Example #1
        internal void Invalidate()
            IComponent relatedComponent = ((DesignerActionBehavior)this.Behavior).RelatedComponent;
            Point      empty            = Point.Empty;
            Control    c = relatedComponent as Control;

            if (((c != null) && !(relatedComponent is ToolStripDropDown)) && (this.adorner != null))
                empty    = this.adorner.BehaviorService.ControlToAdornerWindow(c);
                empty.X += c.Width;
                ComponentTray alternativeParent = this.alternativeParent as ComponentTray;
                if (alternativeParent != null)
                    ComponentTray.TrayControl trayControlFromComponent = alternativeParent.GetTrayControlFromComponent(relatedComponent);
                    if (trayControlFromComponent != null)
                        this.alternativeBounds = trayControlFromComponent.Bounds;
                Rectangle boundsForNoResizeSelectionType = DesignerUtils.GetBoundsForNoResizeSelectionType(this.alternativeBounds, SelectionBorderGlyphType.Top);
                empty.X = boundsForNoResizeSelectionType.Right;
                empty.Y = boundsForNoResizeSelectionType.Top;
            empty.X    -= this.GlyphImageOpened.Width + 5;
            empty.Y    -= this.GlyphImageOpened.Height - 2;
            this.bounds = new Rectangle(empty.X, empty.Y, this.GlyphImageOpened.Width, this.GlyphImageOpened.Height);
        internal DesignerActionGlyph GetDesignerActionGlyph(IComponent comp, DesignerActionListCollection dalColl)
            InheritanceAttribute attribute = (InheritanceAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(comp)[typeof(InheritanceAttribute)];

            if (attribute != InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly)
                if (dalColl == null)
                    dalColl = this.designerActionService.GetComponentActions(comp);
                if ((dalColl != null) && (dalColl.Count > 0))
                    DesignerActionGlyph glyph = null;
                    if (this.componentToGlyph[comp] == null)
                        DesignerActionBehavior behavior = new DesignerActionBehavior(this.serviceProvider, comp, dalColl, this);
                        if (!(comp is Control) || (comp is ToolStripDropDown))
                            ComponentTray service = this.serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentTray)) as ComponentTray;
                            if (service != null)
                                ComponentTray.TrayControl trayControlFromComponent = service.GetTrayControlFromComponent(comp);
                                if (trayControlFromComponent != null)
                                    Rectangle bounds = trayControlFromComponent.Bounds;
                                    glyph = new DesignerActionGlyph(behavior, bounds, service);
                        if (glyph == null)
                            glyph = new DesignerActionGlyph(behavior, this.designerActionAdorner);
                        if (glyph != null)
                            this.componentToGlyph.Add(comp, glyph);
                    glyph = this.componentToGlyph[comp] as DesignerActionGlyph;
                    if (glyph != null)
                        DesignerActionBehavior behavior2 = glyph.Behavior as DesignerActionBehavior;
                        if (behavior2 != null)
                            behavior2.ActionLists = dalColl;
Example #3
        private void RotateTabSelection(bool backwards)
            ComponentTray.TrayControl control2         = null;
            ISelectionService         selectionService = base.SelectionService;

            if (selectionService != null)
                IComponent component;
                Control    control;
                IComponent primarySelection = selectionService.PrimarySelection as IComponent;
                if (primarySelection != null)
                    component = primarySelection;
                    component = null;
                    foreach (object obj2 in selectionService.GetSelectedComponents())
                        IComponent component3 = obj2 as IComponent;
                        if (component3 != null)
                            component = component3;
                if (component != null)
                    control = ComponentTray.TrayControl.FromComponent(component);
                    control = null;
                if (control != null)
                    for (int i = 1; i < this.compositionUI.Controls.Count; i++)
                        if (this.compositionUI.Controls[i] == control)
                            int num2 = i + 1;
                            if (num2 >= this.compositionUI.Controls.Count)
                                num2 = 1;
                            ComponentTray.TrayControl control3 = this.compositionUI.Controls[num2] as ComponentTray.TrayControl;
                            if (control3 != null)
                                control2 = control3;
                else if (this.compositionUI.Controls.Count > 1)
                    ComponentTray.TrayControl control4 = this.compositionUI.Controls[1] as ComponentTray.TrayControl;
                    if (control4 != null)
                        control2 = control4;
                if (control2 != null)
                    selectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { control2.Component }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
Example #4
            protected override IComponent[] CreateComponentsCore(IDesignerHost host, IDictionary defaultValues)
                IDesignerSerializationService ds = (IDesignerSerializationService)host.GetService(typeof(IDesignerSerializationService));

                if (ds == null)

