Example #1
        public void Transform_NativeRegionAddComponentTemplateAndSchemaConstraint_Success()
            Schema            regionSchema                = null;
            Schema            constraintSchema            = null;
            ComponentTemplate constraintComponentTemplate = null;

                constraintSchema = GetNewSchema(SchemaPurpose.Component);
                constraintComponentTemplate = GetNewComponentTemaplate(constraintSchema);

                regionSchema = GetNewSchema(SchemaPurpose.Region);
                AddTypeConstraint(regionSchema.RegionDefinition, constraintSchema, constraintComponentTemplate);
                string regionId = regionSchema.Id.ItemId.ToString();

                var definedRegions = GetRenderedRegionDefinitions();
                var region         = definedRegions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Region == regionId);

                Assert.IsNotNull(region, $"Region with Id {regionId} was not found");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, region.ComponentTypes.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(constraintSchema.Id, region.ComponentTypes[0].Schema);
                Assert.AreEqual(constraintComponentTemplate.Id, region.ComponentTypes[0].Template);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)
            Page page = new Page();
            page.Title = Randomizer.AnyString(15);
            page.Id = Randomizer.AnyUri(64);
            page.Filename = Randomizer.AnySafeString(8) + ".html";

            PageTemplate pt = new PageTemplate();
            pt.Title = Randomizer.AnyString(20);
            Field ptfieldView = new Field();
            ptfieldView.Name = "view";
            pt.MetadataFields = new FieldSet();
            pt.MetadataFields.Add(ptfieldView.Name, ptfieldView);

            page.PageTemplate = pt;

            Schema schema = new Schema();
            schema.Title = Randomizer.AnyString(10);

            Component component = new Component();
            component.Title = Randomizer.AnyString(30);
            component.Id = Randomizer.AnyUri(16);
            component.Schema = schema;

            Field field1 = Randomizer.AnyTextField(6, 120, true);
            Field field2 = Randomizer.AnyTextField(8, 40, false);

            FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet();
            fieldSet.Add(field1.Name, field1);
            fieldSet.Add(field2.Name, field2);
            component.Fields = fieldSet;

            ComponentTemplate ct = new ComponentTemplate();
            ct.Title = Randomizer.AnyString(20);
            Field fieldView = new Field();
            fieldView.Name = "view";
            ct.MetadataFields = new FieldSet();
            ct.MetadataFields.Add(fieldView.Name, fieldView);

            ComponentPresentation cp = new ComponentPresentation();
            cp.Component = component;
            cp.ComponentTemplate = ct;

            page.ComponentPresentations = new List<ComponentPresentation>();

            FieldSet metadataFields = new FieldSet();
            page.MetadataFields = metadataFields;

            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Page));
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(builder);
            //XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(page.Filename, Encoding.UTF8);
            //serializer.Serialize(writer, page);
            serializer.Serialize(writer, page);
            string pageAsString = builder.ToString();
            return pageAsString;
Example #3
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string            id = context.Request["id"];
            ComponentTemplate componentTemplate = bll.GetByKey <ComponentTemplate>("AutoId", id);

            if (componentTemplate == null)
                apiResp.code = (int)APIErrCode.IsNotFound;
                apiResp.msg  = "模板未找到";
                bll.ContextResponse(context, apiResp);

            apiResp.status = true;
            string          cate_name = "";
            ArticleCategory cate      = bllCate.GetArticleCategory(componentTemplate.CateId);

            if (cate != null)
                cate_name = cate.CategoryName;
            apiResp.result = new
                id        = componentTemplate.AutoId,
                name      = componentTemplate.Name,
                img       = componentTemplate.ThumbnailsPath,
                config    = componentTemplate.Config,
                data      = componentTemplate.Data,
                cate      = componentTemplate.CateId,
                cate_name = cate_name,
            apiResp.msg  = "获取模板设置成功";
            apiResp.code = (int)APIErrCode.IsSuccess;
            bll.ContextResponse(context, apiResp);
        private ComponentTemplate ParseNode(ComponentTemplate rootTemplate, string containerScope, XmlNode node, string[] namespaces)
            var componentType = componentTypeResolver.FindComponentType(node.Name, namespaces);
            var template      = new ComponentTemplate(containerScope, node.Name, componentType);

            ParsePropertiesSetters(template, node);

            if (componentType == typeof(ComponentPlaceholderComponent))

            foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes)
                if (IsScopeTemplate(childNode, out string scopeName))
                    foreach (XmlNode scopeChildNode in childNode.ChildNodes)
                        var childTemplate = ParseNode(rootTemplate, scopeName, scopeChildNode, namespaces);
                    var childTemplate = ParseNode(rootTemplate, "default", childNode, namespaces);

