entry = child.Entry;
                Vector3            transformedOffset;
                Quaternion         conjugate;
                Quaternion.Conjugate(ref entry.LocalTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
                Quaternion.Transform(ref offsetA, ref conjugate, out transformedOffset);
                child.CollisionInformation.localPosition = transformedOffset;
                Matrix3x3 contribution;
                CompoundShape.TransformContribution(ref entry.LocalTransform, ref distributionInfoA.Center,
                                                    ref entry.Shape.volumeDistribution, entry.Weight, out contribution);
                Matrix3x3.Add(ref contribution, ref distributionInfoA.VolumeDistribution,
                              out distributionInfoA.VolumeDistribution);

            for (int i = b.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CompoundChild      child = b.children.Elements[i];
                CompoundShapeEntry entry = child.Entry;
                Vector3            transformedOffset;
                Quaternion         conjugate;
                Quaternion.Conjugate(ref entry.LocalTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
                Quaternion.Transform(ref offsetB, ref conjugate, out transformedOffset);
                child.CollisionInformation.localPosition = transformedOffset;
                Matrix3x3 contribution;
                CompoundShape.TransformContribution(ref entry.LocalTransform, ref distributionInfoB.Center,
                                                    ref entry.Shape.volumeDistribution, entry.Weight, out contribution);
                Matrix3x3.Add(ref contribution, ref distributionInfoB.VolumeDistribution,
                              out distributionInfoB.VolumeDistribution);

            //Normalize the volume distribution.
            Matrix3x3.Multiply(ref distributionInfoA.VolumeDistribution, 1 / weightA,
                               out distributionInfoA.VolumeDistribution);
            Matrix3x3.Multiply(ref distributionInfoB.VolumeDistribution, 1 / weightB,
                               out distributionInfoB.VolumeDistribution);

            //Update the hierarchies of the compounds.
            //TODO: Create a new method that does this quickly without garbage.  Requires a new Reconstruct method which takes a pool which stores the appropriate node types.

Example #10
        public void LoadLevel(String fileName)
            // Load level data
            GameLevelContent levelData = Game.Content.Load <GameLevelContent>(fileName);
            int blocksCount            = levelData.BlocksCount();

            // List of blocks chapes for compound body
            List <CompoundShapeEntry> shapes = new List <CompoundShapeEntry>();

            // Create block groups and block physics
            foreach (BlockGroupData blockGroup in levelData.BlockGroups)
                // Create block group
                LoadBlockType(blockGroup.BlockTypeName, blocksCount);

                // Create physical representation of blocks in this group
                Vector3    scale;
                Quaternion rotation;
                Vector3    translation;
                foreach (BlockData blockData in blockGroup.Blocks)
                    // Extract size, position and orientation values from block data transform
                    blockData.Transform.Decompose(out scale, out rotation, out translation);
                    blockData.Scale = scale;

                    // Create physical shape of the block to be part of compound body of blocks
                    BoxShape blockShape = new BoxShape(scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z);

                    // Create compound shape entry for compund body of blocks
                    CompoundShapeEntry entry = new CompoundShapeEntry(blockShape, new RigidTransform(translation, rotation));

            // Create compound body
            compoundBody = new CompoundBody(shapes, COMPOUND_BODY_MASS);

            compoundBody.PositionUpdateMode = BEPUphysics.PositionUpdating.PositionUpdateMode.Continuous;
            compoundBody.AngularDamping     = COMPOUND_BODY_ANGULAR_DAMPING;

            // Compound body has Position and LocalPosition (in Collision information)
            // Position property is position of mass center in global space - it is calculated automatically.
            // LocalPosition property is position of geometry of the body in its local space.
            // So in order to create compound body which is rotated around desired position ((0,0,0) for now)
            // We should switch Position and LocalPosition properties of our compound body.
            compoundBody.CollisionInformation.LocalPosition = compoundBody.Position;
            compoundBody.Position = Vector3.Zero;

            // Add constraint prevents compound body from moving
            constraint = new MaximumLinearSpeedConstraint(compoundBody, 0.0f);

            // Create collision group for removed blocks
            removedBlocksGroup = new CollisionGroup();

            // Create blocks
            int childCollidableIndex = 0;

            foreach (BlockGroupData blockGroup in levelData.BlockGroups)
                Matrix localPosTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(compoundBody.CollisionInformation.LocalPosition);

                foreach (BlockData blockData in blockGroup.Blocks)
                    // Obtain block type and instanced mesh for the block
                    BlockType blockType = blockTypes[blockGroup.BlockTypeName];
                    InstancedMesh <VertexData> instancedMesh = blockInstancedMeshes[blockGroup.BlockTypeName];

                    // Obtain physics body (a part of compound body) for the block
                    CompoundChild child = compoundBody.CollisionInformation.Children[childCollidableIndex];

                    // Create instance of the block in instanced mesh
                    InstancedMesh <VertexData> .Instance instance = instancedMesh.AppendInstance(Matrix.CreateScale(blockData.Scale) * child.Entry.LocalTransform.Matrix * localPosTransform);

                    // Store new block instance to the list
                    Block block = new Block(blockType, instance, child);

                    block.Scale = blockData.Scale;


            // Add compound body and its constraints to physics space