/// <summary>
        /// Sets the content of the test app to a simple <see cref="FrameworkElement"/> to load into the visual tree.
        /// Waits for that element to be loaded and rendered before returning.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">Content to set in test app.</param>
        /// <returns>When UI is loaded.</returns>
        protected Task SetTestContentAsync(FrameworkElement content)
            return(App.DispatcherQueue.EnqueueAsync(() =>
                var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

                async void Callback(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
                    content.Loaded -= Callback;

                    // Wait for first Render pass
                    await CompositionTargetHelper.ExecuteAfterCompositionRenderingAsync(() => { });


                // Going to wait for our original content to unload
                content.Loaded += Callback;

                // Trigger that now
                    App.ContentRoot = content;
                catch (Exception e)

                return taskCompletionSource.Task;
        private void GuardAgainstPlaceholderTextLayoutIssue()
            // If the *PlaceholderText is visible* on the last AutoSuggestBox, it can incorrectly layout itself
            // when the *ASB has focus*. We think this is an optimization in the platform, but haven't been able to
            // isolate a straight-reproduction of this issue outside of this control (though we have eliminated
            // most Toolkit influences like ASB/TextBox Style, the InterspersedObservableCollection, etc...).
            // The only Toolkit component involved here should be WrapPanel (which is a straight-forward Panel).
            // We also know the ASB itself is adjusting it's size correctly, it's the inner component.
            // To combat this issue:
            //   We toggle the visibility of the Placeholder ContentControl in order to force it's layout to update properly
            var placeholder = ContainerFromItem(_lastTextEdit)?.FindDescendant("PlaceholderTextContentPresenter");

            if (placeholder?.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                placeholder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                // After we ensure we've hid the control, make it visible again (this is imperceptible to the user).
                _ = CompositionTargetHelper.ExecuteAfterCompositionRenderingAsync(() =>
                    placeholder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
        public async Task Test_ConstrainedBox_Combined_All()
            await App.DispatcherQueue.EnqueueAsync(async() =>
                // We turn LayoutRounding off as we're doing between pixel calculation here to test.
                var treeRoot = XamlReader.Load(@"<Page
    <Grid x:Name=""ParentGrid"" Width=""100"" Height=""100"">
      <controls:ConstrainedBox x:Name=""ConstrainedBox"" ScaleX=""0.9"" ScaleY=""0.9""
                               MultipleX=""32"" MultipleY=""32""
                               HorizontalAlignment=""Stretch"" VerticalAlignment=""Stretch"">
        <Border HorizontalAlignment=""Stretch"" VerticalAlignment=""Stretch"" Background=""Red""/>
</Page>") as FrameworkElement;

                Assert.IsNotNull(treeRoot, "Could not load XAML tree.");

                // Initialize Visual Tree
                await SetTestContentAsync(treeRoot);

                var grid = treeRoot.FindChild("ParentGrid") as Grid;

                var panel = treeRoot.FindChild("ConstrainedBox") as ConstrainedBox;

                Assert.IsNotNull(panel, "Could not find ConstrainedBox in tree.");

                // Force Layout calculations

                var child = panel.Content as Border;

                Assert.IsNotNull(child, "Could not find inner Border");

                // Check Size
                Assert.AreEqual(64, child.ActualWidth, 0.01, "Actual width does not meet expected value of 64");
                Assert.AreEqual(21.333, child.ActualHeight, 0.01, "Actual height does not meet expected value of 21.33");

                // Check inner Positioning, we do this from the Grid as the ConstainedBox also modifies its own size
                // and is hugging the child.
                var position = grid.CoordinatesTo(child);

                Assert.AreEqual(18, position.X, 0.01, "X position does not meet expected value of 18");
                Assert.AreEqual(39.333, position.Y, 0.01, "Y position does not meet expected value of 39.33");

                // Update Aspect Ratio and Re-check
                panel.AspectRatio = new AspectRatio(1, 3);

                // Wait to ensure we've redone layout
                await CompositionTargetHelper.ExecuteAfterCompositionRenderingAsync(() =>
                    // Check Size
                    Assert.AreEqual(21.333, child.ActualWidth, 0.01, "Actual width does not meet expected value of 21.33");
                    Assert.AreEqual(64, child.ActualHeight, 0.01, "Actual height does not meet expected value of 64");

                    // Check inner Positioning, we do this from the Grid as the ConstainedBox also modifies its own size
                    // and is hugging the child.
                    position = grid.CoordinatesTo(child);

                    Assert.AreEqual(39.333, position.X, 0.01, "X position does not meet expected value of 39.33");
                    Assert.AreEqual(18, position.Y, 0.01, "Y position does not meet expected value of 18");