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of the view model for the
        /// component catalog, which will be assigned to an instance
        /// of the plug-in catalog user control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="catalog"></param>
        public AfxComponentCatalogViewModel(IAfxComponentCatalog catalog)
            foreach (var package in catalog)
                var packageModel = new ComponentPackage()
                    Title = package.Title,
                    Items = new ObservableCollection<ComponentTemplate>()

                foreach (var template in package)
                    var templateModel = new ComponentTemplate()
                        Id = template.Id,
                        Name = template.Name,
                        Image = GetComponentBitmap(template, catalog)


        public string GetContent(string uri, string templateUri = "")
            Schema schema = new Schema();
            schema.Title = Randomizer.AnyString(10);
            Component component = new Component();
            component.Title = Randomizer.AnyString(30);
            component.Id = Randomizer.AnyUri(16);
            component.Schema = schema;

            Field field1 = Randomizer.AnyTextField(6, 120, true);
            Field field2 = Randomizer.AnyTextField(8, 40, false);

            FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet();
            fieldSet.Add(field1.Name, field1);
            fieldSet.Add(field2.Name, field2);
            component.Fields = fieldSet;

            if (templateUri == "componentlink")
            if (templateUri == "embedded")
            if (templateUri == "keyword")
            if(templateUri == "componentIgnoreCase")
            if (uri == "component")
                return SerializerService.Serialize<Component>(component);

            ComponentTemplate ct = new ComponentTemplate();
            ct.Title = Randomizer.AnyString(20);
            Field fieldView = new Field();
            fieldView.Name = "view";
            ct.MetadataFields = new FieldSet();
            ct.MetadataFields.Add(fieldView.Name, fieldView);

            ComponentPresentation cp = new ComponentPresentation();
            cp.Component = component;
            cp.ComponentTemplate = ct;

            Condition condition = new KeywordCondition() { Keyword = new Keyword() { Id = "tcm:2-123-1024", Key = "test", Title = "Test" }, Operator = NumericalConditionOperator.Equals, Value = 1 };
            cp.Conditions = new List<Condition>() { condition };

            return SerializerService.Serialize<ComponentPresentation>(cp);
Example #7
        private void AddTypeConstraint(dynamic regionDefinition, Schema schema, ComponentTemplate ct)
            Type typeConstraintType = GetType(
            dynamic typeConstraint = Activator.CreateInstance(typeConstraintType, TestSession);

            typeConstraint.BasedOnComponentTemplate = ct;
            typeConstraint.BasedOnSchema            = schema;
        public ComponentPresentationModel(Engine engine, Component component, ComponentTemplate template, int index)
            _engine = engine;
            _component = new ComponentModel(engine, component);
            _template = new ComponentTemplateModel(engine, template);

            _componentID = component.Id;
            _templateID = template.Id;
            Index = index;
 public static MvcHtmlString SiteEditComponentPresentation(this HtmlHelper helper, IComponent component, string componentTemplateId, bool queryBased, string region)
     ComponentTemplate ct = new ComponentTemplate();
     ct.Id = componentTemplateId;
     ComponentPresentation cp = new ComponentPresentation();
     cp.Component = component as Component;
     cp.ComponentTemplate = ct;
     cp.OrderOnPage = -1;
     return SiteEditComponentPresentation(helper, cp, queryBased, region);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a ComponentTemplateModel object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemUriOrWebDavUrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public dynamic GetComponentTemplate(string itemUriOrWebDavUrl)
            ComponentTemplate ct = _engine.GetObject(itemUriOrWebDavUrl) as ComponentTemplate;

            if (ct == null)
                Logger.Error(String.Format("Unable to GetComponentTemplate With '{0}'", itemUriOrWebDavUrl));
            return(new ComponentTemplateModel(_engine, ct));
 private Component GetInnerRegion(ComponentTemplate template)
     Component innerRegion = null;
     ItemFields metadata = this.GetMetaData(template);
     ComponentLinkField innerRegionField = (ComponentLinkField) metadata["innerRegion"];
     if (innerRegionField != null)
         innerRegion = innerRegionField.Value;
     return innerRegion;
Example #12
 private InnerRegion GetInnerRegion(Page page, ComponentTemplate template)
     if (Region.ExtractRegionIndex(template.Id) == -1 && template.Metadata != null)
         ItemFields metadata = new ItemFields(template.Metadata, template.MetadataSchema);
         if (metadata != null && metadata.Contains("innerRegion") && metadata["innerRegion"] != null)
             ComponentLinkField innerRegionField = (ComponentLinkField) metadata["innerRegion"];
             return new InnerRegion(page, innerRegionField.Value, ComponentPresentation.Component);
     return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns grouped components from the current <see cref="T:Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement.Page" />
        /// list of <see cref="T:Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement.ComponentPresentation" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component"><see cref="T:Tridion.ContentManager.ContentManagement.Component"/></param>
        /// <param name="template"><see cref="T:Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement.ComponentTemplate"/></param>
        /// <param name="page"><see cref="T:Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement.Page"/></param>
        /// <returns>List of <see cref="T:Tridion.ContentManager.ContentManagement.Component"/></returns>
        public static IList<Component> ComponentGroup(this Component component, ComponentTemplate template, Page page)
            bool isLocated = false;
            List<Component> result = new List<Component>();
            ComponentPresentation previous = null;

            if (component != null && page != null)

                foreach (ComponentPresentation cp in page.ComponentPresentations)
                    // Locate the first component presentation matching our current component
                    // Also ensure its the first matching component in a "block"
                    if (!isLocated &&
                        cp.Component.Id.ItemId == component.Id.ItemId &&
                        cp.ComponentTemplate.Id.ItemId == template.Id.ItemId
                        && (previous == null ||
                        (previous.Component.Schema.Id.ItemId != component.Schema.Id.ItemId &&
                        previous.ComponentTemplate.Id.ItemId != template.Id.ItemId)))
                        isLocated = true;

