Example #1
            public void DummyMethod()
                CompositeBuilderInfo <MyComposite> cbi = null;
                CompositeBuilder cb = null;

                    #region CompositeCreationCode6
                    // 'cbi' is of type CompositeBuilderInfo<MyComposite>
                    MyComposite prototype = cbi.Prototype();
                    prototype.MyProperty = "InitialValue";
                    MyComposite instance = cbi.Instantiate();
                    // 'instance' and 'prototype' now reference to same object,
                    // but setting instance.MyProperty to null will fail.

                    #region CompositeCreationCode7
                    // 'cb' is of type CompositeBuilder
                    MyComposite prototype = cb.Prototype <MyComposite>();
                    // Alternatively, prototype could be acquired this way:
                    MyComposite prototype2 = (MyComposite)cb.PrototypeFor(typeof(MyComposite));
                    // 'prototype' and 'prototype2' reference to same object
                    prototype.MyProperty = "InitialValue";
                    MyComposite instance = cb.Instantiate <MyComposite>();
                    // 'instance, 'prototype' and 'prototype2' all reference
                    // to the same object.
                    // Setting instance.MyProperty to null will fail.
Example #2
        public IComposite Map()
            var builder = new CompositeBuilder <TInterface, TState>();

Example #3
        private Compose(params Dependency[] dependencies)
            if (dependencies == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dependencies));
            var tuples = dependencies.Select(_ => (_.FileName, _.ReadinessProbe))
                         .Select(_ =>
                var(fileName, (service, probe)) = _;

                var composeFile = Path.IsPathRooted(fileName)
                        ? fileName
                        : Path.Combine(VisualStudioProvider.TryGetSolutionDirectoryInfo().FullName, fileName);
                return(composeFile, service, probe);
            var nw = new Builder().UseNetwork("demo").ReuseIfExist().Build();

            ComposeBuilder = new Builder()
                             .FromFile(tuples.Select(_ => _.composeFile).ToArray())
            foreach (var(_, service, probe) in tuples)
                ComposeBuilder = ComposeBuilder.Wait(service, probe);
Example #4
        public bool CreateBehaviors()
            int count;

            _combat = CompositeBuilder.GetComposite(Class, BehaviorType.Combat, out count);
            if (count == 0 || _combat == null)
                Log.InfoFormat("Combat support for {0} is not currently implemented.", Class);
            _combat = new Sequence(
                new Action(ctx =>
                if (BelphegorSettings.Instance.Debug.IsDebugTreeExecutionLoggingActive)
                new Action(ctx =>
                if (BelphegorSettings.Instance.Debug.IsDebugTreeExecutionLoggingActive)
                    Log.DebugFormat("Tree execution took {0}ms.", _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            _buff = CompositeBuilder.GetComposite(Class, BehaviorType.Buff, out count);
            if (count == 0 || _buff == null)
                Log.InfoFormat("Buff support for {0} is not currently implemented.", Class);

            _movement = CompositeBuilder.GetComposite(Class, BehaviorType.Movement, out count);
            if (count == 0 || _movement == null)
                Log.InfoFormat("Movement support for {0} is not currently implemented.", Class);


Example #5
        public static void DummyMethod()
            StructureServiceProvider ssp = null;
            Type myCompositeType         = null;

            #region CompositeCreationCode1
            // Acquiring CompositeBuilderInfo
            CompositeBuilderInfo <MyComposite> cbi = ssp.NewPlainCompositeBuilder <MyComposite>();

            // Acquiring CompositeBuilder, type of composite not known at compile time
            CompositeBuilder cb = ssp.NewPlainCompositeBuilder(myCompositeType); // myCompositeType is of System.Type

            // Acquiring CompositeBuilder and using multiple types to filter out possible composites
            CompositeBuilder cbm = ssp.NewPlainCompositeBuilder(new[] { typeof(MyCompositePartialType1), typeof(MyCompositePartialType2) });

                #region CompositeCreationCode2
                MyComposite composite = cbi.Instantiate();

                #region CompositeCreationCode3
                MyComposite composite  = cb.Instantiate <MyComposite>();
                MyComposite composite2 = (MyComposite)cb.InstantiateWithType(typeof(MyComposite));
                // Both composite and composite2 will be same object.

                #region CompositeCreationCode4
                MyCompositePartialType1 composite1 = cbm.Instantiate <MyCompositePartialType1>();
                MyCompositePartialType2 composite2 = cbm.Instantiate <MyCompositePartialType2>();
                // composite1 and composite2 may be different objects.
Example #6
 public void Setup()
     _builder = new CompositeBuilder(_client, _appSettings.SalesforceApiVersion);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="CompositeBuilderInfo{T}"/> wrapping existing <see cref="CompositeBuilder"/>.
 /// Qi4CS runtime will use this constructor so there is no need to user code to invoke this.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="CompositeBuilder"/> to wrap.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="builder"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 public CompositeBuilderInfo(CompositeBuilder builder)
     ArgumentValidator.ValidateNotNull("Builder", builder);
     this._builder = builder;
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to easily invoke <see cref="CompositeBuilder.PrototypeFor(Type)"/> method when type is known at compile-time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TComposite">The type of the composite.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="CompositeBuilder"/>.</param>
 /// <returns>The return value of <see cref="CompositeBuilder.PrototypeFor(Type)"/> casted to <typeparamref name="TComposite"/>.</returns>
 public static TComposite Prototype <TComposite>(this CompositeBuilder builder)
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to easily invoke <see cref="CompositeBuilder.InstantiateWithType(Type)"/> method when type is known at compile-time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TComposite">The type of the composite.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="CompositeBuilder"/>.</param>
 /// <returns>The return value of <see cref="CompositeBuilder.InstantiateWithType(Type)"/> casted to <typeparamref name="TComposite"/>.</returns>
 public static TComposite Instantiate <TComposite>(this CompositeBuilder builder)
 public void Setup()
     _compositeBuilder = new CompositeBuilder(null, _salesforceApiVersion);