                // Deserialize to components collection
                ICollection objects    = ds.Deserialize(_serializationData);
                ArrayList   components = new ArrayList();

                foreach (object obj in objects)
                    if (obj != null && obj is IComponent)

                IComponent[] componentsArray = new IComponent[components.Count];
                components.CopyTo(componentsArray, 0);

                ArrayList trayComponents = null;

                // Parent and locate each Control
                if (defaultValues == null)
                    defaultValues = new Hashtable();
                Control parentControl = defaultValues["Parent"] as Control;

                if (parentControl != null)
                    ParentControlDesigner parentControlDesigner = host.GetDesigner(parentControl) as ParentControlDesigner;
                    if (parentControlDesigner != null)
                        // Determine bounds of all controls
                        Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.Empty;

                        foreach (IComponent component in componentsArray)
                            Control childControl = component as Control;

                            if (childControl != null && childControl != parentControl && childControl.Parent == null)
                                if (bounds.IsEmpty)
                                    bounds = childControl.Bounds;
                                    bounds = Rectangle.Union(bounds, childControl.Bounds);

                        defaultValues.Remove("Size");    // don't care about the drag size
                        foreach (IComponent component in componentsArray)
                            Control childControl = component as Control;
                            Form    form         = childControl as Form;
                            if (childControl != null &&
                                !(form != null && form.TopLevel) && // Don't add top-level forms
                                childControl.Parent == null)
                                defaultValues["Offset"] = new Size(childControl.Bounds.X - bounds.X, childControl.Bounds.Y - bounds.Y);
                                parentControlDesigner.AddControl(childControl, defaultValues);

                // VSWhidbey 516338 - When creating an item for the tray, template items will have
                // an old location stored in them, so they may show up on top of other items.
                // So we need to call UpdatePastePositions for each one to get the tray to
                // arrange them properly.
                ComponentTray tray = (ComponentTray)host.GetService(typeof(ComponentTray));

                if (tray != null)
                    foreach (IComponent component in componentsArray)
                        ComponentTray.TrayControl c = tray.GetTrayControlFromComponent(component);

                        if (c != null)
                            if (trayComponents == null)
                                trayComponents = new ArrayList();


                    if (trayComponents != null)

        /// <include file='doc\CompositionCommandSet.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="CompositionCommandSet.RotateTabSelection"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Rotates the selection to the element next in the tab index.  If backwards
        ///     is set, this will rotate to the previous tab index.
        /// </devdoc>
        private void RotateTabSelection(bool backwards)
            ISelectionService selSvc;
            IComponent        currentComponent;
            Control           currentControl;

            ComponentTray.TrayControl nextControl = null;

            // First, get the currently selected component
            selSvc = SelectionService;
            if (selSvc == null)

            object primarySelection = selSvc.PrimarySelection;

            if (primarySelection is IComponent)
                currentComponent = (IComponent)primarySelection;
                currentComponent = null;
                ICollection selection = selSvc.GetSelectedComponents();
                foreach (object obj in selection)
                    if (obj is IComponent)
                        currentComponent = (IComponent)obj;

            // Now, if we have a selected component, get the composition UI for it and
            // find the next control on the UI.  Otherwise, we just select the first
            // control on the UI.
            if (currentComponent != null)
                currentControl = ComponentTray.TrayControl.FromComponent(currentComponent);
                currentControl = null;

            if (currentControl != null)
                Debug.Assert(compositionUI.Controls[0] is LinkLabel, "First item in the Composition designer is not a linklabel");
                for (int i = 1; i < compositionUI.Controls.Count; i++)
                    if (compositionUI.Controls[i] == currentControl)
                        int next = i + 1;

                        if (next >= compositionUI.Controls.Count)
                            next = 1;

                        if (compositionUI.Controls[next] is ComponentTray.TrayControl)
                            nextControl = (ComponentTray.TrayControl)compositionUI.Controls[next];
                if (compositionUI.Controls.Count > 1)
                    Debug.Assert(compositionUI.Controls[0] is LinkLabel, "First item in the Composition designer is not a linklabel");
                    if (compositionUI.Controls[1] is ComponentTray.TrayControl)
                        nextControl = (ComponentTray.TrayControl)compositionUI.Controls[1];

            // If we got a "nextControl", then select the component inside of it.
            if (nextControl != null)
                selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { nextControl.Component }, SelectionTypes.Replace);