                    // Now find any following components in the same "block" based on the same schema and using the same component template
                    if (isLocated)
                        if (cp.Component.Schema.Id.ItemId == component.Schema.Id.ItemId && cp.ComponentTemplate.Id.ItemId == template.Id.ItemId)

                    previous = cp;

            return result;
Example #14
 public Region(Component regionComponent, ComponentTemplate regionTemplate)
     this.regionComponent = regionComponent;
     this.regionTemplate = regionTemplate;
     this.fields = new ItemFields(regionComponent.Content, regionComponent.Schema);
     this.componentTypes = new List<ComponentType>();
     EmbeddedSchemaField componentTypeESField = (EmbeddedSchemaField) fields["componentTypes"];
     foreach (ItemFields componentTypeFields in componentTypeESField.Values)
         this.componentTypes.Add(new ComponentType(componentTypeFields, this.regionComponent.Id.PublicationId));
 public static string GetKeyFromTemplate(ComponentTemplate template)
     string key = Regex.Replace(template.Title, @"[\[\]\s\.]", "");
     return key.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + key.Substring(1);
        protected static string GetRegionName(ComponentTemplate template)
            // check CT metadata
            if (template.MetadataSchema != null && template.Metadata != null)
                ItemFields meta = new ItemFields(template.Metadata, template.MetadataSchema);

                string regionName = meta.GetTextValue("regionName");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(regionName))
                    return regionName;

                string regionViewName = meta.GetTextValue("regionView");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(regionViewName))
                    // strip module from fully qualified name
                    // since we need just the region name here as the web application can't deal with fully qualified region names yet
                    return StripModuleFromName(regionViewName);

            // fallback use template title
            Match match = Regex.Match(template.Title, @".*?\[(.+?)\]");
            if (match.Success)
                // strip module from fully qualified name
                // since we need just the region name here as the web application can't deal with fully qualified region names yet
                return StripModuleFromName(match.Groups[1].Value);

            // default region name
            return "Main";
 public ComponentPresentationModel(Engine engine, Component component, ComponentTemplate template)
     : this(engine, component, template, 0)
        private void OutputRegions(StringBuilder sb)
            IComponentPresentationList componentPresentations = this.GetComponentPresentations();

            Region region = null;
            Region innerRegion = null;

            int index = 0;
            foreach (Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.ComponentPresentation componentPresentation in componentPresentations)
                Component component = new Component(componentPresentation.ComponentUri, Engine.GetSession());
                ComponentTemplate template = new ComponentTemplate(componentPresentation.TemplateUri, Engine.GetSession());
                Log.Debug("Checking component of type: " + component.Schema.Title);

                // TODO: How to handle region schemas?? What pattern to look for??? Find a more generic approach than looking on the schema title

                if (component.Schema.Title.Equals("DD4T Lite Region"))
                    if (region != null)
                    region = new Region(component, template);
                    innerRegion = null;
                else if ( innerRegion != null && innerRegion.Accept(component, template) )
                    innerRegion.AddComponentPresentation(new ComponentPresentationInfo(component, template));
                else if (region != null)
                    innerRegion = null; // Clear inner region
                    Log.Debug("Adding component: " + component.Title + " to region: " + region.Name);
                    ComponentPresentationInfo cpInfo = new ComponentPresentationInfo(component, template);
                    if (this.IsContainerComponent(template))
                        innerRegion = new Region(this.GetInnerRegion(template), index);
                        cpInfo.InnerRegion = innerRegion;
            if (region != null)
                Log.Debug("Outputting region: " + region.Name);
 private bool IsContainerComponent(ComponentTemplate template)
     ItemFields metadata = this.GetMetaData(template);
     return metadata != null && metadata.Contains("innerRegion") && metadata["innerRegion"] != null;
Example #20
 public ComponentPresentationInfo(Component component, ComponentTemplate template)
     this.component = component;
     this.template = template;
Example #21
 public bool Accept(Component component, ComponentTemplate template)
     foreach (ComponentType type in this.componentTypes)
         if (type.SchemaId == component.Schema.Id.ItemId && type.TemplateId == template.Id.ItemId)
             return true;
     return false;
Example #22
 protected static string GetRegionFromTemplate(ComponentTemplate template)
     var match = Regex.Match(template.Title, @".*?\[(.*?)\]");
     if (match.Success)
         return match.Groups[1].Value;
     //default region name
     return "Main";